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Everything posted by CidanSultan

  1. Meanwhile... US army... Saudi party at Jeddah royal palace..
  2. The gaurdian: Leaders of Iraq’s Anbar district put out an urgent plea yesterday for immediate foreign and national intervention to prevent the immediate collapse of the province, as international attention focused on the town of Kobani on the Syrian-Turkish border. Iraq’s Al-Sharqiyah TV said Anbar’s council had asked the government for US ground troops to help fight Islamic State (Isis) militants. Almost 2,000 local men have been killed or injured and tribesmen are threatening to stop fighting alongside the army unless the Americans are sent in, said Anbar council’s deputy head, Falleh al-Issawi. Haider al-Abadi, Iraq’s prime minister, has ruled out the deployment of foreign troops. This weekend Isis was in control of 80% of Anbar. If it overruns remaining areas, its territory would reach from Raqqa in Syria to the outskirts of Baghdad, a distance of 285 miles. Local government officials in Anbar have been calling for US troops, saying they have 10 days of fighting power left. Iraqi army forces and tribesmen have been trying to stop the advance of Isis fighters, but are “up against the wall”, said US defence secretary Chuck Hagel, who warned on Friday that Anbar was in trouble. The US has made air strikes but has not stopped the advance of Isis and some Iraqi units are in danger of being cut off by the militants, with intelligence reports suggesting Isis reinforcements are on their way from Syria. Isis forces moved into Anbar in January, seizing Falluja, and in recent weeks have invaded towns and villages, besieged army posts and police stations and attacked troops in Ramadi, capital of the majority Sunni region. Two Iraqi Apache helicopters were shot down in the area last week and there were reports of a US drone being brought down by Isis yesterday. Separately, at least four people were killed and 15 injured when a suicide bomber attacked a market in the north Baghdad neighbourhood of al-Mashahda yesterday.
  3. Middle East Islamic State seizes third Iraqi army base in Anbar after military retreat Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google Plus Share via Email More Options Resize Text Print Article Comments 18 By Loveday Morris October 13 at 3:34 PM BAGHDAD — Islamic State fighters on Monday seized control of an army base in western Iraq, the third to fall in three weeks, as Iraqi forces in the region appeared close to collapse despite U.S.-led airstrikes. Iraqi officials described the pullback from near Hit — a town in Anbar province about 115 miles west of Baghdad — as a “tactical retreat” and said the army hauled away equipment and burned food supplies to deny the Islamic State provisions and firepower. The withdrawal came just hours after the U.S. Central Command said coalition forces had conducted airstrikes in the area. The loss of the base deals another psychological blow to beleaguered Iraqi forces that have been battling Islamic State militants in Anbar for 10 months. Regional politicians have pleaded for increased U.S. support — with some even requesting a return of American ground troops — as fears grow that the province could fall completely. The instability in Anbar has stoked fears that Islamic State fighters could use their gains to push into areas closer to the capital, including the volatile Abu Ghraib district, which lies just west of Baghdad’s international airport. So far Baghdad has largely avoiding being within the Islamic State’s firing range, though the group has carried out sporadic mortar attacks and regular suicide bombings in the capital. On Monday, bombings in mostly Shiite neighborhoods of Baghdad killed at least 30 people, the Associated Press reported. The situation in Anbar stands in contrast to events in northern Iraq, where U.S. airstrikes, backed by Kurdish ground forces, have reversed some of the Islamic State’s gains. Black smoke billowed over Kobane at the Turkish-Syrian border Sunday after a U.S.-led coalition airstrike aimed at repelling Islamic State militants, who are advancing on the town from two sides. (AP) President Obama has stressed that although the United States can provide air support, the war is for Iraq to fight. British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond reiterated that position during a visit to Baghdad on Monday. “The coalition can only deliver effective support to the Iraqi government and Iraqi security forces,” Hammond said at a news conference. “The Iraqi people, the Iraqi security forces and the Iraqi government will have to take the lead on the ground.” But turning the Iraqi security apparatus into a fighting force capable of doing that remains a major challenge. