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Posts posted by A_Khadar
Carafaat;944264 wrote:Wasnt Ali Khaliif Galeyr was part of the Burco Conference where Somaliland was founded in 1991 and the Borama conferences where the clans agreed to peace and thus a founding member of Somaliland? Even though he changed his opinion later, so wouldnt be surprised if he changes again.I can't respond to what is known "Candho dhexe" first be one, unionists or successionist.
XXundhofow, from Ali's words when he was asked this same question, even asked by a lander who said he was in Burco and Borame at the time of the meeting, Ali's response was, "Adeer you were outside of the meeting hall, but I was inside and there was no such discussion about somaliland iyo kala go'e".. Marka as you said, the conference was peace for other clans, but possibly your clan the conference was "kala go' iyo dowlad".. So your hearts are not opened for anything else, accept that the meeting was kala go' iyo gooni u istaag.. I would say, have it that way if it it helps your anxiety.
Xaaji Xunjuf;943475 wrote:Oodweyne also Professor samatar said that that Somaliland and its people are true believers of freedom and democracy he also clearly stated that there are problems in eastern Somaliland. According to Khadar there is no such thing as eastern Somaliland regions:DSo if Samater says easter Somaliland, there has to be miyaa? All your logics work such a way! You're talking about eastern Somaliland, but I believe there is no such thing as Somaliland!
Awoowe, I didn't listen to the interview. For some odd reasons, successionists sites are in the black list sites of my company's network.. Not sure why.. May be they contain prohibitted materials:D:D like succession.. Therefore, I was just commenting out what Qaranka posted in here. Unless you have clan issue with Dr. Ali Khalif which I believe you do, the two guys believe the same union and went to Xamar and participated the proceeds of the current FG. If you felt Prof. Samater may soften his position after he disappointed from Hamar to listen to your out cry for succession where Pro. Galaydh doesn't regardless of the outcomes from Xamar, you have all the rights to do business with Samater..
:D. Weli halkii baan taaganahay anaguse..
Qaranki;943437 wrote:When asked if you would take part in the SL govt if they asked him Samatar responds -Samatar - "Waxan rabaa in dadka ii dhegaysanaysa inay ogaato in umaddii somaliyeed ee baladnayd - kama tegayo, haddan ka tago'na waxan ahay ma ogi"Beautiful and very nationalistic asnwer.. The man has a principle..
Qaranki;943433 wrote:Samatar denies meeting Silaanyo in London or Washington.And they reported he want to meet with Silanyo, ileen waxaas oo miidhan baa isku akhriyaa..
Tallaabo;943424 wrote:If his reason for going to Somaliland is write about it in his UK sponsored paper for Somalia, then he should be bared from entering the country. He should be told once again that Somaliland is not Somalia and therefore he should head elsewhere for his research. I doubt he will be honest in his assessment and would probably include all sorts of coffee shop fiefdoms in his analysis and presentations as being legitimate “stakeholders”. Somaliland should slam its doors on his face.Heheh.. Maxaad la qarinyaa?
Qaranki;943420 wrote:Listening to the opening stages of the interview and I have to say what has been reported looks like it has been exaggerated.So far in the interview Samatar has said he was invited by the UK govt to write a paper on who he regards as the stakeholders of Somalia, resigned from the parliament, looking to go to his home town of Gabiley + go to Puntland as well as he doesn't want to confine himself to Xamar.....Heheh I was expecting this.. Listening the Prof's unity session, I doubted he fall that quick to this headless project..
Warbixinta Maraykanka ka diyaariyey Xuquuqul Insaanka sanadkii 2012 ayaa lagu sheegay in falalka ka dhanka ah Xaquuqda iyo Xoriyatul Qowlka oo ay ku tilaabsadeen maamulada Puntland, Somaliland iyo dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya.
