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Posts posted by xabad

  1. said:

    first they accuse central government working with alshabaab and now that gov sent some help waxay leeyihiin waxaa soo diray emirates


    kuwan waligood eed ayey wadayaan waxaa fiicanba in lays wada daayo magaca somalia la aaso laguna kala tago


    I've said the same they will have to an amicable separation, there is too much mistrust and bad blood between this two communities. Lets not ignore facts, there are de facto two countries anyway just complete the deal.


  2. Of course I over simplify issues sometimes to keep the polemic straight but the central message i want to send to skinnies is, Islam = Evil and injustice.


    European/white hegemony over the world follows in close second, they are not as active as they used to be but they are still occupying New Zealand, Australia and the Americas and all the problems we have were inherited from them.






  3. said:

    Xabad, you know this isn't Islam and those illiterate bunch don't represent Islam. What happened to that poor lady is appalling and inhumane, regardless what they have accused her off. But to say mob justice is Muslim thing is bull and you know it. It happens everywhere when angry and uneducated people take things into their own hands. From Buddhists Myanmar , Christians in Central African republic, Hindus in India, to the Western countries (riots) these things do happen. Common now! Naga kala daa mowduucyada micna la'aanta. Ayaan Xirsi ha nagu noqon ee si qacliyaysan wax u abbaar


    :) Ayaan Hersi.


    I will not say much to you Gheele, i like you as a poster.



  4. said:

    Do you know transgenders are in high demand in Turkey? I watched a BBC documentary presented by Stacey Doole about sex in strange places. In Turkey a lot of closeted queers with wives and kids seek transgenders for a quick relieve. And especially the guys who have a nice pair of boobs plus their dick are sought after because they are seen as a sort of intermediary between the two sexes. Those who have sex with them find comfort in the fake boobs and convince themselves that they're straight whilst playing with the tranny's dick at the same time.


    Your a very sexually liberated kind of skinny aren't you ?


    So confident talking about this stuff, *claps*.







    The evil and barbarity of Islam on full display. Grown men gratuitously inflicting bestial violence on a small defenseless woman for the crime of sacrilege against gibberish rantings and ravings of an Arab Bedouin aka the Koran.


    This really shocked and saddened me. :(

  6. ^ 'Maalis don't know jack about newsroom protocols and sitting positions :D


    They don't know women aren't supposed to occupy " position one". They just do what comes first.


    I personally don't care, but, I would like the presenters to sit further apart. I like animated presenters and such propinquity engenders self censorship.












    Putin is a wily guy. He is showing he’s a statesman. Russia is also sending a message to Assad who has been sounding too confident.


    Joshua Landis






    We Can Always Come Back


    Departing Russians



    Vladimir Putin is withdrawing Russian military forces from Syria. At least, that’s the spin. What Putin is actually doing is withdrawing
    some of his forces
    — bomber-aircraft squadrons, for example —
    while retaining his military infrastructure (air bases, port facilities, etc.) in Syria
    . This allows the Russian leader both a pretense of diplomacy and retention of significant military power: gun-based power that equals political power. Putin understands that Western intelligence services know that,
    within a matter of days, he could re-flood Syria with Russian forces