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Posts posted by Duufaan

  1. 11 hours ago, Old_Observer said:

    I like your self confidence and reliance. Without it nothing worthy can be achieved and if by any chance is achieved will be lost easily.

    The Kurdish have never been united. They do not have recognized state, but have support from time to time equivalent to state. British empire, French empire, American empire/Israel, EU...have treated them from time to time like a state.


    It is easy to use and take advantage of the nomadic society like the Kurds. They never learned a lesson from their early mistakes. 

    There are groups, that want to be Somali Kurd but in general, Somalis quickly understands the motive of foreign powers.

    I agree with Galbeedi, the time is with Somali people. It all most like 1950. Somali nation rebirth is on the way slowly with Allah's will.

  2. In addition with huge increase of corruption and mismanagement as old man got injured late 80's. The US president Regan was responsible the fail of Siyad regime. After soviet union was done and UAE got a new leader, today leader. They decide Siyaad must go by stopping several million dollars, he was receiving from Arab countries. After the money stopped, they assigned Aided and other to enter Somalia from Ethiopia. The rebel fighting has nothing to do the clopse of regime, it was more about the geo-polital changes in the early ninths when Soviet clapsed

  3. It seems, they are sitting a wonderful place and having a good time but are they denying that opportunity for other Somalis? Just peacefully sitting inside their house under a tree for a good afternoon, hearing the noise of the street.  A life that many of qurbojoog missing

  4. Sheekh basaas ee markii sadeexaad raba inuu iso soo sharaxo. This is what he call himilo qaran. He got money from UAE to go kismaanyo and legitimize Madoobe but he was stopped. Anyway, he got his money and that is what is a matter for him.  He may ask even more money to keep quiet for a while. That is the nature of basaas shariif. A different typ of SOMALILAND WARAABE.

  5. These are corrupt individuals, qaat eaters who can not stay their region for better or worse unless they sell themselves with someone else funded ANDERS COOPER  and company. Why nobody has to give them anything. This is a new phenomenon in the region, just take care of your camels and goats. No one asked these people to be around. the tribes know how to defend themselves.

    The irony is Puntland will not even allow for them to receive payment from Mogadishu. When you are the middle of the colonial people, the era of returning empralisem and recolonization, you must develop a strategy for survival. These guys in Sool/Sanaag are the search for easy money and destroying their communities. It is time for these community to come strategy to deal with these people selling them short.

  6. Somaliland, sheekadii caruurta lagu seexin jiray habeenkii, waa dhamaatay. UAE iyagaaba khaati taagaan, oo markii horeba  wadan yar oo aad loo buun buuniyay, laqaribey.


    The UAE signed a secret deal with Iran and looking a way out of rescue. But there will be no rescue and it is waiting for a hard crash landing. The fogy and the small desert country lived a big dream, engineered by NGO groups outside their border. Somaliland was a fake package made in a similar way and face reality check too.


    Wararka Maanta

    Xildhibaan xukuumadda uga digay in ay qaado ciidanka murunka ka taagan yahay

    They argue the new government trained from Beledweyne cannot go to Guriceel and galgaduud to participate in a security operation. They did not have problem government recruiting them but they want the boys to get paid and just protect the tribe from other tribes. The idea is they can not go to Matabaan which is part of Hiiraan because there are  different tribes settling there who they sometime fight each other. this is the Somali federalism. It is more legalizing anarchism and tribalism with no end. Of course the shabaab is part of it.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Suldaanka said:

    The issue predates the UAE. It was triggered by the Houthi upraising, which got hand from Iran and Hezbollah. 

    But the response from the Saudi led effort to restore their influence has been a disaster. 

    The idea of South Yemen liberating Sanna is like expecting Somalilanders to die liberating Mogadishu. It just doesn't work. That is what the UAE acknowledged and as a buffer zone, it will support the Aden movement to secure their areas from Houthi rebels. 

    Yemen is history. The Houthis cannot be defeated, neither the Houthis are able to control the whole country. 

    Can UAE survive without Saudi Arabia? No way.  The gamble is over but you did not answer how all this will effect the Berbera corridor. No surprise that Biixi meet Farmaajo people publicly. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Suldaanka said:

    It is out of control. The Saudis have been defeated in the mountains. And South Yemen Indepedence movement has thrown a spanner into Suadi's plans. 

    All the indications are the issue will get only bigger and Iran will get more involved. 


    This is all about the mess that UAE and their friends created. Pray that the mess will not reach to Berbera!

