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Posts posted by Mujahida

  1. I believe that too Jamilah & Bambina. I mean yeah, I wouldn't go to those weddings. Mingling like that is absolutely Haram in islam. Than one comes up to me in one of those threads in s.o.l and tells me " i have a culture its's called somali culture" I say the heck with it! Bambina i never accepted any invitations from a mixed somali marriage. It's absurd! some somali's tend to be part-time muslims subhanaAllah, wearing the latest fancy night dress in those weddings and weaqring your hijab on day time. Same with the man, going to the masjid and attending those weddings lol!



    Nice to see that there some sistas who don't go to those weddingz. Respect to you!



  2. Originally posted by : DeSeRT GYPSY



    You can study, live comfortably with your partner, complete half your deen and most importantly keep away from temptations

    Thats so true MashaAllah. Children are a blessing from Allah. Marriage in islam is completing the half of your deen. InshaAllah to get married with the right person islamicly is really cool i believe. But I would never do that without knowing for sure that either me or my future spouse is going to be financially stable. I guess children have alot of needs that need to be taken to account but the best of all is to be educated islamicly at the end we all wanna win Allah's pleasure.( i'm speaking from a muslimah's perspective). So increase your deen and let the rest do your husband! ;)



  3. Salam


    SubhanaAllah the first time i read this awhile ago a brother made me read, it got me wondering who was the "her" in the story. I thought that it was about " mother". It's quite touching ilham. Jezekelah kheeran, i really enjoyed reading it.



  4. Salam's ya muslimeen


    when i hear you all saying that thact is degrading, disgusting etc. rememeber that this is based on your culture or experiences so be very careful in passing a hukm or law under islam. THAT IS HARAAM.

    Yusufaddie MashaAllah. That is very true and well said. We should really be considerate about what we base our judgements and info's on. Thanx for summarizing that akhi!


    May Allah forgive me and every other muslim, ameen!




  5. I'm a Muslim. My Religion is ISLAM. I do not have a Qabiil Alhamdulilah. I know my family and my loyalty belongs to them totally thats my brother's and sisters by blood and my two precious parents and my Muslim brothers and Sisters in Islam who are closer than blood because we all share the belief OF The Oness of ALLAH.



  6. Og_Moti loooooooooooooooool ahahhah


    12. ur mom or dad calls long distance and screams on the phone lol, that happens in my house for sure lol smile.gif


    kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...walaahi ...i had to post a reply on this bro .coz it is defenetely accurate--lol



    Originally posted by : STHLM_Lady


    I´m sitting here and its 10:48 pm and i have school tommorrow and also doing a late assaignment which i´m supposed to send it to my teacher in one hour

    lol lol




    Walahi, I'm still laughing. lol



    Masalama smile.gif

  7. FrEaKy_KiTTeN


    There are many people on this forum who almost rep from any country on the planet.



    I was born and raised in germany. That was my first 10 years of my life. Than I was brought up in Holland for another 6 years ( the Netherlands) and now I've been resting my head in my bed In New Zealand for 3 years. Only Allah knows where I'll be next. I'd like to die in a islamic country though InshaAllah. ;)



    Og_Moti, MashaAllah i never thought they had somali people in cambodia. I think cambodians look different. I don't wanna judge no one for their race or looks. smile.gif



  8. Salam again


    Ukthi Rahima. Sista you don't need to apologise to me. I'm sorry if i gave u the impression that you were irritating me. I respect what you wrote in regards to the topic. Jezekelah kheeran for sharing your thoughts with us. I wasn't trying to to force anyone god forbid. I just wanna gain more of this topic that so many of us fear.



    I just would like to thank Khayr again for educating us.



    Originally posted by : Khayr


    And for those who might say 'That the Deen shouldn't be judged on some Alim's Word/Opinion'

    well why did the rasul (salallahu calihe waslima) say: Who ever respects the Ulama, has respected me'

    That is true. I thought that it was extremely rude of Thought_Control to BadMouth a respected scholar. May Allah forgive hinm.



    Libaax-Sankataabte Thanx for that article i really thought that it made me think alot. Jezekelah kheeran Akhi.


    Tamina thanx for sharing your thoughts with us.



    Orginally posted by Matkey


    [quote are you guys claiming to be scholar in the Islamic realm?

    No i for one am not trying to be a scholar, and i don't believe anyone else is. So please stop being so negative.



    Originaly posted by Tamina


    I feel that married couples should be aware of what's haram during intimacy(its' not many!) and whaterever rocks their boat it's up to them to decide.

    That was well said. Thats why i posted this thread. To learn!




