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Posts posted by SomaliThinker
Mr. Tukaale, i see you like to assume alot about somaliland and its natural resources, Yes the south has good fertile region is in the south, but there are large areas in the north with good fertile land. You i think have a perception of the north as being nothing more but a sand. lol, If they come it be smart move in that they are expert in growing food in hard conditions with the growth and bussiness created somalianders can be empolyed, local farmers can have deals with them and the agircultural level in somaliland would boom. Somaliland is thinking out the box and this is what keep it vibriant nation for all.
I am curious, in two years the TFG mandate will be over, so how do you picture the Federal government of somalia. In the U.S. the fedearl system have poltical parties manily two, but in Somalia, they have not set up polticial parties, the issue of State rights is for me still vague perfact example was the issue of Puntland and the Federal government. So my questions to my fellow SOL are what are the main issue faced by the TFG and do you think it will be done before the two years of thier mandate is over.
People, People no need to name call each other just agree to disagree. Mugadishu most be disarmed beacuses its the worst affected city in Somalia, our brothers down there have been killing each other, so the weapons of death must be taken out of their hand.
What shocks me is not his age, but his experience. This person has no educational background in Politics, no long work history in working in international organizations, or NGO'S. This is big mistake the TFG is doing, they should hire people with long history in the international arena not barely freash out of the school people with no experiences. Mr.Buuba i know did not choose this guy, so my question is who did?
Hello Somaliaonline!!! I am glad and honored to have been given a chances to join this great site. Unlike other sites with clan bashing and over the top name calling this site does not allow it. To start my journey in this forum i want to hit the hot topics and debate the tough crowds. Not for for fun but to learn and see each others view points. For me i want to debate the debaters in this forum. To my best knowledge i will answer General Dukes comments and questions. Hopefully we create an open window were both Somalilanders and Unionist see each other view point.
General you asked three question which are
1.A Somali government recognize by the world and in control of the country.
2. A united “South” with Mogadishu, Kismayu, Bossaso under one administration.
3. Losing their “Special” status tag as Mogadishu becomes ever more stable
Let me begin with your first question. A recognized government in the south will not at all in my view change the fundamental dynamics on the ground in Somaliland. Instead we will be were we should have been a decade ago with two governments talking about the issue of somaliland independence. The U.S., E.U. A.U. and U.N. all know the somaliland issue but have not ever took the issue of solving it seriously. Having a government in somalia for me only will hasten bring the issue to the for-front and hopefully be solved peacefully. You and I know that war even in the north between Somaliland and Somalia will bring nothing but more somali blood in area already filled with somali blood. Thats my take on somalia's control of the south.
Your second question was "A united “South” with Mogadishu, Kismayu, Bossaso under one administration" a threat to somaliland is again in my view not serious threat at all. Those region will need a long time to develop infurstruter, governments, law and order, but the thing we always forget to look at is the unseen factors that may play in somalia. Each regions have their own interests and goals, so Mogadishu may want their port to be the main big port of the nation, with more development and aid thus may cause problems with areas like Bossaso who may want their own port to be the biggest. Thus my point being Duke dont assume that this regions will be happy go lucky with no issues. You and i can not see the future especially somali future withs ups and downs so to answer your question; while its good these regions looks to be on stable path, their actions visa vie with other areas of somalia is not known which could be a good thing or a bad thing.
Your third question "Losing their “Special” status tag as Mogadishu becomes ever more stable" is in my view an opinion. You and i dont know what will happen but for awhile somaliland will have the special status in that its the only region with democratically elected government from local level to national. It will be awhile for somalia to reach that. There are politcal parties the first in long while in somaliland. None exist in Somalia, gross root organizations have leg up in the North not so much in the south, Plus with the issue of terrorism especailly in the south the Hub of the ICU i would assume most NGO and U.N. office will stick up in Somaliland. Another key aspect which makes Somaliland Special Status is its wish of being a independent nation, that by itself will make it have the Special Status with U.S., U.N. A.U. who will have diplomats going to that nation for the future talks between Somaliland and Somalia. Dont assume Duke by Mogudishu being stable Somaliland wont, people their will still go to work, kids will still go to school, bussiness will still be there growing, life will go own, as it will in the rest of the world. So lets not be future tellers and say i think this will happen lets wait and see and talk about it when it happens, but if we do make future pridections remeber others will have different ones to yours.