Warbixinta ayaa waxaa sidoo kale looga hadlay falalka foosha xun oo ka dhanka ah Xaquuqda Addanaha oo ay ku kaceen xoogaga Al Shabaab oo gudaha dalka Soomaaliya ka fuliyey weeraro iyo dagaalo lagu dilay dad badan oo rayid ah. Weeraradaasi oo kamid ahaa kuwo ismiidaamin ah oo lala beegsaday xarumaha shacabka oo ay dad badan ku dhinteen.
Warbixintan oo ay diyaarisay Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada ee Maraykanka ayaa sanad walba lagu eegaa falalka ka dhanka ah Xaquuqul Insaanka ee ka dhaca wadamada Caalamka iyadoo sanadkan si qoto dheer looga hadlay xaalada bini’aadamnimo ee ka jirta dalka Soomaaliya.
Maamulka Puntland ayaa lagu eedeeyey inuu caburin xoogan ku hayo Saxaafada Madax banaan iyadoo warbixintan lagu soo qaatay xiritaankii Idaacada Horseed Media qeybteeda Bosaaso iyo xariga loo geystay suxufiyiin badan.
On October 6, Puntland police under the order of the Ministry of Information closed the offices of Horseed Media in Bosaaso for “spreading false news meant to destabilize peace and stability of Puntland.” The station remained closed at year’s end
Sidoo kale hanjabaada joogtada ah ee uu maamulka la beegsado siyaasiyiinta iyo shacabka dowlada dhaliila ayaa lagu tilmaamay kuwo ka dhan ah xaquuqda shacabka iyo xoriyatul Qowlka.
Warbixintan ayaa si gaar ah loogu soo qaatay in illaalada Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Faroole ay rasaas ooda uga qaadeen dad shacab ah oo aan hubeysneyn mudaharaadkii ka dhacay magaalada Qardho bishii November 2012.
In November Puntland presidential guards shot and killed a girl and wounded at least two other demonstrators who were protesting against the visit of Puntland’s president to Qardho, Karkaar Region, and his one-year extension in office. The guards indiscriminately opened fired on a crowd of mostly women and children.
Waxaa warbixintan sidoo kale looga hadlay in Dowlada Puntland ay u diiday wafdi ka socday kormeerayaasha Qaabilsan Xuquuqul Insaanka ee Xafiiska Qaramada Midoobay ee UNPOS inay booqdaan xabsiyada deegaanka Puntland. Warbixintan ayaa lagu sheegay in Somaliland ay ogolaatay kormeerkaasi.
Puntland and Somaliland authorities permitted prison monitoring by independent nongovernmental observers. In Somaliland a prison conditions management committee organized by the UN Development Program and composed of medical doctors, government officials, and civil society representatives continued to visit prisons. Somaliland also allowed the UN Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) Human Rights Unit to visit prisons; Puntland, however, denied access.
Maamulada Somaliland iyo Puntland ayaa lagu eedeeyey inay xabsiyada ku xiraan dad aan wax danbi ah lagu heyn oo arrimo siyaasadeed loo xiro, halka labada maamula xabsiyadooda lagu sheegay kuwo aad u liita oo dadka lagu xiro dhibaatooyin badan kasoo gaaraan.
Sidoo kale dadka aan qaangaarin (da’a yarta) ayaa la sheegay in iyagana lagu xiro goobaha lagu hayo dadka kale ee Qaangaarka ah.
Maamulka Somaliland ayaa sidoo kale warbixintan lagu sheegay in ciidamadiisa ay dad rayid ah ku dileen magaalada Saylac bishii December ee sanadkii lasoo dhaafay kadib markii ay halkaasi ka dhasheen xiisado salka ku haya natiijooyinkii doorashooyinka golaha deegaanka ee ka dhacay Somaliland 28kii November 2012.
Waxaa warbixintan looga hadlay xadgudubyada maamulka Somaliland ee dhanka xoriyatul qowlka iyo hanjabaada joogtada ah ee maamulkaasi uu geysto Saxaafadda Madax banaan iyo dadka shacabka ah. Warbixintan ayaa lagu soo qaatay xarigii Boqor Buur-Madow.
