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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. Xaglatoosiye as the Minister for Health. Qad addict leading the health ministry --that is sad
  2. Samatar seems desperate these days ...being all things to all people. hadhow markuu noo yimaado , dhegeysta wuxuu yiraahdo War ninkan anaga noo daaya As for the mother clans never holding the top office, it takes certain political infrastructure which these families never had. In politics songs and poems don't win votes , our brothers produced renown poets but they have to yet produce a politician that transcends beyond local politics. Even Mr. Egal failed to harvest the low hanging fruits that Somalia's civil war produced ---the situation was such that conditions at the time procured political fortunes that only the family could leverage. But the sole statesman squandered the opportunity. They blame the 1960 union, while the real blame is their inability to think big and build the neccassary alliance to lead. Siilaanyo cannot escape the chains of the past either, it is pity really to see him fight a lost cause. But all is not lost, and I do have a confidence in the aspiring politician that is NGONGE. One day Somalia will be led by an Arab/Somali/Burcaawi .
  3. Talaa laga dilmaa , wax kalaa laga dawoobaaye Weligaa tasho, barana dadkaad la tashanayso---hawl kasta oo ku qabsata cid aad kala tashato diyaarso, and life will become quite manageable
  4. ^^I think so . The political aspect of things must firstly be resolved before a grand reconciliation is organized.
  5. Why landers are voicing this negative sentiment against Mohamed Abdullaahi ?
  6. ^^But the talks are taking shape now Jubbaland admin and SFG will commence talks in Adis---that is the latest feed
  7. C & C , Actually it was a prepared speech for president's parliament speech. If it was an interview I would have given the president the benefit of the doubt. But to include such an obvious defeatist statement in a prepared remarks is a recipe for losing credibility. The president lost credibility and trust among large segment of Somali people because of his actions on Kismayo. He can repair , and he does have a time indeed,but that requires to suppress his ego and eat some words back...
  8. ^^The president is on record saying 'he will never recognize' the outcome of Kismayo conference. That is not fantasy or fabrication, it was a bad slip of the president. Now whatever face saving formulations that will be put in place, one thing Jubbaland supporters can sleep on is their efforts will not be wasted and the state foundations are set in.
  9. ^^they are close xaaji xunjuf ---unlike the separatists , our disagreement does not prevent us from talking and respecting each other
  10. I think an agreement is inevitable now , but the government paid a price in terms of trust and credibility.
  11. ^^Ma hubtaa Canbuulo in ' both sides are at fault' yihiin? al cadaalah muhim; one of them said he will never recognize the outcome of a conference where more than 500 people gathered for a close to a year. Tolow xaggee wax ku ogaa , and what kind of a logic did he use to boldly proclaim such an authority ...
  12. Ra,iisal Wasaarihii Somalia 1964-1967 oo taageerey Doorka Siyaasada Somalia ku wajahayaan Madaxda Puntland,Warbixin.. June 22, 2013 10:36 pm GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor Ra’iisalwasaarihii Xukuumadii Soomaaliya sanadkii 1964-1967 Abdirizak H. Hussein ayaa sheegey inuu waafaqsan yahay wadadii ay mareen Madaxda ay ka mid yihiin Cumar C/rashiid oo Ra,isal wasaare Somalia kasoo noqdey, Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr C/raxmaan Faroole iyo Cabdiwali Cali Gaas oo isna Ra,iisal Wasaare Somalia kasoo noqdey xilligii kala guurka ee laga gudbayey KMG-nimada Somalia. Abdirisaq