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Everything posted by Paltalk

  1. TO: Timacade I was right when I said previously that you were dreaming. like you have said Somaliland has so far 50.000 thousand troops. but you never noticed that they are ill equibed, not trained very well. because strong army depends on your strong economy. Somali's new established army will be more then 50.000 it would be close to a million. and of course somaliland is not even one million. So do some math. It is obviouse that Somaliland does not have any functioning economy. It would be unfortunate If all Somalilander's share the same mentality that you have now. History will be repeated again. One's this on going confference ends with successful outcome. Somaliland of course will be urged to comply with our demands or face the consequences. If they declare their desire to remain defient. they will suffer "Shock and Awe" campaign of bombardment. current regime will be dismantaled. So you have time..You either with us. or with the renegade state.
  2. To: timacade you must be dreaming. Somaliland does not have any strong army. Somaliland does not even have strong economy to survive. So wake up, and deal with the reality. Somaliland still remains to be one of the poorest states in Somalia, and it has the highst illitrasy rate.
  3. TO: Xalimo7 So far you happen to be the only openminded person who responded to my issues. Since we are all somali's I guess we have tremendouse reasons to critisize one another but perhaps we need to be broad minded and look every issue in all of it's sides and angles. It seems like we are very impatient and as a result we jump to conclusion while judging from our own perspective. I wonder when will they ever be englighted.
  4. TO: Sayfullah, and those who sympathise his remarks. Your response is inconsistant, naeive,shortsided,baseless, and unpleasant. America is not a dead nation. America still remains to be the soul supreme supper power. Probably you are blinded folded from this. It is not our intension to have peice of the world. but to safe guard the peace and the security of the civilized world. And it is imperative that you asses the reality in all it's forms. The grudge many people around the world hold against our nation is also a grudge hold against our ideals that make us a nation. Our deepest national conviction is that every life is precious, because every life is the gift of a Creator who intended us to live in liberty and equality. More than anything else, this separates us from the enemy we fight. We value every life, our enemies value none, not even the innocent, not even their own. And we seek the freedom and opportunity that give meaning and value to life. I also know many people are concern about the where about's of WMD, but keep in mind we are still in our early stages of finding those weapons, but our nations is facing major obstacles that abates our efforts to find those weapons of mass destruction. Our soldiers are being killed in dutie in alarming frequency, and of course this complicates our determination to find those weapons. but it is only a matter of time.
  5. OG_girl I am do something end up in jail and you will be among the detainees.
  6. Americna passports mean can't understand what it means and the values it has..becuase you are non american.but if you wish to join the club you have to apply for assylum in american and then you will be able to receive American passport.
  7. all of you somlilanders..give up your dreams..and one's for all lets just unite somalia..not divide somalia.
  8. TO: Modesty,magnoongirl,OG_girl The threat that come from Iraq.arised directly from the Iraqi former regime's own actions, its history of aggression, and its drive toward an arsenal of terror. Eleven years ago, as a condition for ending the Persian Gulf War, the former Iraqi regime was required to destroy its weapons of mass destruction, to cease all development of such weapons, and to stop all support for terrorist groups. The Iraqi regime has violated all of those obligations. It possessed and produced chemical and biological weapons. It is sought nuclear weapons. It has given shelter and support to terrorism, and practices terror against its own people. The entire world has witnessed Iraq's eleven-year history of defiance, deception and bad faith. First, some ask why Iraq is different from other countries or regimes that also have terrible weapons. While there are many dangers in the world, the threat from Iraq standed alone, because it gathered the most serious dangers of our age in one place. Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were controlled by a murderous tyrant who has already used chemical weapons to kill thousands of people. This same tyrant has tried to dominate the Middle East, has invaded and brutally occupied a small neighbor, has struck other nations without warning, and holded an unrelenting hostility toward the United States. and other peaceful nations. Ameria is not there to deceive the world..but is to secure the safety and the security of the civilized world. Any Nation that harbors or support terrorist will be dismantaled. Our intension is not to fool innocent people. but to free them from oppression just as we did in Iraq.
