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Posts posted by Mastermind

  1. 12 hours ago, Timacaddeh said:

    I call bullshit. Evidence please. 

    I wont deny that those areas are controlled by by the local clan community, but no Puntland army is in any of those territories. The Somaliland Army has bases nearby all of those territories to ensure no foreign entities get near. Provide proof of Puntland army there and I will admit i'm wrong.

    Somaliland is aiming to show the International community that it is simply defending its territorial integrity, and no more. It cannot be taken serious as a peaceful democracy if it aggressively attacks its neighbours. There is only a small fragment of the Somaliland army at the Puntland border. If it mobilized its entire army to the area, Puntland would be easily wiped away like a dirty stain. But Somaliland should not do that 1. because there is no need and 2. Because it would damage our standing in the International Community, as a peaceful and stable nation.

    War Boota Badanaa :) :) Kulahaa would be easily wipe out :) :)  If there was this little weak enemy claiming my rightful land, waging war every now then and I am losing men & money every time, logicly  I would be teaching them a lesson, disarm them for good. Reality is Somaliland might have the momentum once a while but they are as weak as their opponent. Period. 

  2. Rest assured you will be seeing more and more of these in the next few days and months.

    The old guards are wetting on their pants!!! They can't keep people in a fuusto for so long. I don't mean it in derogotory way, just pointing out how they are compressing people in a small enclave when they can have all the republic.

  3. If this Somaliland is that good and Xamar is so bad why are your young men coming to Mogadishi for better life in their droves. My last visit I was amazed how many people I met there came from Somaliland. The reality is they don't have a way out of this quickmire this old lady and her likes and likes created. 

  4. Fact check: Somaliland pushed Puntland few times from Lasanod area with the help of paid Garaad Militias, but let's not get ahead ourselves. Many areas including Sanaag bar Ceerigo and Ceel Afwayn are controlled by Puntland and it is fact. Puntland militias are also in Buhodle district, Boocame and Taleex. So, men bootada naga jooiya, you can push each other but the two maamul goboled are not much different in terms of military power. When the national army comes to the equation that is when the balance will hinch. Inta ka horaysa ciyaal ha iska laynina.

    Also, Puntland has been fighting three ways. Shabab/Daacish in the Golis mountains, Galmudug in Galkacyo. It should have been a walk in the park for Somaliland since 30 years they did not fight any one else apart from Puntland. Contarary, after 30 years you still talking about closing the border so you have nothing to be proud of.

  5. 7 hours ago, Timacaddeh said:

    Unlike you deluded loudmouths, we listen to our people and what they have to say. Where you massacre (or at least try to) anyone that disagrees with you in Somalia, we hear what they have to say and at worst simply agree to disagree. I watched the above video in full, and was proud of how these Somalilanders behaved. They were civil and intelligent in voicing their views, even where some of them had disagreements with the Somaliland government.

    The most poignant exchanges were from 7:54 to 9:49. The old man that spoke first, is possibly going a bit senile, but he argued his case passionately. The young man that follows him spoke so well in highlighting the difference between Somaliland and Somalia today, and where the interests of the Awdal people are truly best served, which is undoubtedly with their Somaliland government. Most important of all, there was no violence or even heated disagreement, people simply voiced their opposing opinions, then peacefully went about their way. That is Somaliland's greatest achievement.

    Wait Wait!!! Out of dozens spoke only one young man and lady that was fearing for her peace every one else were rooting for Somalia unity and gave clear thumbs up to Maandeeq.

    Clearly 30 years of brainwashing and subjugation did not work on Awdalites. Add this to the hearties to East who overwhelmingly are with the national government and Puntland, and as well as the many subclans that revolting amonst the Duriyada, succession is almost dead on it's tracks. Hence why Muse is huffing and buffing with no clear strategy.

  6. War Reer Somaliland Bootada joojiya. Both are small clan fiefdoms and they will push one another back and forth, but reality is none can overpower the other. Last time, Somaliland was inflicted with heavy casualties ( more than 80 young men died) mostly SSC  men and that was one of the reasons Puntland stopped the war. I remember Somaliland crying to inernational communities to stop the war and blaming the national government. Muse even cried in press conference. Marka wax isma dhaantaan.

    All in all, the national government should strive to stop any war that could kill many of these innocent young men that has been brainwashed. Afterall, Farmajo has a responsibilty over these young men these two are using as tools.

  7. This is one of the sticky issues the seccessionists did not want secede as they know the oldmen that rule in that region are losing the argument of succession and many of their young peole are waving for the Somali unity. Here is tReer Awdal hailing unity and rejecting seccession:


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