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Everything posted by kingofkings

  1. Wadani;824389 wrote: Geesi geesi dhalay. Maasha'Allah. is that also true for reer Buuhoodle:confused::cool:
  2. Somalia;824385 wrote: No chance, which is why they went to Addis Ababa begging for mercy.
  3. Dawlada Puntland waxay fashilisay khatar aad u weyn oo ku soo socotay Qaranka Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan Gobolada Sool iyo Sanaag.. Bulshada Soomaaliyeed oo ka soo jeeda Gobolada Sool iyo Sanaag waxay ahaayeen Xornimada ka hor shacab Soomaaliyeed,Xiligii Xornimada la qaatayna waxay ahaayeen Soomaali, labaatankii Sano ee Dawlad la’aanta ahaydna waxay ahaayeen Soomaali ,maantana waxay hormuud u yihiin oo ayna haba yaratee shuruud ku xirayn Qaranimada ,jirtiaanka iyo wada jirka Umadda Soomaaliyeed, Waxayna la mid yihiin Bulshada Soomaaliyeed oo kale oo degan dhamaan Gobolada Soomaaliya. Khatartii ku soo fool lahayd Qaranka Soomaaliyeed oo maamulka Puntland ka hor tegay waxay ahayd Koox guri madow hoosta ka soo xirtay oo doonayay in ay Soomaaliya kal gooyaan. Labaatankii Sano oo aynu soo dhaafnay Maamulka Hargaysa waa diidanaa in ay Soomaali inteeda kale hor fariistaan , hadaba maxaa maanta keenay in iyagu noqdaan kuwii ugu horeeyey oo magcaabay gudigii wada hadalka oo Ka kooban shanta xubnood. Iyaga oo sheegay in ay la hadlaan Dawlada KMG? Maamulka SNM dhawaaqidii uu ku dhawaaqay Shanta xubnood ma ahayn Jacayl ay u qabaan wada hadal ay la galaan Soomaali inteeda kale ,hase ahaatee waxay ahayd arin laga soo shaqeeyey oo ku timid wada hadal aad u dheer oo dhex maray Maamulka Hargaysa iyo qaar ka mid ah dawlada KMG oo lagu doonayey in Soomaaliya lagu kala gooyo Xubnihii u horeeyey oo Sheekh Shariif magcaabay waxay ahaayeen kuwo laysku af gartay , laguna heshiiyey Wasiirka hogaaminaya wada hadalka dawlada KMG Soomaaliya oo loo doortay ninka aadka ugu dhego nugul maamulka SNM oo ah wasiirka arimaha gudaha Dawlada KMG,laakiinse maamulka SNM waxay isku dayeen in ay hor istaagaan xubin kale oo ah Wasiirka maaliiyada Cabdi naasir Garjeex oo markii danbe labada dhinac ku heshiiyeen in la daayo oo ay cod ahaan uga adkaan doonaan. Maamulka Puntland iyo Madaxweynaheeda Cabdiraxmaan Faroole oo dadka Taariikhda qoraa wax badan ka qori doonaan,laakiinse maanta waxa mudan in looga mahad celiyo magcaabidii uu magcaabay labada aqoonyahan oo ka soo jeeda Beesha ***** degaankooduna yahay Waqooyiga Soomaaliya oo ku khasbay xulafadii Go;aanka ku gaartay guriga madow dhexdiisa in ay fashilmaan iyo in maamulkii SNM oo maalmo ka hor ahaa maamulkii i ugu hor dhawaaqay xubnaha uga qayb gelaya wada hadalka iyaga oo kalsooni buuxda ka haysta Dawlada KMG laga maqlay warbaahinta iyaga oo leh waan ka baxnay wada hadalkii markii ay arkeen labadii xubnood ee Reer Puntland oo xitaa Ergayga gaarka ah ee qaramada midoobey Mahiga markii uu soo gaaray Hargaysa uu fahmi waayey sababta keentay Cabsida faraha badan maamulka hargaysa ka qabaan.Xubnaha ka imanaya Puntland. Bulshada Gobolka Sanaag iyo Sool oo midnimada Soomaaliya Jecel oo aan marna shuruud ku xirin,kuna xiri doonin wada jirka Soomaaliya waxay uga digayaan qaar ka mid ah madaxda Dawlada KMG Soomaaliya oo hal qabsi ka dhigtay hadalkan “Reer Waqooyi Lixdankii ayaa calanka noo keenteen ,anaguna maanta ayaan Xeerada idiin keenaynaa oo ah Isaaqoow waxaad doonaysaan waa idiin samaynayana.ama waa idiin sadburinaynaa ee ka soo adkaada *****ga waqooyiga. Ugu danbayntii Warabaahinta Soomaaliya maalmahan danbe mucaaradka ugu weyn iyo xulafaysiga ugu xoogani waa labada xubnood oo ka soo jeeda Beesha ***** oo ka qayb gelaya shirka wada hadalka Caalamku ugu baaqay Soomaaliya . Arintan ayaa marka aad daawato Telefishanada Soomaalia ama aad dhegaysato Idaacadaha ku hadla afka Soomaaliga sida ay uga qaylinayaan kuwii nacabku dilooday oo xulafada ku ah xumaanta ayaa waxaad ku oganaysaa in labada xubnood oo Puntland magcawday ay yihiin aqoonyahandii i ugu mudnaa oo Beesha ***** ergo ahaan u dirsato, iyaga oo aaminsan in Qaranimadii Soomnaaliya ay ilaalin doonaan.