Ciidamada Somaliland ayaa waxaa warbixintan lagu sheegay in ay geysteen falal ka dhan ah Xaquuqul Insaanka kadib markii ay rasaas ooda uga qaadeen dad rayid ah oo ku mudaharaadayey magaalada Laascaanood bishii May ee sanadkii lasoo dhaafay, dadkaasi oo ay ku jireen caruur ayey khasaaro dhimasho iyo dhaawac ah. Waxaana la sheegay in dhalinyaro badan oo arday ah la qafaalay oo lagu xiray xabsiga Mandhera.
On May 7, Somaliland forces opened fire on peaceful demonstrators in Las Anod, Sool Region, and arrested 64 participating minors. The demonstration supported the newly formed Khatumo State, which was created out of certain regions claimed by both Somaliland and Puntland. At least one student was killed and nine people wounded, including a secondary school teacher. On May 12, the students’ parents called upon the Somaliland administration to release the detained minors, who were being held in the Mandera Detention Center, and expressed concern over their health conditions. In June Somaliland’s president reached a peace deal with the SSC militia representing the regions, which included release of the 64 minors
Ciidamada Dowlada Federaalka ayaa lagu eedeeyey inay dhankooda geysteen gabood falo ka dhan ah shacabka, wallow la sheegay in dowlada isku dayday inay dadkaasi tilaabo ka qaado hadana weli way sii socdaan falalka kufsiga iyo dhaca oo ay geysanayaan askar ka tirsan ciidamada Dowlada Soomaaliya.
Waxaa sidoo kale warbixintan lagu soo qaatay musuq maasuqa iyo xadgudbyada ay geystaan qaar kamid ah mas’uuliyiinta dowlada iyo in dadkaasi oo aan hada wax tilaabo ah laga qaadin ama aan sharciga lasoo hortaagin.
Waxaa dhinaca kale la dhaliilay Garsoorka iyo caalada Dowlada Soomaaliya, iyadoo la sheegay in dad isugu jira Askar iyo shacab lasoo qabtay oo lagu xukumay dil isla markaana lagu fuliyey dilkaasi iyadoo aan wax fursad ah loo siin inay isdifaacaan maxkamada horteeda.
Dowlada Federaalka ayaa la sheegay inay dhaanto dhanka Ogolaanshaha in shacabka ay isku imaan karaan oo ay si madax banaan u shir karaan, halka maamulada Somaliland iyo Puntland lagu eedeeyey inay caburiyaan shacabka oo waliba ciidamadooda geysteen dil iyo xarig.
The TFC provided for freedom of assembly, as does the federal provisional constitution. General insecurity effectively limited this right in many areas, and authorities in Puntland and Somaliland used force and killed protesters (see section 1.a.).
Warbixintan dheer oo meelo badan taabaneysa waxaad ka akhrisan kartaa linkiga hoose:
Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012
Horseed Media 2013
XX, that is a cheat man.. Sulkan mentioned a possible news coming out and you made same one in your site and post.. Bilaa calayka xishood dee..
BTW, I hope the interview Suldanka mentioned is an audio..
Wadani;943248 wrote:Mintid what's this meeting in Nairobi u speak of? And what was it's significance?, he woke up yesterday morning with a dream about having meetings in Nairobi with embassies to back stab major accomplishment that Silanyo and his team acheived.. I call this a very bad nightmare.. Sorry mate Mintid..
