Benevolent_ Beauty

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Everything posted by Benevolent_ Beauty

  1. nicely done....may ALLAH have mercy on us all...AAmen
  2. I...Immature..u know O'marion old group.... 7...yeah the group name is a number
  3. Walaahi for an hour and a half str8, i sat here readin' these, shall we call'em, "walks down memory lane"...some of 'em were rough otherz mild but all in all....very interestin.... p.s. some of yall might know each other from back home...u might be like "hey, i lived rite behind that that farax/xalimo, gosh i liked/hated" or summin' of dat nature...but seriously tho...this topic might help bring long lost friends OR enemies't dat be summthin'.. :rolleyes:
  4. snow huh...baraf saa u ma says "caku baraf iyo qabowgiisa" not fo long...SAN DIEGO SPRING BREAK HERE I COME!!...~am goin' goin..back to back to ...cali Salaamz
  5. lol@da dhuxul-lookin-brotha...brown brotha kulahaa...horta fiiri letz be honest...i wont lie about ma age...n' u don't lie about ur color...we all know when brothas/sistas say they "brown skin" ...datz means "dhuxul-lookin" a.k.a digsi dabadiisa.... now don't get me wrong...ITZ NOT DA COLOR i'm hatin'...its da FACT ..dat u aint proud of ur color.... SO am OFFICIALLY CHANGIN' UR NICK ON THE BEHALF OF UR DIGNITY N' SELF WORTH..LOL...from this day forth... BROWN BROTHA=DHUXUL got a nice ring to it..don'tcha think Salaamz
  6. lol@Flip.... u joker...PPL PPL!! LISTEN UP!!...the STATE OF KENTUCKY HAS OFFICIALLY BEEN DECLARED UNEATABLE...DUE TO ITS HIGH CONTENT OF nah for real tho...forget KFC...anybody know the skinny on TACO BELL chicken...(forget da meat..we know datz garbage)...i seen this one taco bell near ma house datz rite next to an animal clinic!!!!..can it be??? u think body know the story on that.... <<<<<<LIVES N' BREATHES CHICKEN...esp. da chicken in TACO BELL QUEISADELLAZ.... let a gurl now... p.s. i heard eatin' a lotta chicken makez u hairy...dat rite..????
  7. Salaamz First of all....thanx to all who replied for sharing their stories Secondly, the intention of this post was not to bring about or rather resurrect the painful memories of the war nor was it to bring about humor to such a tragic, and to say the very least, an unfortunate event The purpose of this thread, quite simply, was to share stories of our related past...and more profoundly not to forget and remember who we are, how far we have come and more importantly remember and inshallah pray for those who can't sit here today and talk about it as if it WAS the past... until next time Salaamz
  8. Some folkz say inorder to pave our future, we must understand our past.....i don't if that has ne thing to do wit this q... But..i thought it be fun and more importantly educational and inspiring for us to share our namez please...of how we came about to a foriegn land.... So.....where were U when it all happened??? i'll start.... when it all started...i was riding in the car wit pops rite afta we picked up ma older sister from high school..i had ma lil cute uniform..eatin' ma cotton candy..(mmmm..i can still taste it)...when all of sudden i see the traffic all jammed up n' ppl goin' bananaz....the traffic dude was goin' all crazy...ppl runnin...then all of sudden...this lady...that was completely bare (nude) is running towards our car wida huge rock...she hits our windshield...dadz tryna stay calm tryin to get outta the area...finally we reach open roads and drive back to the house.....n' the rest is history....
