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Posts posted by A_Khadar
Nice and balanced interview. The president can talk the talk not sure if he can walk the walk though..
Ramadaan Kareeem SOLers..
I just finished listening. XX, I couldn't agree with you more other than saying Faysal did his homework before coming to the debate and other two gentlemen seem unprepared for this this. Over all, nice debate..
I am listening now, not sure If I can finish it all in one sitting.. So far Culusow presenting his case though his arguments aren't transparent to follow.. Will see how Fiqi and Faysal do. But over all, as long we somalis are talking, we are doing way better than invading to one another..
XX now your waali is very extreme.. Is daba qabo awoowe.. Why everything turn you make is about clan clan.. chill duqa out..
Duplicate... Admin please delete it.. I didn't see it get posted before..
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May allah easy their pains..
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XX is good at photo-shopping.. The man even refused people waving the "marcalas" behind him..
I know some who will come by here and say it's true!
Xaaji Xunjuf;958500 wrote:She is a Somalilander but on the side of Kenya this is normal she works for the Kenyan republic. And her policies are in favor of Kenyan interests. And those interests never conflict with Somaliland interests.Make some connection with your Script..
I am sure the prof. would enjoy the warm welcome he received, but I am not sure if he has anything contribute towards what this clan is dying for, Ictiraaq. As he mentioned, he is going there for an assignment sent by British and he is doing just that. Me think the base was told, odayga cagaha dhulka ha looga qaado he got the Ictiraaf in his hand.
The Zack;958458 wrote:Loooooool@sahalIs Amina part of Sahal, saalax?And once they claimed she is an Ethnic Lander.
Waranle_Warrior;958156 wrote:Xx, as always wishes a war in south Somalia between the two big clans and a never ending.Surprisingly the very same Xx who propagates that Hassan and Faroole will never agree thinks Godane may see things eye to eye with Hassan Culusow.Sometimes I suspect if XX himself is Godane or a close advisor to Godane..
The Zack;958176 wrote:Wasiirka Kalluunka ee Somalileyn: Samatar isagoo Somaliland dal gooni ah u aaminsan buu imanayaa.Breaking News: Samatar recognized Somaliland! Yeeeeeeeeeeeey! It is here ictirifaakii is here ...Don't joke with the ictiraaf ninyahow..
Carafaat;958120 wrote:I see even a Minister in the delegation welcoming the Professor.Only one minister? Hargaysa president did welcome Tanya, and Ministers welcome militias.
I hope he won't disappoint the parading die-hearts!
Xaaji Xunjuf;957683 wrote:Waxan anigu ahay muhiim maha eeh dadkan caruurtan laga dhadhiciye burco iyo buhoodle isku dhaqan ahayn hadana raba Somaliweyn oo leh Somali wa isku dhaqan isku diin isku af, Salaadu halkay iska qabsan laaadahay.Dadkan wa dad is wada burinaya, i dont blame these kids abayashood ba waalay.Xaji Habaar isyeel yeelka aad baad uGu wacantahay.. Is ku dhaqan maalah labada magaalo in terms of "Somaliland". Go'idi iyo Somali didnimada waa dhaqan burco and that is what he was referring to.
Inferiority is a killer. Beats me why this love related topic turned to such cry.
Abtigiis, check this from piece from Isma'il mire in early 1900 when actual the term of romantic may not even existed in the English..
Gabar gariye baan soo arkoo dumarba gaadhayne
alaylehe gob weeyee hadaan galay minkeedii
sida baarqal geel lagu daray oo garowo loo saantay
ama goray haldhaagoo ku jira goraya cawshiisa
haween lama gudboonoo ayadu gooni bay tahay
goraamada markay socota eey gacanta sii dayso
ee ay golxooy labada guluc galac ka siinayso
gala jooga quruxdaan inaan galo ka yaabaa
allow yaa galbeed kuma wacnee gaadhi kula dhoofa
allow yaa gayiga aan dagniyo bariba gaarsiiya
allow gob lama caasiyee aniga ii guursho.
LANDER;957505 wrote:^Your such a Seef labod, relax its just a soccer game this isn't military strategies and siege.If it's just a soccer game why he likes of Xagle toose, Fu'aad Adan and the rest are involved? Did you listen to their speeches? Why on earth it's said a team from Buhodle are palying? Come again Lander and try hard a little more..
@analogy of Cambaro Madowbey!
Thanks Alliyaha sharing this.
It's sad this day and age people are misled to believe things beyond the imagination..
nuune;954339 wrote:I hate to see folks here celebrating IGAD ayaa sidan tiri and IGAD ayaa waxan soo saartey, who is IGAD, sovereignty is lost, the Somali government doesn't see its Sovereignty is being undermined, but sees only one region as an obstacle to its very existance.That is the sad part as one Soler puts it.+1m
The Zack;954296 wrote:Elaborate why say so, would ya?I don't think he understood..
Very much these are the observations and recommendations so more to come after the IGAD presidents discuss about these . However,the team spotted the main point of the argument which is the interpretation of the constitutionality of building a member state which is where HE. Hassan and Jubaland are out of sync and they recommended the SF PMs to expedite to set the laws govern. Therefore, I smell that Jubaland waa gudubtaye, kuwa iman doona haloo diyaar garoobe.
One sad point though is that even after Somalia is no longer a transitional gov, yet other nations decide its destiny quiet extensively.
True and sad at the same times.
The man never learns.. I am smelling that he once again will get disappointed. When he went to Mogadishu, the issue he had was he couldn't secure a top post as he wished, but when he visits Hargaysa, he will experience a different set of issues. Many souls like Salaaxa and XX who know nothing wailing and beating clan drums will him, "Kaadiyadaan u soo cabnay"...
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Hussein Samatar, 1st Somali elected to Minnesota office dies
in General
Indeed he was a true public figure and role model for many. May Allah granted his soul the highest Janah..
LST, thanks for sharing some of his works..