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Everything posted by somalia4somalis

  1. 12 bilood ayaa kasoo wareegtay waqtigii ay dowladda Mareykanka iyo isbahaysiga 60-ka dowladood ka kooban ay duullaanka dhanka cirka ah ku iclaamiyeen mujaahidiinta dowlada Islaamiga ah. Isbahaysiga Mareykanka hoggaaminayo oo ay ku midaysanyihiin inta badan dowladhaa reer galbeedka qaaradaha Yurub iyo Mareykanka iyo dowladaha khaliijka carabta ayaa gobollada ay Ciraaq iyo Suuriya ka maamusho dowladda islaamiga ah waxay ka gaysteen 6,000 oo duqeymo ah. Duullaanka ballaaran ee IS lagu qaaday wax wayn kama tarin habdhismeedka dowladda walina waxay maamulaysaa kala bar masaaxada suuriya halka ay shiicada ka xurraysay intabadan dhulka musliminiinta sunniga Ciraaq. Telefeshinka Aljazeera ee afka carabiga ku hadla ayaa diyaariyay warbixin uu diiradda ku saarayo sanad kadib duullaankii isbahaysiga Mareykanka iyo dowlada Islaamiga ah,warbixintu waxay sheegaysaa in mujaahidiintu ay isku fidiyeen dhul hor leh oo Ciraaq iyo Suuriya katirsan inkastoo degmooyin iyo deegaano aan badnayn ay khasaarisay.
  2. Maxaa u difaacdaa murtaddiinta adi? Mise waxaa noqoday gaal??
  3. Agosto 11 (Jowhar)— Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Borama ayaa sheegaya in maanta barqadii uu askari ka tirsan ciidamada Somaliland uu toogtay Taliyihii aagga galbeed ee ciidamada Milateriga Somaliland G/sare Xasan Caqli iyo Xidigle Faarax Caraale. Toogashadan ayaa waxaa ku geeriyooday Xidigle Faarax Caraale, iyadoo dhaawac halis ah uu soo gaaray Taliyihii ciidamada Milateriga Somaliland ee aagga galbeedka. Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Awdal ee Somaliland Maxamuud Cali Saleebaan Ramaax ayaa xaqiijiyay toogashada, waxaana uu xusay in isbitaalka Boorama lagu daweynayo Taliyihii aagga galbeed. Askariga toogashada ka dambeeyay ayaa gacanta lagu dhigay, waxaana uu ku xiran yahay xerada ciidamada milateriga ee falkan uu ka dhacay. Waa sarkaalkii afaraad ee ka tirsan ciidammada Somaliland oo labadii sano ee u danbeeyay ay toogtaan askar ay u talinayeen.
  4. Ah! Somali women becoming famous by either using FGM or insulting islam. Xalimos try new ways to become famous!
  5. Nin Yaaban, Police caught him in 2009 with illegal weapons. Is he your clansman or relative?
  6. Marxuumka la dilay ee Kabil ayaa sanadkii 2009 waxaa lagu eedeeyay in gaarigiisa laga dhex helay hub sharcidaro ah, sida uu qoray Tv-ga Canada.
  7. Dalka Canada, waxaa lagu dilay nin Somali Canadian ah, sida ay shaaciyeen Booliska dalkaasi oo baahiyay Sawirka ninkaan Soomaaliga ah. Booliska ma aysan cadeyn rasmi ahaan cida ka dambeysay dilkaan loo geystay Ninkaan Soomaali Canadian-ka ah, balse waxa ay sheegeen in dambiilihii ka dambeeyay dilka uu baxsaday. Somalis brought with them their destructive mooryaan culture of killing, robbing and rape to civilized Canada and US
  8. Ah! Slave of White Johnson at it again. Did u kiss his feet today, Slave of Uncle Tom?
  10. Speaking to the reporters on Sunday, Somali president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said the offensive had already moved into a phase that could bring militants’ insurgency to an end, a speech analysts say makes untimely optimism. “The offensive is progressing in accordance with our military plan that could end Al-Shabab which now stares a military collapse.” Mr. Mohamud said in a speech that largely focused on honoring the fallen ‘heroes’ and emboldening soldiers on the frontline He distinctly paid tribute to the Ethiopian forces that are parts of the African Union force in Somalia who made the biggest military advances and quickly overran strategic rebel strongholds. “I am urging the troops to operate in line with the military law to avoid potential dangers arising from military operations.” He added, in an apparent call for troops to avoid collateral damage. Nevertheless, Mr. Mohamed in conclusion said he sees a hope in which militants’ insurgency could be ended before long. Even though Al-Shabab has lost most its strongholds, security experts say the group which would unlikely withstand the combined allied forces may draw out a military tactic that could extend its deadly guerilla war life. “Even though they suffered irreversible huge losses, the group is militarily still intact which could rule out an early conjecture.” said Hashi Abdullahi, a former military general who served under Siad Barre’s regime. The popular uprising is strong, intact and stays! No traitor can change that fact. Long live the Popular Uprising by the brave somali people.
