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Everything posted by Cowke

  1. What is interesting about sheikh sharif is, he was elected because he is from hamar and therefore stood a better chance at negiotating with the warring parties in the capital. But that hasn't been the case. I mean on the battle-ground which tribes are fighting, I used to be of the assumption it was mainly the medina people, however i've read in other places they come from all regions of somalia. Therefore if they come from every region in somalia the people battling in hamar, it doesn't really matter what clan the president is, their policy will remain the same. However if they do indeed come from the medina area of mogadishu sheikh sharif stands a better chance at negiotating with those people and bringing about peace. I mean lets not forget in 2006 he did bring security to mogadishu for 6 months before the ethiopians came. The question on everyone mind is; Can sharif do that again? Like i said if the people fighting in hamar are from all tribes, then i doubt sharif can do it. However if they mainly from his tribe, I think he can.
  2. Amazing how people love a leader as long as they come from their respective lineage.
  3. The official story of Mr indhacade saga is they thought he was kidnapped by unknown gun-men because this is what somali government representatives and indhacade relatives were saying. However the case is he has been detained and ugandan army colonel commented and said "he came to uganda with unclear reasons". Indhacade family are saying they believe now the case is over illegal paperwork. You can read it from bbc here
  4. Taliska Qeybta Booliska Gobolka Mudug Oo Mamnuucay Qaadashada Hubka Gudaha Magaalada Gaalkacyo Ee Gobolka Muug. Published on: October 6,2009 Garowe Time 7:53 pm Gaalkacyo(RBC): Taliska Qeybta Booliska Gobolka Mudug ayaa soo bandhigay digniino ka dhan ah dadka hubka ku dhex qaata gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo ee Gobolka Mudug. G/sare Muuse Xasaasi oo ah Taliyaha Qeybta Booliska Gobolka Mudug ayaa sheegay in ay jiraan dad farabadan oo hubka fudud ku dhex qaata gudaha magaalada waxaana uga digeynaa ayuu yiri in aysan dhici doonin in qof shacab ah uu hub ku dhex qaato gudaha magaalada, isagoo codsi u jeediyay Ganacsatada in ay hubka ay isticmaalaan aysan la soo dhaafin goobahooda ay ku ilaashanayaan. Taliska Qeybta Booliska ayaa intaa ku daray in sidoo kale la joojiyay oo aan hadda kadib la arki karin baabuurta aan laheyn Taarikada iyo kuwa leh bacaha madow ee bensonka loo yaqaan, Ciidamadana amar lagu siinayo in ay howlahaasi dhamaantood hirgaliyaan. Ciidamada amaanka ee ka howl gala gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo gaar ahaana kuwa Booliska ayaa la arkayay maalmihii la soo dhaafay iyaga oo sameynaya arimo lagu xoojinayo amaanka magaalada, gaar ahaan qabashada baabuurta taarko la’aanta ah, kuwa leh bacaha madow ee benson-ka hase ahaatee wali aysan jirin howlgalo lagu soo qabanayo dadka hubka ku dhex qaata gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo. Amarka lagu mamnuucayo in hubka lagu dhex qaato gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo ee Gobolka Mudug ee ka soo baxay Taliska Qeybta ayaanan ilaa haatan ka dhaqan galin gudaha magaalada, waxaana wali dariiqyada magaalada lagu arkayaa dadyow garabka ku wata hubka noocyadiisa fud-fudud gaar ahaan qoriga AK47-ka. Ciidamada Booliska Gobolka Mudug ayaa habeenkii waxaa ay roondo ka sameeyaan gudaha xaafadaha magaalada si ay u xaqiijiyaan amaanka, xilli ay soo badanayaan wararka sheegaya in xaafadaha magaalada qaarkood habeenkii ay kooxo dhalinyaro ah ka sameeyaan dhaca telfoonada iyo kufsiga dumarka. Cawil Maxamuud Cabdi RBC Radio, Gaalkacyo.
