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Everything posted by Gallad

  1. ***********please let us stop the silly namecallings. Let us respect the rules of the website. This is a warning************* [ August 28, 2010, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]
  2. ^ It seems like you are siding here. Xudeidi is not the only guy here. What about Duke and his personal threats to Xudedi telling him that he will fight him personaly. Duke: how is your uncle Yey doing in Yemen refugee camp, after he was chased from Kismayo and Xamar?
  3. ^ xudeedi xaqaa Ilahey fahansiyey These makhiris were the last people on eath to realize your hypocrisy.
  4. Addow muse, farole, elka jir, and 90 percent of your kangaroo parliment are all radicals from diaspora. Not only Puntland, but the majority of Somali leaders are from overseas. You are just digging a whole for your self son.
  5. ^ your true colors are coming out, aint it? To you is all about qabil, but you dont have any respect for what you call a kin. ohhh your now saying srp did not air this news I thought you were saying on other posts that SRP radio is fake.
  6. Wasiirkii hore ee Gaashaandhigga Dowladda KMG ah Maxamed Cabdi Gaani ayaa faah faahiyay Khilaaf xoogan oo kala dhexeeya Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG ah shariif Sheekh Axmed. Isagoo la hadlayay Idaacadda BBC-da ayuu sheegay in dowladda KMG ah aysan waxba ka qaban dalka Soomaaliya islamarkaana ay gashay Dembiyo ka dhan ah shacabka Soomaaliya gaar ahaan shacabka Muqdisho. Wuxuu sheegay in Dowladu aysan wax qaban islamarkaana aan laga sugayn waxqabad ay dib ugusoo celinayso gobalada dalka oo ay maamulaam xoogaga Hubaysan iyo kuwa kale ee madax banaanida sheegtay. Gaandi oo in mudda ah la shaqeynayay Madaxweyne shariif ayaa carrabka ku adkeeyay in madaxweynuhu uu fashilmay islamarkaana aan looga fadhin in uu wax ka qabto dalka. ” madaxweyaha Mabda’ baan ku kala tagnay wuxuu rabaa in aan wax laqaban anna waxaan rabaa in wax laqabto, madaxweyne shariif wax rejja ah kama lahan in uu xoreeyo gobalada dalka waxaana lagu xisaabi doonaan dembigii shacabka Muqdisho laga galay”ayuu yiri Gaandi Wasiirkii hore ee Gaashaandhigga ayaa faah faahiyay halka ay ku dambeeyeen Kumanaan Ciidan ah oo ay dowladda Kenya u tababartay dowladda KMG ah wuxuuna sheegay in ciidankaasi ay xoray doonaan sedaxda gobal ee kala ah Gedo,Juubada dhexe iyo Jubbada hoose. “ciidankaasi waa jiraa waana ciidan u diyaarsan Barnaamij qaran oo laba dowladeed ka howlgala sidii ay Nabad usoo dabaalaan”ayuu hadalkiisa sii raaciyay Gaandi. Ugu dambayntii wuxuu soo dhaweeyay maamul gobaleedyada ka jira dalka iyo kuwa kale oo dhismahooda laga abaabulayo gudaha dalka Soomaaliya iyo dibadiisa, madaxweyne shariif iyo saaxibadiisii siyaasadda ayaa dhabarka isku jeediyay kadib markii ay xukuumadu ku fashilantay in ay dalka qabsato. Daahir Guuleed Muqdisho, Somalia Allgedo Media
  7. ^ Advisors should be experienced, not a 40 year old man with a degree from Canjeero University to say the most.
  8. Thnkful: If these people had a problem with Atam, they would left years ago. Aint that obvouis. Human rights abuse or not, you officails are saying that there are displaced people and you deny it. You seem too happy about these displaced Muslims/Somalis. Xudeedi: Times like this, you dont need to point fingers, you need to start to help these people for the sake of Allah.
  9. Baqan aya soo saarey gudomiyaha beesha S.A.D.E ee dalka UK. Alaha u naxaristo dadki ku dhintey. click here
  10. Dukey or should I call you Sakar as rivealed by xudeidi. I been wanted to ask you where is afgudud or he fled with your uncle to yemen His name was last heard when he fled Kismayo barefooted.