  9. SalamaAlaykum


    Originally posed by Rahima


    do not try to force people to be partial to things which are not obligatory.

    SubhanaAllah. God your just over-reacting there YA Ukthi. I never forced nobody, I Most definitely don't believe that I have the authority to do so. Please check what you say about me. You can all critize me as much as you like but please do it atleast fairly.


    Seeking the knowledge of the Religion is obligatory on Me. Knowledge is the gateway to success. "If one acquires the Obligatory Knowledge of the Religion, one acquires the ability to differentiate between what is lawful and what is unlawful, what is acceptable and what is not acceptable, and what is good and what is evil." We're just trying to be cautious of our future InshaAllah. I don't understand why that would Wrong.



    I don't wanna judge nobody here. So please do not try to judge me to. There is nothing wrong with me seeking an answer. Whether it's disgusting to you or whether your opinions are different nor is it wrong to discuss it. I have every right to educate myself islamicly so do many others whom i speaking for as well.





    Brother without attacking me. Read this and let your mind reason.


    It is permissible for the husband to enjoy/savor/relish his wife however he wishes, and to come to her in the genital area from any point he wishes. As Allah (Exalted is He) has said:



    Mobb_Deep Brother without attacking me. Read this and let your mind reason.



    “Your wives are a tillage for you [to cultivate] [nisa’u-kum harthun l-kum]


    so go to your tillage as you wish. [fa-’’tu hartha-kum anna shi’tum] Q 2:223.


    thats is the Quraan.


    It is permissible for the husband to enjoy/savor/relish his wife however he wishes, and to come to her in the genital area from any point he wishes. As Allah (Exalted is He) has said:

    Thats a Respected scholars Quote. It don't mean I agree. I just wanted to know more.



    Allah knows best!



  10. I think neither Brains nor Beauty are important to me. You can have both and still lack a good HEART. I'd take anyone with a GOOD heart that connects with my HEART Regardless of their looks. smile.gif


    You see we won't be in this beautiful young skin 4ever. It'll fade in time. In time our REAL soul will come out. Thats who we want to be respected for right? So, why not be smart, and get someone with a good SOUL. The only thing that will stick with me is someones HEART not their looks nor their brains. You better realize that now because i guarantee you in time you'll! ;)




  11. Originally posted by : Mobb_Deep



    Latifah, I am from Somalia. I am proud to know that there is something called "Somali culture".

    I don't believe that your-somali-culture or my somali-culture will place me on the heighest Rank of Jannah. What pleases ALLAH is one who seeks the truth. If u fear the truth than pls don't hesitate to leave it alone.


    Originally posted by khayr :


    Clearity on something very Important here!

    Pleassssse don't ever, ever, ever confuse the Deen and what is Halal/Haram with your own PERSONAL FEELINGS towards a subject/topic

    May i add this too. don't ever, ever, ever confuse the Deen and what is Halal/Haram with your CULTURE.




  12. In the name of GOD,

    the Most Mercifull, the Most Beneficient


    As salâmu alaykum warahmatullâhi wabarakatahu


    Abaayo Seynab, I tried to private message you, but realised that i couldn't for some reason. I'm just gonna say it here. Sista what u wrote about the brother was really touching subhanaAllah and brought even tears to my eyes. Your words are all so full of wisdom MashaAllah. May Allah grant you and everyone who knew him the best of sabr and imaan.



    We need to reassess, reevaluate our principles. We need to keep our focus on the right things and to keep Allah's thoughts in our minds at all time.

    thats so true.


    I know that your hurting from the loss and grieve Sista. Just put all the Love and Respect you have for Brother Mohamed into your Heart by believing that death is haq. That none of us are gonna be here.



    Thank you for sharing your story with us Seynab. May Allah give you strength and courage to over-come this.



    And Allâh has told us,


    "Every soul shall taste death."



    I pray that Allâh gives to us that which is better than what we have lost and guide us all to the Paradise. Ameen




  13. Salam everyone


    Intuition & Mr.Millenium thanx for those sites. It was quite useful checking em out even though they didn't answer all of my questions. Thanx again.



    Thought_Control , Don't speak like that about the scholar. He knows his relgion. Nobody is forcing you to practice oral-sex. We're just trying to learn what our religion says/teaches about it.





    The only culture I know is Islam. Besides I only wanted to know what the REAL truth is. SubhanaAllah my questions are still not answered.


    Originally posted by MObb_Deep


    QUOTE]If your partner cares about ya enough, they would never ask for it. Just remember that.

    Thanx for saying that, but i'm not married yet.




