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Posts posted by Duufaan

  1. indeed, there is similarity but than taliban = court and the Taliban movement never made any come back.The court is history and will not come back any soon.


    The clan court never made transition from local to national level and they had number of warlods in their rank. The clan fighters was not commited to fight advanced ethiopian. They made tactical mistake after tactical mistake. they also give up early. They retreated from moqdisho to Kismaanyo?


    You maybe have right for Geedi but the Old man want run the show by himself and his more experienced. The ethiopian made mistake also, there is no easy way out. They would rather maintain their comfortable tactics but this it will not be easy.


    The likely outcome.

    1) Puntland extention ( weak clan goverment)

    2) moqdisho warlods return

  2. Somali politics will surprise everyone all the time. it is always very difficult to predict. who could predicted the changes happened only last two weaks? so dramatic and so fast. the likely scenario is, a puntland extention in very short prediction that is how far the vision of TFG goes. in long run no one can predict

  3. "Somalis Split as Fighting Halts and Hint of Insurgency Looms"


    People do not understand. "Somalis Split" is not new speacially in the west but there are no insurgency. you may want start one here in the west?


    In somali politics the ehtiopian supported group won this round and Indhacade group, the most powerfull group in southern somalia for last 16 years lost and I do not see anyone replacing that group very soon. Th BBC alone cannot make changes. Reconsilation did not work somalia for 15 years, we already lost anything to be proud. I am very happy this last war is over quickly and very much convinced, somalia is a tourning point. The fact we have one group in power but than it depedends on how they quickly reform the security situation in the country. The power vacuum is the isue, the sooner they filled the better.

  4. First the court attacked Baydhabo with few men. they attacked striaght where they expected and retreat quickly without any reinforcment. In fact they should enter the city with foot from behind. Now they hold in Kismaanyo and ready for their final stand. strange enough they left south moqdisho where they could count public support. their maybe a chance to hide in remote area of Kenyan border. But I do not see any big fight in Kismaanyo only court leaving behind their army.


    What is next for somalia?



    C/laahi yusuf TFG is enjoying honeymoon. Moqdisho leaders are known their "political weather" with the present of strong army in moqdisho they will be subdue, otherwise you could expect, new factions and new political manover very soon. However this is best chance somalia had for long time with ethiopian occupation.


    Oday abdulaahi cannot afford missing this new opportunity otherwise his group will be next victum. It was very close but Cade family team survive this time. What goes around, come around. where is Indhacade?

  5. A War of Miscalculation

    26 Dec 26, 2006, 17:35





    The UIC1 has already made its mistake.



    They threatened Ethiopia and stirred the wasp’s nest, but they have not bothered to prepare themselves with protective clothing. They had the guts, the belief, the belligerence but not the arms, the organization or the depth of pocket necessary for waging a war (Jihad) against Ethiopia. They believed their own rhetoric of god being on their side, of representing all Somalis, of having already taken over and centralized the whole power in the nation in their hand. They appointed their Emir, their war consul and declared their Jihad; effectively alienating both friend and foe. They talked the talk. And when it came to walking the walk they threw young bodies armed with weapons not much better than spears and a prayer against the well oiled fully equipped Ethiopian meat grinder.



    The youth were gallant beyond belief; they threw themselves with gusto into the battle. They mowed down wave after wave of Ethiopian army with valor rarely equaled; in places like Mood Moode, Daynuuna, Isale, Bandiiradley…… They fought on nonstop. They fought on with little sleep. They fought on in spite of the shortages of food, fuel and reinforcement. But the Ethiopians kept coming. They came on foot, with tanks, with armored personal carriers, with heavy equipment and heavier mighty flying machines. The Somali youth stood their ground, volunteered advanced and martyred. Volunteered, advanced with Takbiir on their lips and martyred.



    The leadership of the UIC has not stopped to ponder the meaning of the Somali proverb. “Gudun yahay ima goysayn haddaan badh iga mid ahi kugu jirin” (The tree lamented that the ax with wooden handle would not have been able to cut it down if part of it was not in the ax.) Young Somalis paid a heavy price for this error. Thank God that the UIC had enough sense to stop the self annihilation they inflicted on the youth.



