Kamalu Diin

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Everything posted by Kamalu Diin

  1. Originally posted by Ahmed_Guree: You know the successionist dream is over one thing or another ICU or TNG will come for you So come down and enjoy Riyales final days as Somalilands last president. Ahmed_Guree Somaalidoon is on two boats...... just like his uncle....Turki cannot keep mouth shut....... Who is gonna act Dahir Awey make Ahmed_Guree shut his mouth.
  2. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: What have you done to stop the massacress that were committed in Hargesya and Burco?. The reality was majority of your so called peace-loving people couldn't be bothered with the tragedy that had befallen on our northern brethens. Reer Mogadisho were complacent. And lack of empathy atleast in my book makes guilty as well. Aniga qofna ugu abaal sheegan maayo waxa aan u sameeyey walaaleyna Somaliland. Ha jiraan oo Ha joogaan baan dhahaayaa. Aniga ayaa ogsoon waxa aan u qabtay. second statement it is yours I don't agree or disagree with you. Third statement is your second guilty plea... I LOVED WAAN U ARUURINEYNAA......USC/ICU ARE LACKING EMPATHY... l LOVED THAT TOOOOO
  3. The party that raide along Rodizean Marcenaries where SomaliDoon. Just like Hassan Turki, and Jees. get that
  4. Ahmed_Guree is in deniel...................the party that raided along Rodizean Marcenaries. They were Sooomaaali Doon.....
  5. Ahmed_Guree what is the bunishment Somalidoond who raided "these peace-loving folks when Hargeysa and Burco were being bombed to the stone age by Rhodesian mercenaries". Che-Guevara
  6. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: [Kamal....Calm down duqa. USC alone is not at fault. I loved you guilty plea ...... If they had once at fault ........ what do you make of their actions now ...they.still doing the same.... agree with me again. Other party U mentioned we are not letting them free....We are going to ask Ahmed_Guree
  7. You are making third guess.. and You are still failing ............ what can I do for you..... don't you know why am I punishing you ........ you don't ha ha ha I am repeating for you I don't like Somalidoons and USC/ICU....Period. If it isnot clear this what I found out about them..... Somalidoon are flueling our problems because damcigooda ah Somaliweyn ... died long time agao. USC/ICU I don't liked because their atrocities and myhum....that is all.
  8. Do you think Agoonta is gonna stay in Kismayu ..... I am not Horn or bare don't get scare of me...
  9. Ahmed_Guree - Somaalidoon who got a citizenship of Somalia by Siad Bare, now his citizenship being extended by USC/ICU since his kin can provide manforce for USC/ICU.... wow...... Previously his kin ....... waxaa lagu beeray Baladweyn, Jalaqsi, Hargeisa, and Kismayu.... they all lost except Kismayu. wow.
  10. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: ^^^ I don't think they had much of choice. Choice is clear Peace loving Somalian whom USC/ICU kicked out from homes in Mogadishu Kismayu, Marka, Brave, Afgoi, Uanle Uanyn are uniting against USC/ICU land grasp, and These communities are not fleeing into Ifo, Xagardheer, Ijaaro, Dhagaxley, and Liboi any more. get that.
  11. Who is leading this symbolic gesture.... Dahir Awey bloody murderer.... We will bring him to international court. Ma waxaad moodaan in USC/ICU ay u heystaan Cadow Somaliyeed ee waxay u heystaan Xaqa ku maqan si aanan looga xisaabtamin ayay u heystaan. get
  12. Ahmed-Guree you are mistaken ..... You don't associate with me ....ex-regime ...How many times do I tell you ....... Somali are more than Remenant of Siyad Bare including A/Y, Bare, and Jees and USC/ICU. get that..... Soomaalidoon just like you are those be blamed for somalia problems because Siyad Bare brough you there to difend his interest not yours ...now the same thing USC/ICU is doing the same.
  13. I call them USC/ICU that is good enough for me they know themselves and I know them. If the power they searching meant for common good they should bring the people together, then open for dialogue. I guess his is intentional act for running around. we are not fools we know what is the best way to take. Is not to run with AK47. they still act like they are chasing Siyad Bare reminent Somalia are not only these two groups. get that. No more drama.
