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Everything posted by CidanSultan

  1. Muslims are not sensitive about this because On the contrary aisha was the best historian and documented everything including her own marriage. The facts are their. What you have here is a case of polytheist and atheist trying to subvert and create versions of history which are compatible with their world view point of how savage Islam is. Even though they worship monkeys and drink cow piss.
  2. Hinduism as a religious tenant drinks cows piss.... That has been proven. Islam does not make it a religious aspect of drinking urine that's a fact. So the polytheist argued the Prophet married a nine year old... Again more nonsense from a man who worships a monkey. Proof of this: First, consider the source of information. What we know of the relationship between Aisha and Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is coming directly from Aisha herself. So this is the place to start. We know that she is one of the major narrators of ahadeeth (traditions, narrations and stories of the prophet, peace be upon him). According to scholars count, she has narrated over 2,200 authentic traditions, more than many of the companions of Muhammad, peace be upon him. Her parents offered their daughter in marriage to Muhammad, peace be upon him, as was customary in their culture at the time. However, the prophet, peace be upon him, did not accept this and they waited a a few of years, and then again offered their daughter to him in marriage. From the hadeeth narrated by Aisha herself she was offered to him in marriage, but obviously it was not accepted until some years later, when she again narrates a similar incident and at that time she was married to the prophet, peace be upon him. She tells us they had consumated the marriage when she was old enough and ready (and she tells us she was very pleased about the whole entire thing). This case is used again and again however the very facts are their but polytheist who drink cow urine and worship monkeys and rivers have no shame indeed
  3. Like the Hindu polytheist you are again nothing tangible just more nonsense. Drinking camel piss is not an Islamic concept and nothing to do with the religion of islam. As in the case of Hinduism it is a religious duty or tenant. So again polytheist you failed. You couldn't even produce one thing to back up your claim. I'm sorry but logic dictates one guy drinking camel piss is not really academically arguing your case. Therefore that in itself is proof that your talking out your a55 again polytheist. Just remember this you cow drinking, dog marrying, monkey worshiping polytheist. Islam took India for a thousand years. We took Pakistan as land for Islam, and Bagladesh. We in the name of islam took 200 million in Pakistan 200 million in India and 150 million people in Bagladesh and made them Muslims. We pissed on your God ganish... And slaughterd all the cows in the name of God to make tasty burgers. We pissed and destroyed your temples to monkeys and elephants and because of islam. Hinduism is as good as finished. Glory be to the one God who created you and the idols you worship.
  4. Apologies for the multiple postings. The message the West and Arab dictatorships is giving to us and to billions of Muslims is its OK when sunnis die don't worry about it. Yazidis oh my god... We have to help them. What nonsense. Fat gulf soldiers couldn't fight to save their own lives. Gaza burns ahhh who cares. 250 thousand Syrians die ahhh who cares. For the love of God not the Yazidis.... They are systemically killing babies.... No evidence, they are chopping people civilians heads off... No evidence. They are killing Christians.... Again Christians are saying we are leaving out of our own accord these People are not hurting us we just want to move to France. And then simpletons like talabo eat it all up.
  5. Many Yazidis who wanted to convert were scared to convert because of the culture... But many converted after. No one forced them from what I have read and seen. Another thing talabo you have to ask yourself is after 250 thousand dead sunnis in Syria why did the West come to the aid of Yazidis who ran up a mountain while the western world screams war crimes are being committed only to find out their was no problem as stated by the pentagon. Seriously....
  6. Many Yazidis who wanted to convert were scared to convert because of the culture... But many converted after. No one forced them from what I have read and seen via videos online. Another thing talabo you have to ask yourself is after 250 thousand dead sunnis in Syria why did the West come to the aid of Yazidis who ran up a mountain while the western world screams war crimes are being committed only to find out their was no problem as stated by the pentagon. Seriously....
  7. Many Yazidis who wanted to convert were scared to convert because of the culture... But many converted after. No one forced them from what I have read and seen. Another thing talabo you have to ask yourself is after 250 thousand dead sunnis in Syria why did the West come to the aid of Yazidis who ran up a mountain while the western world screams war crimes are being committed only to find out their was no problem as stated by the pentagon. Seriously....
  8. Many Yazidis who wanted to convert were scared to convert because of the culture... But many converted after. No one forced them from what I have read and seen via videos online. Another thing talabo you have to ask yourself is after 250 thousand dead sunnis in Syria why did the West come to the aid of Yazidis who ran up a mountain while the western world screams war crimes are being committed only to find out their was no problem as stated by the pentagon. Seriously....
  9. Many Yazidis who wanted to convert were scared to convert because of the culture... But many converted after. No one forced them from what I have read and seen via videos online. Another thing talabo you have to ask yourself is after 250 thousand dead sunnis in Syria why did the West come to the aid of Yazidis who ran up a mountain while the western world screams war crimes are being committed only to find out their was no problem as stated by the pentagon. Seriously....
