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Posts posted by roobleh

  1. ^That is a real cheap shot of u Mr. A&T! Do u know that 87 percent of African Americans have voted for Obama? Does that make it a racebased vote that does not have to do with his qualifications to be President? Queuing to vote is democratic unless someone is threatening u to do it! By the way, Siranyo got more votes from other regions including Hargeisa and Borame than he got from his own region of Burco.


    I love GOOGLE University students! There must be a corner in SOL just for them to discuss and say anything!

  2. I once said shame on u, but "shame" is now complaining saying that I misused and degraded it. So, from now on, I have to call them the "shameless lot"-just to please the word.


    Aside from the joke, knowing that their beloved old-man is gone, what are they going to benefit from the destruction of Somalia?


    PS. "Cry Now" video is showing on YouTube!

  3. Mine is:

    1. To visit London where they still cannot manage to mix "hot n cold" water to have a decent shower, may be soon! And to visit historical places there such as the Greenwich, BBC, and National Maritime Museum when not chewing.

    2. To finish MS degree which I completed half of it earlier but neglected lately cause of work.

    3. To reduce shisha-time to during the weekends only.


    The rest, I will share later!

  4. Geel_jire, we do not have to celebrate Christmas as they do, but we can express our best wishes to our Christian colleagues. The least we can do is to not insult Christmas. I see many Muslims calling Christmas as a pagan practice and do not regard it as the birthday of Prophet Jesus(peace be upon him). What's wrong with expressing good wishes to our Christian neighbors and coworkers during Chrismas? We need to accommodate them as they do accommodate us.

  5. ^So where's the mis-quote as u called? Or is it your utter nonsense! Where's ur prove saaxiib?


    Read my post again and do some research about the issue before u reply to my post next time. And ur not alone on being ignorant about Islam.

  6. Happy Christmas, and happy Eid too!


    Yes, Muslims can celebrate Christmas too, and I'm talking about those who do really understand Islam. But it's a different story for those Muslims who do not understand how Prophet Mohammad(peace and blessings be upon him) had tolerated those who follow the Bible and Tawrah.


    This is what Allah says about dealings with Jews and Christians, "Do not argue with the People of the Book unless it is in the politest manner, except for those of them who do wrong. Say: 'We believe in what has been sent down to us and what has been sent down to you. Our God and your God is [the same] One, and we are Muslims before Him'" (Quran, 29:46).


    According to Ibn e Saad and Ibn Hisham(Islamic historians), Prophet Mohammad allowed bishop Usquf and his followers from Najran in Yemen to pray in his own Mosque in Madinah, and the Prophet told them, "conduct your service here in the mosque. It is a place consecrated to God."


    Chrismas is a holiday to commemorate the birth of Jesus, peace be upon him, and is not an ancient pagan practice. Respect other religions and yours will be respected. Remember that respecting other religions does not mean compromise.

  7. Hambalyo to reer Burco!


    JB, do u know how many people have registered in Burco for the coming elections? Just tell us what the rumor says if u do not have an actual estimation. I knew Hawd people are going to make us work harder to elect President Riyaale for five more years. As UDUB supporters, we need to win al least forty five percent of the votes there or limit Kulmiye's votes under sixty percent to make Riyaale sit in the Green House for five more years. Now we need to work harder and smarter too. We have more supporters in most other regions, so this coming elections seem to favor that UDUB will win.

  8. What if this picture was Cabdilaahi Yusuf or Sh. Shariif? Would the admin/mod allowed it to continue to post in every thread of this forum? If this kind of profanity is allowed and continues then this forum will lose its primary fuction-place where members exchange their ideas without abusing the forum. There's no purpose other than to flamebait that DQ is posting this.


    I only hope that others will not follow suit and post nude pictures of other Somali leaders, tribal elders etc. for the sole purpose of attacking groups they oppose.

  9. I new u were not only brave but cute too, Abdiyo!


    I hope they will too be brave and post it. At least, that's what they promised to do, right? We just need a prove that u guys did it, even if u show us just the legs, flying high.

  10. Sheekada markaan akhriyayay waxaad moodeysay inaan rimoodh jiidayo!


    Ibti, sidii naagtii ruushka ahayd ee warka soomaaliga ku sheegi jirtay baad u hadlaysaa. Margiyaddii baa nadaalay ee maxaanu akhrinaa.


    PS. Mid afka kubara dhakhso u guurso.