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Posts posted by Sudectrezz

  1. Hmm maybe that explains why most of my negative messages were erased. Intresting. Soul lady, thanks for explaining it to me, but you might want to tone it down dear, your not explaining a basketball game or anything complicating, okay? good girl...


    the somalionline team member..I'll make deal with u...u stop erassing my messages, and I'll start being sweet...okay? kool...But if I don't agree with anything...I'll direct it.


    Tamina...You have a point, concerning where the poor due to their unfortunate cycle suffer and have it bad. Yes I really do understand macanto. That makes me reevaluate my previous comments. However this doesn't mean my earlier presumption is completly without sense. All I'm saying is everyone is equal, so one shouldn't sit by feeling sorry for themself's and let time time pass by. They are poor, yes, very understandable. Some were born with poverty, others were born with a silver spoon in their mouth's. Others have it good, while others are misreable. I don't mean to sound insensitive, but so what. Its not the end of the world. It is still manageable. The poor can get a job. They have hands and legs. They are not hopeless. The poor should get a job. There are some of them with talents and unbelievalbe qualities. They can make it, as long as they put some work into it. Ofcourse there are some people who will refuse to give them a position, wether its a law firm, or the local k.f.c. There are also others who would kill the opportunity to help those who can't help themself's.

    Ever heard the saying " quitters never win, and winners never quit" thats one of my favourite quits, and it applies to everyone, wether they are rich, poor, or both.


    I luv ya too girl....


    If I missed somthing, feel free to let me know...



  2. Tamina, macanto I understand what your saying. I totaly respect that. I also agree to an extent. What I was simply getting at was the fact that rich people shouldn't be blaimed for the unsucessfulness of the poor. Ofcourse they should donate money and help them out as best as they can. Its up to them thou. You can't just assume just because they are rich, they are obligated. It doesn't work that way.

    The poor however, since they are misreable and needy, they brought it upon thereself's. Thats a bit insensitive, I know I'm sorry to admitt it too. Thats a fact! The reason they are poor is because they didn't work hard enough. If they had they would also be on top. EAsy things doesn't just come to those who just sit around. Inorder to succeed and taste life's glory, you must work for it. If things were as simple as sitting around, and having good things come to them, without lifting a finger, than we would have to wait till we get to heaven.


    girl if you don't agree with what I just said, prove me wrong. Give me statistic facts.


    I aint got nuttin but luv fo u girl...Keep yo head up...


    Girl I dedicated a whole page for cwm37.gif



    Everyone is Unique in their own weird way!

  3. You come up here writting about how the "powerful let people live or die on the basis of their ability to pay." Guess what hun. In case you haven't noticed, everyone was created equal. Everyone. They were givin the same opportunities at the beginning of time. So why is one richer than the other? The anwser is, that one worked harder than the other. While one was slacking off, The other was working their ass's off.


    One excuse society likes to use is"one was born with a silver spoon in their mouth's" Well the person's great great great great grandparents worked really hard to get that silver spoon in there. While the rest, were running around, waisting precious time. Not putting the work in it.

    Its very feckless to direct everyday's problem in society to the rich. They worked hard, why can't the rest of them? Thats a question that needs anwsering. Allah didn't favour one over the other. They each were in the wound for 9 months. They each came out the same way. They each had the same perspective of life. So how did one get to be like Bill gates, and the other became a bom on the street? It all comes back to the fact, that one worked harder than the other.


    So one shouldn't pay for the other's mistake. One should be responsible for their own actions and dilemma.

    The rich should be congratulated for a fine job, and the poor should be smacked over the head. Not the other way around. One should not feel sorry for the poor, because they put themselv's in that situation.