  5. WAR DEG DEG AH: Dhabar jebin ku dhacday Maleeshiyo taageersan Al-shabaab Caawa Fiidkii Posted to the Web Oct 06, 17:41 Dhoobley: (pp)- Dhabar jebin Xoogan ayaa Caawa 7-dii Fiidnimo la gaarsiiyey Maleeshiyo taageersan Al-shabaab kuwaas oo iyaga Naftooda doonayey inay dhabar jebin ku sameeyaan Ciidamo xoogan oo fadhiyey Janay Cabdalla. Maleeshiyada Al-shabaab ayey tani ku noqotay Dhaawac culus, iyagoo markii ay ka warheleen in Ciidankoodii la jebiyey joojiyey Xabadii ay ka ridayeen Aagaga hore. Maleeshoyooyinka Al-shabaab ayaa dhowr dagaal oo ay qaadeen lagu jebiyey ilaa 5 -tii beri ee la soo dhaafay, taas oo ugu wacan tahay iyaga oo aan aqoon fiican u lahayn deegaanka ay kula dagaalamayaan xoogaga ka soo horjeeda oo isgu jira Kaanbooniyiinta iyo Caanoole (Alfurqaan) oo labada ka wada tirsan Xisbul Islaam. Warkaan oo Faaf-faahsan Beri subaxii kala soco Daabacaada:
  7. Zinki, don't bother with duke that guy has an identity crisis one minute he is "qudhac" dissing puntland, next minute he is under his other character duke dissing hamar. I don't bother with those sorts of ppl, sheegatos should be given no time as far as i am concerned and that guy is a sheegato and just seeking drama like daynille style. Totally unprofessional in my opinion. But on good note i found more pics of the hospital in qardho and the advancements happening. Totally puts a smile in my face. I Personally suggest we should use qardho as regional capital, bayla as local port, and isku-shuban and karkaar mountain ranges as holiday homes. We really need to work on karkaar and not bossaso anymore. We definitely need to keep our presence in bossaso, however we need to start to diversify into our other towns. You can go here to view more pics of the hospital opening.
  8. Che-Guevara, i must say the only part i disagree with garowe online is their total obsession on the lines of "Radio Garowe is an indepedent radio program". I think anyone within somalia knows that radio is run by farole son. But they are right when they say that their news is sourced by local and international media. For example allafrica sources garowe-online always. CNN has sourced them also and other somali news portals source them. So their is a bit of truth in that part. However the "indepedent radio" argument, is a whole different story.
  9. Somalia: Radio Garowe hosts debate on Puntland progress 6 Oct 6, 2009 - 5:07:27 PM GAROWE, Somalia Oct 6 (Garowe Online) - An independent radio station based Somalia's Puntland State, Radio Garowe, has hosted an hour-long debate regarding the progress made since the election of Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole" as Puntland's fourth president in the historic presidential election of Jan. 8, 2009. Radio Garowe producer Faisal Khalif on microphone The debate was held at Radio Garowe's Studio 2 and moderated by Mr. Faisal Khalif Jama, a senior programs producer at the radio station. The participants were Puntland Education Minister Abdi Farah "Juha," Puntland State University (PSU) Prof. Mohamed Said Samatar and Prof. Ali Abdirahman, who teaches at a university in the United States and is currently visiting Puntland. Minister Juha opened the debate with an overview of accomplishments made since the election of President Farole, starting with improvements in the security sector. "When this government came to power [in Puntland], our security forces were disorganized and this government has reorganized the security forces and fought against pirates," Puntland's education minister said. Puntland's Education Minister on microphone He spoke at length about President Farole's "successful trip" to Washington, D.C., and London, where the President gave speeches at the U.S. Congress and the Chatham House think-tank, respectively. Prof. Samatar, who is an instructor at PSU in Garowe, the capital of Puntland, noted that the new government in Puntland has had many accomplishments but admitted that "much improvement remains," especially in institution-building and the social sector. "More institution-building is necessary in order for this government to continue on the path of progress," Prof. Samatar said. Prof. Ali Abdirahman, who is currently visiting Puntland, told the Radio Garowe program that the peace and stability in Puntland "must be praised," but also acknowledged that more needs remain in the social sector and good governance. "The Puntland constitution gives