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Posts posted by Janna

  1. Originally posted by FirstLady:

    For the sister who asked how do you know when you get a good pair of shoes? Well sister, try them on at the department store, walk around a little, see if they fit you well and if they are the style you like. Some styles that loook great on others might look horrible on you or vise versa. In terms of relationship,checkout how he is others, how he acts with his family, friends. Observe is personality, be friends at the beganing, you get to know what ticks the person. Then after only you can assess if you want (purchase..lol)..want to be with this person or not.


    That is atleast what I think!


    Hopefully I helped you with your question.



    Let's not apply love to items, it makes the concept of love difficult to grasp. Since you cannot be with the person every hour of the day, it becomes hard to analysis their behaviour when dealing with others in a respectable manner.

    Dismissing behavioural relationships, lets discuss how a person may convey his/her feelings to the person they admire. What is your opinion regards to this, Lady? Is it not appropriate for a woman to declare her undying love for a man? Reading books written by Jane Austen has not persuaded me to think this way. I am very traditional when it comes to matters of the heart and direct feelings presented from a woman to a man are not in my norm.

  2. Guntiino v Dirac


    Does your dirac collection outdo your number of guntiino's? What is your a preference; dirac or guntiino's? Are you a guntiino girl or dirac goddess?


    Gathering dirac's has no longer become my passion. My new obsession is now guntiino's and Shari's. It's my new collective items. I would be stunned if someone from Somaliaonline outdid me in the departments of collecting guntiino's.

    It's time for all Somali girls to unite and embrace their culture.


    Somaliaonline female members; state your fondness of traditional Somali clothing. Which one does it for you?

  3. Originally posted by FirstLady:

    For all the brothers and sisters out there. I was told getting married at the age of 25years and older is a bad thing.


    I am 24 years old and wanting to get married.


    If there are brothers out there who are highly educated, religious and financially secure. Who respect sisters and their mothers and have goal in life. Someone with great personality and enjoys life. If that is you, I want to get to know you because I think we have something in common, so please drop me a line or two and I'll respond back to see if there is a fit.


    Thanks so much to all.



    Courageous best describes you. :D Sister, don't listen to those telling you marrying after 25 is old. Calaf is known to come at all ages. I have been told many times, marriage is luck. Marrying the right person with Islamic principals is what counts. Living in tranqulity and loving home is essential. Best of luck with your search, surely calaf will lead you to a righteous person.


    PS: If in need, private message me, inshallah I will be able to assist you. smile.gif

  4. Slow repetition of the killings of American troops during 1993. The killings of non-Muslims is increasing, Somali's feel the need to protect their land from foreigners and invaders. This should be a warning to all reporters wishing to enter Somalia.

  5. Zakina


    What the old fool said was indeed no laughing matter. You did well to refrain from lowering yourself at his level. Somali men marrying more than one woman has become a common practice. Are they all financially secure to provide for more than one woman? I will let everyone decide for yourselves. But I personally believe they are not. Most married Somali women are on the dole, claiming to be single parent. It’s a sad situation. I don't believe all Somali men are jerks or losers. There is good and bad in all ethnicities. Why should men be denied of their Islamic rights? However women are not forced to accept their husband’s willingness to marry another. Men have tenderness to explore, allowing them to explore in a halal manner. If your future husband wishes to marry another allow him if not simply ask for a divorce without turning the situation into a soap opera.


    I personally am not against polygamy but would not consider marrying a man who wishes to have more than one spouse. Nor do I speak ill of what the deen allows.

  6. Originally posted by Aniga waaye:

    I have the baby laughing ring tone and I love it

    Its funny sometimes people look around them to see the baby laughing

    Another annoying ringtone if you ask me, heard it today. Recently I was with a Somali mother, chatting and giving me her intake of life, suddenly he phone rings and has a Somali song. Funky mother if you ask me. :D

  7. Originally posted by Maf Kees:

    quote:Originally posted by ALexus-:

    I remember been exposed to gential mutilation at the age of 12.

    Bisinka iyo yaasiinka iyo aayadaha qur'aanka! Naayaa waad iga nixisee. I thought you meant something else till I read the following part about Waris Dirie's book.
    War hus! bala ha kugu dhacdo jabta ha ku dhisho. You have disgusted me.

    I'm having second thoughts about Somaliaonline.

  8. Originally posted by FirstLady:

    the bottom line is love is what you make it to be. Some people may mistake love for lust but love is what you make it to be. Love is not the physical beauty of the person who captures your mind but deep personality and the characteristic of what you like about the person you are invatuated with. Eg. Faith,Education,Personality(how he/she treats elders, how he/she treats you, respect)etc.



    I think we can make ourself fall for who we want to be. Most times people fall for what is in the outside, eg. financially secure man, basketball player, model look like. Those are just the physical looks, you need to connect in a different level.



    Last advice, when looking for love, do yourself a favour, look for someone who you want to have long-term relationship(marriage). Relationship and love is like shoes. We see often this pair of shoes we are dying to have, we try it, they are either too big, hurt our feet, or too tall. So we end up not getting it. If we treat love as like shoes where we have choice. First observe it, see if this new love is right for you, or see if it was shoes would it be confortable for you to wear it...(lol).


    Anyways, That is my take on love. Simple!


    Give me feedback it I am right on the question.






    I agree with your points. Classic example of love and shoes. :D Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish lust from love. Love seems to be a nature everyday occurring feeling. Therefore becoming hard to draw the line between love and lust. Lady, so how long should the shoes be tested for before purchasing it and committing long term?

  9. Originally posted by Endeavour:

    ALexus- what is your point I seem to have misunderstood you. What are you trying to say that you hang out with freinds that depress you? are all of your freinds getting married feel left out it seems you are insecure lexie whats the matter? Have your freinds non-stop marriage discussion driven you overboard perhaps even derailed you from your studies? Let it all out Lexie--I would like to here what you are trying to get at. I just never quite understand what you post Alexie you try and act like the big bad girl of SOL. are you middle child ? need attention? Why are you constantly so negative have you got to say anything positive ever???Your generalisation is beyond tolerable dear. Calm down.


    I dont know lexie it seems you are yearning for somekind of love. You are so obessed with what other women do with their lives. Oh look at this Halimah she has run away with a farah oh look at this khadijah she is bleaching herself oh look at my freind they are obessed with marriage oh look at so-and-so. You never ever look at yourself do you Alexie. I think its about time you mind your business and give somali sisters around the globe a break.! You shouldnt care what purpose they marry for.




    You seem irritated by my comments. Do you happen to fit the descriptions of khadijah and halimo? My points were not meant for you directly to understand. It seems like you are the one who is desperately craving for my attention. The previous post was not intended for you. I was expressing my opinion, using my surrounding environment to help explain the situation many lonely, loved sick sisters are under. I'm a young, intelligent gabar cadeey who is not jealous or insecure about others, who is very thankful she has not found herself in problematic situations. The reason why I speak of others is because I have never faced and never will face any of their never ending dilemmas. Marriage for them may be securing them but it certainly has not left me insecure. Within the next two/three years I will have establish a career along with the process of finalising many other positions, inshallah.



    You read into things too much. Welcome to cyber world and remember I'm a character, portraying the role of a non-exist person. I am not facing the middle child syndrome, nor does it exist.


    My final words to you, play your virtual character and stick to the topic of discussion.