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Everything posted by GAROODI

  1. GaadhHaye;975031 wrote: Afnoona wuu hadlaa ay wuu ciyaa, car Ila qarniyadi hore ayad isku change even today in the 21st century Saxib don't blame me.
  2. A division of Somaliland's eastern army moves closer to Taleex: Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Somaliland Oo Digniin Adag U Diray Madaxwayne Ku Xigeenka Puntlaand Iyo Ciidan Uu Wato Oo Taleex Jooga+Ciidamada Qaranka Ee Agaga Hore Ee Sool Oo Ku Ruqaan Saday. Hargeysa(Ramaas) Aug.26, 2013-Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Somaliland Cali Maxamed Waran Cade ayaa digniin u diray madaxwayne ku xigeenka maamul goboleedka Puntland Cabdisamad Cali Shire oo maanta soo galay isaga iyo ciidan uu wato magalada Taleex ee gobolka sool oo ka tirsan dhulka Somaliland,wasiirka oo galinkii dambe ee maanta shirjaraa`id ku qabtay magalada Oog oo uu u joogo soo afjarida shaqaaqo dhawaan laba beelood halkasi ku dhexmartay,wasiirku waxa uu sheegay in wixii goobtaasi ka dhaca uu dusha u ridanayo masuuliyadiisa maaulka Puntaland oo uu sheegay in faro galin ku hayso Somaliland. Dhinaca kale wararka ay helayso shabakada wararka ee Ramaasnews ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada qaranka ee aaga hore ee gobolka sool ay ku ruqaan sadeen jiida Taleex ee uu soo galay madaxwayne ku xigeenka puntland. - See more at:
  3. Somaliland Oo Sheegtay In M/Xigeenka Puntland Qaadi Doono Masuuliyadda wixii ka dhasha socdaalkiisa Taleex “Waxaanu heegan gelinay Ciidammadayadda jiida hore, si aan loogu soo xad-gudbin xuduudda Somaliland” Oog (Somaliland.Org)- Xukuumadda Somaliland ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay tallaabo ka qaadi doonto Madaxweyne Ku xigeenka Puntland oo ay ku eedeysay inuu ku soo xad-gudbay xuduuda Somaliland, ka dib markii C/Samad Cali Shirre uu galabta soo gaadhay degmadda Taleex ee gobolka Sool. Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Somaliland Mudane Cali Maxamed Waran-cadde waxa uu sidaasi ka sheegay mar uu galabta Saxaafadda kula hadlay degmadda Oog oo uu socdaal ku joogo. “Waxaan Jecelahay inaan digniin u jeediyo madaxweynaha Maamul goboleedka Puntland oo la sheegay inuu ku soo xad-gudbay xuduudda Somaliland oo uu yimid Taleex, waxaanu leenahay arrintani waa mid ka hor imanaysa daris-wanaagii noo dhaxeeyay annagga (Somaliland) iyo Soomaaliya. Waxaanan u arragnaa inay tahay daan-daansi,”ayuu Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Somaliland. Wasiir Cali Waran-cadde oo hadalkiisa sii watay waxa uu intaasi ku ladhay “Arrintani (socdaalka madaxweyne Ku xigeenka Puntland) waxay halis ku noqonaysaa nabad-gelyadda deegaanka Taleex ka jirtay. Waxaanu u sheegaynaa mar haddii sidaasi dhacday in Madaxweyne Ku xigeenkaasi masuul ka yahay wixii halkaasi ka yimaadda.” Wasiirku waxa uu sheegay inay heegan culus geliyeen ciidammadda qaranka ee jiida hore “Waxaanu heegan gelinay Ciidammadayadda jiida hore, si aan loogu soo xad-gudbin xuduudda Somaliland. Waayo xuduudda Somaliland waa xuduud caalami ah, waana xuduuddii Ingiriiskii ka tagay.” Mr. Cali Waran-cadde waxa uu tilmaamay in Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya ay kala leeyihiin soohdimo mucayin ah, cidii ku soo xad-gudubta xadka Somaliland-na ay ciidammadda qaranku tallaabo adag ka qaadi doonaan. Cumar Maxamed Faarax Somaliland.Org/Hargeysa
  4. Part 2: the north is gone: entirely under the control of the somali national movement: the central bank of Somalia collapses, the currency plummets. The dictator and his supporters and the wealth of the nation they robbed are still in the south: part 2 will be about the role of the Somali National Movement in creating a second front in the war against the dictatorship and how the USC was formed and the relationship between the USC and SNM in toppling the dictatorship once and for all....