different powers to the three branches of government and this [division of power] must be evident in the government's actions," Prof. Ali noted. Education Minister Juha said the Farole administration has hired an additional 200 teachers for Puntland public schools and has regularly paid civil servants and members of the security forces every month since January's election. Radio Garowe was established in 2003 by a group of Somali volunteers and intellectuals, both inside Somalia and in the Diaspora. At the time, the City of Garowe did not have a radio station and therefore no access to news and information for the local people living in the capital of Puntland State. Since its establishment, Radio Garowe and its sister organization,, has enjoyed a reputation as a neutral Somali news agency that is widely sourced across local and international media. Source: Garowe Online
  10. Wasiirkii Gaashadhiga DKMG ah oo Kampala lagu afduubey. By Somalimirror on 6 Oct, 2009 10:59 PM in Main, Wararka Warka deg dega ah ee laga helayo caasimada Dalka Uganda ee Kampala waxay sheegayaan in Caawa halkaa lagu afduubey Wasiirkii arimaha Gaashandhiga ugu qaabilsanaa DKMG ah ee Sh Shariif hogaaminayo, sida uu baahiyay Kanalka Al-jazeera qeybiisa Carabiga. Ma cadda ilaa iyo hadda cida afduubka wasiirka ka danbeysay, sidoo kale ma jiraan wax hadalo ah oo ka soo baxey dhanka DKMG ah iyo Uganda midna. Wasiirka oo lagu magacaabo C/lla Boos Axmed, ayaa afduubkiisu waxa uu war naxdin leh ku noqonayaa Mas’uuliyiinta sar sare ee DKMG ah.
  11. Kampala:War deg deg ah :Exculisive AllPuntland Yuusuf Indhacade oo lagu afduubtay magaalada Kampala 6. oktober 2009 Kampala(AllPuntland)Warar goor dhaw ay ka heshay shabakada wararka AllPuntland magaalada Kampala ee dalka Uganda ayaa sheegaya in kooxo bistoolado wataa ay ka afduubteen xaafada Kizenyo ee magaalada Kampala wasiiru dawlaha gaashandhiga Soomaliya Yuusuf Indhacade oo maalamahan safar ku joogay magaaladaas. Yuusuf Indhacade waxaa afduubtay rag madow ah oo u dhashay dalka Uganda waxaana ay labisnaayeen dhar cad , waxaa lagu horgeeyey gaari uu watay oo nuucyada yar yar ah gaari kale kadibna waxaa lagu hansaab gareeyey laba bistoolo oo ay kooxahaa wateen. Xaalada ayaa aad u kacsan , waxaana hadal heynta Kampala ah caawa afduubka Yuusuf Indfhacade. Indhacade waxaa uu u joogay Kampala salaan uu soo salaamayey ehelo iyo xaasas ka dagan Kampala sida AllPuntland ay telefoonka Kampala ugu sheegeen dad ay xigto yihiin oo jooga Kampala. Wixi ku so kordha kala soco AllPuntland xafiiskeeda Muqdisho
  12. 4.5 system is as the name suggests tribal divisions of power, this is not going to be a permanent way of governance, but only a "transitioning" phase. The Federal Somaliya model will be split upon state governments, their will probably be 5 or 6 state governments in the federal parliament that will represent the interest of each specific autonomous region in mogdadishu. Funds will be split evenly across these state entities and it will be the responsibility of the state government to use those funds to further advance it's people under their juristiction. This is most likely the way somalia will be heading, their might be a few suprises across the way or fine-tuning but that is the over-all picture. Touching upon the colonial impact on somaliya, the main impact the colonials had on somalis is the simple fact of placing governance at central authority (mogadishu). This was a disastrous foreign model that was never suited to the way of life that somalis have lived. The somali people never ever had a central authority. Their was never a central authority who dictated what happens in other clan-territories. This totally shook the somali populace i believe. In history their was one exception Ahmed guray who did have some sort of central authority, however this central authority revolved around an outside enemy namely ethiopia. Uniquely the somali people can unite when it is do with foreign issues like ethiopia or issues outside the local context of their nation. Somalis operated under sultanates. Such as north-east sultanates, the makhir sultanates, the darwish and sayyid and clan authority governance. The federal model is a modern solution to the way our ancestors lived. It is taking us back to what worked for thousands of years and not to failed policies such as centralism, that hasn't worked. The federal frame-work gives somali clans the opportunity