  10. Many Yazidis who wanted to convert were scared to convert because of the culture... But many converted after. No one forced them from what I have read and seen via videos online. Another thing talabo you have to ask yourself is after 250 thousand dead sunnis in Syria why did the West come to the aid of Yazidis who ran up a mountain while the western world screams war crimes are being committed only to find out their was no problem as stated by the pentagon. Seriously....
  11. Many Yazidis who wanted to convert were scared to convert because of the culture... But many converted after. No one forced them from what I have read and seen. Another thing talabo you have to ask yourself is after 250 thousand dead sunnis in Syria why did the West come to the aid of Yazidis who ran up a mountain while the western world screams war crimes are being committed only to find out their was no problem as stated by the pentagon. Seriously....
  12. ^^^^ Source is RT which is Russian state TV. The same Russians supplying assad with weapons. So not entirely trust worthy source. I read this story about Yazidi women being sold as slaves. No confirmation on the numbers, no actual footage these are all estimates. We don't really know what is going on. We don't know what conditions they are being kept in. We will see in due time what the truth to this story is. I think its to soon to tell. Christians are not being persecuted that is a fact, Yazidis left for the hills before IS reached their towns that is another fact, female gentile mutilation claim was a fake that's a fact. So at the moment their is alot of misinformation going on. The Yazidis themselves regularly kill those among them who convert to Islam. Talabo Yazidis have blood on their hands and unlike IS their is video evidence to prove it.
  13. Xabad your polytheist even marry dogs and cows Note of caution do not watch Hindu youtube clips while eating breakfast.... Acudubilah
  14. You gotta be in Denial... To deny that Hindus drink cow urine as a part of their faith. Show us a video like the one above or the one below showing Muslims using camel urine as a religious act... You ignorant polytheist who likes to talk nonsense all day... Look at your fellow cow worshippers washing their faces in cow piss. It's a shame in 1000 years all the Muslim moghaul achieved was to convert 500 million of you and take more territory for Islam they should have bulldozed every single cow worshipping temple
  15. ^^^^ Not as a religious obligation you ignorant one. Hindus drink piss as an act of religious duty. This is not about individual cultures. This is about religion. Ether show me Muslims drinking camel piss as a religious obligation or prepare for your next life as a coachroch you hanuman worshiping joke.
  16. That's the difference between us and you and why our faith means everything to us.
  17. Xabad enjoy your cow the next life you will return as a cockroach to be stepped on... praise be to The Lord of the worlds who made me a Muslim...alxamdulilah
  18. ^^^ Lol. It beats worshiping a monkey xabad that's for sure. Nentenyahu can barely take on Hamas. Islam is the fastest growing religion on earth. In almost every nation. Islam continues to grow as does it demographics. You can't stop 2 billion can you. Our text is memorised. By millions. The only book in the world if it were destroyed can be re written without a single change. Polytheist xabad the rise of Islam and the global march towards the new era is unstoppable in your polytheist monkey lord Rama Ganesh worshiping self you know it's the truth. Nentenyahu is a Eastern European immigrant whose for fathers use to suck on fish near the Caspian Sea. Khazars can't stop the global rise of Islam
  19. Even at Hajj they say ya bayk Al hussein instead of God. These are Muslims. I don't think so. I would place a bann on Shia pilgrimage to Hajj on the fact that you have to be Muslim to enter mecca. Takfiri you say... No son. We are not Takfiri your just willing to sell out your religion.
  20. Takfiri you say... If anyone considers shias Muslims then they don't know what Islam is. It's not Takfiri it's fact.
  21. Shia American alliance... Against the so called khawarij sons of satan... Rafidah Shia have never in the entire history of Islam conquered a single inch of land or conducted anything other then killing sunnis.... Today they are at it again unfortunately....
  22. With American training and weapons a Sunni genocide is taking place in Iraq supported by Iran.... Yet the whole world is screaming khawarij...
