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Posts posted by Bluelicious

  1. Axmed-InaJaad;755740 wrote:
    why go for an ex-convict and when you can go for a full blown nation of islam convict, more exciting don't you think? you can write him letters in jail, visit him for some passionate conjugal visits. ****** naago.

    I suppose that was sarcasm towards why one should not pick a ex convict. I don't think women in their 30s would lower their standards to marry a convict because they can't find a man what a bullshit. As if they can't get married to their cousins as a last resort. Some women are destined to never get married that's their destiny and you can't do much about what's written for you. Same applies for the men.

  2. Knight of Wisdom;755737 wrote:
    Hahaha, How can I not know what a Flying Disk is. I use to have plenty of those back in the 90s. Dammit !


    Lol @ Aaliyah and Bluelicious throwing me back and forth to one another. I'm a KNIGHT dammit, I have sacrificed...waxan ahay nafti huure. Instead of asking me if I can be your Knight in shining armor, you two want me to do some chores. Fine...bal ii yara dhib weelka, iska yara fadhista oo ii dhagesta Saado Ali or daawada Sanaad Guraadii 2aad ee SSC ama halgankii Simba. lol


    Does anyone want Qaaxwo (shaah)?

    Knight your still a night in shining armor to me it doesn't make you less of a man to help Aaliyyah out with her dishes. It's a nice gesture of you a gentleman quality. Anyhow you don't need to do it if you don't want to. Yes please one cup of tea.


    Aaliyyah I doubt those men of the maqaahida would lend you a helping hand. All they wanna do is be served all day and nothing in return. You are better then that see you around some other time.

  3. How can you not like it anymore it's timeless regardless of how many times you watched, I have never seen Somalia so I can't talk to you about the good old days. So let us reminisce about the 90s like The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air at the park with our SOL crowd. How about a round of playing flying disk :D

  4. Knight of Wisdom;755714 wrote:
    Well, I figured since it wouldn't violate Islam, if we went out on a cyber date with the presence of 7,000 members online simultaneously. Where would I take you to? decided, it's the 21st Century, women are known to take the initiative on everything.

    Lol smart move. We can go watch the Lion King in 3D I love that movie who doesn't.

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  5. Aaliyyah;755120 wrote:
    ^chemistry ma imply gareenin
    joking..but since he seen her at the msa, and probably msa meetings etc..he probably liked the way she looked so there is definitely attraction. And, I agree if there is no attraction u cant work around that regardless of how pious the person is..but we need to understand that seeing a good looking person who is not pious than we have to drop that person and move one doesnt have to settle for someone who they are not attracted to (and remember who is handsome to me might not be handsome to the next farxiyo so whoever makes ur heart move lol)



    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so I agree with you. You still got people who get married to a person without being attracted to them and when they later get divorced wonder where did it get wrong. People marry for alot of different reasons and the best reason to get married to a person is for their religion and attraction. You can never go wrong with those 2, it's the secret to a happy successful marriage :cool:

  6. Aaliyyah - I find you a cool and laid back girl. Lol you abuse the word sorry for goodness, atleast it's a good cause which you are doing it for. Your being considerate of the other persons feeling which is a beautiful quality that you don't see alot anymore. True you gotta let it slide sometimes to maintain the relations with that person if they are dear to you. Like you said too you can't go on more then 3 days without communicating with your fellow muslim people. The sooner you resolve things the better :)


    ToughGong - True, only confident and courageous people are able to apologise for their action. Weak, arrogant and people with pride will find it to be a hard task to utter those words. And because of that their own insecurities will harm them over time and prevent them from making any progresses.


    Alpha Blondy - Indeed sorry has lost it's meaning because of the influences of hollywood movies. Most people tend to use it for the sake of saying it not because they are really sincere about it. We all deserve second chance there is nothing wrong witht that.


    Juxa - What do you mean by ''Raali ahoow qof aad ka adagtahay la dhahaa'' I didn't understand. Lool at you and Aaliyyah exchanging sorries that's the way to go :)


    Jaceylbaro - It's a word called sorry :) :) :)


    Grasshopper - I second that we should only apologise if we mean it and it's our fault there is no point in making empty apologies and apologising for something which isn't your fault. Does not fix anything makes only matters worse.


    I like this song better then the one with Elton John ;)


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  7. Knight of Wisdom;755463 wrote:
    True. It is what it is. It's time Ceerigaabo is divided between TWO Administrations to save guard the interests of each clan and it's security.

    Can't you just let it slide and be done and over with, it's not worth it to be talking about something that has destroyed your country. You will gain nothing out of it and Somalia stopped arguing why don't you do the same, having the last word doesn't make you necessary right.

  8. Greece should evaluate their incomes and spendings and cut back and not waste money anymore on unnecessary things. Where did they go wrong to be so bankrupted at the moment. They shouldn't make their citizens suffer for the governments mistakes.

  9. It's wrong to talk about the past with what if that and that had happend or done. Clearly everything happens for a reason and we don't know. Allah is the all knower and best of planners. We may not like high birth rates and large families but it could be that alot of good may come out of it we only don't see it at the moment.

  10. Gheelle.T;755215 wrote:
    Nuune, I hope your are doing this for the sake of entertaining Sol crowd here, and not serious about it. Haddii ayse run kaa tahay, waa in NGonge iyo inta kaa ag dhow laguu soo diro. Saan si maahan sxb

    He is a story teller can't you tell by the way he writes his stories.


    Nuune you should start writing somali drama books and novels you would do it good. You already got the SOL crowd behind you.

  11. When it comes to apologising to a person do you find it hard or easy to say that your sorry if you were at wrong. Would you even say it if you weren't wrong to keep the relations good with that person and to also be done and over with as soon as possible. Are you sincere about your apologies or you just say it for the sake of saying it.


    "Apologising doesn't mean that your wrong and the other is right it only means that you value the relationship more then your ego."


    Do you agree or disagree?