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Everything posted by NASSIR

  1. Aideed's grand plan to rule Mogadishu was aborted right after the nomination of Ali Mahdi for the interim presidency. That was USC's split and fierce internal battles that killed and uprooted thousands of his clan folk. The SNA's split further weakened the general and had led to his demise.
  2. Check this interesting article.
  3. Indeed Khadar. I remember the press release by Col. Indhayare and the respected elders.
  4. Somalina;803456 wrote: Xildhibaanadii Hargeysa idin fadhiyey mee? aawey the elders of Eastern Ceerigaabo? reerka 3 baarlamaan ayey ku jiraan ee waa maxay sidan? Isa soo sharax, si qeylidaada hal baarlamaan loogu dhex maqlo. Waraaqo la qor qoro meelna idinma geynaayaan. Somalina, aniga ma qorin warqadaas. Like I said , the federal MPs don't hurt their constituents and their regions. It's the failed "SL" project that is the biggest culprit. But that's quite improving as we build more local district governments. We just have to raise awareness of the issue and shed more light into .
  5. Xaaji, You opened this topic yet you can't seem to avoid taking shots at Maakhir folks. Ala maxaad inan gumeed tahey. War bahasha barta as xiinfaniin advises you all the time. There was no dispute over the clear ownership of the biggest region in terms of majority principle and never was in the history. These guys who wrote this communique are Pro Puntland. The first group to endorse were the Sanaag folks.
  6. Somalina, Cali Ciid is Neo Garaad and he fits well PL's political campaign of divide and rule. He is there to misrepresent his community and retard their development initiatives. But this issue of international and UN agencies' small activities in the region is much bigger than that and the main culprit is SL, not PL. It is SL that covets land it does not control and threatens the international agencies from going there without its consent.
  7. Ururada Bulshada rayadka ah ee gobolada Haylaan iyo Sanaag ayaa baaq ay ka soo saareeen Magaalada Badhan wuxu u qornaa sidan : kadib markii aan isugu nimid in ka badan 50 xubnood oo ururada bulshada rayadka ah isugu jira kana kooban Cuqaasha , Guurtida, Ururada Haweenka , Ururada dhallinyarada , ururada bareyaasha , aqoonyahanada, dalladda saxaafadda , qurbejoogta , ururada dadka laga tirada badanyahay, ganacsatada iyo culimada diinta dhibaatooyinka horumar la’aaneed ee goboladan haysta , dhibaatooyinkaas oo u muuqda kuwo dad samay ah , kadib markii hay’adaha caalamiga ah iyo deeq bixiyeyaasha loo sheegay warar siyaasadaysan oo been abuur ah , kuwaas oo sheegaya inaan goboladani amni ahayn. Sidaa darted haddii aannu nahay : Ururada Bulshada rayadka ah ee kala duwan isuguna jira dhamaan noocyada kala duwan ee bulshada ee gobladda haylaan iyo sanaag waxan hay’adaha iyo deeq bixiyeyaasha iyo Dawlada puntland ugu baaqaynaa Sidaa darted haddii aannu nahay : Ururada Bulshada rayadka ah ee kala duwan isuguna jira dhamaan noocyada kala duwan ee bulshada ee gobladda haylaan iyo sanaag waxan hay’adaha iyo deeq bixiyeyaasha iyo Dawlada puntland ugu baaqaynaa : Dawladda Puntland waxan ugu baaqaynaa : 1) Inaaney ka gaabin u caddaalad samaynta gobolada PL. 2) In gobolada Haylaan iyo Sanaag ay nabad yihiin , una baahan yihiin horumar la mid ah kan gobolada kale ee PL. 3) In hay’adaha lagu amro iney ka hawl galaan goboladan , anaguna aanu ku garab taaganahay dawladda iney gudato waajibaadkeeda amni sugid iyo kala danbayn. Hay’adaha waxan ugu baaqaynaa : 1) In goboladani nabad yihiin lagana shaqayn karo. 2) In goboladani helaan xuquuqda gargaar iyo horumarineed ee muddo 20 sano ah aaney helin 3) Inaanu ballan qaadayno hawl fududaynta iyo la shaqaynta hay’adaha iyo iney si nabad ah hawlahooda u qabsadaan. 4) Iney ogaadaan inaan goboladayada…….. la isku haysan . Xaalada gobolka 1. In ay goboladani ahaayeen kuwa ugu yar tacadiyada xuquul insaanka, 2. Dilalka oo qorshaysn oo aan weligeed ka dhicin 3. Dhaca hantida dadwaynahay iyo hay’adahaba ugu yar marka loo eego gobolada puntland . Dhinacyada laga hagraday in waxlaga qabto mid maamul iyo mid hayadeedba : Horumarinta waxbarashada iyo kaabayaasheega Caafimaadka Wadooyinka Biyaha Dhismayaasha amaanka sida jeelasha iyo xabsiyada Barakacayaasha Galgalanews , Daawo Sawiro