  5. Erigavo: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Hargaisa: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  6. Continuation of part one: Ibrahim maygag samatar senior lecturer at Tokyo university: one of the ideological strategist of the movement:" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  7. Hag are very angry at even having a meeting with madobe. Their argument is why is Hassan Dahir awes in jail and Ahmed madobe allowed to be free??? Shir Jaraa’id oo maanta ku qabtay gudaha magaalada Muqdisho Malaaq Cali Malaaq Showri ayuu uga hadlay arimaha Cakiran ee ka taagan dalka gaar ahaan xariga Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aways iyo wada hadalada Addis Ababa uga socda Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maamulka Jubbaland ee Axmed Madoobe. taagan dalka gaar ahaan xariga Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aways iyo wada hadalada Addis Ababa uga socda Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maamulka Jubbaland ee Axmed Madoobe. To listen use:
  8. Cambuulo iyo bun;974778 wrote: you dont know shyt son HAG has an militia consisting of 19000 soldiers right now in xalane eager to attack kismayo so my advice to you is dont jinx yourself bruv :cool: The latest news: In terms of what cambulo said: something made madobe shyt himself. The guy has accepted almost everything the government said: Change your name, interim period, lost control of airport and port, take part in mugdisho conference, you are not the president etc. These are not conditions of negotiation these are surrender terms: the man shyt himself for some reason. Is it because the government gave him an ultimatum surrender and except our will or else we will attack; last chance. Seriously no self respecting man would sign that unless they were sincerely patriotic but we all know this Og doesn't even hail from Somalia so that's clearly not the case. Could it be they said you have limited time before your visa runs out ???
  9. Bay and bakool: Shir Jaraa’id oo maanta ku qabteen gudaha degmada Baydhabo odayasha dhaqanka beelaha Bay iyo bakool yay uga digeen dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ee Hogaamiyo Xasan Sheekh maxamuud inay aqoonsato maamulka Jubbaland ee Axmed Madoobe kaasoo wada hadalo la isku mari la’yahay uga socdaan dowladda Soomaaliya iyo maamulkaasi magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Ethiopia. Malaaq Cali Cabdicasiis (Malaaq Shiino) ayaa sheegay maamulka ay ka dhisayaan degmada Baydhabo ee koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya inuu yahay midka rasmiga ah ee deeganadaasi leeyihiin isagoona tibaaxay beelaha dagan Jubbooyinka inaysan ku qanacsanayn in Jubbaland laga dhiso deegandaasi.
  10. War dag dag ah: Jubbaland oo Aqbashay in ay qadato Magaca Maamulka KMG ah ee Jubboyinka iyo Gedo iyo qodobo kale. August 25, 2013 - Written by admin - Edited byadmin Warar goordhow naga so garay Hotelka uu ka socdo wadahadalka mudada dheer qatay ee u dhexeya Dowlada Somalia iyo Maamulka Jubbaland ee Axmed Madoobe uu hogaamiyo ayaa waxaay sheegayan in qodobo hordhac ah lagu heshiyay. Qodobada lagu heshiyay ee dhawaan lagu wado in qalinka lagu duugo waxaa ka mid ah . 1- In Magaca Jubbaland la badalo oo lagu badalo Maamulka Jubboyinka iyo Gedo. 2-In Maamulka u noqdo mid KMG ah oo shaqeeya mudo labo sano ah. 3-Hogaaminyah Maamulkan waxaa uu qadanaya Magaca ah Governor. Waxaa jira qodobo kale balse wali maysan soo gariin warbaahinta Kismaayo24 waxaanu akhristeyaasheena u balan qadayna in aanu u soo gudbin doono hadba Qodobka ku soo siyaada Wadaxaajoodka iyo meesha ay wax marayaan . Ugu danbeyn galabta ila caawa ayaa lagu wada in uu so baxo Warmurtiyeed labada dhinac ay ku wada saxiixan yihiin hadan dib loga laban qodobada hada la isla mel dhigay.