    And the Ethiopians are about to make their mistake



    The Ethiopian leader will surely be able to take the land with his superior armor, superior logistics and superior planning capability. He will be able to afford the cost of this war at least initially as he will be allowed to charge it to the War-On-Terror initiative. Zenawi will be able to get a boost in public support as he tramples down on sacred Somali ground. Yes the Ethiopian may take the land but who will hold it for him? Surely not the dogs of war he brings along with him (the likes of Mohamed Dheere and Cabdi the Crazy). These filthy, morally bankrupt criminals have no credibility with Somali people anywhere. They have been rejected by the public long ago. They have no place in Somali society except as defendants in the court of justice for their crimes against humanity. Their presence as running dogs of Ethiopian occupation will only succeed to inflame the wrath of the people and enrich the ranks of the UIC insurgency that is being born and carefully delivered as we speak.



    The war will become an insurgency. A guerilla movement with trans-tribal ideology, massive following and tight inner discipline will prosper. The funds from the war on terror will dry up as Americans are already becoming disillusioned with the war on terror. It will then be the occupying Ethiopian forces that will end up fighting with little sleep, little reinforcement and little food. Their nights will become full of terror and they will spend the days watching their back. Their death toll will escalate and then explode.



    Ethiopian and Somali youth will continue to remain the sacrificial lambs as Somali soil turns red with the blood of the innocent. Some countries in the Arab world will laugh all the way to the Nile as Ethiopians will be too exhausted to engage in water arguments at least temporarily. Issayas Afewerki of Eritrea will be ecstatic as someone else fights his war with his Tigre cousin for him. Al-Qaeda will be pleased as the Islamic “révolution sans frontiers” opens a permanent southern front at no cost to itself except of course for few video tapes of exhortation and Fatwa. The only real victims will be the Somali people who will enter another phase of stagnation and self inflicted terror.



    The Way Out



    Somalia’s Diaspora leadership has a rare opportunity to make a difference. They have gone out far and wide to over to 15 different foreign countries in artificially baked dead-end Somali reconciliation conferences. Now they need to go to the one place where they have a reasonable chance at long last of making a real difference for Somalis- Somalia. These reconciliation professionals need to go to Mogadishu. They need go to Baidoba. And they need to do so now. The situation is ripe for Somalis to reconcile by themselves, in their own country with the help of their own people. No more Yemenis. No more Sudanese. No more Kenyans, Libyans, Egyptians. No more IGAD nonsense. No more holding Somali “unity” conferences in posh hotels. Few brave good Somalis are needed now to provide a face saving formula for both Zenawi and Aweys and to provide some space for rational dialogue for Somalis every where. No one is more qualified and more suited than professor Ali Khalif Galaydh to take on this initiative. Will he stand up now!



    By Abdishakur Jowhar: ajowhar@yahoo.com

  6. I have to stay militarly the court made good decision here. this tactics has it is own risk, moral issue and lost of the public support. But survival point of few and long run strategy this very good tactics. It is very much now if moqdisho will stand with them or the former warlods. Now they can hide inside at same time infiltrate the enemy back line but they must hold two weeks. Kismaanyo will soon fall. The court have good chance to defend Jowhar and first time stop other side.

  7. Is the court victum of their success and the BBC PROPAGANDA? Simply the tactics of huge demonstration and slog words went too far.



    Ethiopia is a third world country, although they have huge army, they are not capable of occupying large part of Somali. Even their air force luck quality. They can only drop few bombs at the time.


    The fall of, huge populated Beledweyne shows that court does not have grass roots support in area where it is majority’s leaders came from. The luck of the court not fighting behind the enemy lines is either luck of tactics and imagination or was not ready for war.


    mobile unites and using mobile defence system is only way they can survive this first face of the war.


    The only area where the court showed stiff resistant, is IIDAALE with alixtixaad fighters from around the country. Without gross roots and locals participating the war I assume the court will be history very soon and many former moqdisho warlords will be back. Even Dayniile website is ready to welcome their own warlord.

  8. it realy does. the secession is enemy of somalia #1.So far they are with the court but not even a moral support from their goverment. A month ago the ethiopian soldiers came all the way and arrested a man in Boorame in the day light. not even a protest for the secession media although they reported. the history will be the Court side but really beneficial could be the other side. In fact secessionst benefited the darwiish wars,.