  8. March 12, 2012 Kampala-(MMedia)- Xaflad aad u balaadhan, hadafkeeduna ahaa dib usoo noolaynta Maakhir State Maakhir, iyo maamul u samaynta gobolada Sanaag, Haylaan iyo Galbeedka gobolka Bari ayaa habeenimadii xalay ahayd ka dhacaday Magaalada Kampala Ee Xarunta Dalka Uganda gaar ahaan Bol Bol Memerial Hotel Xafladan oo si weyn Loo Agaasimay isla Markaana ay kasoo qayb galeen Siyaasin, Wax Garad, Aqoon Yahanada, Isimo, ururda Bulshada . haweenka , Ardayda wax ka barata Ugandha, iyo gabi ahaanba Maamul Goboleedyada Ka jira Dalka Somalia ayaa ahayd mid lagu taageerayo Maamul Goboleeda Maakhir State Of Somalia Shirdkan Oo ay Goob joog ka ahaayeen ergooyin kasoo kala jeeda gobolada Sanaag, Haylaan, Galbeedka Gobolka Bari, iyo Jubada Hoose loogana Arinsanayey Xaalada adag ee ka Jirta Gudaha Deegaanada Maakhir iyo Sidii loo Taaba Gelin Lahaa Maamul Goboleeda Maakhir State Sido kale waxa Qayb Ka ahaa Ujeedada Xafladan Midaynta Jaaliyadaha East Africa Ee Maakhir State Masuuliyiintii Goobta ka hadashay waxaa Kamid Ahaa Gudoomiyayasha Jaaliyadaha Maakhir Ee Wadamada Kenya. Uganda iyo Sudan Waxaa Ugu Horayn Madaashaa Ka hadlay Gudoomiyaha Jaaliyada Maakhir State Ee Dalkan Uganda Mudane Cabdirsaaq Axmed Siciid(Qaraaji) Isaga Oo U Mahad Celiyay Gudiga Soo Qaban Qaabiyey Xaflada Qiimada Badnayd Waxaana uu Ka waramay xaalada Jaaliyada ee dalkan Uganda Gudoomiyaha Qaraaje Waxaa Uu sheegay Inay Muhiimad gaar ah leeday In Gobolada Maakhir State Laga Hir Geliyo Maamul u Gaar ah Isla Markaana xaaga la saaro arimaha Bulshada Sida Caafimaada. wax barashada, iyo Amaanka Guud ahaan Gobolada Sanaag, Hayland iyo Bari Sido Kale waxaa isna Madasha Ka hadalay OoKalmadiisa qaatay gudoomiyaha Jaaliyada Maakhir Ee dalka Kenya oo isaga iyo Wafti uu Hogaaminayo ay Maal Mahan Ku Suganaayeen Magaalada Kampala Si ay uga Qayb galaan xafladan Mudane Cabdisalaan Bulqaas Mudane Bulqaas Waxa uu sheegay inay farxad weyn U tahay kasoo Qayb galka xaflan isaga iyo waftigiika ka yimid dalka Kenya Maadaama Ay tahay Tan Guud oo Looga Arinsanayo Xaalada Gobolada Maakhir Sido kale waxaa iyana Mesha ka hadlay Gabi ahaanba Maamul Goboleedyada Ka Jira Dalka Somalia oo Sheegay in ay Ku faraxsan Horumarka Maakhir iyo in Ay danoohada Si agaar ah ugu tashadaan Iku soo waa duub oo xafladan ayaa ahayd Mid lagu ayidayey xafladii dhawaan ka dhacday dalka Kenya Waxaana Laga Soo Saaray War Murtiyeed Ku wajahan Wax Garadka, aqoon yahanada Siyaasiyiinta iyo Ismada Deegaamanada Maakhir state Waxaana Saxafaada u akhriyey Shiikh Cabdiqani Cali Moon 1: Waxaa Loogu Baaqay Dhamaan Isimada , wax Garadka , Aqoon Yahanada, Siyaasiyiinta Maakhir State inay Gudaha Gaboladaasi Shir Weyne Guud Ku qabtaan Isla Markaana ay kaga Tashadaan Aayaha iyo masiirka Rer Maakhir 2:Inay Waajib Muqadas ah tahay Midnimada Somaliyeed 3: Waxaanu Ku wargelinaynaa Dawalada Federaalka Somalia iyo beesha caalamka In Gobolada Sanaag, Hayland iyo bari Aanay ahayn dhul lagu muran sanyahay ay tahay Dhulka Ugu Nabada badan Geyiga Somalia Taladiisuna ay ka Go’do Isimada, Noabdoonada, Aqoon yahanka, Reer Maakhir Khayraadkiisana aan lagu isticmaali Karin Si Sharci daro ah
  9. Ciyaalka xaafada maad iska hooyataan. Meeshaan sumcadeeda waad baa'ibiseen.
  10. Somalia should have 18 or 22 states. Each state should be given the right and support to build only law enforcement. No army!
  11. Given the rise of armed conflicts and President Shariif's endorsement of Khaatumo, the two clan-based entities are now left with no option but to welcome the new state and to refrain from current policies that fuel more armed conflict and insecurity. Accusing the TFG of destabilization or taking sides is a desperate attempt to reverse the gains made by Khatumo.