  11. Mini me. Amin nailed Da pirate and pirate junior.
  12. Rer Bugland terror card ayay ku washeen. That aint gonna work babe. Saleban Haglatosiya is terrorist, People from south are terrorist, ONLF are not Somalis, so on and so forth. We have heard all of that in the past. Even when we kicked your butt in Kismayo you called us Terrorists. By the way last suturday i met A/wali A;kadir the jailed pirate in Newyork. He still claims that he is underage, eventhough his own father said he was older than 30. Any pirate who can possess a machine gun, seize a ship by force; kidnapp and take hostage, has to be old enough to take responsibility of his mess.
  13. I think the article is well written and asserts how the General Ilke Jir was chosen by his clan to be the political leader and how he neglected it. He wouldn’t run for a president or be a minister if it wasn’t for them. The General did not come to Puntland on his own, and you can correct me if I am wrong. He was brought from Europe by his clan and they supported him fully to run a presidency, and to help his own kind. I understand Ilke jir is an employee of Farole NOW, but turning on his own was the biggest shock to the makhiris. They invested in the man, and they have every right to criticize him; you don’t find Puntland clan propaganda robots to criticize Farole for being a pirate, so I would give the Makhiris a credit.
  14. Originally posted by Land_Soldier: quote:Originally posted by General Duke: There are more deaths in North Minneapolis than all of Puntland.. You would be a good Spin Doctor. Faroole should hire you. You are willing to lie, turn facts to your benefit, mislead, say anything as long as you can manipulate people. And that all, for what? Why Duke? Why do you want to convince us? And of what? ^ Duke should change his name to Bugland Benlow.
  15. ^^ Duke is delusional; he connects lineages and atomically assumes everyone is like him. The man is insanely clanist. Thanks to whoever blew his double nicking. I knew he was Sakhar guy, but I didn’t want to be the first to qarxi him.
  16. Originally posted by Thankful: quote: This was my issue with the poorly written and referenced article. It's how Xudeedi called it "very well written" and how it "operates with respect to international media guidelines." [/qb]This is undeniably well written article. I enjoyed reading it and would mark it high.
  17. Between kin? What kin? This is not gonna wash your crimes against the makhiris. First it was Addow Muse and now its farole. A terror card for oil. You can fool them once, but you can fool them twice ya Duke.
  18. Originally posted by General Duke: quote:Originally posted by Gallad: The injustice of You supported Siyad Barre who bombed Hargaysa.. Dr Roadblock Taaano who robbed civilians in Kismayu. Barre Huuraale, who killed and maimed thousands in Kismayu. Gen. M. Siyad Barre, Raximahulah. He was the greatest Somali Leader, he is the first to build this nation and you are to blame for its destruction. Hiraale is the one who chased you from Kismayo and we know he is your worst nightmare, but bad mouthing Dr. A/rizak Tano who is one of the most intellectual Somali leaders, and brother of Axmed F. Tano idajaa Somalis leading writer, is pathetic of you to call a robber.
  19. Well writen article and good analysis. This war is nothing more than a tribal war and we all know Gen. Duke is piece of month. Slice of history: Galka’yo was captured by the Galmudug tribes in 90’s, and gues what, all SSDF boys fled to Bosaso. That’s when ******** tribes get involved and only 500 troops from Cabudwaq led by Gen. C/casiis Cali Bare captured the city. When the Gen. A/aziz was in Galka’yo, the city was not divided, but when he left is when the Galmudug came back and started the green line policy. The city is devided now, the SSDF boys could not hold on to it. Now, they are in a war with the Makhiris who still think that ***** are their brothers after all what they did to them. I think you are way better of with s/land than pirateland. They atleast have law and order. [ August 18, 2010, 10:35 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]
  20. Ma ashahado la dirirba sonta? loooool That everyone knows, but what I am dissappointed about is General Ilko jeer who is watching and doing nothing about his people who are still fleing.
  21. ^ Mr. know everything. Cudur JVA ah aya kuggu dhaciy. What Name dropping, I am just commenting Thankful feedback on Donyale. First you promote tribal hatrate, now ya all going too low on individual level. You guys are playing terror cards on even indipendent reporters like Ali Harare and A/fatah. You uncle is loosing control.