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is attempting to reach out to Sunni tribal leaders to engage them in the fight — but he faces an underlying mistrust of the Shiite-led government. The army, meanwhile, is plagued by desertions, corruption and a collapse in morale. “We don’t have any leadership,” complained one officer who fled the base near Hit on Monday and spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of being reprimanded. “We could have kept our base with some simple reinforcements and ammunition.” The U.S. Central Command said coalition strikes Sunday destroyed an Islamic State vehicle and an armored personnel carrier in the vicinity of Hit, but Iraqi soldiers said that did not prevent the militants from launching an assault on the army base. By 3 a.m., the 400 or so Iraqi troops in the facility received orders to retreat. The Islamic State used mosque loudspeakers to trumpet its takeover of the Iraqi 7th Division base. The group had seized Hit, which lies along the Euphrates River, on Oct. 2. Suleman al-Qubaisi, a spokesman for Anbar’s provincial council, said officials in the region have urgently requested Abadi to dispatch 4,000 additional soldiers to the region. In Syria, meanwhile, at least seven U.S. airstrikes have been carried out since Sunday in attempts to drive back Islamic State fighters around the border town of Kobane, the Central Command said. The battle for Kobane has sharpened the tenor of talks between the United States and NATO ally Turkey over ways to expand the multinational campaign against the Islamic State. Turkey has refused to contribute military assistance to the coalition while it presses its demands, including the imposition of a no-fly zone in northern Syria and the creation of a buffer zone along the frontier. On Monday, Turkey denied it had reached any “new agreement” with the United States to allow the use of Incirlik Air Base in southern Turkey for strikes against the Islamic State, despite suggestions by the Obama administration that a deal had been reached. Mustafa Salim in Baghdad, Liz Sly in Sanliurfa, Turkey, and Brian Murphy in Washington contributed to this report.
  4. The Islamic State in Syria and al-Sham (ISIS) has not only survived the first blow from US airstrikes, it has made the strikes look irrelevant. As ISIS conquered new territory in Iraq’s western province of Anbar, including its capital, Ramadi, its fighters have been slowly advancing in Kobani. Because of a fundamental flaw in the philosophy of President Barack Obama, who makes politics a priority over military considerations, the “it’s not a war” on ISIS has so far been a failure. Compare Obama’s strategy to that of his predecessor, President George Bush, who during his lame duck years took endless political and popular heat for betting on the troop surge plan that ended Iraq’s civil war in 2007. In fighting terrorism in Iraq and in Syria, Obama uses an idea he has said worked in Yemen: coupling America’s airpower with amateur local fighters. While Obama’s plan is similar to a surge strategy, it misses one of the fundamental elements. The surge policy was to clear, hold and transfer; that is, the US military cleared Iraqi towns of terrorists, held the territory, and then transferred it to tribal fighters who were fighting alongside it. But Obama’s plan substitutes air strikes for clearing. Even an amateur military tactician knows that the use of fighter jets, though it certainly curtails casualties of ground troops, is most effective during the early phase of war, in wiping out an enemy’s control-and-command center, weapons depots and fuel reservoirs. After the air campaign, the infantry sweeps in and engages the enemy, sometimes calling in airstrikes as assistance against targets that ground troops pinpoint and later attack. When the military command assesses that the enemy’s anti-aircraft power is diminished enough, attack helicopters – extremely effective in taking out enemy assets both big and small – join the battle. In his “it’s not a war” on ISIS, Obama called in the fighter jets and cruise missiles against ISIS targets. But the Air Force soon enough ran out of worthy targets and has had to resort to hunting down worthless ones, like ISIS pickup trucks, at a whopping cost of $500,000 per strike. Thanks to Obama’s prioritizing politics over military strategy, America’s campaign has amounted to little more than heartburn for ISIS. In fact, the ineffective campaign has already backfired. The longer ISIS is able to survive air strikes, the stronger it will become and the stronger its conviction that it can win will be. Obama has also brought his failure to Turkey, pressuring Ankara – in the name of friendship and the NATO alliance – to send in its ground troops to save Kobani (and America’s face). For the Turks, who have been begging their US ally for three years to depose Assad, it is now time for payback. Ankara told Washington it would deal ISIS a fatal blow only if America deals a similar blow to Assad. Always behind the curve, the Obama administration turned down Turkey’s offer because Washington thinks preserving the