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Posts posted by Malika

  1. ^Lol...amba waan isku arke culeyska ii saraan, most definetly one needs jimicsii...ciyalka iga daa beri doweytoo baan kaa tagayaa - illen ciyal Somaliyed baa ii bahan ..erm kuwa aan kanjirii


    ps. So, how was the global trotting?

  2. Interesting question - I think we shouldn't trust our nostalgic memories to tell stories of our past, I think whilst in that bubble of nostalgia one tends to shut everything else out..I mean, I can tell a thousands of joyfull moments of my childhood and they will bring me a sense of fulfillment about my childhood - even though during those same years my life was also in turmoil somehow...Perhaps in order to survive, I had programmed my mind/memory to focus on those moments of pure joy rather of misery??


    Will try to figure out more for now - Oh its late- am off to count sheeps over the meadow.


    ps. Ms Seeker, nice to see you again.

  3. I just got in - the phone rings, someone wanting to talk to me - I pretended, I was still out. Now I need to call them back...shall I change my voice ama be bold and use my normal voice [ I know the problem of the]


    Asalaam Aleikum to all!! Special warm greeting to Sayid.

  4. Hahaha@ Go to German or Abu Hanifa uu Illahi dadkeeni noo daa! They are soo universal, no room for individuality. To go to German has been a trend for a few years now - ama going to private hospitals..dadku lacag badana!

  5. Norf - you would be suprised at the attitude of some men - even those whom have been 'exposed' to women at work place, they are still Insecured and perhaps ignorant...anigu koleyba waxaan uu arka iney xasidiin yihiin.


    Men are mean creatures at most times, self centred so and so.. Well, that said - to me if a man is intimidated by a woman he will do/say whatever it takes to puncture her spirit.


    Ibti - do some coaching sis - raise the girls spirit and confidence. If ever anyone asks her of her future plans, she should shout out on top of her voice - To reach for the stars!

  6. ^The original Somalis live in Isiolo - for your information. They are so original, one think time had stood still for them. This dance has remained in the sijui circles the dance.

  7. ^Indeed, I think thats where he went wrong, it wont kill a child to tell them a few home truths. I am a control freak as a parent, but is learning to let go to a certain extent [school is non - negotiable in my books] - so that the child can grow some wings, so to fly off one day.


    I cant stand grown ups who still want to drain life out of their parents - just because someone gave birth to you, it gives you the right to torment them with your nacnac. Waliida waxyalo badaan ina laga ilaliyo- is what I believe. As a parent its so painful to see your child grow throught hardship, be any kind. Laakiin one has to try to avoid burdening their parents when one gets to a certain age.