  9. TO: Timacade. Did you said "Powerful Somaliland Army" please lets just get realistic for one's and for all. Somaliland cannot even survive if Somalia isolates them from all over the world. I know so many of Somalilander are ruluctant to give up their ambitions. but failing to comply with our demands could result tragic and horriffic consequences. All young Somalilander's must be willing to give up their desire to remain isolated regenegade state. If somalilander's choose to remain defient of course we will use lethal force to enfore our laws upon them all. History will be repeated again if Somalilanders proceed according to their desire, Somalilander must learn their lesson how war inflicted mass civilian cassualties and destruction in their cities when they choose to remain defient. We should begin new chapter in the world history, but if we are forced to repeat history again we will do so, since we are forced to do so.
  10. We should all promote peace and freedom..not violence and terrorism..anyone who promotes terrorism and violence will face the consequence..America is keeping eye on every movement you do..anywhere.anyplace..anytime..Don't be the next victim
  11. TO: All Somalilander's and Sympathyers So many of you Somalilanders are upset, in the way I sensed from your responses. but you all have to accept the fact that Somalia will not tolerate if somaliland remains or chooses to live up to their ambitions. If somaliland Fails to give up it's ambitions. Force will be used when ever it is necessary. It seems like Somalilander's Young generation are blind folded in their past history..History will be repeated again if Somalilander's fail to give up their desire to remain renegade state.
  12. TO: All responders Just because you all hate America's values and you despise American because the economic and the power. that does not make me a kafir. If I were an immigration officer I would definitely strip off your pass ports..You all live in America, you enjoy the Freedom and the civil liberties and still you keep hatered inside of you..American people are very disappointed how so many people hold grudge against them.while they are promoting peace and freedom. None of you would live this kind of life style. if america was not there to protect the freedom of every human. and this is what American gets as a pay back..shame on you all!
  13. God Bless those who promote peace and freedom for every single human!
  14. TO: Bari nomad The "Shock and Awe" campaign of bombardment will begin if Somaliland chooses or declares their desire to remain defient. Military force is our last resort.but if somalilanders fail to give up their ambitions to remains renegade state..They will face the most severe consequences. Time will tell
  15. TO: AngleEyes. The whole world knows. America's intensions is not to invade and occupy Iraq..but to liberate the Iraqi people from their oppressive regime who used to rule their country.. The former regime of Iraq possed a greater threat to the peace of the civilized order to ensure the security and the safety of the peace of the civilized world..America was obligated to act decisively..military force was the last resort.but as it went ahead the world is now safer and better of with out Saddam and his i would advise to think time before you jump to conclusion.
  16. America is great country..God Bless America and It's citizens.
  17. One's Somalia's government is in place. Somaliland and it's current regime must comply with our demands. Somalia can not be divided but reunited.Somaliland and it's remgime must understand becoming under the new government's adminstration will serve their best interest in home and in the world. We expect them to comply fully. Somalia will not tolerate Somaliland' regime to reject our dialog and our offers. Any refusal of accepting our demands will result severe consequences to Somaliland's regime. I strong believe we should be united. we become more stronger more determine to move forward in the modern world. Now, each of us must hold high the torch of citizenship in our own lives. None of us can finish the race alone. We can only achieve our destiny together one hand, one generation, one Somalia connecting to another. There have always been things we could to together, dreams we could make real which we could never have done on our own. We Somalians have forged our identity, our very union, from the very point of view that we can accommodate every point on the planet, every different opinion. But we must be bound together by a faith more powerful than any doctrine that divides us by our believe in progress, our love of liberty, and our relentless search for common ground. Somalia has always sought and always risen to every challenge. Who would say that having come so far together, we will not go forward from here? Who would say that this age of possibility is not for all Somalians? Our country is and always has been a great and good nation. But the best is yet to come if we all do our parts.color>
  18. TO: Dinaax it is obviouse that one's this breakthrough succeeds, and a new Somali government is established. Somaliland will be urged to came under the adminstration of the new somali government. If Somaliland declares their desire to remain defient. Somalia will be recognized internationally and one's somali's army is established from scratch. Military force will be our last resort, to make Somaliland comply with somali's demands. It is obviouse in the event of war somaliland can't challenge a new stablished army that is well equiped well trained with the modern techonology. Military force is not the plan, but if it becomes the last resort. Somaliland's and it's regime will suffer "Shock and Awe" campaign of bombardment. It will be a hitoric war and the second generation of Somaliland will stop dreaming of independent somaliland. Time will tell.
