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Posts posted by Classified

  1. Here is my contribution:



    Culumada Bosaso oo bilaabay Dhaqaale u ururin Dadka Waxyeeladu kasoo gaartey Roobabka



    Masjidka Rowda ee Magaalada Bosaso waxaa ka dhacay munaasabad lagu bilaabayay dhaqaale ururin loo ururinayo Dadkii ay dhibku kasoo gaarey Roobabkii Dabaylaha iyo qabowga Wata ee ka curtay Puntland kuwasoo ilaa hada khasaare baxad wayn oo naf Dad iyo Duunyab waxyeeley, dhimashada ayaa kor u dhaftey 100 qof.


    Sheex Daahir iyo Sheikh Axmed Daad ayaa ka dambeyey abaabulka dhaqaalaha lagu ururinayo oo la filayo bulshada Dal iyo dibadba iney ka qayb qaadanayaan.


    Ilaa hada waxaa khadka Teleefoonka kusoo hadley Musharax Cali cabdi Awaare oo 1000 Dollar ku deeqay, dhinaca Shirkadaha…


    Shirkada Teleefoonada ee Golis 5000 USD

    Amal Express 1500 USD

    Musharax Cali Cabdi Awaare 1000 USD


    Dhaqaale Ururinta waxay si baaxad leh u bilaabaneysaa Beri subax

    Sawirada kulanka caawa ka bilowday Bosaso ee Culumadu bilaabeen iney dhaqaale u ururiyaan dadka Waxyeeloobay kala soco Wararkayaga subaxnimo.


  2. MoonLight1;985317 wrote:
    is this the first ethnic war in Somalia? the Jareerweyn guys seem to be getting strong support from somewhere, Alshabaab is accusing AMISOM on orchestrating this war between jareer and jileec. and if that is true I guess amisom will be supporting their bantu brothers.

    I pity the Somalis. Looks like the diaspora Somali-Bantu communities are working on a master plan. It won't be too far when we'll see Somali-Bantu bring back to Somalia foreign Afro-American they've married into and settling with them in parts of Somalia. A nightmare in the making.

  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;985304 wrote:
    Imagine if every Somali can settle where he or she wants regardless of what region , how easy that would've been.

    nuune;985320 wrote:
    It starts with you, if you can accept that, then everyone can roam freely wherever they want regardless of what region, balse intaad sheegato Afro Hashimitte iyo East Timor iyo waxyaala kaloon la maqal ood dhahdo yaan la ii soo dhawaanin waan idin ka fadli badnahayee ha i taabanina Qaanfuurianskiina, wacdi anaga ha noo akhrin yaa
    Xaaji Xeyraan
    aadan ku dhaqmeyn.


    Xaaji Xunjuf hypocritically makes a statemet. An answer was given to by nuune. Let's wait for Xaaji Xunjuf's reply. :D

  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;985338 wrote:
    I think its part of their identity they are made for shir their ancestor was called Shir Shoore, Shirku shoorin jiray,
    wa dadka kaliya eeh aan arkay to organize a shir for another shir


  5. According to a Hussein Abdi Duale, the Somaliland Oil Minister, East Africa is the new Middle East.




    While some companies elsewhere in East Africa have already made discoveries, Somaliland is green fields. Once you have a discovery, cost for an operator to obtain a license goes up, so Somaliland is currently competitive in this way as well. We are willing to offer international oil companies terms as competitive as those signed elsewhere and we're willing to ensure the sanctity of the production-sharing agreement contracts. The production-sharing agreements we have signed are written to international standards.

  6. cubano;985243 wrote:
    I know the picture of the Cuban soldier but that picture does not change the reality: Somalia was defeated by Cuba and Soviet Union.


    Why can we not talk about Abdullahi Yusuf book?

    The Soviet Union was a super power. So, if Somalia was defeated by the Soviet Union, there is nothing humiliating about that. As I have heard, Somalia had to pull out of [soomaali Galbeed] because the Soviet Union threatened the Somali government at the time, that it would fully intervene by invading Mogadishu. Somalia made the choice of saving Mogadishu by pulling out of the Somali Galbeed (which is occupied by Ethiopia illegally till this day), rather than having Somalia occupied by the Soviet Union.