  9. I agree this is a disaster. The ethiopian was invited this war two times. One group brought them and the other one attaked. the blame is Indhacade and abdulaahi yusuf. these gready people brought somalia this position. it is a dark day for somalia and will have huge consequases many years to come and will make even more difficult to reconciliate these groups in the future. This will make ethiopia to divide this nation with tribal region. A better outcome should be a somali win. But for now regular somalis should stay away, let us get ready but the war is not ours yet

  10. It really sucks! It is not good day for Somalia. Both sides are losers, the real winner is Sanaawi. Odey Abdilaahi will never recover politically. Thanks Sanaawi he may complete his five years term. In otherhand The court leading by Indhacade made big mistake. they did not need to attack Baydhabo.

    This war is bad for somalia, much worst than the clan wars we had before. Politically somalis will get far each other not closer. economically and humantrian disaster. let us hope this war should stop for three days, which is more likely for at least now.

  11. Fake? torturing poeple to record a fake video, you must to be kidding. this sheek is Sh. Maxamed Sh. Ismaaciil, He is in Hargeysa jail for a while and He is still there. The reason is to get imformation and benefit it. This is a real and there are more videos with other sheikhs.



    Haween Mudaharaad Ka Hor Sameeyey Saldhiga Dhexe Hargeysa: Waxay Ka Mudaharadayeen Jidh Dilkii Loo Gaystay Sh. Maxamed Sh. Ismaaciil

    Somaliland.Org — Hargeisa, Somaliland — 29 September, 2006




    Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)-- Waxaa saaka arroortii ka dhacay Saldhiga dhexe ee magaalada hortiisa mudaharaad ay sameeyeen Haween tiro badan kuwaasi oo ka cabanaayey cajalad lagu baahiyey Internetka oo ku saabsanayd garaac iyo jidh dil lagu sameeyey Sh. Maxamed Sh. Ismaaciil oo ka mid ah culumada waaweyn ee laga yaqaano magaalada Hargeysa.


    Haweenkani oo u badnaa Wadaaddo xijaaban ayaa saaka waxay mudaharaadkoodani ka bilaabeen waddada wadnaha magaalada Hargeysa iyagoo markii danbana isku uruursaday Saldhiga dhexe ee magaalada Hargeysa horteeda halkaasi oo isku dhac ku dhex maray ciidanka Booliiska Magaalada Hargeysa, Taliyaha Ciidamada Booliiska ee Somaliland Maxamed Saqadhe Dubad oo Shabakadda Somaliland.Org la xidhiidhay ayaa sheegay in ciidanku ay xabsiga u taxaabeen dhawr qof oo uu sheegay inay ammaanka qarranka wax u dhimayaan, mar aanu weydiinay inay wax ka jiraan Cajaladani lagu sii daayey shabakadaha Internetka wuu ka gaabsaday inuu wax ka sheego.


    arrintani oo faahfaahsan iyo mudaharaadkani Hargeysa ka dhacay saaka sida ugu dhakhsaha badanleh ayaanu idiinku soo gudbinayna la socda.




    Somaliland.Org, Hargeisa



  12. with the ethiopian relationship. there are Similarties and differencies between puntland and somaliland.


    Similarties: start from colonial era, SSDF and SNM to present day. no shame to use foreing powers to get advantage.


    Differences: people in puntland understand the game. somaliland simply losers. cry for Bush, next day cry for Ethiopia. They do not understand even how to play the game. Ethiopia cannot use them now because their location, but they can be usefull in the future. Just ready to be usefull next time and calm.

  13. How many members do you have? I give credit the Secessionists, they probably in hundredth's or one thousand out of 240 thousand somali in U.S, still they have big confress and inviting lot people from back home. Call it extrimisem, these individuals are working hard for their cause, whether they sponsered churches or gay organisation .

  14. "Gaalkacyo Waxaan u maleyn jiray in C.M. ay la leeyihiin dad kale (Dacas). War baashiyow sidee wax u wadaa ninyahow.


    Ma waxaa wali noqotay in Reer S ay u yeeran karaan walaalahood oo diinta ku xukumi doona? "


    Wadaad baan kuu malaynayey! Qaranimo iyo dowlad baa laga hadlayey iyo maxaa wadanka ufiican. isbarbardhiga ICU IYO TNG. hadii afgooye iyo marka aad ogoshahay in xoog lagu haysto, maxaad kudiidey inay qolokale Gaalkacayo xoog kujoogto. ama xoog xoog ama cadaalad, maxaa kadhexeeya.