Assad regime is essential to its war on terrorism. The Obama team, endlessly overconfident, reasoned that Ankara would eventually concede to prevent Kobani from falling into terrorist hands. What the Obama team did not realize was that, to the Turks, Kobani was already in terrorist hands; Kurdish ones. Ankara has long been accustomed to violent militants ravaging its southern borders in a continuous and low-intensity Obama now faces a conundrum. He is on a slippery slope toward all-out war in Iraq and Syria that will require the use of US ground troops. Should he refuse to put US boots on the ground, he will seriously damage the image of the US military. Should he beg allies for ground troops to beat ISIS, he will have to concede to Assad’s removal. In 2006, when Iraq seemed out of control, Bush entrusted America’s finest institution, the US military, to take over. He did not intervene in General David Petraeus’s plans over which military branch could be used in battle, or the number of troops, restrictions that Obama has perfected, first in Afghanistan, and now in Iraq and Syria. Obama has forced the military to fight with one hand. The goal he defined – to degrade ISIS’s capabilities – has proven to be as vague as his war plan. He is now stuck in a war he cannot win, with a political team – convinced it knows best – that is not willing to listen to advice on the necessity of giving up on Iran or toppling Assad, which would be a dramatic turn in a so-far lousy policy. ISIS is winning and expanding. In the White House, steady-hand Bush has been succeeded by professor-reluctant Obama, who has surrounded himself with a team obsessed with “nuanced” policy, no matter how flawed. Hussain Abdul-Hussain is the Washington bureau chief of Alrai newspaper. He tweets @hahussain Read more:
  5. You guys are funny people. The source is hagenews. No one has ever heard of it or probably has ever read it. Somali tabloids who make up what they want. And being very weak minded you actually take this seriously. Do you honousty believe this women would give a press conference in hargaisa. What you have here is a tribalist posing as a nationalist while trying to score cheap points. He has no actual argument just nonsense
  6. Ohhh my God we must stop these savages...these barbarians who are fighting a us deemed terrorist organisation that has killed And burned Arab villages and fought a bloody war against Turkey. These savages are also fighting against a curropt Iraqi army that is entirely sectarian Shia that kills Sunnis and oppresses them daily. Oh my God these savages must be fought because they are killing Assad soldiers responsible for mass rape ADHD crimes against humanity. Oh my God these Khwararij must be fought. Don't get me wrong they are not perfect but in comparison to the monsters of the Middle East they are no different they all must be fought why single these guys out. They probably do more good then any of them as we'll In terms of services and looking after the Sunni populations.
  7. The world says nothing... Still no explanation of why Iraq a sovereign nation was invaded and thousands died. We're is the innocent in this...
  8. They are so cowards, they claim to be the torch bearers of Islam they think they are the new chaliphate... Give us a break already. These people a group of men who started fighting Americans around faluja. They killed 5000 American soldiers and rightly so. The invasion of Iraq was illegal and unlawful and the death of tens of thousands of Iraqis unlawful. These so called terrorists fought for their country against American occupation you wanna call that savagery then go ahead. They do not have the right to kill innocent people. But let's be honousty that's not the reason why America and Europe and the real kawarij the homosexual kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Jordan and other puppets have declared war on them. If you think that's the reason then your the simpleton sucking up western propaganda. The reason why they want this group gone is because like I said their objective is for chaliphate, they have the will, skills and means to for the first time in 100 years to actually change the borders of the Middle East and remove the curropt puppets who are the real enemies of Islam. Jordan shares intel with israel, Saudi Arabia is curropt monarchy that oppresses it's people and led by 22,000 sons of al saud. Iraq is a curropt Shia state that kills thousands of Sunnis. Syria the same. If your concerned with the death of innocent people...why is the west not bombing Assad...?.. Gentlemen your arguments do not stack up...they are khawarij, they are monsters etc. is no longer valid. All these regimes are monsters. The American government assists in the subdjegation of the Egyptian people by supporting a dictator. Why single them out. America is the sole reason for most of all the problems in the Muslim world. iS is only a by product of that Give us a break.
