Johnny B

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Posts posted by Johnny B

  1. Nothing strange about the security situation in Mogadishu, having in mind what happens in Kabul, Baghdad etc etc ,this is expected.

    Mogadishu is not comparable to the small cities and villages in the North, Mogadishu is Mogadishu.

  2. Gar_maqaate;971247 wrote:
    I think the fact that he was a leading member of a cult that has systematically murder, bludgeoned, blundered and terrorise the Somali people for years disqualifies him and other criminals like from office. What next Godane for Chief Justice?.

    I share that sentiment too , but for now , we've both the x_Al-shabab members and the now_Al-shabab_members running cities towns and village's securities , which takes us to the actual question of , How and what to do with X-al-shabab members ?

    And there , my guess is as good as yours.

  3. Carafaat;971252 wrote:
    Johny, your exact words were that Somalilands interest lies in the rest of Somalia remaining chaotic(see your own quote). I have to disagree to that. Somaliland interest lies in a peaceful Somalia. Just like Somalia's interest lies in a peacefull Somaliland. Political, Security and Economic wise.

    Carafat, now that you disagree with me regarding what every admin Somaliland had was and is using as an excuse to secede from the rest of Somalia is beside the point, from what i recall being in disagreement with you is not a bias.

  4. Carafat , Is is not so or am i out of my mind , that the so called Somaliland Admin's biggest aim is to dismember Somalia , ( nowadays,The federal republic of Somalia ) ?, is is not so the major Somali clan in the north west is spearheading that secession, sometimes enforcing it by the Gun?


    Carafat, Is is not so or am i out of my mind , that Puntland was founded by/for and run by a specefic clan bacause they've been targetted by other Somali clan or clans, and its aim is safeguarding that specific clan's interest in the Somali politics?


    Do i need to prove that both Admins interests conflict with the federal national interest, allthough Puntland's is the lesser evil interest.?


    Do i need to prove that both Admin's territorial claims are non-existent ?

  5. Gar_maqaate;971235 wrote:
    A fanatical, nihilist jihadist with blood on his hands as a Justice of the Peace. God damn it

    A fanatical ? Maybe,(after all, he is Somali.) :D

    A nihilist ? Maybe ( after all, he is a Human being. :D)

    A jihadist ? Maybe ( after all, he is supposed to be a Muslim. :D )

    With blood on his hands ? mind expanding on that?! :confused:

    As the justice of the peace? , My Somali may not be at its best but " Nabad sugid " != The justice of the peace.

    But if you meant the peace after the civil war or the current status quo of the Nation, then you need to expand on that too as those adjectives you put in raw ( fanatic, nihilistic,jihadist) shoulden't disqualify a Somali citizen from taking that Job.


    Darn, Johnny in the defence of someone wearing a Turban, may my nationalistic sentiments take me away.

  6. Xaaji Xunjuf;971217 wrote:
    apophis the sad part is those who you try to help revive the so called Somali nation with consider you an Ethiopian or a kenyan or the children of illegitimate parenthood as thats what they call your jubbaland

    Xaaji, such a sentimental rubbish was/is what the seceding Somali clan of the North has been using in the hope of winning the hearts/minds of the other Somali clans to dismember their Nation , well so far so bad .:D

  7. Carafaat;971197 wrote:


    You are accusing others of having a clan tainted view against the government. Yet in the same message you seem to portray the exactly same biased views you are accusing others off, without offering proof.

    How so?

    Do i have to denounce the Somali federal government ( the only entity that composes All Somali clans) to not seem portraying a biased view?

    Do i have

  8. Disregarding the little white lie of "from the Djibouti border to the Somalia border" you're proving my very point , this very trusteeship that president Hassan leads is according to the UN, the only legal government of the UN member nation of Somalia, whose people in the north may have voted Mr silanyo as their leader, and yes the problem is bigger than Mogadishu, the problem consists of bringing Hargeisa to the fold of the Somali nation.

  9. ^^ Jag har aldrig ifrågasatt vad du skall ha sett i Mogadishu, jag bara svarar och agerar på vad du skriver här, om du är inti-regeringen ? njäää, det återstår att se, frågan är nog snarare värför stödjade du regeringen i början ? klan, regeringens politisk program, Hat till Shabab ?, det kanske är där felet ligger, vad vet jag?!

    Angående beslut som fattades av Somaliska regeringen, utmana mig , visa mig ett beslut som har tagits av president Hassan eller regeringen av premiärministern Saacid som är förödande för Somalia's framtid i det minsta bemärkelsen,helst om du kan utveckla vidare och stödja dina påståenden med bevis, men om du bara tycker så är det inte värt besväret.


    Slutligen vill jag bara säga själv är jag inte så förtjust i Somalia's federala regering men vad är alternativet?

    I Somaliland har du en Klan dominerade politik vars intresse ligger i att resten av Somalia förblir kaotisk, det vill säga, mot Somalia

    I Puntland har du en admisitration vars enda politik är, det som är bästa för Puntland's klan är bästa för Somalia, det vill säga, mot Mogadishu

    Du verker tro farbröderna Hassan och Saacid har lätta job, tänk om.

  10. ^ Not that i know or care for/about Mr Koofi, but given the aim of the national security agency being keeping Mogadishu safe, an X Al-shabaab officer is much better suited for the job (Head of the security agency of Mogadishu) than a diaspora,me thinks.

  11. You punch of wanna be politicians are disgusting in your to-be political analysis of the art in SOL.

    Venting your vile is one thing ( as you're all swaying with hatred of the persona of the president for a reason or another ), putting forward a true political analysis is another.

    Gone by your political travesty The terror group of Al-Shabaab has taken over the government of Somalia.

    Again , our resident Ununka (whom we associate with this very president clan-wise regardless what he says) is smearing Atheer Hassan

    Somalis and conspiracy theories, When will you start making sense ?