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Everything posted by Chief_Aaqil

  1. I think all politicians start badmounthing at a certain point. But dont let that distract you from the real point in this, which is that Puntland is de facto maffia state.
  2. I understand why he is angry. Imagine you have a lot of ambition. And you get a good education from BA, MA to an Phd from different countries. And get work experience. All you want to do is to lead your people in someway. And they tell you, you cannot ever become a leader. Because you are a 'laangaab', you can not become a leader. Only people who belong to the tribal trinity can become leaders. And you see how the trinity destroys everything. Wouldn't you become angry?
  3. Why is everyone here accused of beign a pirate. Its al because of that Monkey. Even I know for sure Xaaji is a Cow owner. And we do love to milk those cows, they provide a lot of milk for the whole country.
  4. He says that Puntland Ministers are a bunch of uneducated couple of young guys from diaspora who have no significant experience, and some of them have some personal issue's with addictions and are not capable to lead. Fair point.
  5. This guy is a former Presidential candidate. So he know clearly what he is talking about and he knows the Puntland goverment inside out.
  6. Cabinet Members of Puntland known to the Diaspora as “Naas iyo Nikaax” Part I. By Prof. Farjac July 1, 2010 By Juuj In memory of Abdullahi Mahdi Hassan (Sayid) Introduction There are three branches of the government that balance each other in most of the democratic governments. Depending n the system adopted, in some countries, in addition to the executive, legislative and judiciary branches, there are other branches. In Puntland the three branches exist, but two of the branches exist nominally, namely legislative and judiciary branches. These two branches have no powers to counter balance the executive branch. The executive branch that enjoys all the powers is composed on the president, vice president and the cabinet of ministers. Moreover, all the power of the executive branch is concentrated into the hand of the president. The president is the supreme ruler of the country. There is no power that could challenge him. [ According to the lopsided often broken constitution (old and new), only 66 poor spineless and easily bribable clan representatives can elect the president. Judiciary and Legislative Branch:- The Judiciary branch lost its powers in previous administrations, and its members are accustomed to be stripped of power, nominated, fired and replaced by the new president of the time. The current members of the Judciary branch of Puntland are not an exception. They are serving their term at the pleasure of the president. If they challenge the president, they will be arrested, jailed and tried for treason. On the side of the legislative branch, everybody knows the ignorance of the tribal chief appointees (clan representatives in the parliament-“parliamentarians”) on the continuously broken constitution and their lack of power in challenging the president. Besides, the fear of individual retribution from the president to any member of the legislative branch, prevented a real challenge of the presidential power abuse. The illegal precedents set by previous regimes of Puntland allowed the current president to go beyond the extra miles in legitimizing new illegal practices. The illegal precedents set by previous regimes of Puntland allowed the current president to go beyond the extra miles in legitimizing new illegal practices. That is why we are not totally blaming the current administration for all of the ills of Puntland. This article focuses solely part of the executive branch, namely the cabinet members of Puntland. The topic is important for the change needed for economic and social development of Puntland. It is because of their cabinet members that other parts of Somalia (specifically Somaliland) moved forward toward economic progress and military might. After several reviews, and careful edits by colleagues, it has been reduced to a smaller article. Moreover, in order to be understood by the readers of all levels, it has been rewritten into a simpler 8th grade level English, without technical and political jargon. Originally the article has been written in Italian language and published in Italian websites. In order to reach a wider targeted audience, it has been translated into English and Somali. The need for some individuals who act openly as a constructive opposition and guide the administration to the right path, but not detrimental to whatever little is left for Puntland is paramount. Therefore, we have to walk on a thin line on telling the truth without offending anyone. There are those of you who are blindly poisoned by loyalty to tribalism, clanism, and regardless of the message being conveyed they view the articles as an attack to their clan/administration of Puntland with mere fabrications and false accusations. Please be prepared to be surprised because you might be traumatized when you