  19. To: Gamadiid I should not be commenting your irresponsible comments...besides whether I cry out or is non of your business..stop acting like you are 12 year old time watch carefully what you are not dealing with kids in a play ground..if you have issue present it with a good manner...I guess mom never taught you how to frame your issue's in good manners..
  20. TO: Bulo I don't believe that jewish people are alien who all of sudden came to this planet and resided in Israel. If you go back to the history. Jewish people were the rightful owners apart of this land, and the have they righ to live where their roots is. Besides don't be surprised when you see palestinina suffereing humilation and difficult life..Israel is terrorized by outlawed groups who's intentions is to eliminate and eradicate the very existance of Israel. The Israeli army are doing what ever it takes to ensure the saftey of their jewish citizens. Israel is willing to live peace with the palestinians.but do the palestinians willing to live peaceful with Israel? ================================================================== TO: Northerner From my own perspetive of your comments, you seem to see this whole peace process as a War..Well let me tell you something..Israel has the most well equipted well trained army with all kind of sophisticated techonolgy.I dont' think there is any Arab nation that can challenge the figher power of Israel's army. But Israel and The U.S are willing to settle everything through peace and negotiation. The events of the last few months make clear that the Middle East is living through a time of great change. And despite the tragic events of the past few days, it is also a time of great hope. I believe that the region is at a true turning point. I believe that the people of the Middle East have a real chance to build a future of peace and freedom and opportunity. ================================================================== TO: OG_moti You are accusing me of making non sense..but unfortunately it is the other way around..of course you can disagree with me..but you cannot force me to accept your perception..we are in sharp contrast with this issues..You believe that it is right for the palestinians to use suicide attack to kill hundereds of innocent jewish people. If you are promoting this kind of actions..well then why don't you go to palestine and do it..I am sure there will Israeli sniper who will nock you down in the head with one bullet before you can even detonate it...don't be worthles get your facts straight next time you pose some comments..peace.
  21. TO: OG_girl I strongly agree with you that palestinians have the right to defend then selves. But they should not be promoting this kind of terror that has terrorized innocent jewish people. Palestinians must accept the consequences of their deadly actions. This land disputes can easily be resolved through negotiations. but as long these outlawed group, such as "Hamas" are runing the political channels of palestinians. there will always be bloodshet.. ========================================================== TO: Northerner From my perspective you are supporting these terror acts that the palestinians use. but you have to consider that anytime palestinian suicide bomber inflicts number of casualties. The Isreali army has the right to use heavy handed to deal with those who are responsible. Any formms of terror will never bring peace to the palestinian but more humilitaion and destruction. By the way.i am not a jewish nor white..But I am somali with unique perception!
  22. TO: OG_Moti I don't believe that Israel is colonzing Palestine.But I do believe that there are land disputes. and these disputes cannot be solved through terror forms. but only negotiation. these cycle violence has stopped any kind of talks that would resolve this disputes. Israel is not there to colonize but is there to live peacefuly with where it belongs. ======================================================== TO: Buulo. Jewihs people have the right to live peacefuly in Israel. No matter where they immigrate from.they have the right to return to where they belong. But I do belive the co-existance of palatestinian and Israeli states with internationaly recognized borders. It is not a matter of colonizing Palestine it is a matter of solving land disputes. where the palestinians want to solve these kind of diputes through terror.and Israel rejects any forms of terror. I can assure you that as soon as these terror acts are condammed by all palestinian influencials and their people as soon these disputes are resolved. Israel is willing to live with the palestian in peacefuly..But there are Hammas which is widely supported by the Arab world and Moslem world who reject the very existance of Israel. As long as these oulawed groups exist within the palestinians any hope for peace in the middle is would be "Pie in the sky". But I pray for peace around the world. since th world we are is still a strange place to live now days.
  23. Living in vancouver..B.C..the best place to visit is Victoria B.C..that is where you meet all color of people and all faces of reality..It is true place to be..if victoria ..B.C is not on your list...well then put it in your check list..
  24. OG_Girl For god can you say that Suicide is Jihad...while innocent jewish people are dying as a result of a suicide attack...I astrong disagree with your points..I am really disturb by how some people view suicide attacks. I bet you didn't want to be a vicitim of does those peaceful jewish settlements.