  13. Sabti, Ogoosto 08, 2015 (HOL) — Wararka ka imaanaya Deegaanka Halgan ee Gobolka Hiiraan ayaa Sheegaya in Askar ka tirsan Ciidamada Itoobiya ay toogeen dad rayid ah oo la socday gaari kuwa Rakaabka qaada ah. Qof ku sugan deegaanka Halgan oo HOL la hadllay ayaa sheegay in askarta markii hore ku joojiyeen gaari Hoomey ah oo ay dadkan la socdeen meel duleedka ka ah magaalada, iyaga oo baaritaan kaddibna rasaas ku furay. "Gaariga ayeey joojiyeen kaddibna dadkii la socday oo dhan waxaa ay ku amreen in ay ka soo degaan gaariga, markii ay soo degeen rag iyo dumar ayeey u kala saareen, kaddibna rasaas ayeey ku fureen ayuu yiri'' qofka la hadllay HOL. Dadka ku dhintay falkan waxaa ka mid ahaa nin lagu magacaabo Cilmi Shabeel oo sida la sheegay dhawaan ka yimid Ingariiska, sidoo kalana dadka dhaawacmay waxaa ku jirra ilaa saddex haween ah oo ka mid ahaa dadkii gaariga la socday. Dadka shacabka ah ee ku nool Halgan ayaa siweyn uga xumaaday falkan lagu dillay dadka rayidka ah, ilaa haddana ma jiro wax war ah oo kasoo baxay saraakiisha ciidanka dowladda Itoobiya, Madaama la sheegay in Askarta Dilkaan Geystay ka mid ahaayeen Ciidamadooda Qaybta ka ah Howlgalka AMISOM. - See more at: Where is puppet leader hassan sheikh? O you who have believed, do not take My enemies and your enemies as allies, extending to them affection while they have disbelieved in what came to you of the truth, having driven out the Prophet and yourselves [only] because you believe in Allah , your Lord. If you have come out for jihad in My cause and seeking means to My approval, [take them not as friends]. You confide to them affection, but I am most knowing of what you have concealed and what you have declared. And whoever does it among you has certainly strayed from the soundness of the way. If they gain dominance over you, they would be to you as enemies and extend against you their hands and their tongues with evil, and they wish you would disbelieve.
  14. <cite> @gooni said:</cite> beentu waa xaaraan awoowe way isku filan yihiin dadkaasu hadaan la doonayan in soomaaliyoo dhan la qabsado And still Wilaayada Galgala is intact. Where is the powerful buuqland? Faroole said he would defeat alshabaab in galgala. False promise! Prozac Weli promises to defeat alshabaab. Lets wait and see... Oh boy i would love to see dowladda islaamiga to enter Somalia!
  15. <cite> @Odey said:</cite> last I checked they are the only ones that have managed to take on alshaabab and beat the crap out of them starting in 1992 when Xassan Dahir awes was leading them through to recently when they launched an offensive against them in the mountains and took the mountains in it's entirety. Alshaabab is now limited to small incidents now. These incidents are ones that even the most powerful nations will have problems defending against- just look at US and France. However, it does pay for leaders to solicit for more equipment......something your pea sized brain will probably find hard to understand....wait a minute, you are taking cover in one of the Bantu tanks right?. My dumb friend, iam against crusaders and traitors.
  16. They dont want Bantusom and they cant beat alshabaab either Sxb Mooge what does Puntland want ? Military donations wont flush alshabaab out from mountains
  17. Homosexuality for Ictiraaf!!! We are Gays, we are Liberals, recognize us!!!
  18. Dont insult me. Iam Somali descendant of Samaale ancestor, nothing to do with Tutsi and Hutus. You mentioned Terrorists. I agree with you sir. Terrorists are vile monsters. I was never fan of terrorism.
  19. Why would king of Hutu Rwanda live in Amsterdam? Slave of John, apostates who are threats to islamic countries are to be killed. If u keep quiet in Mogadishu, Dont insult religion, nothing will happen to u!
  20. Iam not Hutu, Tutsi. Calling me King of the Hutu Rwandans is honour. Iam only a slave of Allah. I dont know Rwandan called Hutuking. U can say Iam Cushitic Slave of Allah. No iam not terrorist supporter!!!
  21. <cite> @somalee said:</cite> Two extremists. The terrorist-wannabe is the worse one though. Coward keyboard warrior threatening people over the internet. Terrorists are hated people. God disowns them.
  22. Lol They seceded or not? Puntland dont know what they want to do!
  23. That explains perfectly your love for the kuffar and renegading from the truth. You are unwelcome in Mogadishu, we will slaughter the apostates. Stay with your people, they shelter murtaddiin. ESTV showed me the kind of people you belong to.