Mario B

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Everything posted by Mario B

  1. A_Khadar, don't worry once Al-Shaabab are defeated (InshaAllah), reer wagoyi will be rushing south to take part in the construction of the NATION.
  2. ^^ It may be one-sided but it still looks bad for the 'Somali-Landers', every day the world is seeing what a fake entity that enclave is.
  3. Xiinfaniin every nation has the right to protect its territory Somalia should learn from Somaliland. ------------ *smh*
  4. These Somalis are wacked up wallahi... How can a Somali person(s) defend a Somali territory From another Somali ? [Yes,I know the absurdity of it). You can say 2 clans are fighting over dhul, but, to say "wadankeyga, Somali baa ka ilaalinaa, is just absurd. Waa Riyo. -------------- Landers have twisted logic. I hope in years to come they can look back and remember how absurd they were.