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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Hello Faheema - it must be the weekend for you today, take a rest. I some times wonder, whats the point of all this running around - waba laa dimanaya!..hehe
  2. ^You and you crew, should have lined up on the road - from where the 'visitors' is coming from to where they are xafladh uu saame hee ' Welcome pardi'....
  3. ^Lol - it is called 'somalification of English - Some sijuis do that as well - kijikada[ spoon in swahili, by adding da, it sounds Somali..heh Subax kheyr. Ibti, make sure Juxa gets to see Alpha - so just to slap him for us. Wuu naa wale.
  4. Ibti - cringed a bit, but then again ' waan nin fanaanad qaba hee' ps. Is this a 'new hubby' ? I thought I heard her hubby had became a wadaad.[erm he works at an exocist centre]. Che - weey iska kay dacaysaa!
  5. ^Hello you - I see you have become the 'pin up' of SOL..heh
  6. ^You were in a hurry - must have heard there is a new batch of 'chocolate and walnut cake' at the new Evening all.
  7. ^Amiin, Insha'allah - Shukran Sharmarke. I am fine and you dear Sir? @ Ngonge It would be a bad thing if Juxa is to relocate back to Somalia - imagine, here in Mogadishu, Ibti in Hargeysa -...CL in Kismayo - Somali affairs would be sorted in no time.
  8. ^Jumaah Mubarak. It used to be Juxa that reminded us, it was Friday and how she looked forward to the Swahiligu wexeey tiradaa ' mazoea yana tabu - getting used to something has its The week went so quick - I want it back, half of it I was in bed with flu...arghh
  9. ^Lol. Blood test for everything - waar in Dar es salaam, you can have a blood test in your own back yard - before you know it, you got diabiates ama high blood pressure or cholestrol..waar islamihii daawoo kuu dileen with their findings..
  10. ^ No! I do not support Alshabab - they are as much to blame and accountable as AMISOM, the Ethiopian, the American drones for the death of countless innocent Somali I said above, yaa uu maqaan the innocent Somali - miid kasta ku bu uu jeeda, but isnt seeing those caught up between..
  11. Hello Ngonge. Oh cant wait for Juxa to report back...
  12. W.Salaam Wr Wb. wala fican yahay! illahi mahadisaa.
  13. ^ Only in Jac's world - one would learn that as his first I see Juxa, lurking about...*Subax wanagsaan @ Juxa - safarkii weli miya?
  14. ^Kweli - sitaki kujua..lool. Waswahili husema, usimchunguze kuku, utashindwa
  15. ^Amiin. Your googled Swahili is even better than Ngonge's af Somali. Wewe na kula tu!
  16. ^That coconut cake, didnt do you any good huh?...and Jac was just doing free publicity for the How can you be tired at your tender age?...You got a long way to go - waxaa kuu sugeyaa some 'children' to raise one of these
  17. ^Hayaay! you must have a new collegue in the office - that Swahili was writen by a native Unafanya nini weekend hii? mipango gani mapya mjini H?
  18. ^Asubuhi njema - tunashukuru Mungu. Asante. Haye, maxaa iskukay dacayaa in H town?
  19. Subax kheyr all! Woke up in an 'aha' thoughts ...I hope, to stay in them for the due course of the day, so to move my .... off forward..lool
  20. ^ Are you sure thats the picture of her - she doenst look Somali to me.
  21. ^Well, as long as its justified, after all they are whipping out the 'fake wadaads' - the world would turn a blind eye as it has been done in Iraq, Afghanistan etc. Yaa uu macaan innoncent Somali civilians - no one @ Jacpher. *ps. I feel like slapping Apophis to kingdom come - bila diig yahao!*
  22. Malika


    ^I think our friend Taleexi, just had a 'aha moment' about life - realising all the running around to better it is just an illusion...hehe