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Everything posted by Kamila

  1. woooooooooow Jamaal_11 I love that song too it is nice song even this part i love much more And I hope you have All you've dreamed of. And I wish for you joy And happiness. But above all this, I wish you love it is soo nice song man anyways thnx for reminding me that song brother, see ya around Kamila
  2. Kamila


    Walaal cartan horta iga gudoon salaan, Fiiri waxaa tiri marka hore waxeey bixiyeen 30$ kadibna waxaa loo soo celiyey 5 dolar 2 waalaga jeeb siibtay kaba soo qood malaga jeeb siiban oo markeey soo galeeyn ninki waxuu yiri waxaa waaye 25 ijaarka marka that means markaas in ay qofkiiba ku soo aadi laheed 8,33 qofkiiba marka waxeey ahaan la hayeen hadii la isku daro intaan ayaa ka soo baxeeysa 24,99 marka 25 iskaba dheh hal cent is nothing yeah marka haduu 3 loo celiyo markaas waxeey noqoney saa 28 marka 2 kii ay jeeb siibay marka aniga halahaas waaye ayaan is dhehi lahaa marka lacagta sidaas ayey u wada qeebsadeen, sidaas iyo nb
  3. What is Love? Love is life Life is love Love comes from alah Alaah will gave u the feeling that makes u feel a life Love gets someone who is lucky Lucky is what alaah ment for u That is what I thing about love Ppl. Kamila
  4. Hi Jamaal and Idil and all the Ppl in here u r cool Ppl writing so good and nice poerty, I don't know how to write poerty but I like it so much to read it, Enlish poerty is good thing to wrote and to lestin somali poerty is so nice to learn it how to write and to understand, jamaal and idil keep on going Kamila