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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    The Ethiopians were just replaced by Ugandan and others. Do you think, sheik basaas has any solution?
  2. 1 point
    Nimankan xaq bay u leeyihiin in la xanaaneeyo oo si gaara loo ilaaliyo sababtoo ah waa madax hore oo maskaxda curyaan ka ah. Masaajidka waa inay ka helaan meel gaara oo ay kasoo galaan. Markay dhoofayaan sidoo kale waa in xukuumadu ka war qabto sii dhawayso oo soo dhawayso si hufan oo maamuus leh. Madaxdii aduunka kale soo martay oo dhan laamiga geeskiisa bay sandwich ku cunaan ayagoo taagan waliba, dadka caadiga ah bay la mid yihiin diyaarad baa iga tagtayna waligood ka maqli maysid. Aragtidayda waa ideology ama fikir ku abuuran siyaasiyiinta muqdisho inay awood ka dhigtaan burburkii 90kii ama dawladda ku handadaan. Macawislaydii, bajaajley baa badeshay gacana way ku shaqaystaan tan kale taayir bay ku gubaan. Soomaalidu khalad bay ka fahamtay maah-maahda (gacmo geel jire hoos baa loo dhaqaa) oo ay ula jeedaan sax iyo khaladba indhahaa laysku qabsadaa. Waxay keeni kartaa in kibirku iyo isla waynidu sii badato waxaa dawlada federaalka la gudboon in qof kastoo sharciga iyo amni qowmiga fara geliya ay maxkamadayso. Markaas ka dib waxaa soo baxaya midabka saxdaa oo wax noo tari kara. Nabarka kor lagama salaaxo waa la daweeyaa inta qolofta laga qaado, cid caano dhay ah oo gaar loo qaboojiyay ka daadanayso ma jirto. Ama qarran sharci iyo kala dambayn leh baa la noqon, ama qarahaa suuqa lagu wada iibin.
  3. 1 point
    This has no comparison. It is a bloody coupe of the second highest institution after the Presidency. However you slice or dice it, it is ugly. And it all comes down to "Because I can" attitude of the ruling clan. If it wasn't clear for Mr. Dhoobo before, he now understand what the hagbad means and where he stands in the pecking order. That is what East Sanaagians are wrestling with now. There is no side to this that anyone would be able to spin to make it look better. Every corner you look it from, is as ugly as the other.
  4. 1 point
    Why the government playing chicken games with those who want to travel flood hit Beledweyne. They seem to be paranoid and they are making these two guys martyrs in the eyes of the public. Yet, this Ayatullah, Shariif Ahmed is going to far by threatening to use violence for a duly elected government. Anyway, the Unaka were isolated in Kaaraan and Medina before Abdilaahi Yusuf showed up and rescued them. When A. Yusuf met Cali Mahdi just outside MOgadishu in Afgooye, he asked him, ' where is your army? what you have planned to welcome for the government?. Cali Mahdi said, ' I got nothing man'. Today they got rich of government contracts and eights years of presidency. Believe me, if they start playing with fire, they will be the losers. How about if we take the damn capital to Baraawe and let you starve?
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