Ms MoOns

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Posts posted by Ms MoOns



    I know most people won't like this. I heard so far a lot of: ''this is not my cup of tea'' lol Usually I don't listen to rap/hiphop. And even though I can't even relate to what he's on about, I'm feeling the things he raps about. lol. I kinda like his album -> Cole world: Sideline Story. Deepish. in a ghetto kinda way. :P

  2. Nuune, you're funny. I hardly ever come to Kings Heath. Haha, I doubt you'd even recognise me. Lakin, you're right about the fact that I look younger than I actually am.


    Happy birthday in advance dear Nuune, 15 already. Enjoy your teenage years ;) lol

  3. Aaawh this is so nice!

    Sorry for the late reply btw. Have been mad busy with uni.


    This is so simple and straight to the point. I love it.

    But doing the mixed thingy wouldn't work for me. The idea is great though.

    They've managed to make it work. Masha'allah.


    I love her dress btw. I'm still not sure whether to do the white dress or go traditional. lol


    Cheers Aaliyyah! Mwah.

  4. The number one person I dress to impress for is only moi. It makes me feel confident about myself. I don't go overboard though with the dressing up. Sometimes I see girls looking too good for casual wear. :P Practically ready to go to a party lol

  5. @ Juxa- thanks lieverd! *knuffel* - LOL big crazy wedding? Trust me, I am simple girl, and like to do simple things *simples* The sorting out that needs to be done consists probably 40% doonasho/nikaah/wedding, and the rest goes up to some other things! lol. Het is ingewikkeld schat.


    @ Val: thank you sweety.x


    @ Aaliyyah: I intend to dear ukhti! I'm gonna be such an easy bride. lol.


    @ Nuune: And what would that be? I wish it was easy *shrugs*

  6. *Blessed;747444 wrote:
    Doonis usually takes 3 months to a year because it just takes that long to sort everything out. It's better inaad isu doonan tihiin with the blessing of your parents, inho.

    Thanks ever so much. This was all I needed.

    I was just a tad worried if it was wrong to have such a gap between the doonasho and sorting everything out.

    My parents already met him alhamdulilah. I reckon they're just practically waiting for the doonasho. :P

  7. STOIC, thank you very much for your input, definitely clarifies a few things.


    Aaliyyah & Juxa darlings, the nikaax and the wedding itself will definitely (insha allah kheyr) be on the SAME day. I agree with you, I don't see the point in doing a wedding feist waaay after you officially got married.


    My question was more regarding whether it's ok to have a gap between the doonasho and the official nikaax.

    The gap is approximately 3 to 6 months (cuz of circumstances).

    Or should one just wait with the doonasho and do it some time before the nikaax?



  8. I've stopped using nail polish, simply because I always want it when I can't and forget to put it on when I CAN. lol. So it ain't working for me. I need to put a little more effort in to it, cuz I actually do like it when I've got nailpolish on.


    I can't really advice you on what brand is good and what not, am not rly an expert lol.

    What colours do you use usually? I like warm colours on my nails, am slightly afraid to go for the rest xD

  9. Haven't been on SOL for a while & I still don't know that much people here, but I do quite enjoy threads/posts of Aaliyyah, Juxa, Valenteenah, Nuune, JB and Blessed. I will expand my list in the future iA. W/C/S

  10. lol @ the list. Juxa is right. Some things won't be as important as you thought they'd be.


    @ Aaliyyah hun, like you said, there has to be attraction, lakin does good looks equals attraction? I mean, you could meet someone who is handsome beyond measure, religious, wealthy, educated, kind and honorable .. but there's no attraction? Could you live with that person? lol.

    You might meet someone who is below average in terms of looks, but has many more qualities that should stand out? I hope this makes sense, just wanna point out, don't be blinded by the list.



  11. -Lily-;731476 wrote:
    Like I said before, I don’t see why July 1st has anything to do with the current situation in Somalia. It is about those before us who fought for a return to independence & freedom.

    I agree.


    Have a nice day, my Somali brothers and sisters! :)