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Everything posted by NASSIR

  1. Abwaan, Only News from Xamar dominates Somali sites, particularly neutral ones. Maakhiris have long learned that building real institutions is the key to creating a viable federal state.
  2. Nairobi:-:- Gudiga Jaaliyada Maakhir State ee Dalka Kenya ayaa Maanta Shir isugu Wacay Xubnaha Gudigaasi iyo qaar ka mid ah Jaaliyada oo Dalka Kenya Sugnaa, Shirka oo ka dhacay Hotel Madiina Mall waxa looga hadlay Xog Waraysi ku aadan Xubnihii ka qayb Galay Shirkii Jaaliyadaha Gobolada Sanaag,Bari, iyo Hayland ee ka dhacay Dalka Uganda. Caaqil Cabdi Nuur Maxamed Xaaji oo Furay Shirkaasi ayaa Faah Faahiyay Ujeedka Shirka waxana uu sheegay inuu ka mid ahaa Xubnihii ka qayb Galay Shirkii Midaynta Jaaliyadaha Geeska Africa ee Kampala lagu qabtay, isaga oo Amaan u Jeediyay Jaaliyadii Maakhir State ee dalka Uganda sida wayn ee ay soo dhaweeyeen. Hadalka ayaa lagu Wareejiyay C/salaan Cismaan Bulqaas oo ah G/Xigeenka Jaaliyada isaga Wax ka Taabtay Shirkii ay Galeen iyo in la Magcaabo Dhowr Xubnood oo Jaaliyada Kenya ay ku Darsato Dallada Wayn ee Midaynaysa Jaaliyadaha geeska Africa,sida Uganda, Sudaan, Ethiopia. Waxa Goobtaasi ka hadlay Caaqil Cabdi Qani Maxamed Qoobay oo isna Hormuud u ahaa, Gudidii u Anba Baxday Dalka Uganda, isaga oo Xusay inay la Kulmeen intii ay Kampala Joogeen Wakiilo badan oo Maamulo Goboleedyo isla markaana lays dhaafsaday Arrimo badan. Wuxuu soo qaatay Kulan ay Khaatumo yeesheen kaasi oo salka ku hayo Xoojinta Daris Wanaagsa Bulshada Deegaankaasi. Mr Qoobay ayaa Carabka ku adkeeyay inay Muhiim tahay in Midnimada Somaliya loo si taago isaga oo dhaleeceeyay Cid kasta oo Doonaysa inaan Deegaanka Maakhir Horumar la Gaadhsiin. “Wuxuu Yiri Afar Qof aya Gobolada Amaankiisa ka shaqayn Kara hadii la dhahao Looma dhama waxba Socon Maayaan intii Meel ku Shirta ee Wax Fiican Soo Saarta Hala taageero looma dhama waa waxa Deegaanka Halkaasi dhiga Maanta” Ayuu yiri Dhanka Amaanka ayuu wax ka taabtay isaga Xusay inay Beesha Caalamka Gaadhsiiyeen Fariimo badan oo ah inaanu Deegaankaasi ahayn mid Aan Qalalaase ka Jirin balse uu yahay Mid Nabadoon, kaasi oo aanay Marnaba ka dhicin Dilalka Qorshaysan ee Gobolada Pl Inta badan lagu Yaqaan. C/raxmaan Maacir oo ka mid ah Odayaasha Jaaliyada oo Shirkaasi ka soo qayb Galay waxa uu ka halday Aragtidiisa ku aadan Dhismaha Maamulkaasi Maakhir State isaga oo Tilmaamay in ay Muqadas tahay in Beelaha Goboladu ay Shiraan isla markaana Go’aan Midaysan ay wada qaataan. Cali Saalax Shire Ciyoon oo dhawaan dalkii Ka Yimi ayaa Jaaliyada uga Warbixiyay Marxalada ay ku Sugan yihiin Goboladii Maakhir State waxana uu xusay inaanay jirin wax dhiila Colaadeed ah, hase ahaatee uu Mahadnaqa uga siday dadkii Gudaha ku dhaqnaa Jaaliayda Kenya oo ah mid Fir Fircoon. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Maxamed Siciid Kurre ku dhawaaqay in Gudida dhexe ee Jaaliyadu ay Go’aan ka Gaadhaan Xubnaha Dallada Wayn ugu Biiraya taasi oo dhamaan laysku Raacay Gaba Gabadii ayaa Jaaliyadu Tacsi u dirtay Umada Somaliyeed Geeridii ku Timi Madaxwaynihii Hore ee Somaliya Coll C/laahi Yuusuf waxana ay Ilaahay uga Baryeen inuu Janadii ka Waraabiyo. Sawiradii Shirkaasi Hoos ka Daawo.
  3. I think it's time blacks in America recapture their glory and place in mainstream America. They have made and shaped the history and the culture of the United States but they are still treated second class citizens. What surprises me the most is how other races like the Asians, the Middle Easterners have integrated well and taken advantage of opportunities. The recurring problems of social injustice can only be reduced to a certain level and it starts with the adoption of a policy of integration and improving the justice and education system. Network media can also play a big role as it does.
  4. JB, Can you revise the title and change Galkayo to Mogadishu?
  5. Carafaat;808574 wrote: It's widely known that Ceelafweyn folks are diehard Unionist. They have even given refuge to Cade Muuse and his militia and succesfully mediated peace between Abdullahi Yuusuf and Cadde Muuse. ragga tolkooda haka reebin. Iyagaaba SL u taliya...