  11. nuune;974737 wrote: A brother state next to your own, elaborate that please, who is your brother, Puntland, Benadir, Jubbas & Gedo, Bay & Bakool, or they are all your brothers, or one of them is only your brother! We need some honest answers from you as you said something logic, that is "my brother next to my state" My brother state consists of from Kenya border to the tip of Bari whatever they may call themselves. It is for this reason that we don't interfer in the internal affairs of Somalia. It is for this reason we welcomed thousands of refugees and because of this reason we opened dialogue with the somali government. Even till this date other then empowering the somali people and contributing to the creation of a positive image of Somalis we have not done any harm to anyone: In reality two states united in 1960. No jubaland, puntland etc I do not recognise any of these administrations I only recognise Somalia the state. What I do oppose are four things 1.the never ending insanity that is mugdisho 2. The use and dependence on foreigners 3. The denial of some sections of somali society that two states even united and Therefore should be equal in the eyes of the law and one should accept the end of the 1960 union 4. The theory of d block ism: which led to the first Ethiopian flag on somali soil, the civil war, the Ethiopian invasion, the dependence on Kenya today and a whole assortment of other crimes against the somali people. And I have a right to my opinion like anyone else if you can disapprove me then Your more then welcome to.
  12. Apophis;974736 wrote: Even laangabs ehlu-naars recognise Jubbaland now. It's long way from “Ahmed who?" And, “Jubbaland will never exist." Lool. This is why hag got one over: still no agreement and there will be no agreement. Furthermore Ahmed who... Ahmed interim governer general hahahaha. Jubaland doesn't exist what exists is, even if the other side accepts all the other conditions is mamulka Jubinka and gedo that is interim, that has no income and the conference in mugdisho is designed to destroy it thereafter. Hag outplayed you and a beautiful way indeed.
  13. nuune;974734 wrote: Let me make it easy for you, why do you care about Somalia! I want an honest answer from you so that the readers you mentioned can read some honest answer from you. I care about Somalia because firstly it is a brother state next to my own, what happens to it has a direct impact on my state. I dont want africans running around it because that tarnishes the overall view of somalis in general and kills name of the somali people entirely. So you see even I I don't share the same country I feel its pain.
  14. nuune;974731 wrote: But how can you expect replies while you are talking to yourself, replying to yourself, debating yourself, and worst of all, talking about NOTHING! What part of my last comment did you not understand. People read...and as long as they read my narrative I couldn't care if anyone replied. Do you want me to draw you a picture???
  15. This coming from the pirates den the desert wastelands of Bari. It has come to the knowledge of Puntland Government that the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) is planning to organize a one-sided, self-proclaimed ‘National Conference’ in Mogadishu and FGS has produced a brief document regarding this conference, entitled “Vision 2016: Transitioning Towards Democracy”. The final draft of the conference’s Concept Note, produced in August 2013, envisions a ‘National Conference’ to be held in Mogadishu, September 2-6, 2013, and the conference agenda reflects the subversive political attitude of FGS, aiming to marginalize the States and pursue a collision course between the center (Federal Government) and the periphery (the States). In light of Puntland Government’s decision of August 5 to suspend all relations and cooperation with FGS, the people and Government of Puntland will have no representatives whatsoever at the planned conference in Mogadishu, as the foundation of national governance is lacking (agreed constitution) and the basis for cooperation is absent. Puntland Government openly welcomes constructive dialogue among Somali legitimate authorities regarding the country’s political future, provided that the country’s agreed constitution is adhered to as basis for national law.
  16. nuune;974727 wrote: For a full half day, nobody replied to your topic, now you pumped it up in order to get some replied, very sad! That's the beauty of it I couldn't care less if anyone replies as long as the readers read that's all that matters .
