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Posts posted by WalaalDoon

  1. KEYNAN22;399441 wrote:




    OMG! This guy is famous in DIREDAWA Ethiopia he founded the first muslim school in the city and many of its graduates have become well known personalities for example Cabdi Majid (aun) former Ethiopian politician and also the current djibouti president has also graduated fro MADRASDA HAJI ALI located in a district of the city called XAAFAT CIISE.

    Ask any muslim from that city they would have heard of HAJI ALI SCHOOL (MADARASAH).

    As a former student I really appreacaite for posting this picture GOD BLESS.

  2. Br. Nur


    Jazaaaka-llahu Khayran Kathiiran, that link you've provided was right on topic indeed and very inspiring and made one ask ownself some valuable questions.


    Still on the topic, I've been aware of a hadeeth (thought I can not recall the whole of the naration at this time)where A'aisha .r.a. said that if you want to know about Allah's Messenger PBUH, know that He PBUH was a walking/living qur'an. (please note this is not the exact naration but how i understood it).


    Br. Nur in your understanding of the deen of Allah, would it be wrong to say that as long as we have the QUR'AAN with us, we have the Messenger of Allah PBUH with us in our company.

    And every time we read the Qur'aan it is as if we are Seeing/Hearing the Prophet PBUH (spiritually)?

    The more we read Al qur'aan, the more 'visits' we get from the Prophet PBUH, the more we ponder and understand the more we learn about Prophet Muhammed PBUH.


    I look forward to your take on this.


    I hope you understand what I've written (my writing skill is much to be desired lol still at esol).




    p.s. Please post the hadeeth of A'aisha regarding this, if you are able to.

  3. Asalaamu Calaykum WR WB Yaa Ikhwaani


    Here’s something inspiratonal... it’s a poem by the great muhaddith Sufyaan ibn ‘Uyaynah (may Allah have mercy on him), describing himself as a young boy:


    O Nadr, if you had only seen me when I was ten years old, and I was only five feet tall;

    my face was like a dinar, I was like a spark of fire!

    My clothes were small, my sleeves were short, my sandals were like the ears of a mouse

    I would go to the scholars of the various lands – az-Zuhri and ‘Amr ibn Dinar

    I would sit amongst them like a peg,

    My inkpot was like a walnut,

    My pen case like a banana,

    My pen like an almond.

    When I came they would say, “Make room for the little shaykh!”



    May Allah make us all such devoted students of (beneficial) knowledge, ameen!

  4. A Visit from the messenger(p.b.u.h)


    If Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) visited you

    Just for a day or two,

    If he came unexpectedly,

    I wonder what you would do?

    Oh I know you would give your nicest room,

    To such an honored guest,

    And you would serve him your very best.


    You would be the very best,

    Cause you're glad to have him there,

    That serving him in you're home

    Would be a joy without compare.


    But...when you see him comming,

    Would you meet him at the door

    With your arms outstreched in welcome,

    To your visitor?


    Or...would you have to change your clothes

    before you let him in?

    Or hide some magazines and put

    The Quran where they had been?

    Would you still watch those movies,

    Or your T.V. set?

    Or would you switch it off,

    Before he gets upset.

    Would you turn off the radio,

    And hope he had not heard?

    And wish that you did not utter you're last loud hasty word?


    Would you hide your wordly music,

    And instead take out Hadith books?

    Could you let him walk right in,

    Or would you rush about?

    And I wonder...if the Prophet (p.b.u.h) spent,

    a day or two with you,

    Would you go on doing the things

    You always do?

    Would you go right on and say the things

    You always say?

    Would life for you continue

    As it does from day to day?


    Would your family conversations,

    Keep up their ususal pace?

    And would you find it hard each meal,

    To say a table grace?

    Would you keep up each and every prayer?

    Without putting on a frown?

    And would you always jup up early,

    For Fajr at dawn?


    Would you sing the songs you always sing?

    And read the book you read?

    And let him know the things on which,

    Your mind and spirit feed?

    Would you take the Prophet (p.b.u.h) with you,

    Everywhere you plan to go?

    Or, would you maybe change your plans,

    Just for a day or so?


    Would you be glad to have him meet,

    Your very closest friends?

    Or, would you hope they stay away,

    Untill his visit ends?


    Would you be glad to have him stay,

    Forever on an on?

    Or would you sigh with great relief,

    When he at last was gone?



    It might be intresting to know,

    The things that you would do.

    If Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h), came,

    To spend some time with you.

  5. Here’s something inspiratonal... it’s a poem by the great muhaddith Sufyaan ibn ‘Uyaynah (may Allah have mercy on him), describing himself as a young boy:


    O Nadr, if you had only seen me when I was ten years old, and I was only five feet tall;

    my face was like a dinar, I was like a spark of fire!

    My clothes were small, my sleeves were short, my sandals were like the ears of a mouse

    I would go to the scholars of the various lands – az-Zuhri and ‘Amr ibn Dinar

    I would sit amongst them like a peg,

    My inkpot was like a walnut,

    My pen case like a banana,

    My pen like an almond.

    When I came they would say, “Make room for the little shaykh!”



    May Allah make us all such devoted students of (beneficial) knowledge, ameen!