  10. Our Aga people are going through the same emotional process when  Abdi Iley was removed from his post and eventually arrested for his refusal to step down. They do not understand the two events are similar and Madoobe is done here. Instead of sacrificing all the gains they made the last two decades in Somalia and the neighboring countries, they are giving all their support for Madoobe and siding with Kenyan. They need to be smart on this and understand Moddobe is done for now.

  11. Ports are not everything but good for the local economy. Hobyo has always been a port and it is location is perfect for the whole central Somalia communities to develop. Baraawe, Laasqorey, and Saylac should be next. I think Qatar is serious about this. For the 200 million is nothing for Qatar, the question is if local people and central government can grantee the security. There is nothing in place right now.

  12. It seems that the group established a profitable business although they are losing territory. With all that money they must be one of bigger employers in the region. This is what I call anarchism but they are not alone other anarchist groups are relied on them and worried losing them. That is why this information is in the news these days and Abdishakuur is talking about. This is either a free PR or indirect support of the group.  That phone is probably not registered. These telecommunication company do not want change their business model and that is why they are part of problem.  But there is light end of the tunnel, the end of group is near.

  13. 14 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

    Who would this be for? The country is too fragmented , and no common stake holders.


    Basically, you have collect enough tax and  you have to continue build a national army that takes orders from state, a multi-tribe forces, stationed all part of the country and sameti me undermine all the anarchist groups. This is something that Farmaajo group started and we need to continue that path.

  14. On 7/28/2019 at 11:50 AM, Old_Observer said:

    I am afraid to pour a cold water on your idea and wish, but that is what it needs.


    Reconciliation always needs a strong common state or reconciliator.

    If you do not have a central/federal government that governs/rules for all Somalis, no hope for having fruitful reconciliation.

    Never happened in the world either. You need a state, constitution/framework for reconciliation.

    I have to agree with Old-observer. People with the history of civilization understand the concept of state. They fear the state, respect and protect it.  Do not look too far, just learn from the Turk and Persians. Somalis do not understand the concept of state. Maybe it is something to do with barbaric culture. In old  days the Romans were fearful the barbarian to destroy their civilization and eventually they did. If you tell the Somalis not park their cars certain places, they will not follow the rules unless they face the consequences. After they punished, they willingly spread the word not to park their cars same place. A society that tests all the common sense rules, you need a state that makes them follow the rules, even if rules are unfair. Basically that is the reason  I support a strong central government that controls the whole nation and than you can talk about reforms and local governments. As long as the tribes are more powerful than the state, there will be no solution.

  15. The only successful path is dismantling anarchism. The key to success lies security in south Somalia. Somalia problem is economics, not politics. Unless you secure the farmland in the south the problem will remain. Galmudug problem is not solvable at moment. Most people already left to the south and what is left is heavily armed gangs. Each group wants to be the center. The rest of the people in the reaming districts have no choice. It is really hard to see a solution for Galmudug problem. It is very much connected to moqdisho problems. The old culture of the 90's is very much alive in Galmudug. They must find a way either to remove army gangs or reconcile them permanently.  Sooner Farmaajo/khayre money dried out, the problem will reappear again even if khayre succeed this time.


    This is probably the bigger goal of Farmaajo//khayre dismantling the maamulgobleed leaders and their never-ending meetings to challenge moqdisho government and becoming the only legal and functioning authority representing the Somali nation internationally. But they need a lot of cash flow which they do not have. They should focus on the security issue in south Somalia, if they want to win the trust of somali people and the international community. Too much gamble of chasing of warlords Xaaf and Madoobe could backfire them.


  16. 46 minutes ago, cadnaan1 said:

    Don't forget that xoolaha ugu badan ee laga dhoofiyo Berbera waxaa laga keenaa deegaanka Somalida ee Ethiopia.

    I'm sure ganacsatada inay boosaaso ka dhoofin doonaa xoolaha.

    Xoolaha Berbera laga dhoofiyo waxaa laga keenaa ilaa Bakool iyo Hiiraan. marmarka qaarkood ilaa NDF. Wasiirku waa iska hadllayaa, hadalkiisu waa imaqashii imadadaali. Waa sheekadii Baasaboorka Soomaaliya oo kale oo hada hargeysa lagabixiyo. What he says and what he will do is different. This is the only income Somaliland gets beyond the NGO donations and diaspora money. There is no way he is telling the truth. The business will be done as usual.