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Posts posted by Bluelicious

  1. True it's very difficult if you have been brainwashed for such a long time but there is still hope for the Americans to wake up and smell the reality. The trailer looks like it's gonna be a popular programme I would definitely watch it, it looks interesting.

  2. It's time for a revolution when it comes to muslims on reality tv. To me it sounds a good idea many Americans have no clue about muslims except for what they see and hear on the media which is often negative. So this programme would shed light on the muslim community from a different perspective and change the minds of the ignorant Americans who think every muslim is a terrorist.

  3. ^^ Well since they are out and about in society you could come across them on any place like you normally would with normal people who haven't been to prison. And it's not like you could read from a persons face that they are ex convicts when you meet them unless they tell you you wouldn't know.

  4. Knight of Wisdom;756832 wrote:
    Perfectly put. This thread is meant for Awdal State of Somalia and anything relating to it.


    As for XX, the guy things he is the British-Colonizers reincarnated, with pure Yahuud blood running thru his veins. Kulaha "12 Tribes of Somaliland" LMAO


    Bluelicious, calm down. A_Khadar was just trying to give us reference. He has been here way before both of us. He's right in directing us towards the old Thread that has had this sorts of subjects being discussed. Secondly, you can't throw out what the Prophet of Islam or Allah has made HALAL for us.


    If the Prophet can do it, so can we. If Aisha and which ever other wive of the Prophet can do it, so can you.


    I understand the point but go read what he wrote and how he wrote it then you will understand why I reacted the way I reacted. He was being rude and didn't say it in a respectful manner. If you come with a rude comment expect a rude comment back. He was being off topic himself too and mingling with us conversation talk about being a hypocrite.


    I know in islam a man can marry up to 4 wives and it's not obligatory on the men to do so nor is it to the women to accept to be a mans second third or fourth wife the choice is up to her she can say no if she want's to. Your forgetting that everyone has a opinion and a preference and I don't like the idea of being someones second wife get that through your head and respect my opinion. If you want a second wife there are many fish out their in the ocean and infact there are alot of women who wanna get married right now and have a hard time finding a good man who don't mind being a second wife make those women happy.

  5. Knight of Wisdom;756848 wrote:
    Somalia, I already know your username in Snet and I know you're not block from there. lol


    Bluelicious, unfortunately, according to Somalia, my debating skills are very premature, with no creditability whatsoever.

    Well i'm sure he was just saying that during the heat of the moment and finds you a worthy component to debate with.

  6. Knight of Wisdom;756841 wrote:
    I know. I don't like's bone chilling.

    Well get used to it there is nothing wrong with giving one a compliment and receiving it :)


    Somalia and Knight I have a feeling you two gonna be good buddies and gonna put your differences aside. Your differences are the one thing that brings you two together and produce interesting amazing debats plus makes you a powerful duo. You two could become politicians :)

  7. Knight of Wisdom;756830 wrote:
    Lol, you guys discussing me right under my nose. Fine, I'm 16 years old. Happy. lol

    Too late we don't believe that. We were saying good things about you not anything bad. Infact you should be flattered what we said about you we are amazed.

  8. Nin-Yaaban;756827 wrote:
    Could you imagine how the conversation would go down when the dude ask the girls parents if he could marry her...?


    : War Walaalow inoo sheeg waxaad taxay iyo waxaad soo qaban jirtay?


    : Halkee ka bilaabaa bal.... 5sano oo ugu danbeesay XABIS/Jail ayaan kujiray, laakinse hada waxaan ahay kuwa eey yiraahdaaan "Reformed" oo is badaly


    : War Nin Fiican ayaaba tahayee, GABADHA waan ku siinay.

    Lol that was a realistic convo but I think the answer would be a fat NO don't you think? Somalis are so judgemental they would never allow such person in their lifes or give to their daughters.

  9. May God bless all of the souls of the people who died in Somalia till this day whether they have been good or bad people. For we don't know their intention and what was deep down in their hearts. We can only judge them from their actions that we saw or heared with our ears.

  10. Somalia;756821 wrote:
    Well lets just say I'm more than right...

    Now that you mentioned that I do see a lil bit of me in him but oh well we all have a person who is similar to us.


    Did you come across your female version? Or would you shoot her like the way you came in here with a gun about the poem.

  11. Jacpher;756804 wrote:
    Smile more often. Make sujuud more often. Never underestimate the power of charity.

    Doing sujuud or sitting between salaat (don't remember which one it was) for a longer time during salaat gives you more noor in the face atleast that's what I read on a islamic site.

  12. ^^ I see someone is being sensitive. It's funny how you jump with the ciyaal card when the truth has hit you as if that's the only defense you know. Don't come and force yourself into conversations, this was a A to B conversation so C yourself out. You have no right to come in here and tell people to get out of this thread who do you think you are. The fact that your the only one who it bothers that we are talking in here shows that your jealous you came in all winking at me. When things didn't go according to your plan you became yealous and bitter. Don't come react to me because your emotions take over you, your a oday maseeray.