  14. I am not talking about the Sacaboolayds ku dhaqan Mogadishu. Inta garabkoodu ay ugu jirto qoriga iyo inta kale ee walaalkooda uu u hayso ay ka mid yihiin hogaamiye isku sheegta, ha ahaadaano Sheikhs, Warlords, Gaanacsato, Qabiil horjoogsadeyaal oo dhan qori ha qaadeen ayna qaadine as long are they stand for Kacdoonka Shacabka maxaa yeelay dadka ayaa lagu qaldayaa ee waxba ka majiraan. because I for one I am not expecting anything good except new problems. I wish they pay their dues to Somalis before they start to ask anything beyond.
  15. I am not against the will of the people..... but I am up against expantionist, centralist, and Unionist that about it. the damage is already made. what we need USC/ICU to stop, and start healing process. not running AK47
  16. I would have forgoten as most of you victems are but the only thing that I can't forget is Eight months ago they were doing same thing for the last sixteen years how come they become clean hands in few days. it is just like ninkii aan ku muducaayey oo xaakin igu noqday.
  17. I was born and raised in Mogadishu. Dagaalkii Siyad Bare looga eryey Mogadishu. reekeena waxaa ay door bideen ineysan ka baxin Mogadishu sidaas ayaan la yaste oogu ahayn Gurigeena Dhexdiisa oo cid dariskeena ah ayaa sidii pracide oo kale noogu dul noolaa. Oo xor uman aynaan ahayn gurigeena, maalkeena waxay nogotay ilaa ay dhamaystaan in aan meeshaas ka bixin.
  18. Abwaan you are not answering my question and you still doing same mistakes... please answer my question how many number of armed men can bring Somalis underneath that force. United Nations just aproved about eight thousand men whom are going to assist TFG. Or this have an impact of USC/ICU only if they are on their way to expand beyond their terroteries
  19. Abwaan no answer yet.....Let me tell you that I proud to be Qabiilest..... and I would not be scared to say I am selfish, I would only promote my interest first, second my family interst such as broters and sisters and parents...... nation.... Global... this not a problem. Don't just say A/Y is this A/Y is that. I want the seat that would be easily understood. no complication
  20. Aniga waxaa iigu Danbeysay Somalia 1996. I was la heyste .... cheer.
  21. Originally posted by Abwaan: nin ama naag ku fekerayo/fekereyso in Soomaaliya ciidan dibadda looga yeerto lagu xukum oo la yiraa dadka ii qabqabta aan xukumee beeshayda iyo intii i daba oraddana aan hub iyo derajo ka dherjiyo Where is your border line of good or bad intention if this is not based trible idiology. define what is the number of forces that can bring whole of Somalia under A/Y. Objectively where everyone of us could agree with you objectively.
  22. Originally posted by Abwaan: Horta waxaan la yaabay haddii nin ama naag ku fekerayo/fekereyso in Soomaaliya ciidan dibadda looga yeerto lagu xukum oo la yiraa dadka ii qabqabta aan xukumee beeshayda iyo intii i daba oraddana aan hub iyo derajo ka dherjiyo arrintaasi waa khalad, waa tii uu ku jabay Maxamed Siyaad markuu damcay inuu Soomaaliya Military Police ku xukumo inta uu noolyahay. This is what USC/ICU are propogating against TFG, I don't know if you doing intentionaly or un-intentionally. How dare you thought eight thousand men will do where fourty two thousand men of UNISOM could not do. USC/ICU is enemy within. I don't think that A/Y is up against this thing. I hope he does. because we need to face the problem indroduction of suicide bombers in our beloved land. Mogadishoy waa lagu xumeyee yaa ku xaal marinaa
  23. you are not Qabiilest are you? Like I do.... and That is the only eyes, and the ears of my body.
  24. Be proud of your Qabiil as I do. Don't tell us Deen, and Sovernity are the causes that you are against A/Y... I am not a kin of A/Y as I have mentioned before but he is my ally or stepping stone!! against USC/ICU, warmongers. in mogadishu