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Everything posted by Oz

  1. Don't get me wrong, Arsenal could turn this around, but there is a fundamental flaw at your club - Arsene Wenger. How can any decent manager let his players bottle it like this team do? He genuinely looks mentally unstable these days. To the extent that you would not be surprised at all to find him stumbling around London, mumbling to himself about croissants before attacking an innocent child with a walking stick. It must be affecting the team massively. Arsenal = Absolute bottlers, never in my life seen a team of obviously talented players be so weak mentally. They are just so one dimensional, no plan B whatsoever. In Wenger we trust. :D
  2. Pow Pow viva les blues!! David Luiz - take a bow son. Like this guy alot already, Agree about Luiz but I'm loving the fact that Ferguson has just proved what a hypocrite he is. Man United manager Sir Alex Ferguson on Chelsea's David Luiz: "He'Thought Utd pretty much bossed the first half and could have maybe got another goals done Chicarito before he got booked, and he did Rooney two minutes before the penalty was awarded, I don't know how he was still on the pitch. The players have endured a lot of decisions against them and they didn't deserve that tonight. Thought Utd pretty much bossed the first half and could have maybe got another goal. Chelsea only really came close from Ivanovic; superb triple save from VDS. Second half Utd certainly took their foot off the gas and Chelsea slowly began to create more openings. Absolutely cracking finish from David Luiz, who had a splendid game but at the same time should have seen a second yellow. The penalty, whilst a bit soft, was the correct decision. Excellent game and pleased with the outcome for obvious reasons. Utd go to Liverpool with neither first choice CB's so should be interesting. :D
  3. ManYoo bring it on!! predictions: a draw or a chelski win.
  4. Am very sorry BOB and Loz. You know what Gunners fans are telling themselves right now, as they sit in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and playing that colossal blunder between Wojciech Szczesny and Laurent Koscielny over and over in their minds. They're telling themselves that the 2-1 loss to Birmingham City doesn't matter, because "it's just the Carling Cup." They're telling themselves that it's the Premier League and Champions League that are the priority, not a fourth-rate competition sponsored by a beer. :D
  5. N.O.R.F;697001 wrote: ^ :cool: Tuujiye, Torres, Anelka and drogba doesn't work dee. Chelsea could become even more dangerous. The trio of Didier Drogba, Nicolas Anelka and Fernando Torres represents a real danger." Arsene wenger
  6. N.O.R.F;680850 wrote: ^Ronaldhino saxib. Enough said. He will have a field day with Hutton. much to the delight of the travelling 5,000 Spurs fans.
  7. Where is Layzie G? I like the idea of freezing....his assets.
  8. Breaking News Chelsea have just offered Liverpool £50m and Fernando Torres in exchange for Raul Meireles. :D Well a lot of people saw that coming...Torres brought his Liverpool form, shocking decision to break up a winning formula to crowbar him into the blue's line up. Cost Chelsea dear, no width and no space to operate. I don't think Chelsea played that bad, its just that Liverpool defended brilliantly for most of the game. Torres failed to make any impact at all. although I thought Ancelloti made a huge mistake in starting him, as did the whole front line I think. But we'll see how well he does in the future. In other news David Luiz debut was far far more impressive, his actions were next to perfect. He won 3/3 challenges (I'm sad for counting huh? ) and his misplaced cross was the only thing he didn't do right. Congrats to Liverpool, they played very well, Ancelloti needs to rethink that system. Liverpool just killed our title hopes.
  9. Jazaakallahu khairan everyone, and Ameen, Ameen to all the Dua's... Malika thanks sis.
  10. Oz

