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Posts posted by Cara.

  1. C&H (not to get in between you and Sherban's catfight icon_razz.gif ), but in all fairness conservation biologists have done far more for Rwanda than you have. Long ago they recognized that the best way to preserve a natural habitat is to help the people it belongs to realize what a rich resource they have (google "Community-Based Conservation"). Entire industries exist in Rwanda that revolve around its national parks, industries that are run by Rwandans and for Rwandans.


    And why is it scandalous if someone finds preserving a species more important than any individual human life? How many luxuries do we engage in every day (buying a latte, eating out, going to see a movie, paying for internet/cell phone) that we could forgo to preserve a poor starving African child?

  2. Hi boys, what are you doing this Saturday? ;)


    Er, did you feel that? Did the local tectonic plate respond to my flirtatious greeting by attempting to subduct beneath the adjacent tectonic plate?

  3. Originally posted by Somalicentric.:

    GUY, GUYS, All this psychoanalysis is unnecessary, we are not Dr.phil... let’s just give Duqa labo ukun and see what he does with them.


    Only two outcomes here;


    a) He will make himself something to eat like any reasonable person, (judging from his personality sunny side up i take it)


    b) He will sit on it and pretend as though he hatched it... then my friends
    *Chuckles* that is how we’ll know


    Trust me it works all the time, worked like a charm for my adeer... This one time he thought balambaallis & shinni could mate, so he made himself a punnett square and... (i've said too much, i have to go now)

    LOL @ punnet square. Let's hope the heterozygotes where pretty and harmless like a butterfly but could make honey like a bee. Or maybe he just drew Muhammad Ali :D

  4. Originally posted by Khayr:


    Originally posted by Cara.:

    They've killed people for a lot less. The only tragedy will be the innocents killed while trying to target this

    How do you know he is a nutcase? Are you finally applying your B.A. in Pyschology on him?
    :DNo, I'm applying my minor in English on his Al-Jazeera interview.


    On the other hand, ask me about your abandonment issues...

  5. ^For me it's apparently the letter T, among other things. The way I say it screams qaxooti :D


    Ibti, 'East African accent' is already PC-talk for Faaraxs. In Minnesota:


    Asian = Hmuong Chinese;


    East African immigrant = Somali.


    And yeah they could probably pinpoint your accent to Burco by way of East London icon_razz.gif


    No doubt about it, Jacphar. I'm sure there are legitimate issues of stereotyping and bigotry for Twin Cities folk to deal with. I just think a more thoughtful approach is needed than making a fuss about police email nomenclature.

  6. I'm glad to see Al-Shabab have solved all the major problems in Xamar so now they can turn their attention to those who photocopy calendar pages and tape them to walls. Next will be fining people shaaha caanaha ku kariya. Gross!

  7. I'm not sure what this person is complaining about. If a suspect had a British accent, should that be left out of the description? What if the suspect was wearing a kilt? Would including that be offensive to Scots? Do you have to be a fashion designer to describe a kilt?


    I'm pretty sure that, given the alarming number of young Somali men who are in Minnesotan prisons, law enforcement officials can recognize an "East African accent" in their sleep.

  8. ^Banooni this banooni that... men are so BOOOOOORING! icon_razz.gif


    Where are the girls?


    I have been listening to an 80s music radio station and now I have to fight the urge to buy leg warmers and big hoop earrings :D

  9. Originally posted by Oz:

    I dunno what happen to some of them, but I know Cara is heartless, I had AT&T saying LST and Cara are the same person.

    :mad: :mad: Excuse me? I was just trying to defuse an uncomfortable exchange :(


    I actually tried sending Adam a PM to tell him not to be so rude. But I guess Five is right about his inbox being full :D


    And don't ever listen to A&T. See, by telling you that I'm demonstrating how kind I can be icon_razz.gif