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Posts posted by Kool_Kat

  1. As long as Timmy is around, Starbucks can kiss iskaalsooyinkeyga! Even if not Timmy, there's Second Cup, oh hell I'll even get qaxwo from Istar before I set foot in Starbucks...Anoo Canadian ah oo Canadian business awoodo inaan dollarkeyga galiyo, abadan Starbucks inaan penny siiyo...Besides, sida looga badbadiyaanba necbahay! :mad:


    Ps, Timmy's toloow ma Canadian owned baa hada?

  2. Soomaali wax inooga fiicanba majiraan sheekooyinka inaan xawaaji iyo sonkor ku darno...Ceebteena aloow astur...


    Gabadha habeenkaa heestan "Dhag dhag dhag" qaadeysay hadaad arki leheed tey isku dhigeysay? She took the song to a whole new level...Adiga iyo Najib uun baa meeshaa ka maqneedeen...:D

  3. ^Did I not say do not quote me on it? :mad: Hadey sheekadu been tahay, how did these people make the connection between the two songs? Koley hadaan naag aqaan, sheekadaan walax dhinax ah baa ka jirto...Hadeey been tahayna, there's nothing to fuss about, specially no reason to threaten Falis...Anaa indhaheyga ku arkay kuwa Falis udhaaranaya hadeyan soo cadeen ineysan heestaa ugu tala galin Ikran...Maxaa gubaya? It is only a song!


    Habeenkii Jimcaha ahaa meel aan joogay baa heesta "Wadnahaa i dhaglee" laga heesayay, ALLOOW ALLE! Heestu waa cajiib...Dhag dhag dhag...

  4. Oh yea, Falis and Ikran's story, or as I call them Nicki Minaj and Lil' Kim, is getting out of hand...You should see the threatebing messages some Ikran supporters are posting as their status on FB toward Falis! WTF! Here's the scoop, Ikram used to date Falis' husband back in the days...For some reason, their jaceyl didn't go as planned, or as Ikran planned...Marka Falis not only iney ninka aroostay but had a child for him! SAY WHAT!!! Ikran dee bacaadkeey matag kaga wareegtay, Falisna ninkey u dhaxdaa...:D


    Do not quote me on this, this is just what I read...

  5. Speaking of macalin dugsi oo guriga imaado, we once had mid qabiid ah oo guriga quraan noogu dhigi jiray, he used make us sit meesha wariiriga ku shamuumsan yahay! :mad: Isboorko iskarafaajo ah dheh...


    Wouldn't it be funny haduu Tuujiye ahaa one of the caruur ku baadi jiray? He does have indho wax baadi jiray! Laakiin I think inuu bambiino yahay...:D

  6. Alright, alright, let's take deep neef and hold it!


    Naga daaya hee...Viva Hiiraan...Viva Somalia...Viva ONLF...The Furture is Bright, the Future is Puntland...Now what? Iska raaxeysta yaaqoo, mise Monday blues baa jira? :D

  7. Where's Somalina? Show your face here, waan baqooyaa inaan topic-gaaga wax ku qoree...:D


    Ama AS ama TFG ama Somalina, whoever's building or has control over the region, this is a move in the right direction for its people, allaha usiyaadiyo...

  8. Nuune, idhaaf yaah! Bilan aa biloowday sheekadaan, anoo il gur ku fiirinaayo...:D


    Bilan, I've seen mothers poison their children against their father's family, most of the time, although not right, those mothers have their reasons for doing so...If my husband left me today, and niether him nor his family contacts me for twenty years, irida inaan wajiga uga dhufto will be the nicest thing I would do for them...I mean, I understand there could be extreme cases where making contact could not happen, unless it is one of those very extreme cases, they can kiss my foot before it kicks them in the behind on their way out the door...


    Okey, okey, a little harsh, but who cares it is FRIDAY AND I AM DONE FOR THE DAY! loooool Inaan kufo aanba kabaqaa saan uga bixidoono office ka maanta...

  9. bilan;705388 wrote:

    I do not want this to be off the topic, but your mother can hate all she wants, but he is your grandfather and he has rights over you, it is your father who left you, so why blame your father’s entire family. Even if your mother does not want you to find him, I would say search for him, you need to know your father and what happened to him.

    Her mother has every right to hate him and his family...I know they have no control over their son's actions, in this case abandoning someone who's carrying his child, but they could've kept in touch with her and helped her raise their son's child...If they had nothing to do with her for the twenty years he's been missing, I don't see any reason to accept their apology now...War twenty years too late dheh ee wajiga uga dhufo irida!!!


    As for trying to locate a man who left your mom when she was pregnant with you and made no efforts to reach out to you after you were born, war waxaas aabo ma'aha ee noloshaada hasoo galin! You're better off without him in your life...

  10. Every story has three sides: her side, his side, and the truth!


    With that said, inaan dharbaaxo fara jirjir ah uga gooyo nacastaan aa i heyso on so many levels!!! Yes, we come from a community where almost everything is considered "CEEB", even if you're the victim; lakiin ineey sidaan been usheegto mafiicno about dhaqankeena iyo dadkeena, specially gabdhaheena...Ughhhhhh! If she is so brave, why isn't the said man behind bars? Why isn't she naming him for the world to know? Dhoocilahaanoo kale intey cirka maraan hadhoowna ka shalaayaan...Sheekadaa la qaarartay inanta!