Xaaji XuseenCabdi Risaaq Xaaji Xuseen oo Wareysi siiyey Xarunta Taxliiliinta Siyaasadda iyo Cilmi Baarista ee CFPAR (Center for Policy Analysis and Research, oo ah Hay’ad Somali-American ah, ayuu C/risaaq Xaaji Tilmaamay in Somalia ay suurto gal tahay inay ku laabato Calool xumadii Muqdisho ka dhacay sanadkii 1991-dii . Wuxuu tilmaamey inay ahayd taariikhdaasi musiibo weyneed oo aanan waligood hilmaameen ummada Soomaaliyeed, madaama Muqdisho ay ahayd magaaladii ay maalgashteen dhamaan ummada Soomaaliyeed islamarkaana laga soo ceyriyey hantidoodii iyo maalkii ay lahaayeen ayna si fudud ku hanteen ******** aan habeena usoo dhididin hantidaas. Mudane C/rasaaq waxa uu tilmaamey inay ahayd natiijadii dhacdaasi ka dhalatey mid aan la dhayalsan karin oo kaliftey in Muqdisho isku rogto mid ay nooshahay hal beel , ayna ahayd sababta dhalisey maamulada ay ka mid tahay Puntland mid ka timid colaadii halkaasi ka dhacdey oo aysan hilmaami doonin dadkii laga soo barakiciyey magaalo Madaxdii Soomaalia. Wuxuuna Yiri Isagoo Arrintaas ka hadlay:( this comes from those who affiliate with the ******* clan. It goes back to the grievances of what happened in Mogadishu in 1991. It was a great tragedy that they will never forget; they were expelled from the city that they invested; their properties were looted, and human lives were lost. As a result, unfortunately, Mogadishu has become a place that belongs to one clan. This is why we see the notions of “Puntland and Jubbaland,” and other so-called “lands” that we hear from here and there.) Dhanka kale Abdirisaaq waxa uu fariin u direy dadka degan Muqdisho ee ku harey ka dib barakici iyo halaagii dhacay 1991-dii , wuxuuna yiri” Reer Muqdisho, ma garwaaqsana qaladaadkii dhacay…illaa maanta aan kula hadlayana ma maqal weli qof ayaga ka mid ah oo raali gelin buuxda ka bixinaya wixii dhacay 1991-kii. Haddii aynu u baahanahy inaynu Soomaali dib isugu keenno waa in arrintan aynu ahmiyad siinnaa” Iyadoona taas bedelkeeda ay u dhigneyd markii uu Ra,iisal wasaarihii horre ee Somalia la hadlayey Reer Muqdisho waxa uu yiri:(On the other hand, my fellow brothers who reside in Mogadishu area, I don’t think they have realized the wrongdoings that happened, and as of today, I have not heard anyone who offered a full and public apology of what happened in 1991. If we want to bring Somalia back together, this issue needs to be prioritized. In my view, if we want to keep Mogadishu as our capital, the constitution must clearly indicate that it must be like Washington DC; a federal city that its borders are known; a federal city that has federal security system; and most importantly every Somali can feel its ownership. That is the only way that Mogadishu can be seen as a capital city for Somalia. We have to be truthful to one another if we want to reach a solution) Ugu danbeyntii Waxa uu kula taliyey C/risaaq Xaaji Huseen Dowlada Federalka Somalia in looga fadhiyo soo celinta Somali loo dhan yahay islamarkaana ay daah iska saarto daciifada iyo wadooyinka aan wanaagsaneyn ee ka dhex muuqanaya Madaxda Dowladu inay u haqal taagayaa. Xigasho: Wareysigii ay la yeeheesheen C/risaaq Xaaji Xuseen The Center for Policy Analysis and Research
  13. Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xuseen ” Maamulka Jubaland iyo Ahmed Madoobe sharci ayaa lagu doortay, balse raga kasoo horjeeda Xamar ayaa laga soo diray ” June 24, 2013 - Written by admin - Edited byadmin Ra’iisul wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xuseen hadda ku dhaw da’da 90-jirka ayaa waxaa uu warbaahinta VOA- Laanteeda Soomaalida la hadasho u sheegay sida uu u arko maamulka Jubaland iyo doorashadii uu kusoo baxay Axmed Madoobe iyo raga kale ee xilkaasi la sheegtay. Cabdirisaq Xaaji Xuseen ayaa waxaa uu hadalkiisa ku bilaabay in maamulka Jubaland uu waafaqsan yahay dhismihiisa dastuurka