  17. 1. Temporary recognition based on intern period. Second man will be government chosen. Military heads will be government chosen. You are not allowed to use the name jubaland, instead you will go by mamulka jobinka and gedo. you will attend the mugdisho conference for all the tribes of juboyinka. The government will control the airport and port and you are never To use the title president but gover general instead. After the interim period has expired the government can appoint someone if elections can not happen. Hahahah hahahaha.... Hag diplomacy. What can they do as soon as Kenya pulls out they will be in ras camboni waiting to cross the border. Well done hag. Well done.
  18. Warar gordhaweyd naga soo garay Magaalada Adis Ababa aya waxaay tibaxayaan in Magaaladaasi uu wali ka socdo Shirki lagu dhex dhexaadinayay Dowlada SOmalia iyo Maamulka Jubbaland ee Axmed Madoobe. Wararki ugu danbeyay ee Wadaxaajoodkasi ka socday Magaalada Adis Ababa ayaa waxaay sheegayan in Wufuudi Jubbaland ka socotay ay wada hadalada ku kala jabeen. Khilaafkaan ayaa waxaa keenay ka dib markii Ergadi Dowlada Somalia ay ku adkaysatay in aysan aqonsan doonin Maamul wata Magaca Jubbaland State balse taasi badalkeda ay diyaar la tahay in Maamul KMG ah oo lagu magacaabo Maamulka Jubboyinka iyo Gedo Aqonsato. Dood dheer iyo Falanqayn ka dib waxaa booskoodi ka soo dabcay Axmed Madoobe iyo Gen Fartaag Kuwaas oo ku qancay soo jeedinti Dowlada Somalia ee ahayd in Madaxweynaha Jubbaland uu qato Magaca ah Genaral Governar. Balse waxaa Arinkaasi ka biyo diiday Qayb ka mid ah Ergadi Jubbaland oo ay ugu muhiimsan yihiin Prof Gendi iyo Cumar Cadirashiid kuwaas oo ku adkaysanayaan in aan wax tanaasul ah laga sameyn Magaca Jubbaland State iyo Titale ka uu qadanayo Hogaanka Ugu sareeya Jubbaland State. Wali waxaa socda kulamo ay arinkaasi ka yeelanayaan Wafdigii Jubbaland balse waxaay u badan tahay in Saacadaha soo socda heshiis la saxiiixo kaas oo ay ka dhex muqan doonan Tanasulaad balaaran oo ay labada dhinacba sameyeen. FG ah Kismaayo24 waxaay idin soo gudbinaya hadba wararka tagaan ee ay dhinacyada Adis ababa ku shirayo waxaa macquul ah in wararkeena ay ku yimadan isbadbadal waxana sabab u ah Ergada wada Xajoonaysa oo marba qodob isla fahmaya hadan dib u kala boodaya kadib wadatashiyo .
  19. Wadahadalladii u dhexeeyay Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Jubbaland oo burbur qarka u saaran iyo Itoobiya oo dadaallo wadda Axad, August 25, 2013 (HOL) — Inkastoo wadahadallada dowladda Soomaaliya iyo maamulka Jubbaland uga socday magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Itoobiya ay ahaayeen kuwo aanay warar badan kasoo baxayn ayaa haddana waxaa la sheegay in shalay gellinkii dambe lagu kala dareeray. Khilaafka ayaa wuxuu ka dhashay sida ay wararku sheegayaan maamulka dekedda iyo garoonka diyaaradaha Kismaayo, kuwaasoo ergooyinka dowladda ay soo jeediyeen in maamulkooda ay lahaanayso dowladda, balse ay diideen xubnihii maamulka Jubbaland. Qodobkan ayaa la sheegay inuu sababay in shirka lagu kala tago, xilli lagu waday in ergooyinka ay saxiixaan heshiisyo hordhac ah oo ay gaareen, sida in doorasho kale lagu qabto magaalada Kismaayo si loosoo doorto maamul KMG ah oo gobolladaas maamulka inta maamul dhameystiran laga sameynayo iyo kuwo kale. Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee Itoobiya, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus ayaa kulammo lagu doonayo in lagu sii wado wadahadallada wuxuu xalay la yeeshay xubnaha kala horkacay ergooyinka dowladda Soomaaliya iyo kuwa maamulka lagu magacaabo Jubbland. Kulankan oo ahaa mid xasaasi ah ayaa waxaa la sheegay in Sheekh Axmed Madoobe oo hoggaaminaya wafdiga Jubbaland iyo Faarax C/qaadir oo isna horkacaya wafdiga dowladda Soomaaliya uu ka dalbaday inay meel dhexe isugu yimaadaan oo ay wadahadallada sii wadaan. Hoggaamiyeyaasha ergooyinkan ayaa la sheegay inay maanta billaabeen in kulammo gaar-gaar ah ay la yeeshaan xubnaha la socda, si ay ugu sharraxaan mowqifka dowladda Itoobiya iyo sida wadahadalka lagu sii wadi karo. Inkastoo wufuudda labada dhinac uu dhexmaray is-jiid-jiid aad u weyn ayaa haddana waxaa laga muujinayaa heshiis wadahadalladan lagu gaari quus, iyadoo siyaasiyiin badan ay qabaan in shirkaas aysan kasoo bixi karin wax natiijo ah. Dowladda Soomaaliya oo aan aqoonsanayn maamulka Jubbaland ayaa u muuqata inaysan ka dabcin mowqifkeedii ahaa inaysan maamulkaas aqoonsan, halka maamulka Jubbaland ay dadaal ugu jiraan in dowladdu ay aqoonsato maamulkooda. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online Muqdisho, Somalia
  20. GaadhHaye;974540 wrote: Great win for federalism and defeat for SNM Gang. The Gang in Hargeisa should by now finish the coffin for their bankrupt “ideology” of dismembering Somalia that they have been lullabying some gullible poor Somalis in the enclave. It is obvious that Khaatumu State of Somalia will get moral, muscle and financial support from the resource rich state of Jubbaland. Once the Gangs militia is removed from SCC lands and confined to the Triangle, the deceived will be in the final stage in their campaign of hitting their heads against the usual iron wall. Says the man hiding behind the Kenyan tank and has become the leper of Somalis. Don't hide behind federalism we all know this has nothing to do with federalism. Somaliland is a state we don't hide behind Kenyan tanks from las canod to the Djibouti border is patrolled by the SOMALILAND army the same army you have been unable to stop for more then 27 years even with sub Saharas largest army keep dreaming. Like I said be great full we left you two villages in your desert wasteland and keep dreaming about jubaland. No hag will ever sign it I they do they lose the bay and bakool voice along with hag for what the gyps)es of Somalia. The defeated lot who were born to lose like their forfathers before them haha. Don't forget abo siad is barried today in garabharay. Siad Abdulle Hassan was the biggest joke in somali history and died in a hole as he ran away. Your 2.5 desert wasteland has not been capable of taking a village 20 miles away from its capital hahaha. Yet you stand there talking about your dreams. If we decide to be Somalia we will take half of everything and hag the other half and we will not be limited to las canod. So you better pray SOMALILAND works because Ethier way you are scr&wd.
  21. Cambuulo iyo bun;974493 wrote: LOL doesnt beat this tho :D Some of the best editing I've seen in a while. Nikkin in addis, kismayo, Nairobi ha layabin everything they tried for themselves has been a failure hense the dependence on foreigners.
  22. Mafia;974441 wrote: wallee caqli waa ku daayay nimankiina Landerska ah. When was the last time Kenya gave shyt about AMISOM orders and wants? The wasiiro and the leaders of the federal government were returned from the airport. What does that tell you? Kenya AMISOM contingency is there to protect their own interest, which works to the favor of J/L. Walahi Somalis. Allah Rahma. Boasting about Kenyati power. Where is the loyalty to your country to your president to your national identity ??? Tilmook if you say so... Keep hiding behind your Kenyan tank. The gyps/es of Somalia. Lost at everything ever attempted. Haha
  23. Tallaabo;974444 wrote: You are clueless boy. You should talk about how the SFG should try to reach the suburbs of Mogadishu without AU guards. The SOMALILAND government made sure it reached its destination nothin to do with somali government. Confused indeed
  24. Jacpher;974397 wrote: Never ceases to amaze me the state of delusion of our brothers up north. if pigs were to fly...... Pigs are indeed flying hahaha.