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Everything posted by underdog

  1. ^ You leave him here and we'll ship him back express freight.
  2. Originally posted by marcassmith: UD you're from canada? wow, perhaps you could show me around downtown TON. It would be nice to see how the inner cities look! I'll pass...thanks. However I'm sure Layzie could be a good guide. And if you post your itinerary, I'm sure the T.O. members of SOL would be more than to 'be elsewhere' at that time. Sheh, I see you choose 'clarity of intent' over 'subtle hints'.
  3. I guess you weren't advised of the 'unwritten rule': Whenever you refer to yourself in a romantic context you have to include a 'wink' and a 'click' sound with your mouth.
  4. Originally posted by LayZie G.: You can all stick a fork in it and your great weekend. We had 20 to 30 centimetres in the region since friday night, thanks to ohio and west virgina left over that found its way here. I spend part of my sunday cleaning up the mess that storm left for me, and ofcourse my asian neighbour just had to push the snow towards my front. He has been doing a little here and there since the storm started at the beginning of the year, being very playful. Each time he shoved some my way, I shoved double the amount right back at him. Yesterday was no different, but this time around, I just took the pile of snow and moved it right to his area. Then I went to the grocery store and spotted an arab couple, the dude was a gardheere. I dared my buddy to approach the dude and ask him if he was related to al qaeda? She did approach him and asked, "are u with alqaeda"? Arabka turned so red, and mute at the same time. After a brief moment, she told them she was just kidding. I must say, it made my day. LG, thats the downside of living in a house...Then you had to plot mentally terrorizing wadaadka maskiinka... I hope you're ready for some bad karma. toronto eh? is it really that bad!, what is it really like when the weather is not bad? i am going there in the summer inshallah. Oh sh!t! Marc why don't you go shoplift something so they don't let you in. I should start a petition to keep you out.
  5. Let me ask you Profesor U doggy dog, what were your findings based on? Enlighten me eedo. ...and we come right back to where we began (See my first post). Seems like you're having trouble focusing.... somewhere in mini-rant I detected an agreement with what I said, before if was trampled by a dislike for for some school in Ottawa. Friendly Suggestion: Its would be healthier for all those involved if you developed a way of not automatically seeing what I say as something that has to be beaten down, dragged into an alley and shot twice in the head. Take a deep breath, think happy thoughts and lets not burn off the little bit of Ajar we got from the Masjid today. p.s. I am sure you heard, the saying "Assuming makes an an ar&se out of you and me". By the way, how come this didn't apply to you when you assumed all those things in your 1st reply? .
  6. Layzie, FYI I'm not generalizing, I'm speaking from personal experience. Maybe when you get past your freshman year, you'll have a better understanding of what it is I'm talking about.
  7. Originally posted by LayZie G.: How does someone who isn't a torontorian or from ontario or much less canadian have the right to make a statement towards our post secondary institutions? Ryerson is a very respected univeristy, and I don't understand how you can just generalize the entire system in our province... U doggy dog, please stick to prime time cable shows, and leave our uni's alone. Ya need to check your sources, Layzie.... Where would you get the idea that I'm NOT from Toronto? And quit trying to pick a fight.
  8. I've never heard a different version...and I actually thought it was before 86... The 90s were a different flex altogether.... Like this
  9. The original Gold Digger Anthem Love this Tune. ,
  10. Three bulls overheard the farmer say that he was going to bring yet another bull onto the ranch. This prospect brought about the following discussion. First Bull: "Boys, we all know I've been here 5 years. Once we settled our differences, we agreed that 100 cows would be mine. Now, I don't know where this newcomer is going to get HIS cows, but I aint' givin' him any of mine." Second Bull: "That pretty much says it for me, too. I've been here 3 years and have earned my right to the 50 cows that are presently mine. I'll fight 'em till I run him off or kill 'em, but I AM KEEPIN' ALL MY COWS." Third Bull: "I've only been here a year, and so far you guys have only let me have 10 cows. I may not be as big as you fellows yet but I'm young and virile, so I simply MUST keep all my cows." They had no sooner finished their big talk when an eighteen-wheeler pulls up in the middle of the pasture with only one animal in it: the biggest Son-of-Another-Bull these guys had ever seen! He wore a big name tag around his neck that read "RUDY" and at 5,000 pounds, each step he took toward the ground strained the steel ramp to the breaking point. First Bull: "You know, it's actually been some time since I really felt I was doing all my cows justice, anyway. I think I can spare a few for our new friend." Second Bull: "I'll have plenty of cows to take care of if I just stay on the opposite end of the pasture from him. I'm certainly not looking for an argument." They look over at their young friend, the 3rd bull, and find him pawing the dirt, shaking his horns, and snorting. Second Bull: "Son, let me give you some advice real quick. Let him have some of your cows and live to tell about it." Third Bull: "Hell, he can have ALL MY COWS. I'm just making sure he knows I'M a bull!"