federaalka ah ee dalk Soomaaliya loo sameeyey. Waxaana uu sheegay inay dhisteen maamulkaasi dadka deegaanka oo si sharci ah ugu sameystay maamul wax ka qabta baahidooda maamul. Dhinaca kale waxaa uu sheegay in Axmed Madoobe uu yahay madaxweynaha rasmiga ah ee maamulka Jubaland wixii ka soo harana ay yihiin rag fowdo wada oo laga soo abaabulay magaalada Muqdisho, isagoona si gaar ah ugu eedeeyey inay dowlada Soomaaliya ragaasi usoo dirtay inay dhib ka abuuraan Kismaayo iyo maamulkaasi dadku ay dhisteen. Cabdirisaaq Xaaji” Axmed Madoobe sharci ayaa lagu doortay, maamulka uu madaxda ka yahayna waa mid waafaqsan oo la jaanqaadaya dastuurka federaalka ah ee dalka u yaal. Marka aan sidaasi leeyahay waxaan soo xiganayaa ragii la tartamayey Axmed Madoobe waxaa ka mid ahaa Shiikh Shakuul oo ah ganacsade aan ka ah Kenya iyo Somaaliya kaasi oo markii uu arkay in awooda doorashada uu kusoo baxayo Axmed Madoobe uu isaga haray doorashada, isagoona taageeray qaabka ninkaasi lagu doortay. Sidaasi darteed ragan kale ee 4-ta ah ee kadib xilka iska sheegtay waa kuwa Muqdisho laga soo diray, rabana inay dhib un ka shaqeeyaan oo dowlada ayaa sidaasi usoo wakiilatay” ayuu yiri Ra’iisul wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xuseen. Dowlada Soomaaliya ayuu Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xuseen ku amaanay dadaalkeeda xirirkii caalamiga ahaa oo ay dib usoo celisay, isagoona sheegay inay dowladan ku fiican tahay marka laga hadalyo arrimaha dibada. Balse waxaa uu sheegay inay dhibaato xoogan ka heysato arrimaha gudaha oo ay ugu horeeyaan ammaanka iyo arrimaha maamul u sameynta Jubooyinka. ” Dowlada arrimo lagu ammaano ayey ka sameysay xiriirka dibada , waxaana dhihi karaa guulo la taaban karo ayey ka gaartay intii yareyd oo ay jirtay, balse waxaa heysta guuldaro midii ugu weyneyd oo kasoo wajaheysa gobollada dalka Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Jubaland oo ay ku mashquushay, waliba ay u abaabushay nidaam looga hortegayo oo fowdeysan ” ayuu yiri Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xuseen Ra’iisul wasaare hore oo Soomaaliyeed. Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xuseen eedeynta uu jeedinayo waxaan isagana ka nabadgelin madaxweynaha Puntland Dr, Abdirahmaan Faroole kaasi oo uu sheegay in qaab beeleed uu ku garabtaagan yahay maamulka Jubaland ee Axmed Madoobe, isagoona arrintaasi ka leh mid siyaasadeed oo uu rabo inuu kusoo galo doorashada Puntland. ” Abdirahmaan Faroole waxaa uu sameynayaa nidaam qaldan oo qabyaaladeed. Waxa uu maamulka Axmed Madoobe si cad meel fagaaro ah oo Nairobi uga sheegay inuu taageerayo, isagoo taasi qabiil ahaan ku muujiyey. Siyaasad ayuuna arrintaasi ka leeyahay waana inuu rabo inuu reer Puntland isaga dhigo nin u taagan danta ******* oo ka celiyey qaska laga soo abaabulo Xamar, laakiin taasi lafteeda ayaaba dhib ugu filan dadka wada degan Jubooyinka kuwaasi oo aan ******* un aheyn” ayuu yiri Ra’iisul wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xuseen. Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xuseen ayaa mar uu ka hadlayey xilliga uu ku noqonayo Soomaaliya ayuu sheegay inuu jecel yahay sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan balse uusan arkin hadda safar uu ku aadi karo Soomaaliya. Waxaana uu intaasi raaciyey in noloshiisa inta ka dhiman uu la jecel yahay Soomaaliya oo nabad ah. Hadalka mas’uulkan kasoo mid ahaan jiray madaxdii ugu horeysay Soomaaliya waliba xillii ay dowlada Soomaaliya ugub aheyd ayaa waxaa uu noqonayaa mid miisaan culus leh. Waxaana la ogeyn sida ay wax ugu qaadan doonaan madaxda siyaasadeed ee maanta maamulka Jubaland ku muransan oo ay ugu horeeyaan Dowlada Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh iyo Maamulka Jubaland ee Axmed Madoobe. Warbaahinta Kismaayo24.com kala soco warbixinadii ugu danbeeyey dalka iyo dibada.
