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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. ^The Somali words may have been confusing for non Somali.I thought it was a riveting story of her dad.I hope also this new book will be a good escape into history and one that tests the strength of fictionalized facts...
  2. A promising young woman and a young writer at-her best years.A very engaging writer.Read her page turning debut novel black mamba boy.I have it as part of my bookshelves collection; tucked between heavy textbooks and continued education journals.I liked how she deftly conjured her dads story of a dashing adventuresome young Somali man from Hargeisa.She movingly conveyed the life changing journey of her dad.I hope the next book will also be insightful and superbly written with less Somali words. PS Plus she is a sand-diver.Can beat that..haha....will be a must read for one of my young niece who is very much loves reading books....
  3. STOIC

    Great Kid

    Who was Haji Abas? A hafidh or is it just a figurative word...I want inaan Xaaji Cabaas gaadhaa aniigaa... PS: He is indeed great kid..Hard work paid for him...Owns a car and still works hard..Kid got good work ethic
  4. Africaown, I'll be at Xamali tomorrow...I wish I was there though..Would have shake Silanyo hands.Few of my Somalilanders friends work nearby.I will ask them if they can attend and at least welcome the old guy....
  5. Oz, I sincerely apologize to anyone that I have offended.I think it is up to administration to close what they deem inappropriate, but I'm just surprised how people choose to pick on my words and ignored what started the heated words...Anyway it's all done and I apologize to everyone including the Administration of this site
  6. Nuuune, waaan naxaay niiinkaa otheygaa maaat ugaaftee ban isiirii....anyway Maaar Hatat Macaalin aheet niiin alim batahaay..spelling Somali sucks
  7. Nuuune, I'm sorry if you are not from Garissa.I always assumed you were.Gariisa cay mahaaa..I grew up with people from there..I was just apologizing to the folks I assumed were from there..Appphis, I personally know Raula and It is hard to keep conversation like two Internet acting up sorry
  8. Heh@raula I must have touched a nerve if you must have ignored how all this conversations came about ..calm down read my words.I never took the liberty to speak for all sijuuis their political affiliations or otherwise.I'm sticking with the origin of the word and if you guys are arguing the origin was meant for other people I can't convince really surprised how you came on defense but carry on sister
  9. Aaliyah, I didn't meant it in political sense.I was just saying you guys are not viaatu sincerely apologize to Garissa folks like Haatu and Nuuune....
  10. Odweyne, the kid just needed history lesson... Wish he knew when once one of our rich closest cousin had said similar stuff you put down against their highest ranking man in the Kenyan Army general MohAmud.The butler they were convinced Moi to deport our cousin .He ended up deported back to Ethiopia(they wanted him deported to Barre at the time but the community stood up for him not sent to Barre)...there are decent folks in that community but I doubt I have the fondest memory of them.. By the way KhAtumo folks were considered SomalilAnders and if you look at the present Somali sijui there is many intermarriage with them and we always on sAme side... Sorry typing from phone
  11. I don't know if I should feel proud of you still carrying the legacy of your folks or if I should feel sad that a Somali is proud of Kenyan legacy today.Who else will be in awe of still carrying the bag? Any somaliilander reading this please ask the next sijui somaliilander you meet who are the viaatu Mpira??
  12. Apophis, when your folks were wearing viatu Mpira and milking camels my folks were gaining the Asiatic status which according to the historians confered immunity from arrest African police (the same status police you guys worship in modern day) also special accomodation in hospitals..Oh boy if owning a piece of land in what was original Somalia gives you hope and status against people who were enjoying previledge in Kenya in in the 1920's I feel you my brother....A province we were expelled for teaching you guys how to fight for your rights against the colonial..
  13. Apophis, Don't hide behind others? I thought it was only me and you going back and forth...Heh @ one tuulo..You have alot to learn.No one questioned about you owning the dusty and jajuus ridden city...
  14. Mintid, I really didn't wanted to go there, but the kid pushed it and even had the audacity to question who is Kenyan-Somali.Typical Viatu Mpira and their ways of thinking they are the only Kenyans.I just wanted to leave a thought with the kid, but unfortunately I'm not sure he has anywhere to put that since its occupied by all the Suck-up menatlity to the Kenyan government ..I'm sorry to all the descent folks from that city in this boards....
  15. Heh..You are really naive if you think the Viatu Mpira is not insult to the Garissa folks or as if they are the only rightful Somali citizens of Kenya..A little history of the Somali-Kenyans should be in order for you my dear brother.Your folks maybe hand-suckled by the Moi era hysteria, but they are far from being the only Somalis..Some of us go way back.Just google the original Somali setllers of down Kenya and let me know who are the real Kenyans...
  16. So Somalialnd folks love the leaf more than the viatu Mpira folks of Garissa? That is news to me, but carry on...and if you didn't know I really didn't need an Identification cards (Kipande) to start claiming to be Kenyan citizens or even praying my Salat as some folks were known to be...carry on PS I think google can help you what a ratbag is....