  9. Kentucky is xaraam aaah shuks!!!!...even the state of kentucky is haram... how am i suppost 2 visit ma friendz
  10. this piece is done in SLAM POETRY STYLE...if u into dat u might get it /enjoy ...if ya aint..sowwy... Salamz UNTITLED Blind-sighted by the world’s GLITTER AND GOLD…….. and riches only make you more broke and BITTER ……….SWEET LIES the difference between the ground and the SKY…….HIGH is my pride and LOVE …………& HATE I translate My hurt and feelings into Rivers that flow freely Rhymez without feeling As I’m reading and WRITING ON THE WALL How many times do I have to FALL ………AND WINTER I won’t surrender…I’ll stand TALL-er Than the highest mountain Astounding are The Shouldz, wouldz, and couldz BUT the DIDN’T ‘s compounding INTEREST- the KUFARS MISTRESSt-ing each other, Killing one Another day will come Rest your HEADZ Refresh your FAITHZ THIS DAY WILL COME
  11. halal dating....there is as much truth to it as Donald Trump's
  12. ****CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP**** u know the rest.......... Salaamz
  13. does this question even need to be but then again BOB u said dating was "evil" my question to you n' the rest of the lovely n' intelligent peepz here is.....could it a neccessary evil??? *i feel like i know the answer but wat da heck, i enjoy da nac nac dat goes on in herre...
  14. rhyme without reason feeling without pleasing just cuz u like teasing wordz that flow freely without real meaning wit no bound direction i have no recollection cuz i like collecting thoughts so i can express'em show'em exposure is my medicine show wat i'm dressin' in lessons bring experience u know wat to do wit him' i know wat to do with this bring it to a close i should listen in class i suppose rhyme WITHOUT reason Cuz i WRITE for the SAKE of WriTTinG'
  15. lol@simply....i think u misunderstood where i was gettin' at with this whole health section thang....uh...this section would NOT, i repeat , WOULD NOT be a q&a about "my health problemz" sorta'd simply be an intellectual discussion (after all this is a forum) about current health issues and how they relate to the somali pop. at large...this is to say that serious health issues should be addressed to the individual's GP...... bottom line's a discussion goin on in ne other section of SOL... and so moderators i'm still waitin on an answer....i guess i can wait till after any case....watz da deale'yo???
  16. HOnestly...i just looked around in this site n' compared it to otha sites...i think havin' a health section would be most beneficial to members..n' just not ne ol boring health section...but one that brings relevance to our daily lives as Somalis (where-eva)... as for the extra server space **scratchs head**....hmmm..maybe we can combine one or two otha sectionz... ..or ne was an idea....i know i'd like to get useful health info n' not da regular .."follow the food guide pyramid to a healthy life"....<<<so not 4 somalis... but thanx for showin' interest atleast... cheers
  17. Just wanted to see how many SOL members would like a section exclusively for health and health matters??....i think it'd be cool, wat do you guyz/galz think???
  18. I'll tell you where their NOT at>>>in Minnesota.or as i like to call it ...Minnescrubulous..goodness can u faraxs (mn) be ne more predictable, arrogant, cheap, self-centered sambacs..(excuse ma somali)... no offense (if you haven't already taken offense lol)..not tryna be rude or nuttin' just exercisin' ma net rights**talkin' ish w/o** n' itz like 85% the otha 15% is decent, hardworking, either MARRIED or just no so cocky wit da whole datin' thang(mostly fam )... Thatz why I Recommend....RELAX, RECLINE n' let the REAL men (from otha statez ofcourse,lol jk)come find YOU cuz u know we da bomb gurl (requirez no response from mn da meantime...Worry bout' gettin' your education to get you wat u REALLy need>>>$$$paper$$$, peace, n' prosperity ~uh huh
  19. Me tooooooooo!@Diam....luv maya angelou...ya know...she waz REALLY talkin' about me :eek: ..yeah i know...wierd huh..but yeah..uh huh...**brushin off shoulda**...**stretch** i was her
  20. remind me of the dude that died for dat hodan ..yeah..cilmi bodheri **patz herself in the back..**...kudoz 2 me for rememberin' da name...... ....sweet tho... J-11....reading ur poetry is like unsung pleasure there is simply no way to describe common measure
  21. I write because it’s theraputic for me I write unfiltered truth.... because Im a poet and this is what we do Instinct stole the words **like he stealz alotta thangz* outta ma mouth... i was writin' anotha piece about food..damn..laakiin i lost it when in class :mad: i wrote this piece....its about the many THINGs i wished i neva lost.... don't u hate when u loose thingz not materials, money or minor thingz but this one thing make u wanna rewind ur world slowly unwind your world to find where lost ur object deduct and detect ur suspect detain ur object sustain ur intellect without loosing ur self respect without moving everything turn the world upside down lift every rock in every town i had to find this thing money and power can't buy this thing science cant sign this thing i cry for this thing lied cuz of this thing for wat it will bring my heart and soul will sing no limit to things i did i had it since i was kid close to my heart, i hid it anotha soul touch, i forbid it its was valuable to me i had it at all times wit me it is important to me Understand i have to find this thing it like itz worth more than all of this in a string
  22. there prolly is...but since we don't know about'em...either they aint dat good or they just havin' been @ the rite place @ the rite time... My Q Why is it that every guy n' gal i see in mn think they a playa or playerette? Why ee iskaga walaan??
