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Posts posted by Kool_Kat

  1. That's just the thing dee, baakoorad looma baahana hada...Adiga lafahii horaa tahoo, walaa baakoor walaa wax kalaan ku jilcin karin! Torobo kakan...lol Saasaa lagaa rabaa, inaataad naag u jilci leheed, baakoorada gabigeedba madaxa kaga jajabi oo uga dhaqaaq...


    Women rule ina'adeer...Itaad maqneed, aduun is badal!

  2. Coffee-gaan cabaayaan ku saxday @Billiam & Jate! Caku iyo Nuune wuxuu qoro...I have to try to stay away from reading waxa aad qorto inta aan shaqada joogo...:mad:


    The Royal wedding is plain and boring! They, kuwa is guursanaayo, don't even look wax la fiirin karo...Not iney fooluxun yihiin, laakiin very very plain dad ah waaye...Had it been kan yar, sheeko kaley ahaan leheed! :D

  3. Can't watch the vid as I am at work, laakiin going by the comments, waan fahmi karaa wexey leedayahay...


    It isn't a lie if a man is too nice, it is just labolabo! Challenge aa loo baahan yahay, mid lee maanta dhan kugu soo sac-sacsan yaa rabo? I remember mid aad u maskiin ahaa, walaahi you'd think he just stepped out of his mother's womb siduu ahaa...One of those brothers when you say "jump" who would reply "how high honey and from where" uu ahaa...Ughhh, labo dharbaaxo iyo nus indhaha ma'uga fujisaa aa ku qabaneyso @his niceness...People just get bored with such things...A little challenge (?) here and there waa loo baahan yahay, like accidently, on purpose, forgetting her birthday!

  4. The Zack;711837 wrote:
    Lool@Aaliyah, I also know Mississauga but didn't want to say that.


    Miskiin, wax and walax are the same, I think. Lol@not seeing chemistry book written in Somali. They are the best sxb. The physics is better though.
    matter waa wax cuf leh mug leh meel madhan buuxin karo waligaa maadan Maqal?

    Atamka waa qurubka ugu yar uu matterka ka kooban yahay...Iyaah! You took me way back...Zack igu soo roor matihid yaah? :P


    Mississauga-na maxaa ku geeyay? Aaliya wexey ila tahay dhankaa iyo East-ka iney gariir ku dheesho...:D

  5. Laba nin baa la yiri oo salaad markaa xirtay ayaa askar ag timid, here's what went down hee:


    La kooyi! = Waa la yimid!

    Ey kooyi? = Yaa yimid?

    Askar kooyti. = Askaraa timid.

    May la yeeli? = Maxaa layeelaa/lasuubinaa?

    La fakadi! = Waa la fakanaa!


    Oba, there have been many afMaay threads in the past, kuwaas raadso...In a few weeks time, adoo sanka ka dareerinaayo afMaayga aan ku aragno!

  6. Horta, what's with video conferencing? Ughhhh! Madaxaaba igu xanuuna, and Skype's poor quality doesn't help either...Qofka wuxuu sheegayo iyo dhaqaaqiisa markeysan is leheen, you'd think inaad daawaneyso Bruce Lee movie oo af ingiriis ku hadlaayo...

  7. Shankaroon, soo dhowoow...Hoo gasac kooko (coke), I would've offered qaxwo laakiin since you said 2004 dhaqan celis baa Xamar ujoogtay, I am assuming (and I use the term very loosely) ciyaal kooko iyo hambargar aa tahay? :P


    Hayehee, ani kuwii ilaa 2002 soo indho taagnaa aan ahay...Dhalinta waaweyn oo labada ama sadexda ciro dhafoorka kaga taal aan kujiraa, hooyadeey maleheen this account...Ani lee soo indho taagnaa for nearly a decade! :D Alxamdulilaahna bal aan ku daro...

  8. Mansha'allah...Ilaah ha'u siyaadiyo...


    Laba wax waan laqi la'ahay:

    1. Maxaa waalidiinta wiilasha uun laagu adkeynayaa iney iskuul udirsadaan oo ay wax bartaan?

    2. Sawirka afaraad cunuga shahaada heysto miyuu qalin jabinayay along with odayada da'da ah iyo hablaha waawey? :confused:


    Again, mansha'allah, it is always good to read anything, however big or little, coming from the South, as well as the rest of Somalia of course...Ilaahoow usahal dadkeena...

  9. Somalina, unfortunately meeshan dad qooqan baa ka buuxa, hence the qooq related replies...


    Job well done @Jolie! It is amazing the things see does for the less fortunate...I would love to say "mansha'allah", laakiin candhuufteyda dib baan u laqi! Ilaahoow usahal dadkan dhibaateysan...

  10. NGONGE;709132 wrote:
    nuune, the long and short of it is that dumaashiday ayaan habeen walba dhabta fadheesiyaa (so kuman odhan waa inaan boog dhan ka qoro).

    I had to quote this, just incase aan aniga si kale u aqrinayo ama u fahmayo! So what exactly is your dumaashi doing in/on your dhabta? :D Dumaashi fiican baaba tahee! :P


    Salaam kuligiin...

  11. Che -Guevara;708082 wrote:
    ^My dear Aaliyah, there's little to enjoy here, maybe after my initial weans.

    Ayeeyo, if you want to enjoy your trip, go to Mombasa! Istareex iyo raaxo meeshaasey taalaa...

  12. Paragon;708084 wrote:
    Women of all ages should not be allowed to use facebook by law, especially,
    the married ones.

    *Gives a 'if looks could kill' look, followed by elevator (huruuf kor iyo hoos ah) eyes*


    As long as FB does not contain Gelatin, I am all for it...:P



    Ps, hadn't this topic been posted already, some time ago?

  13. Valenteenah.;706773 wrote:
    LooL..that cracked me up! You have a way of telling stories, KK. Haye, what other scoops do you have? (Not that I'm implying you're a gossip-monger.)

    I just read what has been published on so many Somali sites, nothing more nooh...I didn't even know there was an issue until someone on my FB list asked on their status what we thought of Ikraan and Falis' sheekadooda...Then of course, I had to search! Not to mention Sindiko is on my list, and was going on and on and on for the past few weeks...


    Ismahan, loooooooooool @Shukri...Saan rabo waan u qosli waayay since aan shaqada joogo...Meesha wexeyba iiga dhigtee suuqa Wardhiigleey in la joogo! Bal maxaa iyada sidaa ugabaya? Hmmmmm, ani waan shakiyay, sheekooyin kalena waa isoo gaareen...:D :D


    Nuune, soo daa waxaa heyso...

  14. Very poorly made @chai latte at Starbucks...I once tasted it for someone who swore to me it was the next best thing to Shaah Soomaali...Soap baaba iiga dhadhamay...

  15. Bisha ey Soomaalida aad isku aroosaan garan maayo, laakiin ineey bilkasto aad isku furaan baan ogahay...*Totally off topic* :D


    Congrats to the newly weds...May allah bless their union...

  16. Well, doesn't matter, it was at one point a Canadian company...I am still holding on to that! I thought I read it somewhere, not too long ago, that Timmy was back in the hands of a Canadian? Oh well!


    I don't know where my life would be without x-large double double!!!