read the shocking truth in the coming articles when we analyze each department separately. We have collected very sensitive damaging information on the current and previous administration in general and the current members of the executive branch in particular, but we will refrain ourselves from disseminating the sensitive information for the greater interest of Puntland. Cabinet Members: In order to execute the various functions of the government, the functions of the executive branch have been divided into sectors and departments (ministers), which have been delegated to act on behalf of the president. There are more than 22 departments (Dr. Ali Warsame-Puntland iyo Wasaaradeheeda: ). Each department is lead by a secretary with several deputy secretaries. Every department is composed of divisions, bureaus, sections and units led by a head of that subdivision. Since there are no projects or any social and economic development in any department except the departments that bring in money, one would ask what do they do, and why so many of them? Beats me! Who are the members of Cabinet of Ministers? Even though the president promised that he will not include someone with bad habits such as smoking or chewing khat leaves in his cabinet, it is well known that some of the cabinet ministers are notorious womanizers, khat chewers, alcohol, cigarette, prozac, x-pill, marijuana, crack cocaine, crystal meth, speed and porn websites addicts. Some of them were seeing psychologists, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts and various types of shrinks for their mental disturbance. They are on heavy medications and if they don’t get their daily doses, they could go off the wall. Some of them are criminals who committed heinous crimes at the beginning of the Somali civil war before they became refugees and obtained sponsorship from relatives or bought it for sale. Others embezzled government funds previously. In the coming articles, when we are analyzing each department separately we will provide you with much in depth information regarding the vices (drug addiction, etc.,) of each cabinet member, the educational background, the experience, the current abuse of power in the department, the body guards and the number of technicals of each cabinet member. Furthermore, we will provide you the names and the amount of funds they have embezzled, if the embezzled funds exceed the minimum threshold that we have set forth. Diaspora Cabinet Memebrs Resume:- The fact that the president nominated individuals from the Diaspora doesn’t necessarily mean that they are educated and qualified to run the various departments of the state of Puntland. In fact, most of the cabinet members of the current administration are from obscure background, and for some time they were seeking jobs from previous administrations. Most of them were Somali refugees in western countries, who never held steady jobs and did odd jobs such as temporary gas station attendants, cab drivers, workers of chicken and turkey processing factories and were known as feather plucking experts, ghetto drug dealers, pizza delivery boys, butchers of slaughterhouses, kosher (halal) meat market workers, welfare recipients, orderly and nurse assistants of home health care, mail couriers, grocery store baggers, night shift security officers, truckers, restaurant waiters, insurance sales agents, hawala and money transfer dealers, tribal community workers (In Minneapolis alone there are seven separate Somali Clan based interest groups claiming to be Somali Community Associations, each one receiving funds from the state of Minnesota, and U.S. Federal Government Agencies. This is common in most of the American, Canadian, European cities where several Somalis found refugee status. We have seen a Canadian city where, apart from other Somalis, there were only eight *****teni refugees. They started with one of their own Somali Community Association but ended up with eight separate Somali Community Associations. Go figure the mentality of certain *****tenis!). Even though most of these individuals, except the welfare recipients, held noble professions, we believe that they don’t have the qualifications to run an entire department which requires qualifications above their expertise. The most highly qualified are the ones who interrupted their bachelor degree programs for these positions. A friend who read the draft of this article corrected us that there are five individuals with known degrees in which two of the cabinet members graduated in 2006 and 2007. But the friend admitted that they don’t have the required credentials for cabinet positions and the experience needed to hold such positions. The friend emphasized that some of them are so young (in their 20s), that they are incapable of being leaders of small communities let alone an entire department of Puntland. He stressed out that the very young cabinet members not only lack the knowledge and skills of being leaders, but they don’t have the social skills of getting along with other cabinet members. It is a clear fact that most of the