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Everything posted by Jabarjaan

  1. If the previous news was not true, this one is not either! Double-check and maybe change your source.
  2. They probably are. Somalidu wey kasii dareysaa maalinba maalinka ka danbeesa.
  3. it is obvious that if Meles tells Riyale to arrest and/or kill some of the elders of hargeysa he would. Same thing applies to all other warlords. Do you call that ruling or no?
  4. Seriously, Is there anyone here( i dont care what qabiil or city in somalia you from) that believes Ethiopia does NOT rule North West of Somalia?????
  5. Just like you kill you get killed! Somaliland handed over mebmers of the ****** National Liberation Front to the Tigray Government and therefore ONLF has the right to defend itself, whatever it takes! taas caqliga ku hay, hadaad ninka afka laaddid dabaduu kaa laadi!
  6. Tone, Afkaaga caano lagu qabay, waa cajiib nin gaal iyo gaal raac dalkiisii qabsaday u duceenayo lol and wishing that Allah will accept his du'a!
  7. Dadku horta maxey warka laba iyo tobon goor inta soo koobiyeeyaan usoo dhigaan maha, waaxay dee! jaw! hal mar soo qora
  8. not that i want to sound rude but this thread is on the wrong section!
  9. not that i want to sound rude but this thread is on the wrong section!
  10. Government in Kenya is nothing but weak a** adminstration. I don't even think they have army. How dare would an independent nation would work for another nation. Kenya Ethiopia iney dabada ka laaddo bey ka baqi malaha. dowlad dowlad u shaqeen diintaad garo!
  11. fight and die? There is somalian saying oo dhahdo hadaad saad rabto weydo sida kaa fagsan weydo baa la saneeyaa or something saas u eg. Hope i didnt mess up the saying.... So i believe in Sheikh Sharif made the right decision, again it may not be the best decision.
  12. no, even Godey and Dhagax-Bur are under ethiopian control
  13. and this is somalian forum so dont post somaliland sh** lol, look for somalilandonline.com or something
  14. Marka macnaha ma fahmin ragga magacyadooda la tiriyay ma halaga aarsado baa loola jeedaa?
  15. Taliyihii Ciidanka Dowlada KMG Ah Ee Gobolada Hiiraan Iyo Sh/Dhexe Oo Xabsiga La Dhigay Baledweyne, 1/7/2007 - Sargaalkii hogaaminayey ciidanka dowlada KMG ah ee gobolada Hiiraan iyo Sh/Dhexe, Col. Muqtaar Xuseen Afrax, ayey ciidan Itoobiya xabsiga u taxaabeen. Col. Muqtaar ayaa lagu heystaa inuu ciidanka Itoobiya u soo gudbin waayey gudoomiyihii hore ee Maxkamadii Islaamiga aheyd ee gobolka Hiiraan, Farax Macalin, oo dhawaan ciidanka dowlada KMG ah ay qabteen dabadeedna ay sii daayeen. Ilaaladiisii ayaa sheegtay in Col. Muqtaar ay ciidanka Itoobiyanku xabsi u taxaabeen, iyadoonan garaneyn meel lala aaday.
  16. If we ask how Poor Duke felt when our fellow somalis were being bombed by the Tigray jets, I bet he would answer he was happy about it. He thinks only one clan was being bombed. O Allah fahansii dadkayga in dalkeyga tigree qabsaday.. Amen
  17. Hadii inteennii wax baratay ama qurbaha dhibaatadiisa aragtay ay wali ku jirto xadaaradda qabiilka, what do ya think of inteenii aan qurbaha dhibaaatadiisa arag????? waxaa wax laga naxo ah in Mr Duke and his supporters have still that clan-based ideology!!!! Ilahow somali qabiilka ka tir tir.....
  18. Then why it is posted in Jokes Section? you are the one who is lost.
  19. Is this supposed to be funny or Does it fit in Jokes section? Am i lost?
  20. there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece. I think you need to re-phrase that statement, Allah (SW) doesn't need a rough draft, All he says is "be, and it becomes!"
  21. looooooooooooooooool the pharmacist he bought the condoms from was his girlfreind's father! oh myyyy lool this is so funnnny
  22. kkkkk This was very funny but lemme remind u one thing. ALLAH doesn't need rough draft to make new creations SUbxanalah, that is a big error ( Yaquulu kun fa yakuun!)