Mintid Farayar;943244 wrote:What I believe or don't believe is irrelevant to this -- (You give Mintid supernatural powers he doesn't possess, Mintid is a simple nomad with a simple life).I'm pointing out that Uncle Sam says the claim isbogus! I presented you with official proof of Unce Sam's position to show how impotent the positions of the 2 hecklers at Siilaanyo's meeting seemed to Uncle Sam's gov't. Comprende??As for Ali Isse and his meetings in Nairobi, by just verifying that piece of news from your 'tol', it might give you a new perspective on how things really stand.By now, I have a long record on this Forum, and making conjectures is not one of them. I differentiate in my writing between what's theory and what's actual fact. The record of my stated facts, only to be later proven true to the fullest extent, stands on the Forum archives for all to see.Don’t detour from my question, no one asked you about whether you have power or not, but again For the record, are you saying your clan militia didn't committed atrocities, massacre and displacement in Sool and Cayn?
For what Uncle Sam said 5 years ago isn't what we are discussing now or what the lady confronted with your uncle in DC about, but the ongoing atrocities happening in all corners of SSC by your clan militia over the years. You can deny it since all your clan lot always do, but shame on you man, don’t try me on by by leaping over the question.
To the Ali Isse's story you have been poking with me in last couple of days, the only proof you able to produce is “it' was a news from my tol”. Praise my Lord.. Is this the record of you inthis forum that you're telling me about? Come on man thought you can do better than XX.
Oodweyne;943220 wrote:So Khadar,Pirate-land was basically playing dead and the reason they haven't shown any stomach to go after that city (even before the garaad family have decided to form their own khatumo) must to do with what?You mean to tell me they have decided to allow that city to remain in our hand out of their good and muslim decency?Again, I wasted whole lot valuable time of mine thinking you were well informed, but sadly learned you’re rely on stories form "Marfishes" and the sites Salaxa and XX write. Unless you are suffering from short memory and couldn't remember about this since it has been discussed many times in this same forum. So if you want to get an answer for your question, I am sure you have plenty of time in your hands so why don't you dig in from this forum and find yourself..
Mintid Farayar;943215 wrote:A_Khadar,I'm at the risk of coming across as'walking on top of those down for the count'---Dul-socosho....So I'll leave it there.... After all, if nothing else, I've shown you, today, what the U.S. gov't thinks ofyour phantom genocideclaims.Let me know when you find out about Ali Isse. At least, that will give you an idea of whether I know what I'm talking about or not. I notice you keep avoiding the Ali Isse issue, thoughFor the record, are you saying your clan militia didn't committed atrocies, mascare and displacement in Sool and Cayn?
You brought on a story of Waxaa layir but you're unable tor prove where Ali Isse went to Nairobi embassies and he couldn't sell Khatumo. I don't respond to points based on mere, "Habar baa waxay tidhi". Bring somethign concererte that worth to respond..
Oodweyne;943206 wrote:Khadar,Saaxib, you really let yourself down in your ability to be a canon-foder, you see Las-Anod is stone away from Garowe, and furthermore this pirate-fiefdom have had 6 years (since 2007) to reciprocate your "affection" for them by winning your city back from us and for you.And yet again, they can't do jack all about. Do you think it's their sense of decency that have stayed their hands in here?Saaxiib, Pirate Farole knows and even Cadde Muse knew that if any forces coming from pirate-land side of things ever try to recapture Las-Anod, then the battle itself will be happening in Garowe itself and not Las-Anod.As for your affection, perhaps, one of these days, you may want to ask them to pay you in kind and stop cooperating against your interest with the likes of Somaliland,..Hence the just advice I would give to you in here is that you must know that since 1998 you have been showing your "undying love" for the pirates and in return you have lost lands and people to your "enemy" without those you have given your heart doing nothing about it.And in fact, in recent times they even start harassing you and treating you no better than what you should of expect from your traditional enemy..It’s unbelievably crazy that you, Oodweyne, not XX and Salaaxa also would believe this. So Since the oldest of the habro in here, Oodweyne, also entertains himself that Garowe admin couldn’t liberate LA just because it feared for its capital, the undeliverable project severely damaged all of you. May God help you..
Seriously? You know there is certain level that one can have discussion with you but if you are riding on such “marfish stories”, God forbid you’re, Aint let you down but may be the total desperation of the project’s prolonged result did it.. I was expecting such things from only Salaaxa, XX, JB and the likes but not from the old man whom I thought is well informed with the reality. Who thought, Missiles fired from Hargaysa can hit Garoowe?