  6. Bear in mind that emergency calls are by default excused . After all is said and done, if you insist on remaining in the presence of others while in call, atleast have the decency not to make clear the contents of your romantic. A point you should always remind thyself of is this: it is a universal rule that a call time with a lady is at all times remains private, and her honour must be protected by not divulging a single sentence of her secrets. Revealing ladies’ secrets is distastefully ungentlemanly. Paragon, Isn't that why the ladies love us real gentleman?
  7. Abdullahi Yusuf, former president of Somalia’s transitional government, dies ABDI GULED MOGADISHU, Somalia— The Associated Press Abdullahi Yusuf, who rose from a guerrilla warrior to president of Somalia only to watch his administration crumble under a ferocious Islamic insurgency, died Friday in Dubai. He was 78. Mr. Yusuf served as president of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia from 2004-2008. The Somali government announced a three-day mourning period for Mr. Yusuf's death, said government spokesman Abdirahman Omar Osman. Mr. Osman said Mr. Yusuf died Friday morning in at a hospital in Dubai. The family announced the death was caused by complications from pneumonia. Mr. Yusuf has suffered chronic health problems for years, including a liver transplant in 1996. In 2006, he survived a suicide car bombing that killed his brother and several bodyguards, one of several assassination attempts. Mr. Yusuf's administration struggled to assert control in Somalia since assuming power in 2004, when the first government in 13 years was formed with the help of the UN. At his inauguration — held in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi due to security concerns — Mr. Yusuf pronounced himself “a man of peace” and urged his countrymen to begin to forgive each other. After an Islamic alliance took control of the Somali capital in 2006, Mr. Yusuf invited Ethiopian troops into the country. The Ethiopian advance quickly routed the Islamist forces, but the memories of previous Somali-Ethiopian wars and the presence of soldiers from a Christian nation in a mainly Muslim country made the Somali government unpopular. It also encouraged Ethiopia's archenemy Eritrea to offer the Islamists assistance, making Somalia into a proxy war zone. The Islamists quickly launched an Iraq-style insurgency. Already under internal attack, Mr. Yusuf's government was also weakened by internal struggles. The father of four was operating far from his power base in the semiautonomous northern region of Puntland, and clan squabbles and public disagreements with his prime minister over spending foreign aid meant many Somalis began to see the government as divided and corrupt as well as ineffective. Somalia has not had a fully functioning government since 1991, when dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was overthrown. Mr. Barre, a former military colleague of Mr. Yusuf's, had imprisoned Mr. Yusuf after he refused to take part in the coup that brought Mr. Barre to power in 1969. While in prison, he became friends with warlord Mohamed Farah Aidid, whose battle with U.S. soldiers in the early 1990s inspired the book and movie Black Hawk Down. Three years after his release in 1975, Mr. Yusuf tried to overthrow Mr .Barre but failed and fled to Kenya, where he recruited members for his guerrilla movement. Mr. Yusuf, who had studied in Italy and the former Soviet Union, was backed by the socialist government of Ethiopia, who were said to have paid him $1-million to overthrow Mr. Barre. But Mr. Yusuf later quarrelled with the Ethiopians over their claims to Somali territory. Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam imprisoned him in 1985, and he was only released when the regime fell in 1991. He spent much of the 1990's in his native Puntland, where he sought semiautonomous status in an effort to save the region from the chaos engulfing the rest of the nation. Aides described his style as ruthless, and many of his opponents were jailed or killed. There were also sporadic clashes over territory with the neighbouring region of Somaliland, and he was deposed for a year over his attempts to increase his term of office in 2001. Mr. Yusuf regained control of Puntland in 2002 with Ethiopian help, forging a new alliance with the new government. He also fought with Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, a leading Islamist whom the U.S. accuses of having sponsoring terrorism and is a key figure in the present insurgency. Eventually, Mr. Yusuf was elected president in 2004, having systematically undermined several other attempts at forming a government. Source: AP
  8. The Maakhirian, Laba-X, is a gifted writer. He's also well versed in Somali poetry and tradition. I haven't seen him in the forums in a long time. Maadeey, the brother has a blog call "Incoherent Thoughts". I am not exactly sure of the exact title but check it.
  9. Liibaan, I am sure Khaatumo shall build a strong standing army and appoint a respected general to lead Khaatumo's defense. You can allocate a large portion of the current budget to the security needs of the new state. Everything else will follow.. I believe that is the key to overcoming internal challenges before co-opting the keepers of the status-quo. Another important element for the success of Khatumo state is to engage in dialogue and reconciliation with the neighbors so Las Anod will be vacated peacefully. If that doesn't work, the world will see who is threat to Somalia's peace or who is aggrandizing on territories it does not own or control...
  10. Allaha u naxariisto. I first saw the News at my fb page.
  11. Abtigiis;805551 wrote: kow is not only a liar, he is crazy. This is an aggression by Liyu police on the people of Gaashaamo.Tplf approves of it. Shaarkaasi dowlad waa waxa dulmey soomaali. Intey arrintu sii xumaan , odoyaal haloo diro xaliya dagaalka.
  12. xiimaaya;807745 wrote: Very good development .. Indeed bro. Maakhiris have woken up and they are so engaged with the development of their motherland, bearing in mind the challenges ahead.
  13. 'Liibaan';807360 wrote: Maakhir Resources Company and Maakhir Regional State should work together. Liibaan, We are sitting on huge natural resources. It's time we tap and develop them. And you know I fully support Khaatumo. May Allah guide the new state to great success
  15. The first one is the most accurate and from a reliable source. This Undp map seems very recent and extremely inaccurate. Bluelicious, This one below is an interactive and very detailed map that also shows the names of the cities and towns of Sanaag region. . '