cabinet members of Puntland from the Diaspora have failed in the countries they resided as refugees or permanent residents or obtained the citizenship. They don’t have any track records. Even though one could argue that his cousin has some sort of higher education degrees, we believe that none of them has a bachelor degree or the minimum qualification of a year applicable for the positions to which they have been appointed. If you would like to defend your cousin or the administration of Puntland or for that matter the cabinet members of Somalia, please name one cabinet member that is qualified for the position to which he has been nominated. Can you come up with one name? We rest our case. In addition of the poor quality of the cabinet nominees, Dr. Nurudin was even disgusted the number of the secretaries (ministers) and undersecretaries (vice ministers) that were nominated. Excluding the various departments which were downgraded to Directorate levels at that time, there were only 39 cabinet members ( ). What Dr. Nurudin would say today, that the number of cabinet members hover over 53? Today we would have asked him how he feels the number of cabinet ministers for the small state of Puntland. Sorry to say that the administration is not done yet with the nomination of new cabinet members. Apart from the secretary of the department of birds, monkeys, turtle, gazelles, hyenas and snakes, we are expecting the nomination of the secretary of the department of clothing and cooking utensils (Dharka iyo maacuunta), the Department of Hides and Skins (Hargaha iyo Saamaha), the department of Banks and Money Transfer Regulations, the Department of Refugees and Resettlement of the Somalis from the South, the Department of Resettlement and Housing of the Diaspora and many others. Let us know if you need a position, go to the closest Dahab Shiil, we will electronically wire you a cabinet position. We would like the Diaspora, the educated, the intellectuals, the politicians, the religious leaders, the merchants, the citizens and the media to engage in a healthy debate on the issue. A friend couldn’t understand why the shuffle and the reshuffle of the cabinet members. Furthermore, he couldn’t understand the reasons when one is removed, another one of the same sub-clan is replaced with? Unfortunately, we were unable to explain to him the intricacies and the complexity of the clan politics of the current administration. In the coming second part of this article, we go further and explain the reasons behind the shuffle and reshuffle of the cabinet members, the lack of planning, accountability, the lack of an independent audit agency, the entourage of 120 bodyguards and the standard five technicals for each cabinet member. The voice of the truth bearer
  7. You give this guy a lot of attention for someone who is irrelevent. From Ismail Buubba and others we have no idea what they are doing, cause they pose significance. Ninkan Daud talaabadisa waad la socotiine, maxaa dhacay? If he poses a danger then ONLF should elimanate that threat. If he can be usefull to the cause then make sure you can get his support. If he is not important then ignore him. Maybe we should ask SNM to come and give you guys a training course in succesfull jabhad operations?
  8. Originally posted by Duufaan: soomaaliya waxay khatar utahay gumaysi cusub hadii xabashida iyo daba******yadu guuleystaan. This one is not last one from saado. I neither dont think this her last one. She is not that young anymore, as she was when she sang against Said Barre. And old ladies sadly dont fuel revolutions, they mostly remember the old days when they were hot and hope for those days to come back. But unfortuantly side u shidnaan jirtay, uma shidna. Side u giijisneed uma giijisana.
  9. Originally posted by 'Liibaan': Mujaahid SNM cid kaa oohin iyo cabaad badan majirto, orodoo meel fadhiiso Why do you call him and others SNM Mujahid, or Somalidiid? In all his threats he and others calls you SSC. Or when they refer to that region they say SSC just like you want to. Why cant you call them, how they wanna be called or refered to, Somaliland.
  10. Whichfull thinking? Waa duli ninka u saadiniya iyo ku farxiya inu walaalihii khilaaf ee yeeshaan.
  11. Originally posted by Nassir: ^I'll take that into consideration. But remember Chief Caaqilow that our history did not start with colonialism as you seem to suggest always. Take a look at Crutten's memoir in 1843 on the inhabitants of the Somali coast and their then political way of life. We were prosperous, peaceful and orderly as we maintained our own institutions and traded with the rest of the world. I have never stated that our histort started with colonialism. Sure we had our own way of governance, everyone should know that. But the western model of governance, we adopted in 1960. And dont forget when we are talking about Somaliland or Somalia, we are only talking about a way of modern governance(Maamul) and institutions and not people, idendity nor about what makes us who we are. Somali's wee jireen, wee jiraan, inshallahna wee jiri doonaan.