  17. The Zack, of course I didn't mean they will be killed.Just they will not gain even a modicum of attention or leverage of support with that blue flag.... Apophis, you run the course of Khat-land insult..give it a break.We can all stoop low and throw some insult towards the ratbags and butler boys of your community (mind you which I have first hand experience as a Kenyan) but that will be uncalled for.......
  18. I like Amin cartoons, but I disagree with his hoisting of the blue flag in Awdal.I always thought the difference between Awdal and Khatumo was starker..One was formed by Some ratbags who couldn't survive a day in Borama with that blue flag...The perceived optimism of hoisting blue flag in Awdal is misplaced...
  19. Ngonge, I got carried away on this one..didn't know I had some Qaaldaan rage...lets hope nothing changes, which I doubt it will...thought the president was gonna fall for immediate reward of the Brits. IMintiid, are you asking if the president said we are not attending? If my Somali is right (Xaaji can help here) Somaliland is not attending it...sorry typing from phone
  20. Mintid, I think the president was clear in his position tonight..I listened to the whole speech and I gave him 10 out of 10 for delivery and substance...I am usually a bit distance from Somaliland politics , but this one had me in rage... This will have depleted the proximal goal of the last few decades..I wish nothing but success to Somalia, but Somaliland is on a different course..SomLia unity is a novel idea, but Somaliland goals are irresistable.Somaliland is wringing pleasure out of two decades of peace and stability and it will be a step back in boarding midnight train to Mogadishu....
  21. Thanks for the live link Xaaji...The president spoke like elder statesman.Since the belly had no Ears I suspected it was hard for the president to argue with the belly but tonight the president took stand against British policy of enticing Somaliland with is a risky position the president is taking but the country has to come first the belly later..I have felt the anger running through my soul when your foreign minister hinted attending the meeting of Somalia, but I misread and I'm sorry for the tone...I have cursed your name a thousand times, but I must say I was wrong for assuming you will board the train that is picking passengers from coast to coast in Somalia....
  22. I'm glad Somebody on the ground in Somaliland had to say something to contain the emerging energies and excited affections for the London meeting by team Silanyo. Somaliland citizens need to be effective and creative in their use of cyberspace or social networking to air their Stand if team silanyo dare to do something as unpopular as this coming Somalia meeting!................ Hargeysa-(HWN)-Waxaan marka hore ku bogaadinayaa Madaxweynaha somaliland iyo wafdiga uu hogaaminayo ee ku sugan LONDON sida ay uga gows qabsadeen soo jeedinta Ra´iisal wasaaraha Ingiriisku u soo jeediyey in somaliland ay ka qayb gasho shirka Somalia loogu qabanyo dalka Ingiriiska.Waxaa xusid mudan in dowlad iyo shiciba la isku raacay in la qaadaco oo aan laga qaybgalin shirka London sababtoo ah waxaynu u aqoonsanay in shirkaasi gaar u yahay somalia cida hagaysana uu ka mid yahay madaxweynaha somalia.Somalilandna aanay hoos iman somalia.sidaa awgeed, haddii ay dowladda ingiriiska ay dhab ka tahay in ay ixtiraamayaan,Horumarka, Nabadgalyada iyo dowladnimada ka jirta somaliland, waxaanu dowladda ingiriiska u soo jeedineynaa khataraha uu ku keeni karo somaliland shirkaasi haddii ay ka qaybgasho. 1.In shirkaas ka gaybgalkiisu uu somaliland u horseedi karro burbur siyaasadeed oo ku yimaada dalka somalilnad. 2. In uu shirkaasi ku keeni karro somaliland dhexdeeda is aamin la´aan iyo kalsooni xumo soo kala dhex gasha shacabka somaliland iyo Madaxdooda, arrintaasi oo keeni karta khalkhal siyaasadeed iyo Nabadgalyo xumo . 3.In shirkaasi khatar ku yahay Himiladii ay u soo halgamaysay Labaatan sanno iyo kabadan somaliland , oo ahayd in somaliland ay ka madaxbaan tahay somalia.arrimahaasi iyo kuwa kale oo badan awgood . waxaan shacabka iyo Dowlada somaliland u soo jeedinayaa in aynu ku adkeysano mowqifkeenii shariifka ahaa ee aynu ku qaadacnay shirka London. ALLAA MAHAD LEH. HALDOOR. ALI MAHAMED WARANADE HARGEISA SOMALILAND,
  23. I can only imagine Xaaji being the press secretary who laboriously hyped everything..of course his will be a well intentioned attempt to sell the secession to anyone who will feign concern.The power will warp his judgement that he will call imam Farole a terrorist in the international media... on serious note I have been busy with work today, is the train still heading to London? do we still need faith to trust our clueless foreign minister and our old president with 1980's politics? Don't worry our president will wind up whispering his sins in the confessional session with his foreign minister...dharbaaxaa kuuluul Aayaa socootaaa
  24. don't like what you read ignore buddy...besides this was directed at politicians and not clans
  25. Now if I was only president Hassan.. There is open goal Che...someone tell him to seize this opportunity