  23. A series of blasts kill 36 people in and around Baghdad over a two-hour span, and an Islamic State advance on the city sparks concern among Iraqis. (Reuters) By Loveday Morris October 16 ABU GHRAIB, IRAQ — About 14 miles from Baghdad International Airport, a mortar shell landed with a thud. A second followed, closer, and then a third struck across the Iraqi army’s lines, as the Islamic State militants zeroed in on their target. The volley of mortar fire outside the Baghdad suburb of Abu Ghraib this week was not unusual in itself; Islamic State fighters and the Iraqi army have regularly exchanged fire in this area for months. But now, officials worry that gains by the extremist group in neighboring Anbar province will provide momentum for an assault on the outskirts of the capital. Mortar shells fired by the Islamic State have already fallen in central Baghdad in recent weeks, and suicide bombings have picked up pace — a wave of blasts killed at least 50 people in and around Baghdad on Thursday, local media reported. While the army is holding its ground around the capital’s perimeter, Abu Ghraib is seen as a weak point, and sympathy for the radical fighters is growing here, residents say, because of the heavy-handed actions of Shiite militias. Despite U.S. and allied airstrikes intended to crush them, the Sunni extremists have been steadily consolidating power in the majority-Sunni province to the west. Islamic State fighters continued to advance Thursday, closing in on the Anbar town of Amriyat al-Fallujah, one of the last in the province still controlled by the government. Local officials begged the government to send reinforcements, warning that the town could be overrun in a matter of hours. ‘The gate of Baghdad’ “If Anbar falls, it’s going to have a huge impact, for us and all Baghdad,” Gen. Ali al-Majidi, a commander with the Iraqi army’s 6th Division, said Tuesday as he visited troops on the front line near Abu Ghraib. “This is the gate of Baghdad; if they took this area, they could mortar the airport.” An Iraqi solider crouches by an earthen berm dug at a front line with Islamic State militants. Despite regular exchanges of fire, the line has not moved since May. (Loveday Morris/The Washington Post) Iraqi officials complain that media reports claiming that the Islamic State has advanced on Baghdad through Abu Ghraib are inflammatory. But there is no doubt the security situation around the capital is precarious. On Oct. 1, four mortar shells struck inside the Green Zone, a fortified area in central Baghdad filled with foreign embassies and government buildings, according to a U.S. Embassy security official, who declined to be identified. The rounds fell a few hundred yards from the U.S. Embassy and followed another mortar attack a week earlier, he said. Brig. Gen. Saad Maan, spokesman for Baghdad Operations Command, confirmed that mortar fire had hit inside the Green Zone but said the shells landed on “empty space without any buildings.” He declined to give further details but said an investigation was underway to determine its source. He stressed that there have been no further incidents. But Islamic State mortaring is becoming increasingly frequent, with five rounds targeting the Shiite neighborhood of Shula on Thursday, according to security officials. The Shiite neighborhood of Kadhimiyah has also come under mortar fire in recent weeks. Rear Adm. John F. Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman, said Wednesday that there is “no question” that the Islamic State wants to put pressure on Baghdad but that the extremist group does not pose an “imminent threat” to the city’s security. “Anbar is important, and it is proximate to Baghdad. That is not in any way analogous to Baghdad falling,” said another senior U.S. official in Washington, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss security matters. “That is not going to happen.” But, he added, “the more terrorists that they have around Baghdad, the more they can cause mischief.” A child plays with a stick in Abu Ghraib market, on the outskirts of Baghdad, where life continues as normal just a few miles from the front lines. (Loveday Morris/The Washington Post) Maan also said that the Islamic State doesn’t have the capacity to seriously penetrate the capital. But maintaining a buffer zone is essential in protecting Baghdad from longer-range attacks like those on the Green Zone. And there are worries that the Islamic State will find sympathizers in the Sunni-majority belt that rings the capital, including Abu Ghraib. Underlying tensions About 200,000 people live in Abu Ghraib and the surrounding villages and agricultural areas. On Tuesday, Abu Ghraib’s main market buzzed with activity, and there was no sign of violence. Merchants yelled the price for pomegranates and tomatoes, as families shopped for food and clothing in the tangle of stalls. But local people said there are underlying tensions that could lead to support for the Islamic State here. Residents said Shiite militias moved into the area in June, after the northern city of Mosul fell to the Islamic State, at the beginning of its rapid advance across northern and western Iraq. With the Iraqi army in crisis, militias such as the Iranian-backed Asaib Ahl al-Haq and Badr Brigade have rushed to support the government. But Sunnis say the militias mistreat people. “If 10 members of Islamic State come, then they will become a thousand, because all the people of Abu Ghraib will join them,” said an Abu Ghraib resident who works as a laborer and declined to be identified for security reasons. Many residents hoped that the recent appointment of Haider al-Abadi as prime minister would signal a break from the perceived sectarian policies of his predecessor, Nouri al-Maliki, and perhaps lead to a new level of trust between residents and the army. But that possibility is being hurt by the actions of the Shiite militias, the resident said. Last week in Khandari — a neighborhood near the notorious Abu Ghraib prison, the center of the prisoner abuse scandal involving U.S. soldiers — residents held a protest against the presence of the militias, whom they accuse of kidnappings and theft. At the Abu Ghraib market, a young man whispered when he spoke about the militias, so as not to be heard by a nearby soldier. “Nobody can talk, as we are too afraid,” he said. “Sometimes they kidnap people and take a ransom.” Majidi said he has met with tribal leaders in the area in an attempt to smooth over what he described as “individual acts” by militiamen. But residents say the situation remains difficult. “They arrest people, and nobody knows where they are taken,” said Talal al-Zowbai, a member of parliament from Abu Ghraib. “This makes so many people want to volunteer with Islamic State to fight the militias.” The lawmaker argued that the much-touted national guard, a U.S.-supported initiative that would see local Sunni forces protecting Sunni areas, needed to be rolled out urgently to build local support and trust in the state. But the government still has to establish a legal framework for the new security force. “We live in a constant state of fear” about an attack by the Islamic State, said Umm Jassim, a woman selling beans at the market who used a nickname because of security concerns. “We think it could be just a matter of time before they come.”