  12. The same goes for Kenya. The last elections in 2007 were flawed with international observers stating that they did not meet regional or international standards and thus were not free and fair elections. Observers suggested that the presidential results were rigged to the advantage of ruling party of Kibaki, despite that his rival Odinga had won the election by a comfortable margin. We all known what followed on this. The post elections violance which resulted in thousands of dead, tenth thousands of injured and displacement of almost 600,000 people. Again, check your facts.
  13. Originally posted by MoonLight1: quote: Unlike the rest of Africa and with the exception of South Africa, Somaliland is about to become the first country to carry out peaceful transition of government in the continent. Nimmanyohoow reer SL exgiration iyo kabadbadinta beenta ah baa la idinku nacay. ninka ariclekan qoray waxaa uu akhriyay waa been qaawan oo aan xitaa kastuumo qabin. yes Somaliland had a free and fair elections, but to say that only happened in South africa and SL is bull5hitter. Lets see just some of the sub saharan african states who had free and fair elections. Zambia 1991, 2002,,Ghana 1996,2008,Kenya 2002, Tanzania 2000, 2005, Namibia 2005,2009, Lesotho 2006, list goes on and on and on. So while we congratulate SL for its elections, stop this nonsnce of "we are the only country in subsahara to do this ". secondly recognition has noting to do with free elections, look at Taiwan, North Cyprus, Nagorno Karabakh, and many secetionist countries who had free and fair elecions but still no sign of recognition for decades. Tanzania has not had any transition of political power in in the last 50 years. It has been ruled for the last 50 years by the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (Revolutionary State Party). From independence in 1961 until the mid-1980s, Tanzania was a one-party state. And after that the same party continued ruling the country. Those elections in 2000 and 2005 were marred by irregularities, subsequent political violence claiming many dead and hundreds of injured. Check your facts!
  14. If you really think the whole problem with Somalia is the corruption of the TFG(est in 2004) and you can save Somalia by implementing an anti-corruption program in the TFG, then you really have no idea what has been going on for the past 50 years that Somali's have been trying to govern themselves.
  15. Are you still talking about Faroole and Puntland. Niyow dantaada ka shaqee intaad isku mashquulin leheed Faroole. Besides I thaught SSC left Puntland to go for its own? Why are you guys still talking about what Puntland should do to get your regions "back".
  16. This is Puntland Propaganda. The locals dont support Puntland. They support only their own kind in the adm.
  17. marqaan_weyn, qaadiro ayaa iiheysa bal ii akhri. adigaa caawa cirka mariyee.
  18. Cowke, Here is list of SME businesses and who owns them and where they are from: Faraxs Hairdresser is owned by Axmed he was born under a tree, because his parents were nomads. Ali's Maqayad is owned by Abdi, he was born under a tree because his parents were nomads. Guleds Hotel is owned by Guled's son, he was born in the Hotel Guled. Shamso bakkery, is owned by Shamso, she was born in the kitchen when her mother was baking. she has the baking skills in her genes. Fore more SME's, check: web page
  19. Cowke, Here is list of SME businesses and who owns them and where they are from: Faraxs Hairdresser is owned by Axmed he was born under a tree, because his parents were nomads. Ali's Maqayad is owned by Abdi, he was born under a tree because his parents were nomads. Guleds Hotel is owned by Guled's son, he was born in the Hotel Guled. Shamso bakkery, is owned by Shamso, she was born in the kitchen when her mother was baking. she has the baking skills in her genes. Fore more SME's, check: web page
  20. War niyow danyeerkan yaa iga qabta. tolow Suldaankii Awal Bari ma u yeera, oo aan xal ka qaado. mise habartii libaaxa ayaan u yeeraa, danyeerkan ha karbaashtee.