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Everything posted by Poker

  1. Walee Faisal iyo Hangoolkiisa. I always wonder how he fly with that thing.
  2. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: loooooooooooooooool@ mukhbaarad ,,,,,, that is for qayilaadda though ,, Little more than that if you're in Dj. BTW, I know Hargeisa has layers... enjoy it!
  3. ^^Is that the only thing you see? The event is more sagnificant....
  4. Originally posted by Mudane McCheese.: Is it my eyes or is faysal Ali waraabe seem slimmer? You would be too if you're up all night thinking how did this dude come to power?
  5. Waar naga tag bacbaa kugu xidhane! I was just trying to find out where OLD heads like you go to party. Muqbaabaarad baan tagay maad i tidhaahdid inaadeer
  6. Originally posted by Cowke: Their was a woman that needed some money in buhoodle to get some surgery done, i sent my share to the lady through paypal to help the woman. Do you wanna reward for that? Cajiib! Was this your first charity given to needy individual?
  7. It's thier ALLAH given rights to hold meetings. I don't see what the problem is.
  8. Oh okay. So where did you go? Panaroma?
  9. Iskala goyntaasi waa luqadii iga dambaysay. Ma waalintid laakiin waad is yara kululaysaa...
  10. Markaa waxaad keedahay Jimca uun baan waashaa? Kala goynayay? what does that mean?
  11. Mise waad isku badisay maanta..gaafane?
  12. Who should feed these guys? Somali government or the Ugandians? They seem to be blaming themselves in starving thier own soldiers.
  13. He was always energetic. The guy is very talented in so many ways.
  14. Is there anything Jamal can't do these days? Well done couz...
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: The state has a right to take such action an they need to close and fine this organisation. Fine Interanational news agency like VOA? Is Butland that powerful?
  16. JB, Somaliland websites were reporting tha same news as well. He should pay for the crime he commited. I know Somalis are h.orny creatures but c'mon dawg, honor your actions and deal with them accordingly.
  17. Macawis is the prime outfit for these I heard.
  18. JB, What the h.ell are you doing here this late couz? Can't sleep huh?
  19. Kolay isku xadaarad maaha so I will give yoy that one. BTW, I think the speach Yey gave at the UN in ENGLISH was priceless. Very historical indeed. Wouldn't you say that?