Waran Qodal

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Everything posted by Waran Qodal

  1. War Las Canood ma meel dadka lagu cuna tolow? Anybody can go people , I don't understand all the hype here. Above all I find it mind boggling that anyone could just by looking at 2 trees on a picture come to the conclusion that it is beyond the shadow of a doubt Burco and not Las Canood.
  2. Hargeysa ma kolba hotel ayunba laga furi? I also think it's time the people invest in sectors that could benefit the greater populus. Lobbying the governement for privatising parts of the water and sewage system would be an idea{ the electricity was back in the 90's when I was there totally private}.
  3. Bismillahi Raxmaan , how can one resort to such low and deceiving tactics. Every other picture , mainly the ones where it looks green , and the one with the lake are pictures of the Ethiopian highlands.
  4. Marechal Patrice de Mc Mahon , president of France{ 1873-1879} once said " Donner le temps de parole a un imbecile c'est comme donner de la confiture aux cochons " Lays kama hadlee , waa inu hadalkaagu dhuux yeesha. The history of the past 20 years in Somalia , is a well documented matter , therefore I don't see the need to extrapolate nor to put my spin on it. he also mentioned Michael Maryama which i thought to myself how can you be proud of him a guy who was born muslime but who susequently became a chrisitan this guy really deserves to be killed under islamic shaariicah law becaue he was born a muslim and changed his name and religion to become a chrisitan for the exchange of some worldly comforts he got from his new masters the british Mid haan ku sheego , nin muslin ah baad isku sheegtay , dad aad war uu haynna xantoodi baad inoola timid. Michael maryama , catholic missionka Berbera kuu tiil waagi ingirisku dhulka haystay , ayu ku dhashay kuna soo koray. Moreover, adigu Ilaahi dadka xisaabinayay ma tihid , ciddina kumay dirsan inaad wixi gaal ah soo layso. Iska cagadhigo niyoow, mar dhow baad inagu cabaadi ood odhan maxa lay tuuray.
  5. Nothing really surprising there. Somaliland has rejected all the requests made by , amongst others , Egypt and Saudi Arabia to take part in the various conferences held in Kenya and Arta . Although one could argue that the Arab League was quick to recognize Eritrea { anything that could weaken Ethiopia is good news for the Egyptians } , I sense allowing the partition of Somalia in two could be a very bad precedent for member countries like Sudan on the verge of fragmentation. Anaga waxani war inoo ma' aha , adhigeeni baynu dirqi kaga iibina ee maxay ina aqoonsan carabi
  6. First of all I'd like to say hi to each and everyone , as this is my first post in this very distinguished arena. Ka sokow, waxani waa sheeko cusub , aniga islaan waayo arag ah ayaa beri sirta ii dhibtay. Waxay igu tidhi , habaryar , dumarku iyagoona wax la tusin ayay si kale uu xisaabtaman. Ninka gacantiisa , markaanu gacan qaadayno ayaanu qiyasta ka reebna .Faryarta tibteeda ilaa iyoo baabacada cidhibteeda , inta uu dhexeysa marna kama foga bay tidhi waxaad raadineyso. Anigu shaqsiyan , maalinta ka dib , dumarka sheedan ka salaan qaada