  14. ^^Your linguestic errors forced me to come back to do the needful: It is 'galab wanaagsan'. gabal wanaagsan is what people like NGONGE say .
  15. Technicalities aside , I view this as a step in the right direction. It is accepting Somalia's reality and not wasting time and resources wishing our federal political settlement away.
  16. ^^Obviously in your amoral version of politics , there is indeed a dose of morality , if you get my drift waa jemce waryaa ee waa inoo galabtay
  17. Muqdisho(RBC Radio) Madaxweynaha maamulka Galmudug Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qaybdiid ayaa shaaca ka qaaday iney wadaan qorshe ay ku weerarayaan deegaanada gobolada dhexe ee ay xiligan gacanta ku hayaan xoogaga alshabaab,Madaxweyne Qaybdiid ayaa sheegay iney ka go’an tahay ka saaridda alshabaab guud ahaan gobolada dhexe. “5 degmo oo ka tirsan gobolada dhexe dadka ku nool waxaa sharaftooda iyo karaamadooda ku tumanaya kooxda alshabaab,dagaal ayaa looga saarayaa degmooyinka ay ku sugan yihiin si ay u suurta gasho dhisida maamul ay ku mideysan yihiin bulshada ku dhaqan gobolada dhexe” ayuu yiri madaxweynaha Galmudug Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qaybdiid. Cabdi Qaybdiid ayaa sheegay in shacabka ku dhaqan demooyinka gobolada dhexe ee ay alshabaabku maamulaan ay ku hayaan dhibaatooyin fara badan oo ay ka mid yihiin dil dhac iyo barakicin,wuxuuna tilmaamay ineysan arintaasi ahayn mid ay u dulqaadan karaan,wuxuuna carrabka ku adkeeyey iney ka dulqaadi doonaan dhibaatada ay alshabaab badeen dadka ku dhaqan degmooyinka ay ka arimiyaan ee gobolada dhexe sida uu yiri. Alshabaab ayaa dhankooda dhawaan kaga dhawaaqay Shir ay ku yeesheen deegaanka Wabxo ee gobolka Galgaduud iney duullaan ku yihiin deegaanada ka maqan gacantooda ee gobolkaas oo ay sheegeen iney ku sugan yihiin dad ay ku tilmaameen Cadow sida ay hadalka u dhigeen,alshabaab ayaa gacanta ku haya degmooyinka ka tirsan gobolada dhexe oo ay ka mid yihiin Ceelbuur Xarardheere iyo Ceeldheer oo ka kala tirsan gobolada Galgaduud iyo Mudug.
  18. ^ :D A question for you Apophis (you seem to be pregnant with a profound thing, this may clarify lol): would you inject same passion in advocating what you perceive to be right for the plight of other communities who just happen to be outside of the regions where your clan reside? For example if federalism or some other notion of governance you care is denied for the people of Hiiraan or Galgaduud would you be there for them (so to speak)?
  19. Rahima;963303 wrote: Xiin, There is a big difference between playful banter and what you write in the politics section. If you believe that being a qabiilist is a repugnant characteristic to have then why act (write) in ways which would suggest that you are? At times your posts are very hateful and whilst i cannot ever know what is your heart, i can make conclusions about your values. To me qabiilism is not to simply to hate another person based on their qabiil but rather encompasses so many other actions/beliefs, such as to only concern yourself with the interests of your qabiil without giving much thought to how it would impact your brothers and sisters who are not of your qabiil. To me qabiilism is to make remarks which denigrate a persons qabiil. You seem to be making light of it but you regularly do all these and more- not to mention that you're always trying to sweep it off as an intellectual debate which is beyond the capability of an emotional young woman with very few neurons (all insults noted BTW). In saying that though Xiin, don't concern yourself with me- worry for yourself and all the young minds you may potentially pollute/ have polluted. If indeed you don't mean to come across as a qabiilist, let me tell you for the umpteenth time YOU DO. For your own sake wax iska badal- you seem to get worse with each passing moment. And i do think these discussions are useless- you and i have been going back and forth on the same things with no progress. At this point it is fair to say that you are resolved to see me as a qabiiliste . Though I am not concern with such a poor judgement of yours against my character, I attempted to educate you about what these discussions may or may not entail. My posts stand for themselves. And yes you are young and inexperienced relative to me; surely your hasty conclusions do nothing but attest to such a novice nature of yours (you have not taken the final vows of age:D ). One day you will find out arguing for federalism is not akin to qabiilism, speaking against the looted properties and those who still hold it is the right thing to do, and defending the territorial integrity of Somalia however impractical it may seem is still a good thing to do. But today is not that day , so go on and believe what you may Rahima.