  9. The real reason they are being singled out is not because they kill hostages. Even before that the West was scared of them and they were looking for an excuse. The reason why they are being singled out is because they are an effective fighting force threatening the take over of both syria and Iraq with the intention of starting a chalipahate that will destroy American interests in the middle east
  10. Anyone can see how futile your arguments are. I said 1000 times the killing of innocent is wrong. I condemn them for it. However the massacre of millions of Muslims by American and British forces is worse. If you declare war in Isis you should declare war on every group in the middle east including those called moderates. Including the Iraqi government. Saudi Arabia be heads more people on earth then anyone every year. Anyone can see that. Talabo just read what you wrote they are constrained by the Geneva convention. Hahaha a... Are you serious. The United States has killed more people in the modern century then anyone. Assad alone has killed 250,000 people 50 times the number of people killed by Isis. Why is their no anti assad campaign??? Geneva convention you say the million so people killed by drones, starvation, massacres, etc. Are they not covered by the Geneva convention. The Palestinians who get killed by American supplied weapons are they not covered by the Geneva convention. No such thing as the Geneva convention. This is assymetrical warfare. These guys aren't perfect but they are not any worse then anyone else that's for sure. The PKK kills and burns down Arab villages. The Iraqi army kills sunnis by the hundreds monthly. What is your point. IS should not be singled out. This is the real hypocrisy. These guys kill in a region were everyone has blood on their hands. Why single them out. Because of the zionist media that indoctrinates you. And the Saudi sheicks on the alsaud payroll.
  11. Thank you for proving my point. Cheap cheap propaganda. These men are worth more then a million dead Muslims. Killed unjustly by British and American presidents and policies. They have nothing to answer for even though they are bigger killers but we all must fight against the Islamic State. Ooh my God they are khawarij. They are systemically beheading Christians even though no evidence to prove it. they are killing Yazidis as well even though no Yazidis were there when they entered the Yazidi towns but we must fight them. The soldiers of shaytan they will over through the champions of islam the shia and the Arab governments. America please help us against these animals by killing more Muslims. Confused. Com...
  12. A disease that medical doctors believe is Ebola appears to be suspected in the Ethiopian capital. One west African origin diplomat has been admitted for flu like Addis Ababa (BurcoOnline) 12.10.2014 A disease that medical doctors believe is Ebola appears to be suspected in the Ethiopian capital. One west African origin diplomat has been admitted for flu like symptoms in Saint Yared General Hospital. Three more people have been also admitted to the black lion hospital, with a reported cases of bleeding and fever. Doctors in black lion hospital, speaking anonymously because of the sensitivity of the issue and afraid of reprisal action from government officials, are saying it is Ebola. The safety of the health staff and other patients still unknown. Black Lions hospital employees have been instructed not to speak of suspected Ebola cases under threat of imprisonment. One of Hara Ethiopia source in Black Lion Hospital said ”unless the governments take action early and announce to the people for public health prevention, it will not be easy to bring Ebola outbreak under control.” ” It may be spreading very quickly in parts of the city where sanitation is poor ” a doctor said. There are no reliable estimates so far of severity, mortality and morbidity rates of the disease due to severe restriction of free media in the country and it is difficult to verify it in this most secretive and totalitarian state in the world. Keseteberhan Admassu (MD), Minister of Health, said that Ebola was not a national security for Ethiopia and banning flights to and from West Africa was unnecessary. Most health experts smash the minister remarks and the government’s passive response for the disease. The Ethiopian Government has so far refused to confirm the existence of the disease. On several occasions, the Government has denied the existence of Ebola in Ethiopia for fear that acknowledging it will deprive the tourism and the economy and inflame the current public anger. Recently the Ethiopian Ministry of Health announced the establishment of a new specialized Ebola treatment hospital. But Hara Ethiopia sources reported that the facility hasn’t