to rule themselves at their state levels just like their sultantates once did. This will take away suspicion of having another clan rule you. We will then use these state governments or sultanates and talk to each other regarding national matters at mogadishu, just like we did under Ahmed gurey where all the sultanates talked about issues of national interest. This is basically the form of governance that puntland stands for and in their favor is the simple fact that this system worked for hundreds of years, so why do we chose to follow failed systems that are new and foreign to us? We need to start embracing what worked for our people, not what failed our people. The longer we keep chasing failed systems, the longer we will be stuck in this political dead-lock and the people who will suffer are the ones at the ground-level.
  13. Africa: Continent's Best, Worst-Governed Nations 5 Oct 5, 2009 - 11:18:33 AM Cape Town — Southern Africa is the continent's best-governed and Central Africa its worst-governed region, according to a new ranking of Africa's quality of governance published today. If you are an African who ranks health, education and freedom from poverty as your top priority, you are best off in the Seychelles, and worst off in the Central African Republic. But if you value human rights and participation in government highest, you are best off in Mauritius. You're worst off in Somalia, but Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Libya and Sudan are not much better. These are among a host of findings revealed in the 2009 Ibrahim Index of Governance , which was launched at the Centre for African Studies at the University of Cape Town on Monday. The index is named after Mo Ibrahim, the Sudanese-born cellphone entrepreneur who has launched the foundation of the same name to improve the quality of leadership in Africa. This year's index differs from the first two – published in 2007 and 2008 – by including North Africa for the first time, boosting the number of countries surveyed from 48 to 53. One North African country enters the ranks of the 10 best-governed in the continent: Tunisia, which comes in at 8th place. Eqypt is ranked 11 of 53, Algeria 14, Morocco 16 and Libya 23. Also for the first time, the index groups countries by region. On an index ranging from 1 to 100, Southern Africa scores 58.1, North Africa 57.7, West Africa 51.7, East Africa 46.9 and Central Africa 40.2. Regional groupings are those used by the African Development Bank, and Central Africa comprises Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. Overall, this year's index shows that "about 26 or 27 countries have improved in general," Mo Ibrahim told AllAfrica in an interview a week ahead of the publication of the findings. The 2009 survey shows that Southern Africa includes five of the 10 best-governed countries on the continent – Mauritius, Botswana, South Africa, Namibia and Lesotho – but its score is dragged down by Zimbabwe, which is categorized as the third-worst governed country in Africa, after Somalia and Chad. West Africa includes two of the 10 best-governed countries – Cape Verde and Ghana – but is pulled down by Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire in the bottom 10. In East Africa, the Seychelles and Tanzania are in the top 10, but Eritrea, Sudan and Somalia in the bottom 10. As in previous surveys, Somalia is the worst-governed country in Africa, scoring the lowest ranking in three of four indicators of the quality of government which the index employs. The four indicators of quality of governance are safety and rule of law; participation and human rights; sustainable economic opportunity; and human development, which examines poverty levels, health and education provision. More than 80 measurements are used to rank quality in these four areas. On the safety and rule of law index, Somalia is Africa's least-safe country, while Cape Verde is its safest. Mauritius offers the best sustainable economic opportunities, and Somalia the fewest – its ranking in this category – 0.9 – is by far the worst of any ranking on the index. Also as in past years, some small countries perform far better than the continent's giants – little Lesotho comes in at 9th place, while Nigeria is in the bottom half of the index, with a placing of 35. Senegal is placed 17th, Kenya 22nd and Ethiopia 37th. Of countries which have been in the news in recent months, Guinea's ranking is 44, Madagascar's is 13, Mauritania's 28 and Niger's 34. Garowe Online