  20. ^^You are one of the source of Rahima's confusion. Politics is the art of influencing the leadership hence the very livelihood of society. It is not necessarily immoral. The question I was trying to answer or explain was whether engaging in politics and its inherent clan retails is a bad thing. My answer is no. and I made a distinction to alleviate the obvious confusion. Your assertion that politics in its very nature is amoral, and has no regard to rightness or wrongness is misleading at best. See wax leedahay waryee :D
  21. ^^lol That is a legalistic jargon that could hardly be understood by most people . Qabiiliiste waa mid ka marka uu maqlo: tol beelayey, yaa reer hebelahey, tol beelayey, soo baxa oo hiiliya, wuxuu geysan karana geysta dhib iyo dheef. And that is the version which our Islamic teachings harshly critiqued.
  22. ^^xaajigu dhowr habeen buu soo jeeday , maantuu arkay news article , and he thinks his prayers are accepted : D caadi maaha , nin hara maaha, kii carafaat ahaa ee 'aamiin' u oran jiray baa mar dhow soo bixi , ee ogow
  23. Xaaji Habaar is happy today his long dark prayers seem to have been partially granted
  24. Faysal should hold an after-school-program tutoring session with Mogadishu elites to teach the benefits of federalism He is one of the most eloquent in expressing the pro argument for federalism in today's Somalia.
  25. Rahima, Good post overall-- though I still sense the sensational 'qabiilist' stuff you seem to have become fond of these days. This is not a useless discussion. SOL is where the best, and the brightest of Somalia's intelligentsia converge, where else would you find NGONGE, Nur, Baashi, Abtigiis, Oodweyne, Val, and my favorite of all sister Serenity, and many others who congregate in all sections. SOL is not however a mosque, people take advantage of the anonymity nature of the forum. Some abuse it and express themselves without reserve, and some use the medium to challenge each other, entertain, and socialize etc. In my definition, qabiilist (qabali) is by far one of the repugnant character/behavior any Muslim could be inflicted with; it is the idea of hating others because of which qabiil they belong to, it is a bad idea. I blame your age and the obvious emotional state you are in to accuse me with such thing. To talk about qabiilis, the history of clans, the literature of Somalis, their wars, politics, poems, and cultures and put it in the context of today's political settings is not a matter of qabaliyah. It is the very beauty of being Somali. You should pay attention here for I am not making a distinction without a difference: I would never hate xaaji habaar, or Abwaan or Liqaye, indeed it is my wish to meet them one day, have a coffee with them, perhaps play chess with them, enjoying their company. In the same token, I would continue to strongly object the notion of separatism, and crack jokes about the three Mother clans. Likewise, I would continue teasing Liqaye with Ceel Buur, donkeys and digir with Abwaan. When Abtigiis and I are not on the same side of that day’s argument, I would not hesitate to tease him about Garawo she-camel and the story of his ilk’s attempt to sweeten the Jubba River with the sugar they looted from the British garrison based on Bardheere at the time. Appreciating the distinction I made, however, requires certain intellectual capacity. No matter what Oodweyne says, and how ugly it may sometimes appear, I never lose sight of the fact that Oodweyne means to only expresses his political conviction (though I may not tell him that). If I were to meet him, I am sure he would be best of hosts for me. So sister, you are wrong in your exaggeration of the effect of posts in political section, wrong in your perception of us as bad people intent to spread mischief, and most important you are wrong to put yourself above the fray while your political passion and strong convictions in support of one side of the argument is obvious. Still you are great as you are, this exchange will not affect the fact that I hold you in a high regard. ps. haddaad will dhasho xiinfaniin u bixi