  11. Originally posted by Pucca: cheating is needed sometimes... Pucca, you're one of "those" huh? I think the state of post secondary education in Toronto (maybe even Ontario) is in shambles. When you run the schools like a business with more emphasis on the bottom line and favourable stats, the only victims become the students. Over the years all these institutions have lowered their standards and made it easier for students to pass courses...regardless of what real knowledge is retained. As long as the institution/corporation posts the right kind of numbers to keep the board of directors happy and the books out of the red is perfectly acceptable.
  12. Ok Marc, Thats one for me and I see #9 fits you like a new shirt. So we're tied.... I'll race you, lets see who gets 5 first. Whaddaya Say?
  13. Oh.... Well my afSomali is a little ghetto... But isn't Mayor called Duqa? Sorry Ibti...I'm Drawing a Blank.
  14. Who the h@ll is Ken Livingstone? and whats he plan on doing for the Somali people?
  15. Originally posted by sheherazade: ^does that mean you got it? Sheh, I'll be looking over my shoulder
  16. Originally posted by marcassmith: UD, Both So I am and I'm not Wow thanks, that cleared it right up. and which of those symptoms would you say I have? .
  17. Originally posted by sheherazade: ^at this rate you will gain yourself a reputation and a stalker. A stalker? me? Well I guess the possibility exists, but I've been around a while and unfortunately I haven't met anyone worth stalking. P.S. Nice signature... Aw rite, gigidy gigidy !
  18. Originally posted by marcassmith: i think we have given you enough attention with your condition. your attention-seekers antics have reached new heights UD. P.S what type of narcissist admits to have such a condition? A fake one!! Since that was as clear as mud, why don't you help untangle your word-smithery.... are you implying I AM an attention-seeker as demonstrated by my antics? Or are you saying I'm a Fake narcissist because I claim to have the condition? .
  19. Originally posted by sheherazade: P.S for an ex-narcissist you're quite generous. Thanks. EX is the key word.... and these days I'm all about the giving....Oh Yeah!
  20. Sheherzade, you bored? Today I'll throw out a couple you should watch out for. 1) The girls that took the career brochures at their college a little too literally. "A 3 year course in XYZ will prepare you for an exciting career where you could potentially be earing $X annually". Then a year through this course she gets married to some guy and pops out a kid. Every time an argument breaks out... waxay lasoo tagantahay "I don't have to put up with this...don't you you know I'm a professional XYZ and I could be making $x right now?" Aaahay! 2)Then we got the Professional students...Mostly guys. They been in school since anyone can remember. They started a part-time job at Kinkos and now they're the manager. You know the type, everyone who knows them knows they have so much potential laakin no one told them "Potential just means you're not doing anything right now". Maybe soon someone will develop "APPLIED EDUCATION 101" and they'll learn to make the transition. Sheh!, Intaas aan manta kuu haaya. Stay tuned.
  21. I see we're 6 pages deep and still going.
  22. underdog


    There's worse games...how about Shoot some Somalis
  23. On the same token isn't it possible for me not be as guilty as you wish? This is an age old debate about two people looking at the same object. Do they see the same thing? or is what they see interpreted by their brains based on what they already know (or think they know)?