  14. Mudane listen son, why do all somalis have to be blamed for everything your people are fail in? For example cardiff wales 95% unemployment rates from the early sailor community who settled in wales 100 years ago and pre-dominately came from hargeisa environs. Yet all somalis are being blamed for this disgraceful level of unemployment. No somalis are not the problem, you need to pin point where the problem is and say it is 95% hargeisa ppl who are unemployed in cardiff wales because the somali sailors were from hargeisa. You can verify that atrocious level of unemployment report regarding your community. We should all not be blamed for hargeisa short-comings in the west, that is all i am saying. If hargeisa ppl are 95% unemployed in the west, what do you expect of the hargeisa people at home? not much. That is why the under-development in sanaag is on your seccessionist part not anywhere else and therefore don't lump the whole region together as to make the whole region be responsible when that is not the case. Just like all somalis are not responsible for 95% cardiff hargeisa population being unemployed. Totally unfair why should i be blamed for your short-comings, if u find that as an attack so be it!!!
  15. Mudane taunts? ummm maybe you should talk to person who wrote such false report regarding sanaag and i merely responding to the false allegations. Yes sanaag is under-developed, but be specific and say the seccessionist sanaag part which is 7.5% of sanaag population are under-developed. Not the 85% makhiri population.
  16. Mudane maybe you don't understand something be it in gedo, bari, sanaag, karkaar, ,galbeed somalia, nfd, mudug, sool, cayn and where-ever our brothers are located I am happy to see progress and development for them. Hell i am happy with anyone progress, i am the first to praise galmudug as it is legal state and went through the legal avenues to achieve what it want for it's ppl. A honourable act and deserves to be applauded. Unlike shabab, seccessionist, and other rogue elements who use illegal means to achieve their motives. I have no praise for those criminals.
  17. Mudane i am not makhiri, but i am karkaarite
  18. The makhiris i have no concerns over as I am aware they can take care of themselves, who i do worry for is those neglected ones in el-afweyn and its environs, totally shameful to see them sitting on their butts when makhiris are investing $10 million into a las qoray port. Makhir having a las qoray port, Badhan their regional capital. Hadaaftimo their holiday home. Haylan their history. Plus they also owns parts of bari and infact illahi amarkisa they own any green parts of bari lol, with the slight exception of karkaar. ETN TV in bossaso is makhiri owned. They own alot of the investments in bossaso. The Makhiris are not the one i fear for, its those under-developed el-afweyn boys i fear for. Interestingly enough their has not 1 major project in somaliland, no port project becuz that was handed to you, no airport project, because that was handed to you. Their is basically nothing they added except a few factories and hospitals. Excellent job 17 years and all you can talk about is factories and hospitals. While puntland is signing agreements to get the badhan airport done and las canood airports and bossaso to erigavo high way... Not to mention what the makhiris are doing also through their own progressive measures.
  19. And how can I forgot the most important patriach in somalia, the burial place of the ancestor that 70% of the somali people trace their family lineage to. Abdirahman Bin Ismacil Al Jabarti. AUN Haylan Makhir
  20. Makhir country is beautiful spot in somaliya, especially as a get-away. Badhan Hadaaftimo Makhir Pyramids Makhir Fish Factory Makhir Agriculture Calmadow Sanaag Blessed part of the north-east Of Somalia Remarkable
  21. Xudeedi yeah, the makhiris are viewed as peace-makers in puntland especially when comes to inter-clan squablles. That was the first place where cade muse went for his asylum break. But they weren't supportive of him and refused to support him!!! he was forced to go to el-afweyn after that. I don't know why the makhiri elders did that, alot of the kingz still hold grudge to makhiris over that, because they didn't vote for ilkajir on that main issue and also his close ties to yey.