    Transfer News

    Benfica: David Luiz deal is off
  11. Arsene Wenger admits Samir Nasri is now a major doubt for their Champions League clash against Barcelona after his gamble "backfired'' when the influential midfielder picked up a hamstring injury in the 2-1 FA Cup fourth round win over League One Huddersfield at Emirates Stadium. He played FA cup and got injured, in your face "manager of the decade" why gamble? :D
  12. Hello sports section freaks! it's been a while since my SOL departure. Seems like Chelsea's collapse this season has been mental. :D NGONGE;690084 wrote: I was falling asleep as I watched that game last night but then Drogba's goal woke me up big time. Brilliant goal. Chelsea are BACK. :D You only fell asleep for 15 to 20 mins then bang a THUNDER!! Would you believe that - it was a few months ago that Chelsea were above the table with 5 points ahead. what happened is just unbelievable to many fans. Chelsea have well and truly blown it, Arsenal always slip up when they get themselves in a good position and City aren't quite ready yet. A couple of months back I didn't fancy United at all with all them draws and poor performances, but even then only Chelsea were looking like doing anything. Now MANYOO looks like they've got the league pretty much in the bag. I honestly think they could have it wrapped up end of March, such is the lack of competition this year. Second half season is upon us and only Manchester United are even averaging two points a game. This will be one of their easier title wins. imo. also If Spurs improve in the second half of the season and match their 70 points of the last season, then there's a good chance that'd get them 4th again. Ps; Am still in a positive mood, that if we can get 6 points off ManYoo (home and away, which I highly doubt) then Citeh and Gunners loose point on the way, we surely have a big chance.
  13. Lol JB, Applauds for JB "another sarcastic thread" It takes a while in this thread for the insults/emotions-sentivity to start flying but when they do they really get going! Xalimo starts on Farax by calling him a "Benzedrine puff adder", and "an aging, brilliantined stick insect"! Farax really gets annoyed later and calls his lovely wife a "rancorous, coiffeured old sow". He follows up by asking her "Why don't you syringe the doughnuts out of your ears?", and tells her to "get some sense into that dormant organ you keep hidden in that rat's maze of yours"! It's not often Xalimo is pushed over the edge and resorts to physical assault on Farax, but when he falls off the ladder after getting caught looking into the bedrooms from the outside, she gives Farax a good hard slap! For good measure, after he has chased her back into the hotel and tries to explain, she gives him another two slaps to the face! Anyone one who knows JB well enough for the past few years wouldn't fall for this Ps: Ibti and Juxa are best buddies, that even share a lovely delicious cake together once in a while when Faheema is off duty. But when it comes to konfur vs woqooyi its totally different game :D This reminds me of a one day I was attending Friday prayers, this mosque is located in a Somali neighbourhood, so this means so many Somali folks pray at this masjid right! When I went inside the mosque the khutba was going on, mashallah so many Somali folks inside in khushuuc, everyone was attentive to the khutbah, prayed side by side together but when everyone finished the prayers and came out of the mosque they started forming groups; this group qabil hebel other group qabil hebel ”it’s like everyone grabbed his AK47 and went outside to protect his own kind”. All of sudden they started throwing sarcastic/insult...haa gari dameer baa etc” remarks at each other. While staring at these people I wondered to myself for a minute ‘did they not just pray together in front of Allah?’ and here they were boasting about tribes. I went up to one of the groups where I knew one of the men and told them off. Lol, Come on, grow the f UP, we are at the masjid, minus the swear word. Lol@ Somalina and her bling bling city more of a haunted city IMO. :D
  14. Bob..I've said it before but then some posts were removed when relocating to the new website. Ray Wilkins provided that much needed role of link between the players and the manager . The man they could talk to and get on with, who in turn can relate their feelings back to Ancelotti. The role Brian Kidd did so well at Manyoo. Sacking him(which it was, or otherwise there would be no legal action) was a terrible error in judgement, wasn't the decision of the manager. Looks like the players are responding to it too............. Ps: Fa cup.. here we come
  15. ^^^ JB, have you seen Qardho Boy lately Lol...I just can't believe Sayid is missing since loosing to an Arab/Somali fellow.
  16. I thought Terry, Essien and Lampard missing was the reason we weren't performing as well. It's just a coincidence that we are losing since Wilkins has left. I didn't realise until last night how big a part Ray Wilkins played in the Chelsea camp, the wheels have totally come off.!! Ps: As for Manyoo's 19th PL championship is on it's way, I'd say no other team would stop them besides from Chelsea. Now many think Manyoo are unstoppable and more likely to win it. I'd like to say sorry to Liverpool fans here on Sol that we didn't do our best neither did you. Lol.
  17. If I may ask, what's wrong with your nose? Happy new year btw.
  18. We played decent. My man of the match would have to be Cole, he was excellent, best left back in the world. Essien and Ramires were both excellent aswell. Drogba still looks off-form but he got the all important assist for the goal. Perfect 2 days. United drawing, Arsenal drawing and Liverpool losing to Wolves :D Surprised we won to be honest but woooo 3 points not seen them in a while. Ps; Exactly, nothing is won in December, I still think Chelsea will win the league, form being temporary and all. We are the best side in the PL.
  19. Good result for you guys. Arsenal played well, more importantly they defended well. However I am still not completly convinced about Arsenal hopefully am wrong. I think the Russian may end up sacking Carlo, only then I'll be pretty much done following Chelsea for the rest of the season, I didn't catch the game but so the highlights. had a suspision you'd do us over especially at Emirates, so well done. Well done BOB & Loz, now go and win it!!v
  20. Oz


    So how many days have passed since you stopped listening to music Aaliyah. I expect you've kept your promise.
  21. Admin, I think in my opinion - This Thread needs to be closed otherwise its turning into us vs us. its not helping the young ones on this site.
  22. Maantay Arimiihii gabdhaheenu ma waxay maraysaa "Tabantaabo Gacal baan rabaa Tolow ha lay guursho" :D see waaye!! aawey dhagax barkada yaashii sida Ngonge iyo AT&T, koley ani gacanta waa taagey. yey idin dhafin fursadaa qaaligaa. Sry Lychee
  23. You guys are starting to behave like.... cut it out!! Allaha uu Naxaristo to the dead.
  24. Arsenal vs Chelsea Very Big game for us!! We've been off form and had some injuries but now we are away to Arsenal @ Emirates Stadium. Our biggest London rivals for the PL title this year and I think if we can win this game we'll be right on track for back to back titles - .. I really can't see Arsenal causing us much problems next week so with the chance to beat the current top 2, I think it would put us right up there for a media bum licking again. We look like we are back to something like our best against Spurs, especially in the second half. And having Lampard playing again is always a huge bonus for us. I'd say to Arsenal folks, bad timing to face Chelsea. Prediction: 1-0 or 2-0 Chelsea. I'm feeling a clean sheet for some reason. BOB, Arsenal plays brilliant attractive football yet Chelsea and United scored more goals last season. of course Chelsea & United concede less. Why? Because they spend decent money on defenses. United's best defense, Ferdinand aside, cost them peanuts. Vidic, Evra, Rafael and Van Der Sar cost no more than £20 million... I'm pretty sure Arsenal could afford to buy two players for that combined amount to improve there defense. But you don't. Why? Wenger's stubborn ego to make project youth work. And you supposed to applaud that? You'll probably turn around and say 'Arsenal don't have £20 million'. Well that is the sum of Denilson and Bendtner's reported fees should they move in January. If you sell those two and bring in 2 top defenders, I'll call project youth a success. But again, will that happen? Probably not. Why? Because of Wenger's stubbornness and blind faith in project youth. Sell those two, bring in a defender and goalie, or just defenders (I think Szczesny looks promising) and you'll automatically be in a better position to win something next season or the one after Thoughts??