  14. Thats in the Quraan. Thanx Cute

    I Just would like to correct myself. I made a mistake up there, I was meant to say " thats in a hadith". Jezekalah kheeran Mujahid. May Allah bless you for your consciousness!



  15. Salam lazieGirl


    LATEAFHA, you do realize that no one is buying your bs???

    Walahi nobody said that u have to buy a thing i say, I don't have to prove you a thing therefor u don't need to dwell on my lines! And don't come up here and say " nobody" Speak for

    urself Girl. I Live my life as ALLAH has ordered me to which is FOLLOWING the QURAAN. And taking my examples from our beloved Prophet Mohamed asw.


    Our Beautiful religion TEACHES us that the only time a Girl can be alone with the man is with a Mahram! Any other time is joined with the shaytan and his HARAM, as CuteLilGirl has said


    oh by the way man and woman a lone so third person is The Devil.... even if they are talking about school and stuff like that some how the devil will be in between and so will happen...that's why DATING is HARAM...

    Thats in the Quraan. Thanx Cute


    If you took the time out to read the Quran you would see that what your doing is Strictly Forbidden. I hope and I pray that in time you all will see how serious the fire your playing with is. I challenge any one of you to come up with any type of proof that states what your doing is Halaal.



  16. Yusufaddie and Khayr Thanx for sharing that with us. Jezekelah kheeran


    Bashi, the pleasure is all mine and thank you smile.gif




    Ur entitled to your own opinion, but we should follow whats made lawful to us and avoid whats unlawful InshaAllah.


    Originally posed by Thought_Control


    one more thing please find it out for yourself by that i mean read the quran and books alike dont rely only on sheicks some do misslead and fall under the umbrella of hypocrites where they pretend to be scholars.and we all know god hates hypocrites

    Here is the Quraan :


    “Your wives are a tillage for you [to cultivate] [nisa’u-kum harthun l-kum]


    so go to your tillage as you wish. [fa-’’tu hartha-kum anna shi’tum] Q 2:223.


    Wa/salam sistas and brothas

  17. Ina-lil-lahi-waIna-ilahay-Raja-uun!


    Death is Haq. It'll happen to each and everyone of us. May Allah give his family and Loved ones Sabr. May Our last deeds be good ones.

    May ALLAH-SubhanaAllah-Wata-ala forgive his sins, and put him in Jannah and give him the best of the hereAfter. Ameen


    Your Sista In Islam

  18. Cute-Lil-Girl, Petite, Mujahid, I agree with you totally! ;)


    Dating is Haram. Getting to know eachother is Halal. How you do it is the difference. WE as Muslims have stopped thinking. We avoid thinking about the real issues. We spend so much time on the opposite sex, thinking about careers, money etc, but we forget to think about death and how much of this we will really be able to take with us! I've been asked out many times, SubhanaAllah I never accepted Dating or being alone with a man. I personaly believe that Dating is EVIL, and creates corruption for ones Imaan.



    So to wait for the right one to come strolling by one day is the smartest thing to do.....sooner or later he/she will show up. always keep your hopes high. Fellow Muslims! Fear Allaah as he should be feared, for fear of Allaah brings more blessings and prevents afflictions.




  19. WaAlaykumaSalam-Wrahmatulahi wabarakatu Taqwa, Long time no see


    That actually used to happen alot to me when I was in High School, Esp my last year. I was mainly communicating with myself but that was due to my exams and Stress. I think that you need to speak to people who alittle more who have the same interest like you,. maybe play soccer, socialise with brothers at the masjid, Listen to some Quraan, Recite it urself it will give you a sense of well-being InshaAllah,I guess It's part of life to have ur lights shut off for a while. Speaking from a girls perspective, If I'd feel like that now, I'd change my room, change the position of my bed, change the curtains lol smile.gif , or even leave the whole place for a few days and visit my cousins for some time. Thats if the place is causing it. if not Than u have to change ur Attitude InshaAllah. Thats what I'd do!




  20. sister latifah I'm not scholar..I'm just sudent.

    I ask my allah to give us a good knowledge.

    Ws Wr Wb MuslimSis, We're all students smile.gif ameen for the dua May Allah accept it from you. There is so much that is happening around us in todays CRAZY society. We need to know what our Religion says about certain things. Who knows we might be effected with the situation one day in our lives when we're married. We need to educate ourselves islamicly so that we can say NO to what's Haram and YES to what's Halal InshaAllah.


    Thanx MuslimSis, so what do the others think or know about this?

  21. Thats one of my Favorite Poem about Muslim woman. Jesekelah kheeran Sista. Keep them coming! I actually know alot of poems from that writter.


