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Posts posted by Bluelicious

  1. Somalia;756790 wrote:
    True, they do make themselves younger, he's quite an energy filled old bugger eh. His views make more sense to me now, I thought he was younger than me due to the way he was writing.

    The eyes are a deceiving tool sometimes. Having a sense of humour keeps you younger for longer and that's so true have seen it in real life. I was thinking exactly the same thing that explains why he knows so much about Somali politics and his views we both got fooled lol :(

  2. I agree with your first point it doesn't make sense to live under someone else's shadow it would only mean your insecure and not confident enough to follow your own path and leave behind your trail. You would also never make any progression.

  3. Somalia;756776 wrote:
    I think
    and I are skeptical.

    If he says he is 40+ let's just believe him because somalis are known to make themselfs younger not older so when a person gives a big age believe them eventhough i'm still a lil bit skeptical like you :confused:

  4. A_Khadar;756775 wrote:
    You two there are so much discussion some went on for years about this topic you are pushing back and forth to each other.. I would suggest you to dig those topics and read over about the opinions of SOL over the years and add more to that..


    For now, this is about Awdal president so ka baxa dee..

    No one forced you to come in this topic, you brought yourself in so how can you then start complaining. Knight is the topic starter so he is the one who decides whether he wanna go off topic or not so if he is ok with it what's your problem?!


    The prophet had been married to a total of 11 women.

  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;756773 wrote:
    Islam allows Islamic men to have 4 wives the prophet Muhammad CSW had more than 4 wives but the reason why he had more than 4 wives it had to do with the spread of Islam every ArabianTribe was offering Prophet Muhammad their daughters. like the story Maria al qibtiyya the woman that was send to prophet Muhammad csw from al-Muqawqis of Misr.Ask you're self why Prophet Muhammad csw didn't had two wives when he was Married to Khadījah bint Khuwaylid ibn asad.

    Well explained.


    Knight read this mans words. In your face! lol

  6. Knight of Wisdom;756768 wrote:
    So, you're saying the Prophet was a liar when he said that he loved ALL his wives equally?

    You forget the prophet wasn't the same as us he was different he had the ability to love and support his wives equally hence he was a prophet your not a prophet. We don't have the ability to share our love equally over 2 people who are you trying to fool.

  7. Knight of Wisdom;756765 wrote:
    No, I'm not married. Lol (maybe). But, are you sure I'm a teen? Would you believe me, if I told you that I was alive and in a good age in 1978's during Cirro's execution? During the formation of SNM? During Kacankii 1984 parade (which I was present) and so forth?


    Your 40+ wow you could be my dad as if you being married wasn't enough :eek:



  8. Knight of Wisdom;756760 wrote:

    Wait..don't take it back, yet. lol


    Your way of thinking is against that of the Prophet's wives characteristics. Don't you wish to be like Aisha, the Prophet's wife or his other many wives? Are you telling me that if you met a man, who has every thing you have been looking for in a man, his personality, his characteristics, his looks, his knowledge in the Deen, his level of education, his bank account and everything is would pass on him, if he's already married to a wife, not to mention, that wife of his, is okay with him marrying another wife?

    Yes I would pass on him because I have the right to have my own opinion about my own life. I have never been a materialistic person I don't care even if he had everything I wanted and was rich I would still say NO. My happiness can't be bought with money or shared with another women. A person doesn't have 2 hearts and can't not share his love and affection equally across multiple person there is always one person who you are more attracted to or love it's also been said on the deen funny you chose to not mention that part.

  9. Somalia you sneaky observer and make use of the situation.


    Knight of Wisdom now I understand where you coming from when you said marriage is overrated. Not every marriage is the same and the ones who say it's overrated are clearly the ones who aren't happy with their marriage.

  10. Knight of Wisdom;756754 wrote:

    Lol, so since the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad is or role model, was he a cheater for marrying more than 3 women, some simultaneously?

    Maybe you like marrying more then one women but I don't wanna be no mans second wife HELL NO! The world is full of single men why opt for a married man with a past baggage


    I hereby take everything I have said to you back and that's the right thing for me to do. Oh my goodness a married man has flirted with me you should be ashamed of yourself man have some respect for your wife.

  11. Knight of Wisdom;756747 wrote:
    Blue, but should that be an obstacle? What difference would it make if I'm married or not?

    Did you bumped your head today or so it DOES make a big difference if you are married. I don't roll with married men I stay far away from them don't like to be a homewrecker and I wouldn't like someone doing to me either. You would be a cheater who doesn't care about his wife if you telling what difference would it make.