Mintid Farayar;943204 wrote:No, Mooge....For Oodweyne and company were not busy sending their hard-earned money to Fowzia, pinning their Somaliland hopes on Fowzia....See if you can distinguish the difference....Yes they were sending before we lost and went to Mogadisho..
Waryaraa successionists I told you many times, there are things you may never ever get to bring about in the forum.. Those are included but not limit: Cuqdad, qabyaalad, being a butler, diaspora donation, scam etc.. these and many other things are found in your books therefore cidna ha ku sheegina...
Mintid Farayar;943181 wrote:;)Xaaji, you had to go there, didn't you?Wallee, I remember all that money Xaglatoosiye raised from the naive diaspora...Today, he's enjoying it.........Where???...... Hargeisa???.........No, not possible... But he was our......Some never learn....Where? Are you sure he is there and enjoying? Mise waa la yidhi weeye?
Oodweyne;943149 wrote:Aaliyah,..:DAbti, taker it from me (and although I know it's difficult feat to do, but still try your best) this"internet-based-political-states"are nothing but purescamin which some clever hustler saw it as chance to rob people blind; particularly as a way of using it to organised some jamboree of gala with it's singing and dancing ladies..I am not sure if this worth LOL, but if that is true of what you said about communities like Awdal is pure "internet-based-political-states" and they are just scam to rob people; one wonders if your project is any different and how so? Please save some shame for yourself.. This is a pure application of the you believing that thing you stand for and do are right and legitimate but others are none to near existence and wrong.. Awoowe I been reading your posts since 2009 and they nothing but everything else wrong but my project is right.. Dhako kale maad keentid mar uun sidan si maahe..
Mintid Farayar;943192 wrote:Zack,It's irrelevant whether I'm for it or against it. I have no influence over the outcome(even though some on this Forum give me supernatural powers to affect the outcome & pray that I will stop commenting...LOL).But I do enjoy commenting on the political game from the sidelines & pointing out the latest developments.I thought you have prayers and propaganda feeds.. Those can be influeninal esp. if the prayers are accepted..
Specially I appreciated the touching clarity in here, when you have made the "allusion" of how "Khatumo folks" were discarded the minute it became clear that Somaliland may do a military damage to Garowe itself, if the pirate boys don't stop intervening the fate of Sool region...Never thought Odeyga weyn sidii wax magaratada inu this low u hadlo.. War SL tii militia yar oo one family buhodle ka qabsan weyday sow maaha. Maxay Garowe yeeli kartaa? Adeer dee mar mar baa la yar qajilaa oo wax kasta lama soo qoro..
Keep this topic as its relevent to Kismayo issue rather than leaving your foot prints all over the map... This is a friendly advice;)
N.O.R.F;942983 wrote:^He managed to accuse the diaspora of instigating and unsettling things whilst also mentioning the success of his peace initiative as well as the ministers in his cabinet hailing from that region. Win win.Where about the minister(s)? Anyone claims he step on the moon...
NGONGE;942975 wrote:^^ The president hardly dealt with any questions. But I like the system he has with his ministers ("Sacado soco", "maxamado soco", etc, etc).:D;) Indeed they were helpful to safe his face saying lies left to right.
Maantaad ugu darnayd oo tiri anagaa somali daacad ka ah dadka kale maaha.. Awoowe, beesha dhexe hadafkeedu waa mid qabiil oo ay raga siyaasada inay ku soo baxaan rabaan ay shacabka buufis iyo xanuun ka buuxyee.
XX, listen and watch the video, you may change your heart.. Yes, I am USP memeber since you're a member of SL..
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What is going to be the next picture for Siiraanyo's? Dead boy lying on near a graveyard?
BTW, the kid next Riyale isn't somalilander ethnic, he looks Oromo!