adequately equipped and set up with Bio safety level 3 and 4 recommendation. Ethiopia’s health care system is among the least developed in Sub-Saharan Africa and is not, at present, able to effectively cope with the Ebola outbreak. A lack of leadership from government to devise and implement emergency public health strategies has contributed to an alarming level of vulnerability to Ebola epidemics. Ethiopia’s national carrier is a major airline connecting countries across Africa and has on its part been pursuing the usual flights into West Africa. Bole international airport so far haven’t any infrared thermometers or non-contact thermometers to measure body temperature of in-bound and out- bound passengers for possible Ebola symptoms. Deaths from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, including recent fatalities in the United States and Spain, have exceeded 4,000 people according to the latest figures released by the World Health Organization. Ebola is a rare and deadly disease, which is caused by infection with one of the Ebola viruses. It is spread by direct contact with a sick person’s blood or body fluids and may also spread by contact with contaminated objects or infected animals. Experts fear Ebola virus could spread through the air and not just through contact with bodily fluid. There is no vaccine or specific treatment for Ebola, and up to 85 per cent of persons, who get the disease, die. Symptoms include fever, headache, joint and muscle aches, sore throat, and weakness, followed by diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain. Skin rash, red eyes, and internal and external bleeding may be seen in some patients.
  13. Talabo let us not forget. The world rightly condemns the killing of people by extremists yet broadcasts to the world the hanging of saddam Hussein to the entire world on eid day.happily. One rule for some and different rules for others. Hypocrites I say. I hate saddam hussien and if he died let him die but to broadcast it and ignore the right of dignity while you cry rightly so for others you forget this double standard
  14. Anyone that is innocent killed by IS is a crime against humanity. What is a greater crime is the death tolls caused by the illegal invasion of Iraq, the millions of children's died under sanctions, the tens of thousands killed by Shia death squads, the hundreds killed via torture in abu garaib. If in your view IS is evil then britain and America but be satan himself...if by your Logic ISIS must be fought then britain and America must also be fought even harder. Right.
  15. ^^^^ That was wrong I have already said I found that despicable and wrong. All killing of innocent is wrong. Those actions are just as wrong as this...killing tens of thousand of Iraqis And just as wrong this... Instead your saying Americans crimes don't matter yet because of this action the whole world must destroy them. Use your logic for all or for none. Stop being a hypocrite Now other then journalists and aid workers like the one above do you have anything else. That's not the reason the whole western world is invading is it or is the life of one man worth more then 250,000 dead Syrians? The west and dictartorships invaded because these guys are killing yazidis and christiens in please Show us the christiens who are systematically being killed. Or the yazidis being systematically killed ?
  16. Missing from western media reports. Why Sunnis support ISIS more then the Iraqi government. Why america actually invaded Iraq? What consequences did bush and Blair who are responsible for more deaths in Iraq then ISIS suffer. Have they been brought to justice for lieing to world about weapons of mass destruction. Why were chemical weapons used in anbar by Americans that has left many thousands of babies with severe deformities. Why has the Iraqi government continued to persecute and ignore Sunnis calling them terrorists. Western media is so biased
  17. Police chief of Iraq's Anbar province killed in bomb The police chief of Iraq's Anbar province, where Islamic State militants are advancing, has been killed in a roadside bomb, officials say. Major General Ahmed Saddag was killed when the bomb targeted his convoy near the provincial capital Ramadi. In a separate attack, 22 soldiers were killed in a triple car bomb attack in Diyala province in eastern Iraq. Islamic State militants have seized large parts of Iraq and Syria in recent months, pushing back Iraqi forces.
  18. I am, abdi "admire Israel and said many times in other forums how much I would love to travel there and be part of it" Johnson. America is a piece of Sh%t. It's a zionist colonised territory. Americans live in modern day slavery. They are programmed to love zionist look at this guy calls himself Abdi Johnson for God sake. Enough said.