  22. Sanaag will do quite well when they get that port opened at las-qoray so they can bring merchandise off the port and develop their region. Mamoth task that port job, infact i think that will be the only somali region that has actually built such infrastructure on their own without getting it handed to them by siyad. It will definitely be up there in the ranks of matching the bossaso aiport effort.
  23. dhufayz, if eritrea is a weak country, why is shabab so strong? ileen waba eritrea nimankaas hubka siiyo, imagine eritrea stops? you think shabab will be strong anymore? hell no. Therefore eritrea will own you because your faction won't be able to operate without eritrea support and once your incapable of operating without external support, this is when you become a puppet for whoever is controlling you. So don't kid yourself, eritrea might not be big country but they own shabab and hizbi islam and once anyone owns you, you are a puppet for them regardless of eritrea size or strength as long as eritrea is stronger then you, your in trouble sxb. Like i said supporting your enemy of your enemy is not really good policy, because you just fall into the sphere of the other enemy and their political agenda for your nation. Like i said i don't view eritrea and ethiopia any different, they are both enemies of somalis and anyone who recieves support from either entity is not someone that is patriot or loves the somali ppl because at the end of the day they want the somali ppl to be under the wings of the supporting external entity. Wake up bro, hating ethiopia is 1 thing but dont let your hate take you under the feet of another external factor, because you will see in 50 years that you will be supporting the destruction of the same ppl who helped you against your first enemy.
  24. Abtigis, conflict of interest? So why you think they are giving you guns, so you can free yourself from ethiopia? you think they don't want you under them? lol and your talking about historical relations between somalia and eritrea. Lol what does historical relations between eritrea and somalia change? You know meles zenawi studied in somalia and even was given support to over-throw the amhara government. Hell meles even carried a somali passport? That didn't stop him from attacking somalia and trying to turn it into 5th region of ethiopia. So all in all historical relations have no place in current politics if it did then meles zenawi would be kissing somalia's feet for all it had done for them. You are very naive young man my friend, eritrea historical relation with somalia is totally fruitless and will not change their current policies. Eritrea funds hizbi islam and shabab for reasons of having them disturb ethiopia and the region and to have a future somalia government (an eritrean chosen one) remain a puppet for asmara. Your little comment about tigray in eritrea and tigray in ethiopia are not the same. Excuse me my friend eritrea and ethiopia are both "habashat" regardless if their tigre, tigrinya, or amhara. There are all from the one habashat sub-group. So your nonsensical argument of trying to play with the name of tigray and switch it to mean something else for the tigray in eritrea is again at best fruitless because either way their still habasha and you can ask any eritrean and he will tell you that he is a "habasha". So if your hate is for habasha regardless what sub-group they maybe be it haile sellasie an amhara sub-group or tigray sub-group meles zenawi. You should also apply that policy across the board to also the other habasha sub-group namely eritrea. Totally weak and fruitless of you to defend the islamist who are fighting not for islam but to send somalia as puppet eritrean controlled government. Shame on you because your not patriotic of somalia my friend but your patriotic of eritrea and you should go there and not cause somalia anymore un-neccessary pain then it has already been through.
  25. Abtigis, you think eritrea tigray will be giving you guns and funds just because he is charitable person? If that is what you think then your seriously in need of reality check. The asmara guy is giving your beloved islamists hizbi islam guns and funds because they want to make somalia kilinka 1aad of eritrea kingdom. Lol you really are not patriot sxb, because you are against 1 colonizer ethiopia, yet u will place somalia under another colonizer. waxba kama duwan tihid tfg, hargeisa, or garowe, you just lick the backside of eritrea, where as the tfg, somaliland, and puntland lick the backside of ethiopia. But the agenda is all the same..either be ethiopia colony or be a eritrea colony. Sad story my friend.