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Posts posted by A_Khadar
Saalax;952443 wrote:Where are the Khaatumo Seegs who were claiming her?Told you guys.You're suffering the worst kind of inferiority complex. Seek some help..
Xaarside is in his down slope..
This cleaning day is slowly growing. This year more cities joined the list: London, Seattle, Kampla, Badhan, LA, Cerigabo and the last but not least facebook users. I am waiting when SOLers also do clean their rooms and houses for this marking it as the day..
Xaaji Xunjuf;951297 wrote:She is a very hateful woman.Say kaa tahay adi?
485 out 500. This overwhelming of majority win..
Bashi, Barre waxaa waraystay VAO marka iska fahan sheekada..
-Qorshe lagu khaarijin rabo Prof Galeydh oo si halisa loo agaasimay - Xagee lagu dilayaa Muqdisho mise Nairobi ?
Xog laga helay ila wareedyo muhiima ayaa xaqiijinaya in Masuuliyiin ka tirsan Maamulka Somaliland iyo Dowladda Federalka Somalia si wadajira u maleegeen qorshe la doonayo in lagu khaarijiyo Xildhibaan Cali Khaliif Galeydh.
Qof ka mida Masuuliyiinta labada dhinac ee ka shiray khaarijinta Prof Galeydh ayaa tibaaxay inuu shaqsiyan saluugay in xalka looga taqalusi karo Xildhibaan Galeydh noqday in la dilo.
Macallinka;950548 wrote:Ok, even though I would liked the government to be in the center of the formation of Jubbaland but instead the locals alone carved this administration and have chosen a former warlord/Islamist to be their leader for four years. Now what Barre is doing could ignite a civil ware that would wipe out many innocent lives and for that reason he should stop this nonsense.The city is full of young heavily armed men from both-sides now if they are not contained, there could be a full blowout war between these brotherly community . I have noticed many websites or politicians from Xamar are eagerly waiting for a war and that is sickening !Macalimow, now you're making very good sense. +1000. I believe the communities in these regions have to work together for peace and that should be the destiny. The side kick politics have stop!
You made more than two thread for Khatumo supporting Jubaland. What is up? Ma Xasanow nagu soo noqo oo na aqoon miyaa sheekadani? Khatumo origins have members in that new admin and they support fully regardless who should be elected..
Some in here are completely misinformed unless they purposely pick and choose as they wish. Gedo community is part of Jubaland.
I suggest the yearly general health checkups to also include mandatory mental tests!
Xaaji Xunjuf;948383 wrote:This is good news Somalia is one nationAnd Somaliland is one nationTogether they are 2 nationsBut than again some people put their hopes in the hands of the white man to bring unity amongst them so sadI am glad you no longer rely on the white man's..
Apha, some of them already responded.
Is that all you could produce as a fact? This queen orphane thing must hurting you much..
You still didn't answer what proof you have beside he is a native of that tuulo?
Saalax;948050 wrote:Unless you are Somali illiterate young Khadar you will know the small statue in the Sararweyne village isbuilt by a Khaatumo man native to the area.You either can't comperehend as simaple somali sentense or "Waa lagu hayaa"..
Still you didn't answer the question. Try again for second chance!
Someone here has same attributes of this Oromo dude who took me surprise with his “Endha Adegy” not to mention baaaaaacnimadiisa.. It as years back and he went the same school I was going at that time, and the teacher invited all her students, the current and X ones, for getting together in her parents home. Those who didn't have a car, she arranged for a ride. I was among "Ciidanka cagta" and she hooked me up with this Oromo dude. Long story short, when people of all nations from Australia to America started mingling in the gethering, this question circulated around “Where are you from” and asked for those looked non-Americans? When it was the Omoro guy’s turn, he said, he is from Oromia Republic. As I just left Ethiopia few months ago at that time and lived in both Dire Dawa and Adis Ababa for several years, I choked but didn't say much. However someone asked him about where is that and someone else also said I never heard of Oromia.. The dude pulled his pen and drew a map between Somalia, Djibouti and Ethiopia and squarely pointed out its capital as being Dire Dawe, THE OROMIA REPUBLIC.. What can I say, Oromia Republic joined the UN... Welcome Oromia Republic!
Saalax;947935 wrote:Oba and Safferz hail your saviours. Don't speak about decency to me when you need foreign troopsto protect you inyour homes in 21st century.QUOTE]You're a southerner.Never speak about decency to an afro hashemite northern elite. You havebeen butchering the Somali name over 22 years and cannibalizing each other to the point foreigntroops had to interfere to stop your scrap metal looting ways.This the typical 21st Century definition for the retired ones!
Wadani;948007 wrote:Bro, In real life im a true brother to all Somalis regardless of clan. A lot of my family are D-block and most of my friends are D-bock and HAG, so don't let this online forum fool u.I read this few times before!:confused:
Saalax;947902 wrote:It is about 5 km south of Buhoodle settled by Khaatumo community. The place is called Sararweyne.WAryaa waad khafiiftay, easy mate.. take a break from the net before you go nuts..
First check your fact in order. Secondly, I used heard this phrase from old folks, "Farta iyo meeesha buktaa waa is ogyihiin".. Even Oday Oodweyne couldn't help to score a point here..
This is as bad as it can get but if Malez's group who are in control that part of the land build this, what have to do with Khatumo? And you came to compare this with what? I didn't know the old history of loving Mellez and the queen damaged so badly. The point you are trying to score here would perfectly fit if those people you refered in your title did this like it your habro do in Hargaysa and else where.
Your same repeated lines are so boring awoowe. If your potical maturity is to refuse and turn down the invitation to attend the London conference, yet you think is a deplomacy to support its outcomes, Oh! Lord, no wonder the 23 years old project is far fetched:D.
Any air from the your lot, you here to defend. Bilaa calayka isk xishood dee! I don't know what books you read from to support the outcomes of a meeting you denied to attend. Unless this is a damage control of the fatal mistake that Silanyo did for not attending this meeting, this is Calaaaaaaacaaaaaaaaaaaal ofsaying "had we known that we have no weight, we would have attended it.." adeer too late, ee ku adkaysta...
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