  12. This is how Prof. Weinstein put it back in 2007. The social interests at the root of the conflict are rendered more acute by the fact that both Somaliland and Puntland have evolved institutionally beyond the rest of post-independence Somalia and have been able to provide a degree of security to their populations absent in post-independence Somalia's central and southern regions. They both have much to lose from serious armed conflict, but they also have contradictory vital interests --Somaliland is determined to "close the borders" and Puntland's political class fears that it will be discredited if it gives up the disputed regions. Although it is far from certain that Hargeisa will be able to hold on to Sool, it has not faced international opposition to its takeover of the region, and Puntland has yet to mount a counter-offensive. For the moment, Hargeisa has placed Garowe at a disadvantage, but the former ( "SL" ) has been plunged into the maelstrom of clan fragmentation that is familiar in south and central Somalia If Hargeisa succeeds in holding on to its gains, it still faces the problem of dealing with the Makhir state in Sanaag, which has pledged to join a united Somalia; PINR has found no evidence of unrest in Sanaag that would provide Hargeisa with an opening there. Indeed, Sanaag offers a possible model for Sool, where an autonomy movement might form. . More importantly, Hargeisa faces the chronic problem of isolation. International and regional actors continue to back the T.F.G.
  13. Ilaahow u naxariiso marxuumka. SOL is a good political forum and LST and MMA are doing good job in keeping it free of trolls and violators of its golden rules. Stoic, Make sense brother and be on the good side.
  14. Eng. Maxamed stated his own individual opinion which is not reflective of the aspiration and volition of the majority of the people from Khaatumo regions. He has a personal stake in defending PL's false claims and thus hoodwink the international community.
  15. Taleexi;802184 wrote: Imisaan lahaa Farole iyo codbaahiyaha kala ilaaliya. Dheg la'iima jalaqsiin dabadeedna wuxuu madaxweyne Faroole ka wareegay waa la wada arkay ... Illeyn af aanad lahayn ma ilaalin kartid. Isagaa isu cadaw ah Faroole. Waxaase la yaabanahey erey kasta odaygan yiraahdo rag baa heelan ah oo difaacaya. Qabyaalada wax ka foolxun.
  16. Well Said Aaliyah. Khaatumo will no doubt succeed and morally defeat its naysayers. The only challenge for Khaatumo I believe is sustaining this level of enthusiasm and plan of action. It's about POLITICAL ORGANIZATION/STRUCTURE, Not resources. The former is a must have if the latter is to be developed by the people who own such huge resources. The progress of Khaatumo as continuously reported in this forum , to my surprise, humbles the naysayers or arrests their clannish ego to take political ownership of another clan's region at times . They extend the olive branch and wish reer Khatumo the best for their final reckoning to be masters of their own destiny. But then the grandiose ambitions and delusion under which had lived for so long can be brutal and unforgiving and takes a huge toll of their public behavior that you sometimes wonder if the secessionists will ever recover from this self-inflicted character assassination. Keep it up Khaatumo.
  17. So Che, adiga iyo professor Siciid Samatar isku meel baad ka soo jeedaan in Somaaliya iskeed loo daayo? Kala qaybsanaanta soomaali umaleyn maayo in wax hagaagayaan, waana tan keliya ee sahashey in koox waliba ama ha ahaadaan raggan mayalka adag ee argagixisda ah iyo Itoobiya oo ciidamadeeda ay ka sameystaan bases magaalooyin Somaliya gudaheeda ah. Saxibow waxaan aaminsanahey in Midowga Africa ay caawin karaan TFGda xag nabadsugid ama xag tababar loogu qabanayo ciidamada xooga dalka ama inta dowlad Somaaliya laga dhiso karayo ama inta laga gaarayo dowlad xaq ku dhisan oo ka amarisa wadankoo idil.
  18. Thanks to the local authority and the UN Habitat? This would sure help the IDPs recover and reintegrate back into our society.
  19. I knew Beletwein has been under Ethiopian occupation or intervention however you want to call it although Somalina called me "clueless" for stating it. It's good AU troops will be deployed in Baidabo.
  20. Go reer Awdal. Waxaa lagu jiraa xili kala guur ah. Si fiican ugu qeyb qaata dowlada Somalia hada lawado.
  21. Somalina;800798 wrote: huh? did I say that? quote me please. lol@under occupation...dude you are clueless and emotional as usual. No one in Beledweyn is under occupation, I know this because I communicate with relatives in the city on a weekly basis. Kindly don't speak for me, or pretend to know my opinion on Ethiopia. You were cheering for Yey in 2006 and today you're against PL. I don't remember you getting emotional when over 100 Somali nationals were blown up to pieces last October, I don't remember you condemning Alqaeda East Africa the way you condemn the TFG or PL or SL almost on a daily basis. You are a piece of work you know that. Spare me the fake crocodile tears and don't ever speak for me, af jooga looma adeego. Somalina, I consider myself one of the commentators or bloggers if you like who had warned of the dangers of al-Shabab but hardly many paid attention to my alarms. 2nd, I don't hate PL or SL except pointing to the sources of Somalia's instability and double standards of our lawmakers giving my perspective on what real , long term solution we can agree on based on our common interest and the public good.