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Posts posted by xaaaji

  1. In terms of student loans, I think I am in the same boat with you and I have difficult pursuing education that requires me to either make a huge payment every semester or taking student loans. Almost every case, student loans have interests, either high or low percentage. Whatever the case might be, dealing with interest should not in the picture at all. Interest is completely forbidden in Islam and there should not be doubts that anyone who deals with interest is at the edge of being at war with Allah. For your reference, this is stated in the Qur?an and there are no disagreements among Muslim scholars on this.


    Another point, say someone is intentionally committing a sin knowingly that its practice is forbidden, and it is clearly defined in the Qur?an and Sunnah as a major sin, such behavior will step you outside of the boundary of Islam and the rejection of such rule will make the guilty of kufr. Similarly, Sh. Ibn Taymiyah once said,

    ?The belief that the well-known obligations are obligatory and that the well-known prohibitions are forbidden is one of the most important basic principles of faith, and the one who rejects that is a kaafir according to scholarly consensus.?


    Let it be clear that dealing with interest is something that?s as danger as it?s to deal with adultery, practicing magic, taking innocent lives, and etc. Additionally, interest is a lot more danger than what most of us think, it?s one of two things that can qualify you to being in a battlefield with Allah and Islam. This is not a joke.


    I don?t want to sound like a preacher, but there are many other alternatives that we can get by, in terms or paying higher education. There are many Somalis/Muslims that I know who pay for their school and guess what; some of them are 4.0 students. Some of them work for companies that reimburse tuition for employees. I?m not that lucky but I strive to pay with my minimum wage salary and thanks to Allah, I?ve no problem though it?s difficult. What?s better, being at war with Allah or trying harder to make the payment? I don?t? know about you but I know if my intent is not only being practicing Muslim but also helping the Muslim communities at large with my education, I better not be fooling around with sinful stuff. Hey, work OT hours or seek a job with a company that will invest in you. Don't just sit there, do whatever you can do to continue to purse a career in life but NEVER fall into a loan unless it?s interest free. Fear Allah in what you invest in your future.

  2. Asalaamu Caleykum:


    Qofka la magac baxey KOWNEYN ma hubo inuu soomaali yahay balse wuxuu ku hadlaayo wax qof Islaam ahi afkiisa soo mara maba aha. Sheikhul Islaam ayaad afkaaga ku taageysaa adigoon cilmigiisa laheyn amaba kutubtuu qoray aadan si fiican u baran. Waxaan kaaga shakisanahay inaad tahay dhalinyarada afarta aayadoo ama xadiis barta ka dibna meelaha la carara. Xataa hadey jirto waxaan qortay, asluubta iyo xikmada wax loo radiyo ayaa kaa maqan.


    Koley kuma aqaan balse waxaad iila eg tahay nin waqtiga xasaasiga la joogo dan ku wata, maadaama ay gaalada isugu biyo shubatay inay Islaamka dhaawacdo ayadoo magacyo u kala bixinaaya waliba qeybta aan filayo inaad taabacsan tahay (suufism) TV-yada qarbiga laga yiraahdo waa Islaamka saxda ah ee jira. Program aan daawanaayey ayaa waxaa laga hadlaayey Sheikh aanan habooneyn inaan magaciisa tilmaamo balse la yiri Nabi Mux'edba asagaa ka fiicnaa oo waxyi iyo riyo isku jirta ayuu wax ku arki jiray, ugu dambeytiina waxuu noqday kuwa soomaaliya jooga oo oran jiray SALAADA waa la iga qaaday ama XARAMKA ayaan ku soo tukaday asagoo mowlac dhex taagan.

    Waxaan kuu soo jeedin lahaa inaad Alle ka dhowrsatid iskana ilaalisid hilbaha culumada. Waa sun horeyna waa loo arkay haddana laga yaabo inuu Alle kugu imtixaamo inaad culumada afka kala bixi weydo. Sheikh Max'ed Ibn Cabdilwahaab wuxuu ahaa caalim weyn Islaamkana wax u qabtay, si kastoo gaaladu magac ugu bixiyaan, Islaam ma qaybsamo oo waa hal mar walba. BAL AAN KU XUJEEYEE, kutubada uu sheikha qoray dhamaantood ka soo saar fikrad ama wax yar oo caqiido ah oo culumada SALAFKA AHLU-SUNNAH WA JAMAACA ay diidan yihiin, fiiri kitaabkiisa FATXUL MAJIID kana soo saar wax opinion ah ama aaraa uu asaga leeyahay.



  3. Asalaamu Caleykum




    Jawaabta Su'aashaada waa sidatan: Aayada ugu dmabeysay oo Qur'aanka soo dagta waxey aheyd, "Wa taquu Yowman Turjacuuna fiihi Ilaa, Allaah...." waxey ku jirtaa Suuratul Baqarah, dhamaadka AlBaqarah, waana aayada ka horeysa aayada Qur'aanka ugu dheer. Hope that answere your questiion.


    I can't seem to remember the companion that washed the angles upon his death.

  4. Asalaamu Caleykum


    Right on guys & gals. You're on the ball. Let me see what I can contribute to the topic. I'll start with the easy ones.


    1. Sheeg geedka(tree) Alle lacnadey oo Qur'aanka lagu sheegay?


    2. Sheeg geedka(tree) wanaagsan ee Qur'aanka lagu sheegay? iyo wiliba geedka xun? Sidoo kale erayga wanaagsan iyo erayga xun?


    3. Sheeg bilaha ash-hurul xurum.


    Wabilaahi Towfiiq