On a side note you said "Riyaale and his regime are facing much internal problems with many die hard “Somalilanders” unable to come to terms with the loss of SOOL, SANAG & CAYN regions to Somaliweyn" You view Sool, Sanag, and Cayn as already lost to Puntland. the way i see it those regions are disputed and no Puntland troops are in Western Sol, Western Sang, and with Cayn please tell me if i am wrong is it not in Togdheer region in the bottom. If it is i see it as a double standered. The reason being its in Togdheer region which is majority in support of Somaliland i wonder why people dont see it as double standard, I look in old Somalia maps of the regions and could not find Cayn, it was in my view recentlly made regions because of clanism and nothing more. So if people can pick and choose areas in regions to claim dont be to upset with somaliland as well. Regardless going back to your question i dont in the end for see those regions being to much factor for somaliland causes, In my view if the over all people dont want it let them go and move on.
You also made the claim "Somaliland has no army, what so ever and they can not venture outside the traingle of Berbera-Hargaysa-Burco" Thats not true in that Somaliland troops are in Sang, and Sol. Would you like it if somaliland army had occupation troops in all the towns and citys in the disputed regions. I think its sound move to have small foot print in those two regions until the issue of SOL, and Sang and resolved in peacfull manner. Going back to somaliland having no army i know you meant it as joke right? U.N. Ethiopia, seen and know of somaliland army. Dont you remeber the two somaliland soliders that left to join the ICU they were somaliland army solider trained in Ethiopia. Somaliland has army which is organised into 12 divisions which comprise of 4 tank brigades, 45 mechanized and infantry brigades, 4 commando brigades, surface-to-air missile brigade, 3 artillery brigades, 300 field battalions. Majority of somaliland budget go's to the army as you know.
So in closing my view of somalia state itself coming back dose not worry me. What does is will we talk together respectfully to come to some sort of understanding or will we in the end start war bring us back to square one with the north becoming what the south was.
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Like my friend, Jacaylbaro said "here we go again" General as always i see you love to take something, a view, opinion and run with it, but sometimes old boy you got to stop and slow down or you will soon discover you are running in big circle. The situation in the south is fluid, what happens there is dose not in my view make big waves but only ripples in the outcome of somaliland. Like i stated early with you before the issue of somaliland will be addressed when the situation in the south is calm. Two governments will talk to one another about the issue with medation from the AU, US, EU, UK and ethiopia no one group will have a leg up on each other, You nor i dont know what the outcome will be and for haven sakes Genearl please dont say you do loool. The moral of the troop is well, checks go out to the troops and police unlike mmmm some other places you and i know off lol. In statement from ethiopia foriegn office they stated the issue on why they did not want to be the first to recongize us, but they said for sure they be the second and djubuti duke, duke, duke you know that lot flips flops more then John Kerry they for the ICU then aganist i dont take them recongizing somaliland as issue we need to focous on. The last point my friend i need to correct you which is not true at all is the claim you made that "they have lost two whole regions to Somaliweyn" Can you say somaliwen troops are west of sol or West of Sang the answer is no. More land control is under somaliland then somaliweyn is in Sang, so old boy when posting info please post facts not opinions, you dont see me saying we control full control of both those terrotries, because that would be a lie and would like it to be the same with you when posting info. In the end the issue of somaliland is at the same point it was year ago, two year ago and so forth. Only time will tell where it take both nations but i hope its journey peaceful and not filled with war.