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Soomaali waxee tiri, "Nin aan waxba ogeyn Eebboow ha cadaabin."


From BBC's Have Your Say program on the issue of Technology and Africa. The very first posts are these:


T echnology has really transformed lives here in Cameroon. When mobile phones first came here, I remember how fashionable it was to be in possession of one, or even to be related to anybody who had one. People even used them as a fashion accessory. Some hung them around their necks like dogs on a leash, while others swung it ostentatiously from their hips. The ladies preferred to hold it as though showing the whole world. In as much as this has facilitated communication, it has its drawbacks. Some girls will do anything to have one even if it is in exchange for sex.


Israel Ambe Ayongwa, Bamenda, Cameroon


I am tired of mobile phones, since l have been robbed of eight of them! The last one was stolen just two days ago in the early morning. Mobile phone robbery is on the increase in Kampala. Even though mobile phones are popular and have made communication easy, they are expensive and poor people have gone starving in order to purchase them for showing off. The solution should be to install public pay phone booths in outlying areas rather than encouraging each individual to have a mobile phone.


Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi, Kampala, Uganda


Afrikeey Hurudooy



With all serious issues relating to technology, particularly the internet, labadaasna meesha wax ku qoray technology waxee kusoo koobeen kaliya the mundane cell phone and its trivia usage.


And I think Soomaalida in Soomaaliya ayaaba dhaamo because in there, at least in most places, no body gives a hoot if you have a cell phone than the usual gun-toting robber.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Soomaali waxee tiri, "Nin aan waxba ogeyn Eebboow ha cadaabin."


From BBC's
Have Your Say
program on the issue of Technology and Africa. The very first posts are these:


echnology has really transformed lives here in Cameroon. When mobile phones first came here, I remember how fashionable it was to be in possession of one, or even to be related to anybody who had one. People even used them as a fashion accessory. Some hung them around their necks like dogs on a leash, while others swung it ostentatiously from their hips. The ladies preferred to hold it as though showing the whole world. In as much as this has facilitated communication, it has its drawbacks. Some girls will do anything to have one even if it is in exchange for sex.


Israel Ambe Ayongwa,


I am tired of mobile phones, since l have been robbed of eight of them! The last one was stolen just two days ago in the early morning. Mobile phone robbery is on the increase in Kampala. Even though mobile phones are popular and have made communication easy, they are expensive and poor people have gone starving in order to purchase them for showing off. The solution should be to install public pay phone booths in outlying areas rather than encouraging each individual to have a mobile phone.


Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi




With all serious issues relating to technology, particularly the internet, labadaasna meesha wax ku qoray technology waxee kusoo koobeen kaliya the mundane cell phone and its trivia usage.


And I think Soomaalida in Soomaaliya ayaaba dhaamo because in there, at least in most places, no body gives a hoot if you have a cell phone than the usual gun-toting robber.

Saaxiib ka waran kuwa ku dhahaayo Soomaali hadaan nahay waxaan kasoo jeednaa African? Aniga koley Afrikaan maahi, Carabna maahi. Waxaan ahay Soomaali, Asalkeygu wuxuu galaa Odaygii la dhihi jiray Soomaali oo Muslimka ahaa.


Nacam, waa shaash sheekada! :D

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Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

Saaxiib ka waran kuwa ku dhahaayo Soomaali hadaan nahay waxaan kasoo jeednaa African? Aniga koley Afrikaan maahi, Carabna maahi. Waxaan ahay Soomaali, Asalkeygu wuxuu galaa Odaygii la dhihi jiray Soomaali oo Muslimka ahaa.


Nacam, waa shaash sheekada!

Yac! Ka daa yaaqeeyoow. Horta aniga Soomaalinimo waaba ku adkeysaa, xataa markaa application sameynaayo oo meesha hadee "race" ku qoran tahay Soomaali ayaan ugu qoraa. Afrika iyo Soomaaliya maxee isku sheegayaan? Carab iyo Soomaali maxee isku sheegayaan? Soomaali first and Soomaali last. Wixii kale katarbiil iyo cagaf cagaf ha maro.

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