  4. Somalia;824382 wrote: They tried to expand into other areas where their clan doesn't live, what did they expect? :confused: these people don't learn. if they couldn't beat few lightly armed men in Buuhoodle, what chance do they have against Iley.
  5. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  6. Relentless;824045 wrote: ^^^ jihadki hadalki xaga ka si waad....shekadan bari horay ayay damatay. :cool: hahahah full of hot air . you will be isolated for another 20 years. hahahah :cool:
  7. reer PL community of Minnesota welcome the Minister with style :cool:
  8. Dr_Osman;824282 wrote: get in here kingyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I am smashing boorama boys oo wax weyn is mooday thanks osman for the videos.
  9. Relentless;824346 wrote: The Italians reached every part of Italian Somalia including bari and socotra was never colonised by somalians especially from bari it falls under Yemen for a reason. The only thing bari is famous for is we this and we that because we buuuudland but in reality south Somalia has more history because as is the case today your just a small fishing village. Therefore the italians,British or even othmania didn't see any significance. Even when the Italians moved north they moved north for British somaliland and you happen to be eating a fish when they encountered you. hahaha when will ethiopia pay for the services of berbera port:confused: hahaha enjoy :cool:
  10. Dr_Osman;824342 wrote: I am lucky Puntland is one of the only african nations that was not touched by colonialism, we were masters of our own destiny. You will not see any colonial remnants in Puntland because they simply never were there. Ironically Mogadishu and Berbera are not only colonial heartlands but were colonized even before italy and the uk came. Mogadishu under oman, berbera under ottomans. Puntland colonized socotra islands. Puntland was infact a colonial power hadi tarikhda dhib loo raco. Only somali clan that can claim such a feat. That is why we are way more evolved then the rest of somalis havent you noticed always thinking of "qaran" and other "tools" of managing not just ourselves but also YOU :cool:
  11. Dr_Osman;824111 wrote: Hey kingy the farm alone is 1000 hectares or 10kms. Thats just mudug. Farms are popping up everywhere in Puntland the more the better. now for all these farms to compete with their counterparts, they need developmental assistance/investment from the PL government.
  12. Moorudio;824012 wrote: i live in bosaso its a great city! really:confused: cool bro. how's Bosaso like:confused:
  13. Dr_Osman;824006 wrote: King do you think Bosaso has become the leading city of Somalia in terms of kororka dhismaha? no doubt. :cool:
  14. for bosaso, i want centralized urban planning. :cool:
  15. Raisawasaraha Soomaaliya DR. Cabdiwali Gaas ayaa isaga oo ka hadlaya Dastuurka Soomaaliya waxa uu sheegay in Dastuurka Soomaaliya noqon doon miy umadda Soomaaliyeed loo samayn doono “ Dastuurkan waxaa iska leh Shacabka Soomaaliyeed, sida rag, dumar, caruur iyo waayeelba. Haddii aan u isticmaalno si sax ah, una xafidno si sax ah, una horumarino si sax ah, waxuu noqon karaa mid awood leh oo si guud nooga xorreeya caddaadiska, xad-gudubyada xaquuqul insaanka iyo mid noo dhowra dhamman sharafta ummadda Soomaaliyeed. U isticmaalidda sida saxda ah, waxey kaloo noo horseedeysaa xornimo dhameystiran, horumar dhaqaale iyo barwaaqo.” Ayuu ku soo gabogabeeyey Ra’iisul Wasaarahu. “Nasiib darada jirtaa waxaa weeye Dadka mucaaradaya dastuurka qabyada ah, boqolkiiba 99 maba garanayaan waxyaabaha uu qorayo mana haboona qofku inuu wax iska diido isagoo aan aqoon u laheyn waxa uu diidayo” ayuu intaa ku daray raisul wasaare Gaas oo la hadlayey idaacada VOA. Umadda Soomaaliyeed oo dhan oo jecel demoqraadiyada ,nabadda ,kala danbaynta ,horumarka iyo in laysu cesho hantida la kala haysto iyo horumarka way soo dhoweeyeen dastuurka qabyo qoraalka oo bilowga ah,hase ahaatee ********tii qarankii Soomaaliyeed horey u bur burisay labaatankii Sano oo aynu soo dhaafnayna dalku ka degi waayey iyaga oo dalka soo marsiiyey wejiyo badan sida Jabhado,Qabqablayaal dagaal.Maxaakiim,Muqaawimo,Garabka Asmara IWM waxay iyagu bilaabeen in ay ka hor yimaadaan Nabadaynta Soomaaliya. Gudoomiyaha Odayaasha Dhaqanka H. Maxamed Xasan Xaad oo aad u soo can baxay xilligii uu mucaaradka ku ahaa Allah ha u naxariistee Dawladii Mudane Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf ayaa yiri sidan “Waxa meesha [dastuurka] ku yaal waa aragnay, waxaa ka mid ah inaan la sheegin madaxweynah iyo raysul wasaaraha inay Muslimiin yihiin iyo in kale. Sidaasoo kale waxaa la sheegay in jinsiyada Soomaaliya shan sano lagu qaadan karo oo iyadaa khalad kale ah” ayuu yiri Xaad oo intaa ku daray in dastuurka cusub uu horseedayo in dad aan xitaa Muslim ahayn ay Soomaaliya dal iyo dad ahaanba u sheegtaan. Odayga Xaad oo ku hadla magaca Odayada Beelaha H. waxa kale uu sheegay “Xaad wuxuu kaloo ku eedeeyey raysul wasaaraha inuu bilaabay inuu isaga kala shaandheeyo ergada qabiilada ee 135 oday dhaqameed, wuxuuna Xaad sheegay in raysul wasaare Gaas uu rabo in ergada beesha ****** laga saaro dadka aragti ahaan taageersan madaxweyne Shariif. Sidoo kale qabqable dagaal Indho cade oo u shaqeeya sida gabal dayaha oo xiligii jabhada USC ahaa sarkaal,xiligii Maxaakiimta Sheekh,xiligii Sheekh Shariif noqday Sarkaal Ciidan isaguna waxa uu yiri sidan “In aanu jirin qodob sax ah oo ka mid ah dastuurka cusub ee loo samaynayo dalka, waxaana uu qodobada qaldan ka xusay in madaxweynaha DFKMG ee soomaaliya uu xushmad u hayo diimaha kala duwan iyo sidoo kale in dastuurkan cusub lagu kala qeybiyay dalka.
  16. Somalia;823999 wrote: Very good article, thanks for posting. no problem sxb. exposing the truth will set all of us free. Insha'Allah.
  17. A definition: In 1787 a Russian general, Grigori Potemkin, (who previously conquered the historically Turkish Crimea peninsula) erected one dimensional frontage of what appeared to the uninitiated a series of planned  villages along a route travelled by Impress, Catherine II—all to impress (some say, deceive) the Queen.  Hence, the term Potemkin village! Somaliland is Africa’s Potemkin village. This rebel territory is marked by knotty conflict between the story bound images projected by its secession-minded elite (along with a couple of boosters from abroad) and the oppressive reality that exists on the ground. That Somaliland politicians mislead the international community does not conceal this veritable truth. No matter, they persist in presenting to the world a façade (not the true form) of a functioning democracy, where the rule of law is respected.  Again, the objective reality is something else altogether. Nothing is farther from the truth! Somaliland’s well coached, progressive public image is in many ways the diametric opposite of the way in which the secession-obsessed enclave tries to conduct its affairs.  Journalists are routinely harassed and frequently muzzled, while any profession of support for Somali national unity is criminalized.  Worst of all, the enclave’s head honchos maintain a reckless policy the main stay of which is to browbeat neighboring regions, including Sool, Cayn, Awdal, and to a lesser extent, Sanaag.  Why? To annex and/or occupy these regions, which are predominantly populated by pro-union clans. This is because tribalism is rife in the would-be breakaway region calling itself Somaliland.  Within their territory, politics and economics are dominated by ruling somaliland triangle clan with token representation for all the other clans that they hope corral to their side.  The urban elite of the enclave drive secession for a number of reasons not the least of which is to enhance intra-tribal affiliation within their camp.  As the single most important common denominator in this regard, secession is a tool for uniting all the self-described "Somalilanders"; it provides their true believers an emotionally-laden rallying call without which cohesion in the enclave would evaporate overnight. The politicians there know this well and are terrified  by it as they recognize the transitory nature of ethnic or tribal stacking as means of amassing power. The numerically negligible non-triangle clan in Hargeisa find the system stacked against them at every turn.  And thus they do not stand a chance in moderating it in the least.  A major problem driving the seemingly irreconcilable differences between Somaliland and the neighboring non-triangle communities is that political hacks in Hargeisa have indoctrinated the triangle clans that they are a distinct tribe, different from other Somalis.  Yet the population is indistinguishable from other Somalis in every way.  