  12. Somalia Lool you have no heart!


    Aaliyyah I know it's a beatiful poem and I like the somali gabay too suprisingly because normally I don't like no gabay thanks for sharing that.


    Knight of Wisdom you must have commitment phobie or been heartbroken before.

  13. Knight of Wisdom;756723 wrote:

    You seem a bit too good to be true. lol Am I married? Should marriage be an obstacle for us, to have one heck of an life-time adventure together? Should love (I might've spoken too early) be limited to particular state of time, event or place?

    Lol you sound like as if you have never met a real lady but have only been with immature girls there are many women around who are like me are they also too good to be true. Hmm so you are married I knew it like I said all the good men are off market :eek:


    A_Khadar lol maybe in your dreams!

  14. A_Khadar;756722 wrote:
    I doubted.. Now are you suggesting me the hundreds of girls requested me over the months liked me all and wanted to know me more..

    There was probably something they liked about you and do you really think i'm gonna believe that self bragging about hundreds of girls asking friend request to you. Even Johnny Bravo doesn't get hundreds of friend request in such a short period.

  15. A_Khadar;756708 wrote:
    Very much.. Don't rush and assume you have being interested.. lol..

    Bluelicious;756500 wrote:
    We both joined in october but on different days so what's the big deal. Or is it the fact that
    I like him
    so soon well what's there not to like about him he is intelligent, charming, funny, laid back and last but not least he is a knight in shining armor

    As you can seee from this above post of mine I have clearly and openly said that I like him :)

  16. Knight of Wisdom;756529 wrote:
    Oh, I'm flattered. That was truly flattering. I must admit, you have an amazing cyber persona, which I hope is the same in real life. Are you single, by any chance? lol

    What you see on here is what you get that's how I am. I am always myself and real what's the point of trying to be someone else's fan and making them popular. Yes moi is riding solo you must be married right all good men are off the market darn. So how was your football night on monday did you enjoy watching?


    A_Khadar;756644 wrote:
    ;)... I was reading other day on firend's FB Wall..

    "If a girl requests you, it doesn't mean she is interesting you but just a friendly request and if she accepts your request, that doesn't mean you likes you either but respect..."..

    You got it wrong obviously if someone sends you a friend request they LIKE you as a person and find you interesting and would like to get to know you further hence the request it's that simple your only making it difficult for yourself. There is no such called friendly request someone who's requesting is interested in something to be doing that in the first place and the person who accepts it same applies to that person they are interested too and hence why they accept the terms and agreement.


    Lool at you winking at me do you want me to kill him gosh your more evil then I thought. Are you trying to take his place :eek:

  17. O My Love
    Where are you???
    Come and take me!
    Take my heart and my soul
    I promise to love you
    Until the day I die
    I'll hold you tight
    And never make you cry
    I want your hugs and I want your kisses
    Because without you
    I can not live
    I want you by my side everyday when I awake
    I'll be your dream wife
    And give you all my life
    I'll cook and clean for you
    Before a blink of an eye
    Dinner will be ready and served
    When you come home from a long day at work.
    I'll give you beautiful kids
    And with Allah’s help
    We'll raise them the best way we can
    I'll never hurt you
    Or talk back to you
    Because between me and you
    InshaAllah there will never be a fight
    And I may not know anything about you
    But in my heart I know that I already truly love you
    I pray to Allah everyday
    To give me a sign
    That you are near
    Because I've been searching
    For you for so many years
    And I can not wait for the day
    When you come and take me away
    Because I know from above
    In our books
    We are written for each other
    Until that day comes
    My heart will be incomplete
    And it will be filled with so much pain
    Pain that can only be healed
    When you are here
    And I'll dream of you every night
    And wish you were here
    Sleeping by my side holding me tight

    Written by Liloze Saadoon

  18. caydarus;756415 wrote:
    Knight of Wisdom, Join Date

    Oct 2011

    Join same date??

    Bluelicious,Join Date

    Oct 2011

    We both joined in october but on different days so what's the big deal. Or is it the fact that I like him so soon well what's there not to like about him he is intelligent, charming, funny, laid back and last but not least he is a knight in shining armor :D

  19. Knight of Wisdom;756360 wrote:



    Yeah, it's a cowardly move. This so-called SNM terrorists are known to attack innocent civilians on Eiid days. Back in 1991, they attacked a town called XUDUN during EIID, when everyone were praying during the Eiid prayers, resulting in the death of over 60 innocent locals in just one day.

    They won't get away with murdering innocent people as if they are sheeps. They will be held accountable for their action on the judgement day and get their deserved punishment. If not in this world they are gonna get in the hereafter.