  23. K..yall..this game is kinda wierd/creepy/cool n' fun in a way...only takez 3 mins...watz anotha 3 minz outta ur life..aaah..waste it off this website..ENJOY! 1st. Get PEN and PAPER 2nd. WHEN CHOOSING NAMES, MAKE SURE THEY ARE REAL PEOPLE THAT YOU ACTUALLY KNOW 3rd. GO WITH YOUR FIRST INSTINCTS !!!!! Very important for good results. 4th. SCROLL DOWN ONE LINE AT THE TIME DON`T READ AHEAD have FUN. 1. On a blank sheet of paper, WRITE NUMBERS 1 through 11 in a COLUMN on the LEFT. 2. BESIDE the NUMBERS 1 & 2, WRITE DOWN ANY 2 NUMBERS YOU WANT. **if you have a fav number(s) write'em down here 3. BESIDE the NUMBERS 3 & 7, WRITE DOWN THE NAMES OF TWO MEMBERS OF THE OPPOSITE SEX. 4. WRITE ANYONE'S NAME (like FRIENDS or FAMILY...) Next to 4, 5, & 6. 5. WRITE down FOUR SONG TITLES in 8, 9, 10, & 11 6. Finally, MAKE A WISH ***tisk, tisk, tisk, if u aint done ..don't read ahead u party pooper, u gonna spoil da game, u gotta be done first** k..u itz time to reveal ur future..NOT!!...the so-called results are below...take a looksy! KEY TO THE GAME 1. THE NUMBER of PEOPLE YOU MUST TELL ABOUT THIS GAME is found in SPACE 2 2. THE PERSON IN SPACE three IS THE ONE YOU LOVE (creepy huh) 3. THE PERSON YOU LIKE but your relationship CANNOT WORK is in SPACE 7 4. YOU CARE MOST about the PERSON you put in SPACE 4 5. THE PERSON YOU NAME IN NUMBER 5 IS THE ONE WHO KNOWS YOU VERY WELL. 6. THE PERSON YOU NAMED IN 6 IS THE YOUR LUCKY STAR 7. THE SONG IN 8 IS THE SONG THAT MATCHES WITH THE PERSON IN NUMBER 3 8. THE TITLE IN 9 IS THE SONG FOR THE PERSON IN 7 9. THE 10TH SPACE IS THE SONG THAT TELLS YOU MOST ABOUT YOUR MIND **didn't know u waz like dat** 10. AND space 11 IS THE SONG THAT SHOWS HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT LIFE 11. THE # IN SPACE 1 IS YOUR LUCKY NUMBER well...did u have fun?? was it all u expected it to be?? good golly!! **still
  24. wash ur plates, grap the dates the hunger strike is OVA ur mind is a dry desert Well am da desert COBRA got ur mind twisted...gotchu watching OPRAH mind stagnatin' like u in a mind HOLD'UP!!! exaggeratin' these lines... got me accumalatin' worthless lines being real is what makes REAL RHYMEZ!!! ~till next time...