This alternative identity perhaps explains, at least in part, why the tribe decided to hitch its political wagon on the wrong star, namely foreign benefactors without regard to their politics as regards the Somali national interest. The secessionists also believe, rather erroneously, that British colonial officers that departed from the Somali peninsula long ago bequeathed to them a mantle to rule over the northern territories that the Brits once loosely administered by fiat, as a so-called protectorate. To justify such an inscrutable sense of entitlement, the secessionists elected to operate under a false flag, namely the claim that Somaliland is a fount of freedom and democratic governance.  Not only that, they insist on having the right to secede as a new nation, separate from the rest of the Somali nation.    By way of rationale, they offer half-baked ploy to justify their new if wrong-headed mantra: "triangle clan were abused under the military dictatorship (of a generation ago) and for that we want to secede".  Never mind that every other Somali clan suffered under the same regime.  And, that none of the other communities wants to dismember the nation to pursue similar vainglorious ends.    The unfortunate decision by the elite of the secessionist enclave,  to put all their proverbial eggs in the problematic basket of foreign patrons irrespective to their politics or agenda further muddies the political waters of the wider region. The overriding aim is to gain an unlikely foreign support for secession of the northwestern regions along the long defunct protectorate borders. That the so-called protectorate borders were superseded by the Somali national borders that were established at the dawn of independence, in 1960, are put aside as an unwelcome truth by Somaliland activists!  They seem to be saying, "Do not confuse us with inconvenient historical facts and legal justification"!   Yet, when people of other northern regions disassociate themselves from Somaliland and its secessionist agenda, they encounter with tribal chauvinism and outright aggression.  In fact, Somaliland politicians of all stripes do not pat an eyelash to call for attack on those northern communities that resist clan domination and secession.   The aggressor's excuse is always the same: "we need to safeguard the territorial integrity" of Somaliland—the same Potemkin village (that stands on stilts of fabricated history and half-truths). The "democratic and freedom fount" narrative that is fixatedly promoted by the elite of the fiefdom is entirely for foreign consumption.  It was conceived and custom-made by a talented politician, namely the late Mohamed I. Egal.  From the outset the object of Somaliland’s affection was, as mentioned above, to attract foreign benefactors that may lend support to the secession project.  This need brought Somaliland to establish symbiotic relationship with a whole host of NGOs, UN agencies and an alphabet soup of groups and freelance organizations that are collectively referred to as the "lords of poverty".  Mr. Egal was shrewd enough to split the difference with them; but his successor, Mr. Riyale Kaahin, surpassed that performance and was able to milk the ubiquitous organizations to his personal advantage.  The current Chief, Mr. Siilaanyo, is simply traveling on a well trotted byway.  And so a welfare entity that panhandles with the best of them on an international scale was born out of the ashes of the long struggle for tribal domination in northwestern regions of Somalia.  But there is a downside to all this make-believe world of being proud pauper at the international level, especially when it comes to seeking foreign handouts, and an aggressive invader at the national scene.  It is as counter-productive as it is unsustainable.  Finally, Somaliland politicians would be well-advised to change course as they are leading their constituents into a blind alley.  Granted, Somalis in general have not yet found their way out of the political maze in which they find themselves.  However, Somalis outside the enclave know where they need to go even if the roadmap that would take the nation home into peace, prosperity and brotherhood is not clear enough just now. So, the secessionist elite in Hargeisa need to let their people off from under their collective thumbs.  They should allow these innocents to join with the rest of their brothers and sisters in the sacred national quest to remake the beloved country—Somalia.
  18. now, if my other favorite website comes back, then i can be happy.
  19. WELCOME BACK :cool::cool: