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Posts posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. Grasshoper, i did not encourage anything, why not send through dahabshiil donations, for your information i am working for an aid organization which is very active in somalia and do travel to somalia that i know more about unicef and save children. besides BS Percentages do help our ppl in emergency need instead. Are you just saying that BS Percentages do go to our salaries and should not be mentioned. i am again asking why do i need to help my ppl through UNICEF, why not through dahabshiil donations , though islamic donations?

  2. Xanibaada waxaa waaye, qafna kuuma ogala in dolad istaagsan noqotid, showqi maaha qabiil iyo group ee dhinacya badan ayaa jira,

    Jacelbaro marka somaliland iyo Putland nagu soo biiraan

  3. kk

    Sheekadi ila qosol ee ka jiri jirtay radio somalia, ayaa wiil yar hooyadii wuxuu weydiiyay: hooyo aabe maxaa bidaarta u yeelay, markaas ku jawaabtay: Caqliga waaye, kadibna cunugi yaraa ku jawaabay: Hooyo adiga caqli ma lihid miyaa oo bidaar ma lihide.


    Bidaar iyo ciro digniiin duqnimo waaye kkkk

  4. Somalia is moving era of 'Somalia Peace'


    Reasoning: PPL's mind changing to positive-peace seeking minds


    What could be barriers of getting there( Somalia Peace)



  5. Hello, Yaabka-Yaabkiis waaye oo safarki dheeraa ee Virtual world kasoo laabtay,


    Suaal please?


    Bidaar yar iyo ciro ayaa bilaabatay, is that da'di badatyay mise fikirka, mise sanadkaan ayaa bidaarti iyo cirada badatay?

